Getting Our Hair Done!

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hi everybody so it is new day it is wednesday my dudes and today ryan and i are changing up our hair we're going to go get our hair cut um and we thought that we would vlog this experience because i know a lot of you have dm'd our hair stylist asking what she does to our hair blah blah blah all this stuff so why not just vlog it and uh you guys can see what we do okay so we are here we're here let's go get our hair did we're going to get our hair done gotta put on our masks because you know we're still in this panini we're here now this is alexis she does our hair her instagram's right here what are we doing today what are we doing today well i remember last time remember we said we were going to get curtain bangs but i've been looking at curtains how do you but you know what i think i i do want is i think i just you know these pieces here not necessarily the curtain banks but maybe just a little bit more layered okay do you want to do them maybe like a little bit thicker yeah maybe a little i like that idea because it's not like a total curtain yeah but at least you have a little bit a little something something okay and then are we bringing up our are we we're bringing up the blonde and we're making a little bit more blonde are we going to go a little lighter for spring yeah i want to i think so i think so yeah alexis knows exactly what to do with our hair because then we do this wet twice we bring everything up twice a year yeah i would say so we'll keep it light for spring and then once we get into fall we'll bring it back down maybe we'll think about going a little bit yeah natural fall back to like this yeah it's funny because ronnie's hair is different from mine yes i have what is the difference yeah ronnie's hair is super thick super thick and what so what do you do to her hair so what we do is we do a treatment we actually use a treatment to keratin treatment so it makes her hair it slims down her hair makes it shiny but it also makes it less bulky like in here my hair has been more shiny and it doesn't feel as thick as it usually does yeah yeah and then it's just my hair is just like thin i don't know it's not thin usually when you guys come in here it's major like i feel ronnie's hair and i'm like oh it's thick yeah that's great three c's no [Laughter] i could welcome to our hair appointment so ronnie's gonna go first because her hair takes longer because she has to do that treatment what is this this is your lightener okay this is what we put in the foil that lightens that gives us the blonde oh so the bleach well for lack of a better word we just like to let's call it lightener doesn't it sound so much nicer or you call it lightener and not bleach but yes essentially this is bleach guys but we put olaplex in our bleach so we have olaplex in here okay which will keep your hair healthy and rebuild the bonds in your hair oh great and then we do a little flex treatment after we lighten okay which we'll show you guys too great perfect [Music] my hair is foiled what alexis does she takes the lightener and paints her hair paints paints my hair i mean that's what it looks like she's doing yeah we're painting i just can't believe you can get all my long hair in that piece of foil it's so crazy very carefully wow fluffy brush you paint up to blend it or you sandwich it sandwich it and boom sit done done wait so i don't think we clarified the process you're doing to both of our hair is called balayage okay yes and so let's actually talk about that for a minute so when we think balayage um especially when we watch like youtube videos and we're on instagram and stuff we think balayage and it's usually open air painting so a lot of people will like paint this strand of hair and then leave it and not put a foil on it so um everybody kind of has a different way of doing things so kind of what i'm doing it gives you it is balayage but i call it we call it my foiage so we all it is it's just isolating it in a foil because in it does it get messy yes it doesn't get messy and just it with in my opinion i think you have a little bit of a better result because when you isolate something in foil you get a little bit more heat to it so when the girl's hair is so dark you you want to get a lift and and you want it to lighten and you don't want it to get warm and like orangey um and if it if their hair processes open air it has a tendency to get orangy so we put it in a foil and so we get a little bit more control over what we're doing so you get a balayage result but technically foliage i like that but seriously this foil is great isn't it it makes me happy all right so ronnie has officially been foiled look at that i think she should just go out like that i'm done right yeah i wanted this rainbow metallic i love it anyway she wanted the rainbow i wanted the rainbow metallic like it's very in yeah [Laughter] she's gonna sit there and alexis is gonna do my hair now but ronnie has to sit there and let the hair cook i guess yeah so usually we put her under those heat lamps but we're going to do nasa's hair and that takes a little bit of time that takes like how long did that take an hour so ronnie takes me really long um yeah so that's took about an hour a little over an hour to foil her um and then it only takes me like 40 minutes to boil nessa yeah so ronnie will sit there for about 40 minutes yeah but if we turn the heat lamps on she would process in like 20 but we need time to do your hair okay so you just said this i will just sit here this is my hair before this is it this is it here we go yeah look how long it's been since we've done anything oh yeah but look how it like blends in so nicely though but we maintain this we maintain this every like 10 weeks yes we do a little we do a glaze and a treatment and a trim so this is how we keep it looking really healthy and natural it's not just like only twice a year we definitely have maintenance in between but yeah it's been since june of 2020 since we've done any of the lightning i am now foiled okay look how much foil wow pretty foil okay so now what happened let's check um ronnie spoils oh she's gonna check whoa that looks not good that's called bleaching your hair this is why we don't bleach at home because we need to tone the hair tone it so you're gonna do that now yep okay so sit under these lights while i mix this stuff up this gives you a little boost of heat this is the part i think everybody wants to know this is this is what everybody wants to know this is what we put on their root um by redken and we do equal parts of 7m and 7p and then we just do a little splash of 7n okay it doesn't mean anything to anybody but if you tell a hairstylist that they'll know okay so if this is what you tell your hair stylist though it may not come out the same it's yes so it might not come out the same so what i always tell everybody is definitely a picture is worth a thousand words so whenever i put on the girls i'm formulating based on how their hair is lifting so i'm formulating for their specific hair i think it helps it's a good starting point to know what level of color i'm using that's good for other stylists to to kind of get a starting point but you have to formulate for your specific hair because if you have like lighter brown hair and you use this formula it's not gonna it's not gonna look the same and like we're like toning out things so like ronnie lifts kind of yellow so when we tone for ronnie's hair we're trying to remove the yellow if you don't lift yellow my hair lifts orange so if i put this on my hair nothing's gonna happen after a highlight what about me so your hair lifts like not as warm as hers really yeah what does that mean that's been the fun part how many years have i been doing your hair and i have to formulate you guys to look the same that's so this is just the i see okay so that's going to be for the root and then for the ends okay we want to go a little bit brighter than normal just a little brighter right they're just a little brighter so usually i go in and tone them with 9v and 9p okay okay so you're not doing that today we're not because you know what we're gonna go with more of like a spring so i'm just going to lighten their hair by one shade so what's that so i'm going to do 10 vv and 10p okay so it's just the lighter the higher number you go the lighter it is so have you done this before on this the 10 no this is the first time oh so we're going a lot lighter no it's one shade okay yeah no it's you're barely again it's just getting a little bit lighter than you're used to okay we need to lighten up because you guys haven't been outside a lot with like everybody's kind of been like that through this quarantine we haven't been outside a lot so our hair's not getting as light as it usually would from the sun so i feel like we just need a boost of like lightness you know i agree and then you mix it with us okay oh olaplex olaplex we put this right in their color and we do it over here oh that's the other the magic potion all right guys so if that's how you want your hair like ours i mean you can show your show your stylish your picture just show them a picture and you can tell them what i use and that's a good starting point okay do you look like you're under some weird alien contraption oh gosh look at all of that so this is the part that usually scares nasa look at it it really scares her because it's just blonde and it's not toned and it doesn't look very pretty and it every time we do this it releases nessa and we literally have a word for it we call it noodle hair because it looks like noodles i don't know why nasa thinks it looks like noodles but she thinks it looks like that's what we call it very nice it's kind of nice very relaxing oh this is the part that scares you oh look at that what this is the root stuff and so we apply that so she's brushing that stuff onto the roots what's it going to is it coloring my root so what it does is that you know how we get that really nice grow out it's like seamless like you don't have a line so we put this on your root and it's kind of like it doesn't change your natural color it just takes this color right here and see from that dark to here and then how we get warm in here so it tones this down and then it helps it totally melt right into there i see and then we put a different that's that other formula that we showed that's what we put on their ends and then we melt it together and we just take this all the way down to get rid of that line nice that's basically what she's going to do to me yep same same thing same so now she's squirting that stuff applying applying you're applying the glaze oh and that's what's going to tone it to make it look better right yep oh we gotta she gotta sit there with that in her hair right yep that's the stuff that drips down my neck yes and she still has the root smudge okay on her so all that stuff we just painted on her roots it's still sitting on there and now all of this will just sit together i'm letting my root smudge and glaze process i'm processing and i'm getting ready to do the same thing ronnie just did so don't necessarily need to see that again we could still film your hair it had under here i got my slime what is that my friend gave it to me she just had it to play with and i was like can i have that and she said here take it and she gave you that little tin that's what i keep it and i bring it with me now places so i can play with it it's like a relaxing things i was gonna say is it relaxing yeah there's like fidget spinners where'd she get it i don't know feel it because it's not like actual slime it's not gonna like yeah it just gives you like a little something it gives you something to do to do no but seriously where'd she get i want one i think we all need one i think everyone needs you need this in your life ronnie takes a lot longer to get her foiled to process to do her treatment so what you're saying she's more high maintenance a little bit more oh so there you go there's the proof right there everyone thinks i'm the one who's high maintenance sorry so this is her hair has been processing yes so the color has settled in and we're watching it out blonde anymore so she's washing my sister's hair now she's clarifying clarifying it very different than washing yes so we're about to do a keratin treatment so we have to get the hair super clean so we clarify it three times three times three times i'm not filming that what makes my hair super naughty because of how clean it is oh wow it's like squeaky clean that part i will be skipping because i don't need that treatment for my hair it's interesting because we're twins yeah because i'm not showing myself oh my god i literally look like a cone head no you don't i did i look so weird i look like adam addie mundy that's a jedi with a giant head i cannot with you audi mundy i think that's what you're saying this is oh this is because it's super it's so clean and it makes the hair so squeaky clean poor brownie well i actually have a very tough scalp just saying do we have tough scalps yeah for sure always use a wet brush guys always if you're not using a wet brush to comb out your hair after shampooing condition you need to get one and when you say wet brush she means this i know they they always have like fun different like designs or whatever yeah these are the brushes we use um i might need a new one soon but these bristles are made in such a way that they won't rip her hair well there you go so there's no damage and we just get it all combed out takes us a minute yeah a lot of minutes okay so she did the hair treatment we're just blowing it dry and then we have to flat iron it because you have to flat iron it because or else the treatment will work right yeah and my keeps dripping down my neck apparently it doesn't happen to anyone else but me only nessa she had to have two caps like literally oh two caps on because it keeps it is it literally happening right now it's fine though it's fine it's okay okay so her hair has been trimmed it's being trimmed or not hello it's been treated it's been treated now she's getting it trimmed look how thin it looks now it looks so s like wow look how smooth it looks oh it looks so pretty too and i like the pieces in the front okay let's trim this hair all right ronnie's done yay look how pretty her hair is wow wow oh my gosh thank you all right your turn finally finally so i can get this off my head you are now getting your hair trimmed very nice good good work just a little trim just a little little trim trick can we pause the music alexa pause pause the music you said alexis do you know how many people call her alexis and then ever since she came out they call me alexa my name is not alexa it's alexis but now i can't even say it because she's going to turn on chop chop [Music] look that's all my dry hair yeah the dry hair is running why that's my hair that and you said you cut off like yeah but we have to take the weight out of it so that's like your layers and amazing more that is so much better so she's now curling your hair it's looking beautiful look how pretty it looks i know the color i've missed it looking like light me too i'm so happy yesterday your hair looks so pretty thank you now there's nothing wrong with wearing your hair straight with balayage but it just looks better when it's okay that is so spot on so people bring me pictures and they'll be like i want my hair like this and i tell people it's very important to understand when you look at pinterest you look at instagram what are all the volleyball pictures they're all curled like this it's so pretty when it's straight it's not that it's not but it's just like stunning when it's curled because like the difference you get to see the dimension like the shadowing in here that's that's what looks so good yeah it just looks so pretty thank you sexy thank you so pretty we'll see you next time look how pretty our hair looks it looks different in this lighting but very different it's so pretty she does such a good job we've been going to alexis for so long so long literally more than like five years i love how she cares about our hair and just how healthy it is and she focuses on giving us good products and stuff thank you alexis alexis if you guys want to follow her on instagram this is her handle also you know the product she uses we don't really know what they are if you want to get your hairs done similarly like us we what we recommend what alexis also recommends is that you just show whoever your hair stylist is this video and then they will know what to do and if they don't know what to do you probably should not go to them anyways i hope you guys enjoyed this vlog make sure to subscribe to ronnie and nessa and thanks for watching and we'll see give this video a thumbs up thumbs up subscribe and we'll see you guys next time bye
Channel: RoniAndNessa
Views: 676,236
Rating: 4.9803486 out of 5
Keywords: merrell twins hair, merrell twins hair care, merrell twins hair color, merrell twins hair cut, roni and nessa, merrell twins, merrell twins live, vanessa merrell, veronica merrell, beauty salon, hair salon, salon, hair, hair stylist, hair style, haircut, long hair, hair routine, hair care, hair transformation
Id: j0B_IU011aQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 14sec (1274 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 02 2021
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