Getting Off Lipitor, Dave Foreman, ND, Tampa Bay Herbal Pharmacist

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you're watching the wellness hour live I'm Randy Alvarez today's topic uh according to my first guest uh that if you're on Lipitor you can get off of it in fact you shouldn't be taking statin drugs or cholesterol Ling drugs he is a pharmacist he's a farm D doctor at a pharmacy and he's known as The herbal pharmacist uh and and I should let people know it's a real interview he didn't pay to come on the program and I'm not endorsing him in anyway uh so I want to welcome you to the show and and we're talking to David Foreman it's Dr Foreman is that right yep you go by David I prefer David honestly yeah so it's a big bold statement because there are millions and millions of people on lipor or on statins to lower their cholesterol and we know that it lowers cholesterol right so are you saying that that you can do it without lipor without statins well I'm saying you can lower your cholesterol without statins and I'm not just going to I don't like to pick on any one brand so like you said lipor I'm just talking about we're talking about statins in general yeah I am and it's kind of funny because a guy that came from the traditional Pharmacy background that was around when the very first one ever Statin ever came out I mean I wasn't a fan of him then and that was before I even got into natural medicine and now that I'm into it and I know Both Worlds I mean I I think that anybody that takes a stat and really needs to take a serious look in the mirror and challenge their health care provider and there's not much that I get but it does lower cherol it does lower cholesterol interesting thing is though you know the the ads and they the ads that run on television are always you know just kind of crack me up my daughter actually she's 13 she jokes around about you know drug commercials on television she's like Daddy you know if it if it lowers your cholesterol it's great but it gives you 10 other things that can go wrong you know I have I have a real issue with that because it depletes a lot of yeah but here's the thing though this is the the ad they were running for a long time was significantly reduces your risk of a heart attack okay all right so I wrote a book on heart disease a couple years ago and so I did a lot of research that's right it's not a big deal I'm not I don't I don't sell anything even my book so I'm not even going to tell you what the title is all right but I I did a lot of research on statins because I always had a hang up on them and what I found is that the incidence of heart attack reduction from people who took Placebo versus the people who took a Statin drug was 1% okay 2% and but yet on the TV they were promoting a 50% reduction in the risk of developing heart attack well there the way they did it and then they got smacked on the wrist apparently was that it went it went from uh 2% of the people that that took Placebo had heart attacks versus 1% that's 50% okay two to one interesting so that's where they came across 50% reduction I should mention this you know people that I've been uh I've had this medical talk show for 15 years on TV and there's a group The American Academy of uh anti-aging medicine it's like about I think about 7,000 members doctors from all over Europe all over the world to get together together and it's not just you uh I don't even know of an integrated medicine doctor that puts people on statins they're convinced they could accomplish if it's just for cholesterol lowering with other things with with diet with red rice yeast but they think that maybe cholesterol is not the big problem that we all think is it's I don't think it is either so let's so you tell me hold on I have one thing I want to bring up to people I I fast at the beginning of the year I usually fast for three weeks and we're by fasting we're talking about clear liquids only okay no sugar you know no sugar added no honey just like we're talking teas and uh I I juice at home and it's usually like celery and onions and stuff like that and I strain it so there's literally just clear liquid left behind I went for blood work 13 days into my fast this year and my cholesterol was 223 which is high according to Modern standards I hadn't eaten anything in two weeks yeah why is my cholesterol High my body makes it and that's where I think that's where modern medicine doesn't realize is that the body manufactures 80% of your cholesterol it doesn't come from your diet liver right yeah exactly so and the other thing is and we were just starting to get into it is I don't think cholesterol is evil matter of fact I know it's beneficial your cell membranes you need cholesterol to have healthy cell membranes you need cholesterol to produce vitamin D I've had this Theory actually wrote about in my book that I think the reason that Americans are vitamin D deficient right now is for two reasons and two reasons alone what's that sunscreen yeah and the other one is that we take drugs it hasn't just been statins we've been taking drugs for three four decades to lower cholesterol so we've lowered our cholesterol to the point where whether you get exposed to the Sun or not your body's not your body converts cholesterol into Vitamin D3 so if you're not if your cholesterol is really low and I had this whole idea come about by a guy that called into my radio show actually his wife called in okay and and she was like and I live in Florida and the woman called in my 7 fromy old husband D3 level is really low dangerously low and we can't figure out why I'm like well you know get out in the sun we live in Florida and she's like we play golf six days a week and we don't wear sunscreen and I'm like huh it made me think but they're on statins but but he was on a Statin drug so it blocks the enzyme that produ or or that converts right into help your body does for cholesterol right exactly so kind of interesting thing so what's really more important is the inflammation in your body so if you have if you have a lot of inflammation in your bloodstream um okay I also have so-called high cholesterol okay but for people that take statins they can't produce CoQ10 which feeds the heart so they say okay take CoQ10 so could they just take vitamin D yeah you I mean you could but again it goes back to the whole point of the statin drugs are not just causing an issue with CoQ10 it's not just causing an issue with vitamin D3 I mean why it' be more important to me to address what makes cholesterol become bad for me so what makes cholesterol become bad for me is when it oxidizes or when you get what I call little pin Pricks in your blood vessels if we cut ourselves on you cut your hand today it's going to bleed for a little while and then you're going to form a scab tomorrow morning you wake up there's a scab there but it itches so you start scratching it um next thing you know you've got a wound that's even bigger than the original scratch well that's what's going on in your body your body lays down plaque in in your arteries as a Bend it's sort of like the scab inside you get these little pin Pricks inflammation plaque gets laid down by you know from cholesterol formation get or cholesterol gets converted to form plaque you get plaque build up why it's just like the scar on the uh the scab on the outside of your body it's protecting it so it can heal from the inside out same thing goes on in there but we keep scratching it we get a bigger and bigger wound well if I don't do something to decrease what's causing the wound on the inside of my blood vessels then I'm going to keep laying down more and more plaque yeah exactly so change your diet and there's a lot of things that we can do so do you don't even like like red rice yeast what is it called no it's funny I'm not even like a supplement so so you don't even worry about cholesterol at all you ignore it no and a friend of mine who's my doct you prob think that it's our lowering of the cholesterol that's causing Alzheimer's I well I I don't know no I'm not I'm not going to go haven't come across that one yet you thought doesn't physiologically make sense to me I'm a well because the brain is cholesterol but yeah I know but my biochemistry physiology background for far school it just doesn't add up to me okay so don't worry about so if you somebody's watching this oh I know I'm freaking people out and you say don't worry about your cholesterol is that what you're saying I don't want to put words in your mouth is that what you're saying no I can't say that because what happens is that we have people that are careless um you know so if you're like me and probably like you like you talked about you're eating right you're getting your exercise eating right means you know eating a lot of fruits and vegetables nuts seeds legumes lean or cuts of meat uh eating fish you know eating the right oil or consuming the right oils and stuff like that then you and I don't have necessarily to have to worry about that but if I'm a slavin person you know that's smoking cigarettes or or not getting any exercise and just not eating the right Foods then yeah cholesterol you need to worry about do you think there comes a time where somebody would be indicated to take a cholesterol lowering medication no I don't because they don't work qu they don't work that quick like seriously if I have plaque build up in my my arteries already I have a 50% occlusion and I start taking a Statin drug today it's not going to reduce that so statistically there's no proof you're saying I think you said it earlier less than 1% between Placebo and N right that's and that's that's my observation and they won't do a study on you know eating low uh glycemic vegetables you know good fats right lean proteins compared to a lipor right and this funny because there's more information out now showing that like the cholesterol from eggs doesn't even get absorbed into the body a lot of people come to me like wow man I don't understand I don't eat any fats at all I eat cholesterol free foods yeah some people eat zero cholesterol if high high cholesterol yeah well they're eating a lot of starchy food Foods starches convert like that Sugar anything that starchy converts insulin plays a role by the way high levels of insulin definely kind insulin and blood sugar levels play I think a huge role because your body will use chol in elevated cholesterol not necessarily the insulin not high insulin but high blood sugar I think would uh herbs that can help with this you mentioned red yeast rice that works okay um I'm not really a big fan uh Google works really well that's another one that I I like to use but I'm honestly there's a great supplement out there called citrol studies with it you know showing its Effectiveness citrol I don't know if you've heard of that one before does it work in the same mechanism of of uh it it messes with the enzyme that converts to cholesterol uh but you're saying you don't even believe in it no that's why I said I really didn't want to talk about supplements for cholesterol I don't think because you don't worry about it I don't you don't worry about and I know other people by the way people need to know that there's medical doctors that don't believe at all the cholesterol is a problem I I heard this concept about 14 years ago and have been hearing it ever since don't worry about the numbers ring it makes you kind of look like a rebel but I don't really care I don't want people to hurt themselves though you know that's the thing like my thing is to really educate people get enough knowledge but it is a red flag I mean if you have high cholesterol 4 500 oh yeah then you need to think about something high blood pressure you know you poop out of parties right you have all these problems and then you need to do something about it make some changes right aggressive changes if you're talking about other pharmacists have you ever met another pharmacist that believes no I most most of my brothers and sisters in Pharmacy don't like me they think that I'm a quack they do they think you're a quack and well they think there's no science behind the supplement part or Diet changes and all that and I'm like they're they're just misguided and uninformed is there science behind everything we've talked about today yeah usually I won't mention stuff or I won't hang my hat on it if I don't if there's not something to back it up okay so somebody wants to learn more about you uh what do they do uh website the easiest way to connect herbal herbal one to think very interesting stuff bold statements uh and uh I want to thank you for coming to the show always thank you very much appreciate it you been watching the wre live I'm Randy Alvarez we'll be right back
Channel: The Wellness Hour
Views: 218,888
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Dave Foreman, Tampa Bay Pharmacist, Tampa Bay Herbal Pharmacist, Florida Pharmacist, The Wellness Hour, Randy Alvarez, News That Makes You Healthier, Health, Wellness
Id: _r381t_uq74
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 7sec (667 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 21 2014
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