Getting Started with Cubasis | This Is What You Can Do with Cubasis

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[Music] hello everyone and welcome back on this video i'm going to show you how to get started creating music with cubase 3. so in order to do this i'm going to start creating a song from scratch so we're going to lay down some grooves some nice drums then we're going to record some synths also some real bass some real guitars and also some vocals we're going to add effects make everything sound really really great and i'm going to show you how easy it is to do all these things in cubase 3. let's get started here we are we are inside cubases and we have an empty project in front of us what i want to show you straight away is that if you go to media and you go to projects you will see that here you can find all the projects that you have created but you can also find some templates we have a templates folder you can double click on that and here you can find some really useful templates i'm going to start from scratch in this case so what i'm going to do is i'm going to go to my folder i've created a folder which i've called dom and i'm going to create a new project so now cubase has asked me to rename this project so let's call it into the groove and we have a new empty cubase project now now the first thing i want to do is set my tempo as you can see right now i don't have anything connected to my ipad cubases run standalone with the internal audio interface so when i hit play i can activate my click and the sound comes out of my ipad straight away so now what i want to do is maybe i want to change the tempo let's go and set the tempo to 124 and of course you can use the plus and minus buttons here to have even more precision so right now i'm on 124 great now without connecting anything i'm going to show you later on how you can connect your audio interface to record real guitars bass because you need obviously high z inputs or you need microphone inputs for this i'm going to show you that it's extremely easy but for now let's keep working with the internal audio interface let's go to the beginning and let's try and add a nice groove to get us going the best way to start doing this is using the media bay so you click on media and then you go to audio and let's try and find a drum loop cubasis comes with a lot of drum loops that you can choose from to get you started so i'm going to go to drum loops and here i can just scroll and i can audition my loops i like the groove of this loop it's recorded at 1 30 bpm the original tempo but we don't need to worry about that because i'm going to show you how we can deal with this so what i'm going to do is i'm going to double click and now we have the loop imported inside cubases inside our project so let's play it okay that's great but there's one little problem if i activate my click you will see that it's not in sync not a problem we can solve this very very easily inside cubases and that's actually a great occasion to show you the stretch capabilities that we have inside cubases so all you need to do is select the loop okay click on it and then click on that stretch icon and just select auto and now our loop is in sync with the tempo of our song perfect so now we are in sync what i want to do is i want to create an 8 bar loop so i can start adding more instruments to it so let's try and do this i'm going to show you how you can copy and paste parts very very easily so i'm going to select this one i'm going to go to the beginning okay so i'm going to select my loop and i'm going to hit copy right here and then paste as many times as i want i think eight bars is going to be okay for me remember we still haven't connected any audio interface we're just using the internal audio interface from the ipad in this case so let's go and add an instrument now i think what i want to do for this one is i want to add a nice kick drum right because this is like a top loop so what i'm going to do is i'm going to go add okay and i'm going to add a midi instrument okay a midi channel there we go so now i can expand this section i can click on this icon right here as you can see i can open it and close it depending on if you want to see the settings in the inspector and here i can select my instrument the first thing that comes up is a piano right so what i can do is of course i can just trigger some chords if you have the pads right here so if you're not a keyboard player you shouldn't worry again the way you bring up the pads you click on this icon and now you have the pads now if you want to turn this into a keyboard you just click on this icon and now we have a keyboard okay super easy so that's how you can start recording sounds recording instruments pianos strings pads synthesizers drums whatever you want you just use either the built-in keyboard or our pads and if you have a pitch instrument you can also have some really cool chords there really really cool now in this case i want to add a nice kick drum so let's try and find an instrument i'm going to click on this icon see on this piano icon and then i'm going to list browser and in this case we have some sounds from microsonic loaded that's the default sound okay and now i'm going to use our classic machines expansion which is really really nice i love these sounds i'm going to go through the sounds see and as you can see we have quite a few interesting drum machines in this case i have a [Music] 909 and again i can trigger the sounds directly on the interface of the instrument or i can activate my pads and this is extremely useful for drum machines for drum sounds because i can immediately so really really easily i can immediately start programming my drums so let's keep our pads there and i'm going to record like a four to the floor kick drum i'm going to set a loop right here maybe four bars and i'm going to start recording two three four now immediately we can double click on this part and we can see our kick drums right here the midi notes that are recorded of course if i want to tighten it up a little bit because of course this is electronic music i can go here to my quantize and i can quantize my notes and you will see that even if i was a little bit off there now we can correct this straight away and now if we listen to it okay that's great now let's duplicate this part so we have the same loop length copy paste done now we have a nice foundation to start building our track so as you can see you can do all these things straight out of the box without any external gear right so it's completely possible to create a track from start to finish without connecting anything else but now i'm going to show you how you can start integrating some gear into your workflow i'm going to connect an audio interface and i'm going to also connect a midi keyboard so if you want to connect your class compliant audio interface you can just use a simple usb cable so usb from your audio interface to usbc if you're using an ipad pro like i'm doing right now but of course this depends on your device in this case i'm using the ur22c from steinberg which works great with cubases and it can become a great audio interface for your ipad so now all the audio comes out of my audio interface so i'm going to wear my headphones so i can hear what i'm doing so now let's see what we've done this sounds great but now i'm going to show you a couple of things that will save you a lot of time in the long run first of all make sure that you're not clipping your master bars and how can you check that just go to your mixer cubasis has a really nice resizable mixer and here you can see let's make it into excel mode you don't want to go near zero at this stage of the production because we just had the drums i would aim around -12 so let's try and do this i'm going to play with the faders until i get this balance right here okay let's play it so i'm too hot right now let's go a little bit lower so this is great now i have really nice levels and i'm not clipping my master bus the second tip i want to show you straight away is to color code your channels you know just find something that makes sense for you and use it and be consistent among your tracks so in this case i like my drums to be red so i'm going to go to color and make my loop red and make my kick red and actually you know what i'm going to do i'm going to rename this let's click on the name and i'm going to call this kick okay and this i'm going to call it top loop done now we can keep going i want to add a nice clap i'm going to replicate this 9 classic machine instrument so let's go here and click on duplicate and now we have duplicated the kick of course i don't need the kick again so i'm going to erase these great but now what i want is i want to rename this and call it club and let's record a club i'm going to activate my pads and let's find the clap nice and now i'm going to start recording [Music] that's done that's all i need let's quantize this select it hit q and we're good to go now let's go and add a nice reverb i'm going to go to my insert effects and here i can start adding effects let's go to our internal effects right the effects that come with cubases let's go to our reverb and i'm going to add this nice reverb so we can give this clap a little bit of width a little bit of depth let's see nice a little bit less bright yeah i like that so now we can duplicate this copy and paste so now let's go ahead and record a nice riff why don't we use a nice sim to do this in order to show you this i'm going to now use a midi keyboard so i have a reface dx right here and i'm going to use this as a midi keyboard so now i've connected my reface dx to my ipad and i can use this as a midi keyboard to play some notes i'm going to add another track i'm going to click on add and i'm going to go for a midi again let's name this synth bass and now let's select the sound because the last track that i added was the classic machines it also gives me this sound again but i can go to list browse and now i can use an audio units instrument which are external instruments that you can get and they work inside cubases so let's go to audio units and i'm going to select the modal d from moog and there we go now i can play this lovely instrument let's pull it down first [Music] right great so now i'm going to load one of my presets i'm going to go to the modal d and as you can see we have a my presets list and as you can see i've saved one of my presets here dom analog base let's click on this and now i can also make it full screen if i want to but and i can also show the keys [Music] right so let's record a riff to free [Music] nice you know that's all we need let's quantize it and let's duplicate it great let's see what we have [Music] now you know what i'm gonna do i'm going to use the internal effects to create a little bit of space in my mix this loop for example i just want to make sure that it doesn't clash with my kick drum so i'm going to activate the channel strip and now i'm going to add a low cut filter what this will do is it's going to cut the low frequencies so that the kick drum can remain there and be the foundation of our track and we don't have anything fighting for the same frequencies so let's do this [Music] maybe i'm going to add a little bit of compression as well [Music] and some saturation to make this loop with a little bit more character okay now why don't we go and record some nice chords i'm going to go and add another track midi track and this one i'm going to call it pad i'm going to add a pad sound okay so let's go here and let's call this pad okay one of the instruments that we have inside cubases and i really love is the micro log and this has some amazing sounds i'm going to go to the factory presets and let's go and try a few sounds [Music] this dream pad sounds really nice of course you can resize the user interface like this and depending on what you want to do you also have your filter page your modulation all these things this scene sounds gorgeous so let's go and play some really simple chords which actually this this song also gives me the fifth so i already have a nice arrangement there let's do this so let's go and play something simple for this one hit record and actually i'm going to extend the loop to here and let's record two three four [Music] and there we go now we have our pad [Music] great now i want to do something i want to make this kick drum a little bit beefier shall we try this let's go to our kick drum and now i'm going to go to my channel strip let's listen to it in isolation i think i'm going to take out a little bit of the top end and maybe add a tiny bit of saturation nice now what if we want to add some external plugins some external effects you can do this in cubases i can go here and tap to add an effect and now as you can see i can have audio units effects and in this case i'm going to add the brilliant pro q2 from fabfilter and now let's see what we can do for this kick drum all right let's add some low end that's nice maybe a little bit of knock nice maybe i want to cut a little bit here and enhance the attack a little bit and of course i can make it full screen if i want to and let's listen so that's without the effects and with really really cool so these are really high quality effects that you can use on desktop and on daws like cubase for example these are all available inside cubases with the aufx so now i think it's time to record some live instruments what about some bass and some guitars and maybe some vocals let's see let me show you how you do this first of all if you're going to record a guitar or a bass i would highly recommend that you use an audio interface as i said i'm using the ur22c here which has two mic preamps and we also have high z input so we can record guitar or bass straight away now instead of creating a midi track this time you need to go add and add an audio track okay let's name this electric bass hit okay and let's make it blue so the first thing you need to remember when you want to record audio is you need to make sure that your input source is set up right and in order to do this you need to go to routing and as you can see right now we have a mono input now this interface has two inputs in the front okay if i want to record both of them at once let's say i wanted to record a stereo synthesizer i would go here and switch this to stereo and now i can record both of these inputs if i want to record just one input which is my base or my guitar i want to go mono and i want to select which inputs number one or number two which is this one now if you have a node interface that has even more inputs these will also appear here so in this case i'm going to select input two because the input 2 is my high z input of this interface and because i'm going to record a guitar and a base i'm going to use this input so let's select this one and now all we need to do is record enable the channel okay just like this and now we're ready to go if i hit record cubasis will start recording the input from my audio interfaces so let's do this now let's record some bass so i've connected my bass into my hyzer input on my ur22c and now if i want to check my levels i can actually go into my mixer and i want to make sure i record enable my channel and now i can play [Music] maybe i want to go a little bit quieter because this is an active bass [Music] i'm aiming around -12 okay now there are two ways that you can monitor audio if you're recording into cubases number one you can use your audio interface if it has direct monitoring like the your 22c or you can use the monitor button next to the record enable button and now i can listen to my bass so let's go ahead and record and i also want to do something else i'm going to make my synth bass really really wide so i'm going to go to my insert effects and i'm going to add an effect that comes with the fx pack 1 which is the stereo width effect and let's try and see what this does [Music] i like this it makes it really nice and white so now i think it's time for some guitars let's connect our guitar into our audio interface and let's record some nice riffs so i'm going to record two guitar parts so i've created two audio channels and i'm going to set the input for both of them at input number two which is my high set input on my ur22c so let's get started [Music] so [Music] so now we're recording our guitars as you can see i'm mixing as i go i like to mix as i go so i'm going to place this guitar on the right channel as you can see we have our panning here and this one i might want to have it moving around i'm going to show you how i'm going to do this [Music] all right you know what i'm gonna do for this one i'm going to go to e i'm going to open my insert fx and i'm going to add a nice effect from our fx pack to the pan and tremolo and this one allows you to have our guitar going left and right in a playful way let's try that very nice i like this and now let's maybe add a compressor [Music] and i like this playful movement between left and right channel that's really really nice so now i think it's time to record a nice vocal hook so i'm going to invite eero to sing some vocals for us and then we're going to add some nice effects to these vocals let's get started so now in order to record ero i'm going to add an audio channel i'm going to make sure it's mono mono input we're going to go to input number one for this one because we are connected to input number one over our interface we have phantom power on and we can record enable it and start recording error are you ready let's get started [Music] so thank you hero now let's add some nice effects to these vocals i'm going to go to my vocal track insert effects and i think what i'm going to do is i'm going to add our channel strip i'm going to filter out the low end because we don't need this for these vocals and i'm going to add a little bit of saturation and let's listen to it yeah already much better now let's go and add a nice compressor i'm going to go here and select our compressor and i think i'm going to go for a ratio around here maybe a faster attack because we want to grab all these attacks and let's listen to it [Music] now [Music] so see what the compressor does it catches the louder phrases but it leaves the quiet phrases alone so we get a more even vocal now let's go and add an eq i'm going to use our internal effects go to studio eq i just want to give these vocals a little bit of sheen let's try this [Music] right and now it's time for some delay and some reverb let's go here go to our fx pack one and add a stereo delay and let's see how this sounds [Music] let beautiful and now some reaver because we need some reverb let's go to our internal effects roomworks sc and let's see what we can do here [Music] let us [Music] yeah just five percent is fine i don't need too much i just need just a touch of reverb now i want to show you another cool trick that you can do in cubases which is the freeze function now the freeze function you can use it for many things you can use it to save some cpu you can use it to commit to audio if you have an instrument channel and you want to print it to audio and in this case i'm going to do just that because i want to use it creatively so i'm going to take my clap track and i'm going to duplicate this because i want to keep the original right and now for this one the second one the duplicate i'm going to freeze it i'm going to press freeze and now as you can see we have the audio version of it now it's bounced into audio now all i want to do and i'm just going to show you why i did this i'm going to go like this and i'm going to open this and now you can see our audio editor and here i can do quite a few things i can trim i can normalize i can do fade-ins fade-outs in this case what i want to do is i want to do a reverse operation see now we have the audio in reverse and now this clap sounds like this check it out right so i want to make sure that this happens actually i can get rid of this now and now i can just work on the audio and now what i can do is i can take this one and just place it just before this clap hits so let's go like that and i'm going to go with a high resolution maybe 16th notes and i think that's all i need let's listen to it nice so let's see what we have up to this point and i'm going to add some final touches to show you how creative you can be with some other effects inside cubases okay let's listen to it [Music] now why don't we go ahead and add some nice interesting dj effects let's take the whole section and duplicate it a few times okay so let's go select and select everything and i'm gonna go copy paste a few times and now we can go to town with some real-time effects and i'm going to show you how you can automate those effects as well so i'm going to go to my mixer go to my master bus because i'm going to affect everything now go e and go to my insert effects and then go to my internal effects and check this out i can use this spin effects okay let's make it big and let's go to town with it i'm gonna show you a few things that you can do and i'm going to automate everything so everything that i do here is going to be recorded all i need to do is press this right button here and now everything that i do on this effect is going to be recorded and it's going to be played back exactly how i did it the same thing applies to your mixer to your faders pretty much everything let's do this [Music] filter [Music] let us dance the whole night join me [Music] join me [Music] and there we go now everything that i did here was recorded let's check it out [Music] and when you're happy with your track and you want to export it as a stereo file or if you want to share it with somebody it's actually pretty pretty simple you go to media you go to mix down create mix down and here you have quite a few options you can select the format i can name my track then i can click on start mix down and i'm good to go and once you do this your resulting audio file will be in the mixdown folder now from there you can also share it with anyone you want using email audio share or even your files app and you can upload your track to dropbox google drive or anywhere you want so there you go guys that's how you can get started creating music with cubase 3. i hope you enjoyed this video i hope you found it helpful and don't forget to subscribe to our channel so you don't miss any of our future videos until next time have fun and i'll see you in the next one [Music]
Channel: Mobile Apps
Views: 53,862
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: music software for iPad, DAW Software for iPad, mobile, mobile DAW, making music on the go, create music on the go, music software for mobiel devices, creating music, mobile recording software, best recording software for the iPad, Cubasis, Audiobus, music on the go, mobile music production, easy to use recording app, recording app, music recording app, Android, recording on Android, recording App
Id: KcFuk4z-eUQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 0sec (2100 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 24 2020
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