Getting in Sync: AI, Sync, & Humans | Why AI Is NOT a Threat to Sync Licensing?

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[Music] for [Music] for [Music] [Music] uhoh here we go all right well uh Eric kind of pressed the wrong button so you know we have heard from many people in the stock music industry world that AI should be taking over any day now uh meanwhile I haven't seen that much difference in my stock sites from last year but that was yesterday's video if you didn't see yesterday's video part one of this series you can see it here or down here or I'll put it somewhere but or you can just go back on the channel and see it but we also see sink people like my friend Jesse and people of his ilk talking about AI not everybody is but certainly Jesse has taken upon himself to really um focus on the rights of those of us in the music industry in the sync industry and making sure that we get control of it and uh yeah you know that works so well with the MP3 getting control of it or oh yeah that works so well with the internet we really controlled that well didn't we well today I want to give you my view on sync and uh and and everything else sink and uh and Ai and the human element which is something we tend to forget about with AI we're not going to talk about AI itself that much although somebody is going to try to get on my nerves I'm sure about AI today and you know where I'm going to go with that there is a short right now circulating around Instagram and Tik Tok and YouTube that is going to probably uh not it's it's my rant from yesterday so the rant has been uh yeah it it uh it's it's out there so but today my friends I want to just give you my views on this on sync but with AI and sync not not not having anything to do with stock we're done with talking about that because we want to talk about getting into sync licensing you are thinking about getting into AI into sync licensing and you're afraid or you're concerned that AI might affect your journey getting into sync and that's what this whole week is about here on the Channel ending up with our main webinar on Thursday and then into our class on Friday and and the the new course popping up so how will AI affect your journey into getting into syn that's what we're really going to be focusing on today now joining me today um like he did yesterday is uh our new friend and aspiring com film comp composer Marco Valerio Roma and now I got to find his uh my scripts in the way sorry Marco uh there he is how are you doing Marco everyone Marco Valerio Romano joining us from Venice Italy uh how how's how's Venice today uh it's sunny it's sunny finally spring is coming so it's good it's good good good good well and I want to say thank you everyone for the w for the warm welcome yesterday yep it's a it's a great crowd you got to you got to you got to love our crowd here on make music income good good folks and uh speaking of good folks let's see who is in the chat today Arco is here Jess Smith says let's talk Rob Green says will Eric whack the aib's nest today um and let's see who else is here um yeah so uh Arco says he's forgot the sun looks like well you are in the UK it doesn't uh I guess you're still in the UK uh it doesn't uh it's not very sunny there um so anyway uh let's move on with the listen if you missed yesterday's part one of this four-part webinar this is what this is today you are part you 11 people here and whoever else joins us today live you're part of a four-part 4-day live webinar that we are doing at noon every single day Marco is is joining me here if you're wondering who the heck is Marco well Marco is a young man who who said hey Eric uh I I put something out on the Discord and said listen I'm looking for somebody to kind of help with with some things and maybe be my producer here on the show and guess what Marco emailed this see what happens when you email someone in the business and you say I'd like to help boom you get to help people are looking for you so and this goes for sync licensing as well if if you want to be helpful to a a library or helpful to a music supervisor or to a sync agent then you've got to reach out you you can't just sit around waiting for someone to recognize your Genius because they heard it on Spotify or because they heard you somewhere else uh Marco wants to be a film composer Marco how do you suppose people will ever find out that you're a film composer what will you do well I I actually agree what with what you were saying right now uh one of the best um suggestions I ever heard about uh being a film composer is just to help everyone who you know in this industry I mean not only being a film composer but anything you can do actually uh like there was a friend of mine who was looking for some help with editing on a short movie he did last year and as I was able to to do that I I was glad I could help with that as well and you know anything maybe just being on set for a couple days and helping move stuff could be um a way to get you in the door and whatever needs to be done if you can do it I mean that's a good way uh to be helpful I had a uh a student last ask me last night where's a good place to go get some podcasts to practice uh my my uh podcast editing on Protools and I said Fiverr go go to Fiverr and and ask someone and volunteer to someone that to edit their podcast for 10 bucks or five bucks or whatever you want free you want to do some free work there's people out there that want you to do free work tell them that you're going to school for this so yeah um that's what Marco did he got in touch and here we are so uh glad people are joining us here today we've got uh pop presents in the house hello thanks for joining us today um all right so back to my script here if you missed yesterday go back and look at yesterday's we talked about moving from stock music where many people have been who follow this channel have been in the world of stock music licensing or non-exclusive licensing for YouTube but today we're going to move on as far as getting into sync into um AI is that a affecting sink and the reason I want to talk about this is because I think a lot of people are afraid and or maybe concerned that AI is is maybe going to get in their way there and so maybe they might stop before they even get started in that and so I don't want to do that because what I want to do and what I want to happen is I want this screen to come over here where is that screen um I want you to be you be excited about stock and I want you to be excited I'm sorry I want you to be excited about sync licensing and I want you to try to get into there and I want you to focus I know a lot of you are focused on getting into sync licensing and that's what I want to talk about today so again uh we're going to talk about AI just for a minute just for today today's last day we're talking about AI at least at least for now uh but certainly not tomorrow we've got other things to talk about as a matter of fact tomorrow we're going to be talking about the sync journey and we're not going to be talking about AI we're not going to be talking about uh stock music we're going to be talking about the actual sync journey and what it's like and then on Thursday we're going to be live talking about getting in sync and I'm going to go through my course and and tell you what's in it and what you can why pretty much lay out exactly how I got into sync I'm going to teach you basically the outline of the entire course and give you some thoughts and and show you the course we'll we'll be talking about that as a matter of fact today let's go ahead and just look at the course because I've got it right here if I go to my browser I've got it right here getting in sync this is the course that uh from composing the songs to making music income with sync placements in TV film and advertising you know this goes into how I got my music on TV and how you can do it too and once I found out about sync licensing my friends it was all over uh I was producing clients in Nashville and I started to find out that people were getting paid to put their music into TV into film into G video games into advertising and I said yes please I would like to have my music there and uh I saw it as a great transition from being a producer for artists and for clients and uh really to a new client which was sync libraries and uh music supervisors and sync agents and people who would take the songs that I had created for years and produced well in Nashville and guess what it worked and so I just have put this is basically a course version but it's completely different than my ebook that I had uh I I've kind of restated everything in a in a brand new way and kind of went off off course with the from the ebook but in this course I describe how I successfully started a sync licensing career from composing the songs that's very important the right songs to music production also very important and I I go into that how important it is to do your music production in a certain way for the sink industry you think you can just sit at home and make it all here on your keyboards but you can't um you you really can't do it that way because you've got to be able to um to you know do this yourself you've got to be able to do more than just do it yourself you've got to be able to um to work with others to have other people part of this I'm trying to put me on the screen and the course on the screen but there's no place for me so I'm just going to get out of the way um but yeah the course is is coming along it's at an absolutely crazy low price and so if you're interested this is an introductory price while I'm building it I was just working on one of the modules this morning and that will be going live all the introductory modules are ready and done and ready for you and the first one is free you can just go and take the free preview right here so uh and and it and answers a question you probably have Eric why would I take this course from you so you can go right to this first module for free if you want to today you don't have to pay anything you can go right to the the the page and where do you go to that page well that is a good question let's talk about that um the main place I am sending people now is to some place I called makemusic learn this is my new system every everything is there free stuff paid stuff all my ebooks all my courses and what I'm trying to do is offer a very very low cost um monthly rate so you can get everything and I just I believe I've got to make this stuff affordable and these aren't going to be $2,000 courses or not even $200 courses these are super cost effective for you to find out how to get into sync if you're if you're just watching this video and you're coming across this live video and you're like what is this guy rambling on about well I'm trying to bring my teaching that I'm doing live and uh and be and do more live teaching here not only here on the channel but also on the um on Zoom that we are doing on Friday so if you want to be a part of that let me know so all right uh let me stay on track here with the script you you got to stay on your script folks uh if you don't have your script you will get just uh all all sorts of things So today we're going to be talking about AI again but as it relates to sync are their implications with sync licensing that AI brings some think so I don't think so but we'll get to that we'll get to that today's video is sponsored by makemusic learn make sure you go you can get the makemusic income learn bundle which is all our courses all our stuff all our ebooks and get the class for a low price or you can also go to streams but I'll talk about that later so let's uh you know and there's another way you can just email me as well so there's all the information Down Below in the description on how to get in touch with us um we are working here on this live towards a Full Tilt webinar at noon and you want to be here for this folks you want to be on this webinar on Thursday because I'm going to give away a free course I'm also going to give away a free month of make music income learn so you can can be part of the classes you can see what it's like to be part of the subscription plan where you get all the courses and look at all that you can get that for a month I'm going to be giving that away on Thursday and then I'd like you to be part of our class on Friday it's going to be on Zoom there's several people that are part of this uh part of our our what we call the current on streams where they're going to be there in the Friday class and uh I'm going to be there Marco may be there who knows who's going to be there but we're all going to be sitting and talking about that so be sure to be here Thursday for the webinar and then I hope you'll come to the class on Friday to the zoom Class come to class be a good student and learn more about sync and Ai and royalties and all the things that we're going to talk about and you can learn all of that at make music learn okay so Marco do we have any interesting comments or anything that we need to go over here uh well uh I myself was actually very curious and I'm honestly very curious on your point of view about sync licensing and AI so I'm really looking forward to what you're going to say today well uh you know I think today's video was called AI sync and humans and I have something to say about all of these things actually I'm not going to really talk about oh yeah I am I'm going to talk about AI but I'm not going to talk about it as much as I did yesterday probably and that's funny because um yesterday I admit I had a little rant about Ai and don't worry it's already a short you can go and see that now it's on this channel it's on my Instagram it's it's everywhere it's even on Tik Tok which is apparently banned in the United States but it's still on there um so is Tik Tok banned in Italy Marco no not yet okay well it is here supposedly um but uh yeah I I I had uh I had a I had a go yesterday uh as our friend J Mo who I don't know if J MO is here today but J Mo uh just got me got me started and poked the bear and said that there would be a complete replacement of music and I said please and then we all know what happened from there but today I want to talk about Ai and sync we talked about stock yeah that's kind of the lwh hanging fruit that AI could replace faster even though again my my stock hasn't changed and I'm going to have one of my best months uh on the 15th of next month as far as income from uh non-exclusive uh stock and sites so I don't know when it's going to happen that that low for hanging fruit is going to be plucked but I'll tell you that if uh if you think that's happening I'm not sure it's happening yet but if you are looking to get into sync or film composing or any music that will be decided upon by a human in other words there is going to be a music supervisor there's going to be a a director of a film there is going to be a producer of a film there is going to be someone who is is wanting to hire Marco as a film composer or they're wanting to find a song by Me by my positive spin songs company to use in a certain TV show whatever it is those people those music supervisors those libraries they're going to want to work with other humans give me a thumbs up if you agree with this I I think that one thanks Marco um but I I I think that this is something that um you know by the way do you know how music supervisors pick music first they go to people that they know these are human people by the way human people that they know these These are people that they trust artists and bands that they have discovered through the years producers they have used before and these music supervisors these Human music supervisors and human sync agents and human Library owners they are looking for human people who are not just um unique and original but here's a word for you and I made this word especially for you guys today they are authentic and I think this is one word that AI music is absolutely positively not AI is not authentic it's the it's the opposite of authentic it's yes chat GPT gives you the answers that you need if you have a question but so does the magic eight ball I mean so does Wikipedia and and that has been tampered with and cleaned up and regurgitated and spit out and if you know what I mean if you don't know about Wikipedia Wikipedia can be changed by anybody anywhere in the world and then it gets changed back by somebody else who's watching over it and then it gets changed Again by some kid in college who wants to be funny and then it gets changed back and when I did my masters we learned about the whole history and the current of Wikipedia and Wikipedia is just the last version of chat GPT chat GPT now just takes everything that used to be in Wikipedia and then just spits it back out it regurgitates and by the way I think that is another great word I want to talk today because this is a great word for AI regurgitate it regurgitates what what it has in other words um it it takes the answers that or information that it has been fed not unlike Wikipedia by the way and it is given a spiffier engine and it it it seems like you're talking to a person and so Chachi can take any info you have and at any time regurgitate it into something else um it can it can even re- regurgitate it like if you if you if you have it say okay tell me you're basically asking regurgitate a bunch of information on this subject and it'll give you all these answers give me 15 uh reasons why I shouldn't talk about AI online and it'll give me all of these reasons all of which I will ignore and um it'll give me these 15 reasons and I say you know what give me those 15 reasons except make them shorter so it's going to re- regurgitate those answers and it it's going to just uh you know it's going to give me a whole different list of the same regurgitated information now I'm sorry to say that right now it's lunchtime it's dinner time over where uh Marco is it's it's you know but this kind of makes you sick when you think about it doesn't it all this to say that the humans in the sync music licensing industry are not looking for recycled resit out or regurgitated music they are looking again for something authentic and let's get this disgusting word off there they want authenticity it's first and foremost on their minds and their reputations the reputations of Music supervisors of sync agents of any body in this industry um they are looking for that diamond in the rough human artist or human band or human uh composer or arranger that no one has heard of and putting their music on behind a show or a film or in an apple commercial that's as sexy a as anything to music supervisors and and if you get your music into one of those uh I products videos where the I are spinning around and there's some indie tune playing back there and you are the music supervisor who found that unique Indie tune by a human artist or band or group this is what music licensing wants this is what sync licensing wants they do not want anything but music made by humans only after music supervisors don't find what they want through their friends through the artists that they know they might seek out what a sync agent has and guess what guess who a sync agent is working with is a sync agent typing up things in AI music program no a sync agent is talking to artists all day long is focused on music artists that are human and what a library and and and then they might even go to a library after that they if you if you saw my interview with Mark frezer who is a who is one of the top seek agents especially in advertising you will hear him say this very thing after they go to their people that know the artists they already know and get music after they go there they will go to the place of um they will go to their syn agents and after syn agents then they'll go to what they consider the bottom of the barrel which is music libraries and and that's not a say That's Not a Bad Thing music libraries like BMG are not bottom of the barrel they are high quality music and they're going to go there but guess what they know that high quality music at BMG is made by humans and so that is the way they they roll now could AI generated things at some point down the line be a fourth Resort for for music supervisors right now I don't think so that would seem like scraping the bottom of the barrel and I don't think any director uh unless they're making a movie about the future where they want that sound still there's all sorts of problems with copyrights and with who owns what and where did you get this music and believe me that's one of the biggest problems and that's is this is another huge reason why AI I don't have a little thing for this but this is another huge reason for why AI probably won't infiltrate the AI the sync industry that much and that is because in AI um there is so much issue with who created it and one of the top what is the one of the top things that we see in when we hear from music supervisors or sync agents they need metadata they want to know who created that they have to know who to pay well who are they going to pay with AI and until that becomes really really lock solid copyright wise there is not going to be anybody in sync wanting anything to do with AI could we hear it in lowbudget things maybe maybe there are irresponsible people who just don't care because they're making indie films and they just need some music but that's my thought right now Marco where are we with comments anybody here let's see there's some there's some people giving us some thoughts here yeah there are a lot of talks about AI in J and Jess is is Rob says crack that whip uh Jess Smitha says I wonder how midi and Sample libraries will be affected by AI well that's not our Focus today J Mo oh boy J Mo's here again so I think the problem is that you won't be able to tell the difference between human Ma and AI music at some point AI is already The Taste and the soups will just need what satisfies the brief that's wrong here's why that's wrong j MO is because the problem is just what I said the soups as you say the uh the music supervisors they can't just go get any music that they can't verify where it came from that they don't know where to pay it from if they can't find the people to pay it then they're not going to be able to use that music so it doesn't matter if it sounds human made it matters where the what the metadata is it matters if they know who to pay because a comp it it's got to become to a point down the line where they think an AI company is worth using and I think that um I just don't think that's going to happen I think that I I don't think they're going to care that it satisfies the brief because somewhere some clients's going to ask who is this and how do we pay them and if there's no way to pay them because it came from a uh an AI generated program then it's not going to work for sync that's their biggest deal every syn every music supervisor you say every syn agent you hear talking on any interview or you you talk to them their biggest problem is metadata how do they know what what thing that they're going to uh they're going how do they know who to pay how do they know who to get back in touch with how do they know how to list everything so I think that the that's why I think that we've got to get back to a place where it's all about humans and and this is this may be for now maybe there will be some kind of integration later on with with humans and with uh with with music and with AI and syn and all this kind of stuff but I think now making music that can be used by humans for sinking to Media for other humans who are who are demanding this is going to be made by humans it's all about humans it's all about us so that's why I think we are in this place with AI and sync if you are at all worried that AI is going to mess up your ability to get into sync licensing to to begin to find libraries to begin to go to conferences and talk to music supervisors who's going to go to a conference and talk music supervisors about hey I can make you some AI music they they they have no interest in that when you go to those conferences they are person to person human to human and that's that's what the whole industry is built on um AI might be used like I said but um I I still and I have a library owner that is really trying to find an answer for AI inside of of music licensing but I think on the that we don't think about enough when we're trying to get our music into sync licensing who is on the other end and that person on the other end needs to speak to a person on this end and needs to be able to know who to pay on this end and needs to know all the metadata and get all the writers right and clear the song how you going to clear a song that is AI made so uh you know the other day I was having lunch with my friend Dave crof of the amazing 52 Q's community and you should go there if you've ever heard of Dave I'm sure you have um he you know he's a super intelligent guy and he's very involved in the music production world and I ask him about his major connection that he knows and works for personally personally see there's a person in there in that word but um and let's say and this is a source that gets Dave final four placements that gets him Master's golf placements what would happen if there was not a human connection between two humans and I ask him would he ever I said would he ever work with anyone but a person and he said no there's no way that is the Crux of that relationship is Dave to his his U music library or whoever it is that he is working with his contact there so um you know and it's not going to be any different really than if Marco uh wants to be use his music in a film and if you know a director or a producer you've got to at some point talk to them how how tell me right now do you didn't you tell me you have a few things going Brewing right now with music for films right right well actually I wanted to tell you that one thing that actually got me thinking quite a lot is that um not only me but all of the composers I know um every single job we had in the film scoring industry uh it's not only because we can make music but it is because uh because of who we are and the connection we have with the director I mean um for example I I am now working uh on a on a movie with a A friend of mine who I met in China like 10 years ago when I was traveling in China and we met there and after 10 years he contacted me and we started uh working on a movie and it's actually um something that got me thinking quite a lot because uh you know that wasn't only about the music I can make but uh it was more about you know the Friendship we have and the the the previous experiences we shared and the the the the level uh of knowledge we have of of of each other and what we shared really so it is really about the trust that a director has uh in a composer and not only um the fact that you can make music yeah that's great that and that's exactly right that's exactly what I was asking you um and I think that is so like for instance I have my main library I have to have a voice call at least with my library owner every so often so that we can talk and we can communicate and he can tell me what he's looking for and he can relate what's going on with the library and all that kind of stuff so I think that's that's very important uh J is Playing devil's advocate and has said a few things and uh this is let's see if uh J says eventually instead of searching for the perfect track they would just be able to generate it and not have to worry about paying anybody maybe that's true but the problem is that music supervisors are too proud for that and I don't I think that might happen on a super low budget but on network television shows seriously you really think that's going to happen um and then J says sunno says you own the copyright if you says you own the copyright if you subscribe might work better for their urgent deadlines um I might I might agree with that again as a bottom of the barrel typee thing but um there's got to be the copyright thing solved first before that happens I don't care what sunno says it's going to be different on the other end sunno says that for Joe shimo non-m Music Maker who's just playing around in in sunno I don't think the major labels the major film companies the major music supervisors are going to trust sunno some Fly by Night thing that just came up up and and with with a technology that Joseph was came up yesterday to to u to go to their bosses and say okay I found a I couldn't find it uh with any of my people I couldn't find it with a sync agent and I couldn't find it in library but guess what I was able to go to this website and put some stuff in and I got the perfect song what do you think the director's going to say great they're going to say what you're fired is what they're going to say uh Jeff Smith says amen Marco it's about the friendships and the professional personal relationships you developed that would beat AI any day and it and it will and that's that brings us to probably the Crux of this whole thing today thank you Jess that that really kind of brings me to the end of what I want to talk about today it's right 12:37 Eric's talking about the end of the video but um if you are ready to make a human connection with your music to a music library a music supervisor a sync agent this is is what we're talking about with getting in sync this is what we're talking about with um the whole course that I've developed because this is what I've done I have developed music for this purpose I have um focused on getting in touch with humans but more than that I have really um focused on trying to lay down the exact way that I made music Got It produced found the life libraries got stuff in there got stuff um the process of waiting for placements the process of getting paid after there are placements and I'm still in that world you're going to see in the next month when I have some BMI information about some of these recent placements how that works it's it's an ongoing course the course will continue to be updated and uh so anyway that is what you can find out with the getting in sync uh course this is getting in syc week I've glad you've been here um anybody if you've got any last comments make sure you put it in the comments I will say that um we are going to have a webinar remember on Thursday and this webinar I'm going to be giving away a course the getting in sync course and I'm one copy of it and I'm going to be giving away a month of the uh of our new learn program so you can get involved in that but if you want to learn more you can just go here and find out anything about the new course or you can check out all about the uh what's included with this learn program but especially if you want to be in that class on Friday afternoon I would love to have you in the class as we start that's what I'm I'm trying to build with this trying to build up some some M momentum so that we can all get in this class and uh take this course and I can get feedback from you that' be very helpful as I build this course and find out exactly what you want to know but I think uh my goal today was really to just make sure that you knew that we are with AI is a thing it's not going away it's a real thing um and sink is something that has been around for decades and decades it's goes back into the 20th century uh to when people were putting stuff into TV shows from the from the 60s and PE and getting paid so this is an old profession it just has become a a buzzword over the past few years since everybody got stuck at home during covid and needed a way to make money and they found out about the sync licensing way and and stock licensing for that matter but I think the more thing that I want to do to end this up is just say this is about human people this is about human music supervisors that are looking for to to work with other human people it's like Marco said it's about human relationships that you have and through those relationships like the one Dave has like I was talking about like the ones I have with my libraries and and hopefully and with sync agents now and hopefully with music supervisors is one thing I'm trying to work on this year going to conferences to meet people in and let them know who you are so you can send them a new song when it comes out and try to see if they have a use for it building a disco we just talked about disco on this channel and building a disco uh playlist that you can send to to music supervisors or there's even a level on on Disco that you can put it up and be searchable with autot tagged songs to get your songs heard so they're still not going to want to dial you up and say this is great and when they start getting into their contracts I can guarantee you now there is language in these contracts about did you make this because already they they go they're very careful on who the partners are they have to know who every single partner is and clear every aspect of the song and if you made it through some some AI generation process that's probably going to be very very uh much no right now so I would love for you to come to my class and be part of makemusic learn just go there find out stuff and you'll find that link right down below and uh it's the cheapest way to get involved with all of this stuff from almost anybody I know and especially if you like hearing from me if you like my way of saying things and my way of uh and you want to know my actual process I I just lay it all out this isn't like everybody there is going to be a chapter on every a chapter of the course on every other people I've interviewed and how they got into syn and and a lot of people are part of that but this is basically a way that I have decided to try to lay it out and say I think if you follow these steps this is what I did and it worked pretty well and so if you're ready to get going now with the cheapest course that any Guru uh that that you might see Guru um you might want to Guru right here all right uh thanks so much everybody I think I'm about done Marco any last comments today uh let me check um Rob Green said what will happen to all current relationships in sync Etc yeah that's a good that's a good question Rob um I I don't think anything for now as a matter of fact I think this makes them stronger we're all kind of banding together about uh um our human connection and so I think I think uh um those current relationships are going to be stronger than ever when whenever anything comes along to challenge our normal um our normal way of doing things we tend as humans to band together and to work together and if you if you believe in that give me a thumbs up but I I really think that that is uh that is something that um really it defines us as human beings and so I believe that um like like I said yesterday I've got a video coming where I'm going to talk about um this new thing called Ai and how it's going to change everything but um everything has always changed everything so uh it's always been about relationships and it will likely always be about relationships and Rob has one final comment that I just have to read when an AI comes along you must whip it absolutely all right Jess thank you so much for being here everybody J Mo thanks for playing de Devil's Advocate um Rob thanks for being here pop presents Arco everybody thanks for being here today it's it's we're we're continuing on down this road to help you get in uh syn and get move into that is if this is something you'd like to do to bring in music income it's something that I have started to bring in music income and uh and and it's just it's a part of what I do it's not all of what I do and it shouldn't be all of what you do but uh DJ Bright Side says AI equals Alien Invasion that's a good idea that's a good thought and you never know unfortunately it was made by humans and and so we are to blame and also we are the people who need to make sure that we keep our human connection so all right everybody that's all I got for you today I'm going to Marco and I are going to go off now and and make the world safe for making music income but uh all of you thanks for much for watching today and let me know in the comments below later if you have anything else I'll put some time stamps in here in just a little bit uh and thanks again everybody for joining us live and we will see you tomorrow when we talk about the sync Journey this is something that another one of those things that I don't think is talked about enough is the the Journey from where you are right now to where you want to be but that road is long and and this is another one of those things that may hold people back from trying to get into sync licensing stock licensing you put stuff in pond five and get a sale next week literally but uh you can't do that with with sync unless you you know somebody a human connection and you make a phone call and you send an email with a song and they said oh that's awesome and they put it in something that airs tomorrow which almost never happens but all right everybody thanks so much as uh DJ Bright Side says blessings peace and joy to you all we'll see you guys tomorrow same time same bat make music income Channel all right thanks so much everybody see you tomorrow have a good day see you bye byebye
Channel: Make Music Income
Views: 422
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 48sec (2688 seconds)
Published: Wed May 01 2024
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