Getting My Own GAS STATION!

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hey guys the Scranton back inside some aerobics and today I ain't playing gas station simulator so basically I got this little gas station it's very small just not much to it but I got a some cars come here from time to time yeah and I wanna upgrade because I want to be the best gas station there is so mm-hmm I'm just fun this car all right bye-bye thanks for the money mm-hmm all right I want to upgrade real nice gas pump on it but let's I want to get in there for one of these oh I don't have enough money oh wait we could buy one of these I want can i buy this I would love to buy that okay thank you three times in my gosh it's perfect wait what this is ten roubles for 1k that's so cheap I'm gonna buy this one okay thank you Oh okay we got a massive truck okay put it inside this hole okay um cool cool you never buy another gas pump let's see oh now I didn't okay now I do okay now I did okay I'm gonna put it right next to it so it's easy peasy for me get another one okay that's good enough okay yeah uh what do we have money for let's you can get it all way we don't have enough money for that I'll just buy it a little bit more money okay Oh one number one okay sure I'll just put it right there okay and I need a pump this car there you go in you go got it never cut here hello all right all right hello okay yeah all right yeah I feel like I shouldn't have put them side-by-side cousin no Carson comes here so no us north new cars become in I should put it like whatever I'll get a new one look at everyone okay I'll put it yeah I just got a new car well I didn't get a new car I just got never caught coming in here so there you go come on more cars come I wanna make more money when my just like the gas station part of this gonna happen it cuz like I kind of want to know all right let's get you lugged in probably gonna couple all right this one wanted to come in but there's a nice piece of ass it's gonna go right fruit uh-huh 100% realistic all right okay we got lots of money rolling in oh yeah all that money money money all right good doing business with you all right yeah this guy likes me okay I'll remember for you you forever green card cool cool all right bye green card wait are you gonna leave yet are you waiting for this car I think okay to go cuz he can't just go right for like how about this truck did see how to wait and it's really big so it's got kind of like yeah it's really big we got a pump in a lot of gas all right so I'm just gonna wait on here let me get get out let me get out uh come on go oh you got this person got mad and they just decided to leave all right okay okay hello look you in hello right yeah put you in and now this black ro the green cars black yeah the green car likes me all right there we go I think I want to get more guessing or what all words all ol words yeah fuel tank I want one I don't really want one kinda just wanna get more of these so I'm gonna all right thank you all you gotta wait on the truck gotta wait on the truck yeah it kind of sucks but like you gotta wait on the truck to be able to leave this person's annoyed I mean like my time is being wasted all right okay another car are we gonna never cart here hello Center up to you but I'm not connected now you're connected all right cool cool I get a teleportation device and they got Rockets say what I don't really want to buy it it's pretty cheap but I don't wear a long way tell poor so what do anybody's that's pretty cool all right some people just come to mind and I could go to anybody's as well fun oh we got losing right here okay got three in a row all right got a truck here as well just let me get pass well like if you're on a gas station you're not the person wants you guys nothing one who's to plug into cars in so you're supposed to burn in them the gas thing it's not me something my job so be lazy all right now to leave him bye-bye all in a line oh wow so perfect oh we got more take me with you next time so I'll be there quicker all right got a number one ready for you there we go green cars bag or wait which green car with I think was this one maybe I don't know okay I don't remember okay this guy finally laughs he looks so long Wow okay all right now you plug right whoo oh this guy's are quite in line gonna go out synced loop okay now you're going all right all right come on come on love I'm gonna plug you in oh oh you're not going to that one you're going to it okay won't just go all right I don't know why you two go to the end one but okay sure I mean you do you I guess this guy's gonna have to wait on you this you're gonna take so long I just pump all your gassing all right let's buy some more things because I got a lot of money get more gas pumps yay all right let's do that well guess many guess let's vote I can't afford any more all right oh wow okay I need a worker is uh managed get me some more we're a higher worker I see her seen any workers okay for this one I'll get worker honey yeah hi okay I need more money managed hire workers managed hire workers hire Shia hired workers for all of them because then I'm looking I can be able to do anything but like whatever I just wanted to have a hair you will work hangin higher working for all of them cool cool all right okay I think I should have just one little corner but like I have it's all for me and yeah all right so all these guys are hooked up home all right taking me $30 Oh second oh no it's adding I think not X let me take it away whoops okay let's construct some more gas pumps I'm gonna have a little corner over here on the side this is gonna be in the me section it's gonna be all me these four I'm gonna do them because I can't be wasting so much money or roebucks so yeah all right well Vinci I'll just be like I don't want to do this anymore or I don't know so yeah I don't know if the fuel tanks are for I really have no idea but uh golly once I have enough money for it oh yes I have a customer my corner no no no okay not in this one pick eat okay oh I got another customer at my corner Oh Oh like I was just leaving never mind okay oh oh this guy wants to come to my corner okay cool alright yes they wanna come to me why me I'm gonna have to put some more workers because I don't want to do it hydro I'm no hydro uh I need to buy some hydro I don't know what's this hydro do I'm really no idea wait this guy got a connected and you get more workers higher worker I just want to be like Lex places you want in highroad say I'd have to press it like so many times this it's all individual all right but it's gonna be one spot just one spot that's gonna be for me just one okay only one no more okay so alright alright we're gonna get some more gas pumps sorry uh-huh which one should I do I want I want this one for me is this animating me this one's enemy for me all right this sign is completely straight there's like no cars oh my god sessions so more cars got to come cuz I got so many spaces for you you gotta come here cuz I'm gonna make so much money alright come on I'm ready I'm ready no let's put some cute up not just do you hook you I don't know all right there we go cool almost all trees are felled except this once but so only one more car could come visit me kind of a possible to come unless you come this way and back up it's kind of illegal to come this way so science so I don't really know all right car just left mmm I just want to hold it I don't want to plug it into anything I just want to hold it I'm ready I'm ready I'm steady brother ready I'm ready I'm ready I'm ready yeah I'm ready all right so it's a car coming me yeah the cars come into me uh-huh all right yeah okay there we go my owner by six guess I love spending my money could instruct oil well I will feel tight I think you should get a fuel tank I think I should what can I afford not too much I'm gonna buy some more money mmm-hmm all right but a lot of money what's that okay all right so okay no fuel tank air for I got 7,000 so I can afford this one oh I can't okay hang it up by a little more okay this one okay you go there I think they'll be filling up much faster now I think I know cars why do I hide any cars cars come I think you see what coming yeah you know the good place you know the good place whoops uh-huh all right so just find some gas it's gonna be much faster I'm gonna see how long it's gonna take this Oh this was fun on my station okay I I think it's gonna be a little bit faster I don't know big Lisa a little bit faster I don't really know oh yeah I really hope it's me faster and I spent all the money on nothing can go faster come on just chill OOP something up anything I notice now you're left okay all right do we have any more cars coming our way okay this entire line is full every single sighs well except mine so somebody can come just say you could go around this way now hold it okay just for my laces no five spaces left so it's like if you wanna come they can come oh now now a whole lot more spaces okay it's almost completely empty so a lot of people can come somebody's coming or is he is no you were stopping yeah okay no I want you yeah okay all right I'm gonna quickly hire worker that's why okay I'm gonna get some work gas pumps we are getting some more gas pumps all right I'm just gonna buy a whole lot I can't afford any more I can only for three but that's cool all right I'm just spending all my money on gas whoo okay all right let's see P Cardinal the pinko shoulda came to me once a pink Ark I'm wide open card to come to me oh the pink or should it came to me whatever I got sorry I want to teleport someone just I have workers I don't have workers everywhere oh gosh I don't I gotta hire more workers there we go okay we have workers everywhere now okay now I gotta tell Burt so I'm gonna see someone else's gas station all right this guy looks like he has more money than me so let's go to this person's guest wow they have a room I get so excited over a roof I want our roof and you got for these massive things don't know what they are but they're cool I know like an era once um sorry you want hitting the mic I'm gonna get everybody's um everybody's trying to see which one's investigate so - uh part one cousin about soon number two was this person's this one's open see the owner number four it's nothing here alright number five number five open number six doesn't have much at all number seven yeah I think mine are this person through the bother me he has a roof that's pretty cool but I a lot of gas pumps ooh yeah all right and now I'm back on my notes right okay and I want to buy this thing let's lose how do I clip it Oh Jay wait how'd it go up how do you do this I don't understand it's broken uh what okay I'm gonna go here don't you try it no I spat robach's on this and it's oh I see this is how it works like you got up to hold the mouse where you want to go I'm gonna go over the seas no I want to look back look behind me while I'm flying but I guess I can't do that all right but why am I going up one I don't want to go up come on go forward what are you doing okay I'm gonna go down come on go where I want you I want you to go there why are you going up and nuts Bart can go sideways can you on go where I tell ya Cho fine can't go swimming oh because you can't go over the border because there is a border but I didn't know about and I couldn't go over it ah okay now I'm gonna go to this lighthouse looking dingy oh look that's a really passive in Thai food well that one was going like lightning fast so fast oh wow like night and day times like ten minutes that's right bass in a robust fast is going oh my gosh Moo it's faster than me okay okay I'm the lighthouse look anything yeah let's see okay um where's the gate I'm seeing I can't go over it you know what I'm gonna do I'm gonna fly over it okay there's a little ladder right here so I'm gonna go to the very top uh-huh up and Bend up I go to the very top I can just pull up here we're doing faster but I didn't so it's up feeling points are up here uh-huh I can view people I can watch people I can stare at people oh wait will it show me like spaces from this far away from my land firework doesn't really show anything okay okay let's go let's leave or going all right growling I want to go over to Tana oh my gosh I love I want to go for a tunnel I really want to go for a channel I like want to go all right let's go for that dot oh okay let's go all right come on so I completely off right over it okay look at me [Music] oh my guess I should just look very full that's not fun all right stick walking sounds when I just flying on the ground oh it does but I'm not underground anymore okay alright okay yeah okay yes alright I want to make this place better this is gasoline wait oh I was just looking to get some lean babe I just lost my e power feel things I could get myself a roof yeah love a proof right here get myself proof wait a minute so you're telling me five hundred for one piece and not for a line what it's such a waste of money I'm gonna wait to get to everything and then I gotta start getting roof the roof is so expensive so expand says all these things are like a knot in a line I really want them to mean a line move you I want you to move over there all right I would like you to also move over there I want everything to be in line no Moo Mart didn't why didn't you move over there oh wait oh I don't know i okay let's try it again come on move straight a different one okay okay why these ones move why the ones what used to be my special corner all the kiddies are moving and moving now okay but these ones have crossing them so they can't leave really anywhere so move out wait what why didn't you move so doesn't that car yeah okay you moved I gotta get come on or have exactly enough space on this place is I don't know it's gonna be filled with butts gonna be filled with things all right mooo you two here yeah I did it all right we need four thousand money easy because then I can get no the hydro research I don't know what it is but it looks cool so I'm getting it uh-huh okay make me money cars make me them Donna Donna Donna okay make me dumb down a mess well look we got a dark purple car that's pretty color for a car we're the pink cars I I want a pink car come here and oh the pink cars ever want to come I will chase this pink car until it comes to me okay oh no it what right past me okay you're coming back come back okay once I go far enough I'll go far enough okay I'm gone far enough you know I wanted to ride the car oh whatever sometimes you just can't do things I can use it upward instead okay it's help we're back to me my place okay we're back hey we all we don't have enough yeah we live in 1,000 more Oh suits whatever what's this oh this gasps a code know what can be code no well I want to get secret code why am ia person with team there you get anything I don't know if I got anything okay know that code no yeah whatever okay mm money you know that's really slow so I'm just kind of by money way I can't buy any more money no I can it was just me okay okay we got up a bit of money we got enough money got the hydro research I get put it down there Oh what do I do it I spend the money even well is this not working construct hi DRO um now it's working I don't want to actually I know whatever I'm getting it okay I'll wait then I'm not get it okay wait and you gotta get it in get it yes I got it okay can I go inside it I really want to go inside it like I really want to okay bye on top all right oh these guys are struggling to get up and they're trying to jump up to each other okay I don't know if this thing goes but I bought it and it I think is a waste of money why did I buy it oh yeah what iris trucked Sal how much will this sell for no I don't want to sell that I want to sell this worth because it's really pointless cell roof yeah I could suffer to see my other process I bought it that is really good okay so what's in my sing-sing hi Joe I got 6.5 you power you got 0 E power Oh 3.8 gasps I think gasoline um okay cool I guess all right I just think I'm gonna end this video right here I hope you like the imminent smash it I put it I'll see you guys next time good bye [Applause]
Channel: GamerGirl
Views: 654,537
Rating: 4.7259631 out of 5
Keywords: Roblox
Id: El_h6kx7Nqk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 46sec (1666 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 15 2018
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