Getting Creative With Sashings for Quilts

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hello and welcome I'm Pauline from Pauline's quilters world and I just want to show you in this little clip how to use our Sacha tools now I think a lot of you know about our tools and I know a lot of people own them but they don't use them to their full advantage and some people may struggle with knowing how to use them so this is a how-to video we have many different sizes ranging from 1/8 of an inch right through to 4 inches 17 different sizes that will make any size strip that you want simply by folding the fabric putting it into the tool and ironing I designed them originally to help myself and other people to do courts quarters you go because I found that teaching free motion quilting is easy on a small piece but when people go home and try to cut that big quilt on a little domestic machine it becomes quite a struggle I wrote my quilt as you go handbook but you can see the front cover here it's been a very very popular book because it allows us to do any style of sashing we want to dress the quilt up if I'm going to be making blocks like I have here where I've coated the blocks first after I've quilted the blocks I then glue the applique in place using the rocks and glue baste it stitch it all on and then we simply put our blocks wrong sides together and we're seam the seam on to the top of the quilt and then we use the glue and we glue underneath the seam and press it flat and then we make a sashing to go over that seam I'm going to make a 1 inch wide sashing I'm going to use the 1 inch wide tool and I'm always going to refer to that measurement that's on the tool because that will be the finished size of my sashing and we always cut our fabric double this measurement so a 2 inch wide strip will fold down to going to the 1 inch tool we're going to fold our sides in on both sides till they meet in the middle and just press about the 1st inch now by pressing it it's going to allow us to get it into the tool even so hold the tool by the handle come up from the bottom and back down just pull it through and that's what it's going to look like they are we're going to pin this end into the ironing surface and when I pin I like to use the double fork pin because it's going to give me equal tension on both sides that two single pins won't give me and my fabric will stretch if I don't get equal tension on there then all we're going to do is cup up the sides this curve here is designed to fit the side of any iron I love to use the little mini iron but your big regular iron will work just as well just put the iron against the curve and you just simply push with the iron and you just keep moving down to get the whole strip done just tap it along do you get the whole strip completely ironed over and then you have your sashing now to add to your quilt so all we're going to do is put little dots of glue down each side here glue that over the top of the seam and then we go to our machine and we stitch really close on the edge with a nice top stitch right going right down the edge and when you see this quilt here in front of me that's exactly how we've put that quilt together we quilt each block first do the applique over the top and then we join it with all different styles of sashings so just to give you an idea if we wanted to do a layered look we could use a size tool this one's been already folded and pressed so this one started out as a four inch wide strip we put that through the tool we now have a two inch strip of fabric we then put this piece through the one inch fashio and then we've put another piece through the half inch sash at all now we have a trip shashi and you can make many wonderful combinations whatever is going to suit the quilt that you're making at hand today you might like to have a lot of bits left out of your quilt if that is the so just join some rectangles together put that through the tool whatever size you choose to put that over the top of the seam now you've got a lovely sashing that's scrappy and it's a great way of using up all your fabrics this one here I've used the 3 inch wide tool to make this one so we put the white through the 3 inch tool then we've might use the quarter inch sasha cut the fabric on the bias and put that in place and then done some applique that could go over the top of your seam to get a really nice application this one here we're making a sashing that has a corner stone so we've joined a rectangle in put that through the tool we would put a plain piece over this see when we join the rows together across here when we join the next row on we now have a sashing that has a corner stone and we're going to be doing online lessons teaching you how to do all of this and how to put your quilts together quilt as you go there's lots of things we've got coming up for you here we've started out with the double sash so we're going to join two strips of fabrics together to start with just seam these together seam them down we're going to make some rectangles and put in there we're going to put that through the appropriate size tool and press it we'll put a plain piece over the first sashing when we join the rows together we'll come back and we'll join so then we have a double sash with a four patch which can look really really smart on a quilt so any quilt you can put together regularly you can now put together as cool too should go this one here we've made triangles we've just pieced triangles together as you can see we then fold the edges back to this point back to the point we fold them back on the other side we'll thread that into the tool and press it and then we have our lovely triangles very very clever the way you can do this another one we can do is we can put stars into our sashings so what we've done is we've cut this piece of fabric four inches wide we've cut a two and a half inch square here we've sewed across on the diagonal we'll trim that back to quarter of an inch we'll fold it over and press and then we come back and we put another square on this side we'll trim it back we'll fold that over and press and then we put it through the tool we'll just press this one over for you we will fold that in and in and put that through the appropriate size tool and I'll do that one for you so you can see exactly how this works press this start get the two inch tool up and over once again pin into the ironing board and then we just hold this and we'll push with the iron when we get to those seams just tap gently over the seams and there you will have your star points but little bit needs just trimming off the end so we have the star points we'd put that over the seam and when we join our rows together we create this and then we have our sashings with the Stars so very very simple to get a very very effective appeal happening to your quilts you'll notice here we've got a sashing that has a little paper strip down the side or you might like to call it a flange they can be quite difficult to do because folding little piece in half then stitching it onto this piece and then getting this to sit out flat can be quite challenging using the Sascha tools to do this makes it terribly easy so I've got a strip of fabric cut an inch wide I'm going to fold it in half press just the first start of that use the half inch tools come up from the bottom and back down then once again we pin into the ironing surface we put the iron into the curve and we just hold the fabric and we push with the iron and you'll notice that we'll fold that strip in half for you perfectly and you definitely won't burn your fingers if it's a big long piece I'm about 12 inches move the pin and keep ironing along - you get the whole strip done remove that then we'll cut cut our sashing to whatever size you're going to be I've cut this two and a half inches wide then we've sewn that folded strip on either side with a quarter inch seam we're going to fold the ends out and just press the start we're going to put it into the tool up from the bottom always go up from the bottom and over that Center bar there you have it now we're going to pin that into the ironing board this time I'm going to use two fork pans put one either side now the pin is going on to the little trim and onto the green fabric that's putting equal tension on both sides of that strip so that we won't get any movement there at all then we're going to put the iron against the tool and we are going to press so you don't even have to touch it hands-free all you're doing is using your iron just tapping the tool as you go down go nice and slow and that will push those little flanges or paper strips out to the side and you'll get a beautiful sashing that's got an equal stripped on each side and you've got no little puckers or pleats in here it gives you an absolutely perfect finish you can then stitch that over the top of the seaman to stitch this on I would stitch in the ditch but this is what we're going to teach you on on our online lessons so we want you to go to our website to w WP q Co au and subscribe to our email newsletter so that we can send you out informations of when we're going to start teaching you how to make all of these different styles or sashings and adding them to your beautiful quilts we're even going to teach you free motion quilting how to be really good at that so enjoy happy stitching I do have my quilt as you go handbook that will show you all the different ways to put your courts together if you're anxious to get started before we get those online lessons happening for you
Channel: Pauline's Quilters World
Views: 5,955
Rating: 4.9624414 out of 5
Keywords: Pauline's Quilters World, pqw, quilting, quilt as you go, sasher tools, sashers, quilts, single sashing, double sashing, triple sasing, sashing with peeper, sashing with flange, how to create sashings
Id: uoMBkEwF5nI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 7sec (727 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 15 2020
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