Getting Ready for the National!

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hello and welcome Chris from Missouri here bringing you another video about vintage baseball cards in this video I get to show you some cards I'm going to show you some cards that I picked up at some last few Nationals but I'm a little bit apprehensive to be doing this little U video uh because I'm going to do a video of showing some really cool cards but I'm also going to do some tips for the national this is going to be a little bit different than most because the reason I'm apprehensive we have some contener old people on here that make fun of some of these uh tips for the national channels and it's going to be a little like I said going to be a little different I'm not going to tell you to brush your teeth um wear comfy shoes if you're watching this uh you know if you're going to be on your feet all day you know what you need to do but I am going to say this make sure you put plenty of deodorant on and that the reason I say that is last year if you remember in Chicago it got so hot in there some of us fat guys were making our own gravy so uh you know just just uh just be kind to everybody but here's my tips my tips are basically what you need to be doing before the national but before I do that I want to advertise that I'm going to be on a show tomorrow night on John 3D 80s kids and we're going to be on I'm going to be on there with a panel of guys and we're going to be showing some old cards and some neat cards I don't want to really give it up but anyway look for John D John 3D 80s and we're going to do we're going to do a video and look for the time of it and that kind of stuff when it's going to be released or when it's going to be on and just get on there and enjoy it with me then also before I get started on this I want to show you what's going to be brought to the National I have a friend that's bringing a product to the National and you need to call him if you're interested or contact him if you're interested email him or look on one of his videos uh that he did this and comment on that because he's bringing this product right here what you see right here is some card holders and this isn't just a cheap old card holder it's a it's made with Alder Wood and butternut wood and it can hold any kind of card it's there's no chance of it flipping over um or or that kind of stuff and they're only $10 a piece or $35 for a set of four so here's what I'm going to do though for those of you that get on his inform in page and and uh subscribe to his channel make sure and get the information on because he gives his email on there for those of you that contact him the first four that say that email him that says Chris from Missouri is buying me a card stand they're going to you got you're going to get a free card stand and that way um that way uh you know you're you're you get one first but you also know the information to get some ordered and that he can bring to the National now these he's not going to mail the ones that I'm giving away you can only pick them up at the national okay so the first four of you that contact him via email um you're going to get a free stand okay so let me get started on this video um let me get started on this video right here uh tips for the national that you should be doing right now one of the things I'm doing first is I'm put all the addresses in my phone of stuff that's important um and uh what I mean by that is I'm putting the show location in my phone uh the address in my phone I'm putting of course my hotel and my phone I'm putting there's going to be a meet and greet on Thursday night um anyone's welcome to go come to it and uh it's on it's on Thursday night I'm I'm putting that in my phone um if those of you that want more information on that pay attention to Mike baseball collector he's putting that on and you can just be a YouTube Watcher Andor a YouTuber itself but come over there you know come over there and meet everybody the more the merrier put any information any parties you might might being invited to in your phone um and there's a couple of them I know that's going on but I just uh I'm putting them in my phone the other thing that I'm doing I'm writing I'm writing to the show with four other people and uh it's uh a couple of them have gone to the N or one's gone to the National with me a couple of them's gone to Strongville that's Brenton Tom and then Billy ball game another YouTube channel is going and then Brent son Cameron but I'm having every one of them put the Uber app in their phone that way not one per not one single person can slow somebody down if there's something that we need to get to we're going to have a backup with the with an Uber app in our phone the other thing that I'm doing if you're traveling with somebody else you might ought to think about this as well I'm bringing an extra set of car keys and I'm giving them to one of the one of the guys in there with me because if I get stuck at the show or if I'm at the show where I'm meeting up with a different group of people I can take an Uber wherever I need to and then they have the transportation of my vehicle to take and I just I just uh want to make sure that one one person doesn't stop everybody else from doing stuff so that's what I'm doing the other thing that I'm doing right now is I'm contacting a few dealers if you've been going to some Nationals or you go to some shows likely you know some dealers and you have their information already reach out to some of the big ones and make some deals beforehand I went to Strongsville a couple years ago and I reached out to Stan of Stan's vintage cards and we pretty much made a big deal that would have taken us an hour or so maybe at the show maybe not quite that much but it was a big deal for me and we had it worked out and by the time we by the time I showed up at his table it took 5 10 minutes and it was pretty impressive so make those deals beforehand they'll most of them will share pictures of what they're bringing or that kind of stuff and then ask them what they're looking for I know a lot of you out there and I'm one of them are going to bring some cards to trade I can't tell you how disappointed I've seen people be when they they bring some cards show up to a dealer's table and they're just sure that the dealer is going to give them you know they're the cards that the dealer wants and the dealer's going to give them a good price for them and and they get disappointed and and they shut their case and they walk away not being able to use that as trade bit so try to do that beforehand find out what they're looking for find out just kind of give them an idea of what you have maybe even pictures sent and then that way you're not that way you know what dealers are willing to trade for your stuff and want your stuff and the other thing that I would suggest right now is when you're talking to those dealers find out if they'll take a check from from you cash is King and cash is always King but but if they know you well enough some of these dealers need checks and need ways to put cash or put stuff in the bank hardly anybody likes to deposit cash that are dealers um that's the great thing about shows for some of these guys uh is getting those cash but if they trust you enough and you bring a check that way maybe you don't have to handle so much money uh but you also have a backup plan okay I I spent what I brought maybe maybe I want to spend a couple hundred bucks and I know a dealer that will take a check from me do that it will save you some time and uh you know I if you've worked with some dealers that that cashing that check's not free you've already paid for that they've trust you you got they got your money on other stuff and then another thing if you're if you know you got body parts certain like your back or your ankles or your hips and if you don't wait till you wait till you get as you know as old as me contact a few dealers talk to them early while you're there and say listen you know I'm going to walk around here but do you mind if I either leave my bag here or leave something that you might have purchased there or just say hey can I you got a chair there that I can sit down in for about 10 minutes if you know and they'll tell you you won't be in the way they'll tell you and especially again that chair is not free I'm not going to ask any dealer that I haven't done business with but I'll be damned if a dealer if a dealer that I've spent a lot of money with says no Chris you can't sit here you know um so that's one of the tips that I want to tell you about the dealers another thing while you're there while you're there don't be afraid to use the old school check-in method any of you guys that were at was any of you guys that were at the Atlantic City know that they had all kinds of problems with their WiFi and different things like that and so having idea of what the cards you're going for are worth in a Range especially if you made a list I've made a list and I have let me turn this around I have a list and it's going to be color C uh colorcoded now it it doesn't have everything on there yet but I'm narrowing it down you know I'm narrowing that stuff down and I'm bringing it with me and uh I'm going to have an idea have an idea some of the cost of those cards just in case I can't look up comps there and and the other thing that I want to tell you is if you're after a big card you know I got I got really close friends that say I never pay I never pay sticker price well I'm here to tell you I never have walked away from a a big card over 50 bucks if I'm going to travel 11 hours to get to a show spend hundreds of dollars on food uh on food and and hotels I'm not going to say oh NOP I can't buy that I can't buy that 33 gar because you're $50 too high don't be disappointed like that now here's what I'm going to do uh at this show with that list I'm definitely going to pick up a big card I'm going to have a I'm going to have a tiered list I'm going to have some big cards and I'm going to have some cards that work in runs but this year at the bigger shows I haven't picked up what I consider a real big card uh I've been disappointed I mean yes I did pick up a Joe de maio uh Leaf in Strongville but I took more money than that and I went I came home with money because I worked on I worked on runs and stuff and that and that's if that's what you want to do that's fine but I personally am going to find a lower grade iconic card you know it might be a 39 playball Ted Williams or a 41 playball um a 40 playball dagio or a 41 playball dagio uh I'm going to pick up one of those but they're going to be in lower grade and I'm going to work on some fun stuff like some 41 double play and different things like that even some weedies hopefully but I'm going to do a list I'm going to do another video once I get my list down uh down to what I'm what I'm concentrating on but take a list and you know have fun with it but here's some cards the very first national I followed that rule I went there for two big cards and I took plenty of cards to trade and I picked up this Bowman rookie Willie Mays and I picked up this rookie Mickey Manel now I can tell you the big dealers that I picked this up on you know I picked up that Donnie Hans is a big dealer I picked up Willie Mays and then Stan of vintage cards I took a big old picture one of the first deals that Stan and I ever made and we became close friends after that pretty good not pretty good friends after that somebody that I feel like a friend this and then I picked up some other little cards for runs there but I definitely picked up some big cards well the second show at the Atlantic City show I picked up this Joe demaggio rookie and then I also picked up this Lou garri I traded for that Lou garri at the end of the show because I I I traded a Ted Williams Leaf card that I had picked up earlier and the last card I picked up in Atlantic City was this card here and any if you guys know about this card that's a hard card to get in the uh in the postwar Hall of Fame run so this past the last one in Chicago I picked up a bunch of cards but this was the biggest card that I picked up I I love that card but uh it's was the biggest card I picked up because I was worried about other stuff now this manosa card I picked that up that's a that finished my post-war Rookie Run with that in a I had a I had that manosa in a SGC and I wanted all of them to be in PSA and I searched and tried to trade try to trade a bunch of dealers and I got frustrated and I went to a buddy of mine's table who I can go see him 30 minutes from where I am and he actually had that manosa and we traded for it so I drove I went all that way and came home with this mini manosa so uh again to to Reit iterate get a hold of Drew uh via email and tell him that Chris from Missouri bought you a card stand the first four gets a free stand uh you can only order one and remember he's not going to mail it to you it can only be delivered to the National the second thing is get on John get on John's uh John 3D 80s kid uh look for when this when when we're going to be on there together it's going to be tomorrow night but so look look for that time and that's going to be fun and don't don't be afraid don't be afraid to look on some other people that gives tips from the national even if you're even if you're a a grizzled old veteran you might find something heck you might find something funny but if you have any tips um you know if you have any other tips you can post them in the comments here and guys last thing if you're at the national and you run into me please stop and say hi and introduce yourself um and uh and if you get a chance come to the meet and greet on Thursday watch Mike baseball collector's Channel he'll he'll give you the details on that coming up and guys I'm I'm looking forward to it I'm excited but remember it's only a hobby collect what you like
Channel: Chris from Missouri
Views: 1,033
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: T57Op1XxBus
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 25sec (985 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 27 2024
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