Getting ARRESTED For A CRIME We DIDN'T COMMIT! (Brookhaven RP Roblox)

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i'm sorry horses think you have to look at this oh dwarf worse i feel so bad hey put your hands up oh my god uh oh no put my hands up put my hands up put my hands up before this video begins make sure you subscribe and hit that notification bell don't forget to leave a like and comment down below as well as your star code pizza if you're looking to buy roblox oh man nothing new on tv i'm kind of bored today what is there to do maybe i could read something can i stop getting attached to the chairs uh nothing interesting in this book today i'm so bored what if i just take a nice little jacuzzi bath here just turn it on make it red i know i don't like water but this jacuzzi is very nice i'll just read my book while chilling in here uh yes the story of a ring ring ring rig uh hello moody did you oversleep oversleep yeah we're going horse riding today you were gonna test it out with me you promised horse riding oh no moody you promised last week and we're supposed to be there in 10 minutes get out of your house right now i was writing a nice book and relaxing oh my god moody you promised me we're gonna have a good time okay okay i'm here all right uh okay i'll let them know that i'm gonna be there in just a second oh they're gonna be angry at us so that we're late oh my gosh look how good this book is it's very interesting you want to read it no i don't want to read your book right now i want to go horse riding all right come on let's go shouldn't we be riding horses to go horse riding where do you think we're just going to find horses just in our backpacks uh maybe yeah maybe actually no we want to go to the stables to find a horse okay okay i'm gonna pick out the best horse and yeah i'm gonna name it pizza oh yeah i don't think you're able to name them they're not actually going to be our horses we're going to actually just borrow them you know mean yeah so the horses should be right over here oh my god look how adorable look at this one moody it's literally made for you it's black and red oh i love this one i want this one no oh my god look at this one moody it's it's white and it's got pink flowers on it oh such a cute horse hello oh my gosh look at our horses they look so cool they really do should we go and try to ride them over here jumping over these uh just different obstacles okay yes let's do it all right and jump and jump oh my god jump oh my god this horse is so smart it's able to do all of this easily we have the smartest horses in brookhaven we should probably go and ride in here as well oh i got stuck a little bit uh oh santa oh uh whoopsies but someone didn't oopsies over here is that the person who's supposed to be teaching us how to ride horses i hope not what do we do what do we do do we call the police do we do we uh bury the body what do we do oh my god there's a dead person right here say something yeah maybe we should bury it somewhere hurry or somewhere uh good idea i mean how do we explain this we literally just took out her horses without asking we they might think we were just yeah we're definitely gonna have to bury her where is my shovel oh man i got my shovel okay i got it too oh my god i can't believe this and these horses are gonna be traumatized oh no i feel so bad i can't believe this booty oh yes we need to cover up the evidence oh my god yes we do i'm sorry horses thing you have to look at this oh dwarf warsies i feel so bad okay put your hands up oh my god uh oh no put my hands up put my hands up with my hands they're up oh my god we just came across his body you're both under arrest huh but but listen listen we we for murder but we didn't we didn't kill her we didn't kill her it was just we got here to go uh horse riding and she was just laying here dead and we we just got we panicked and we started to cover up the body i know how this looks please let's talk about this woman please please yeah yeah you'll get to tell your lies later no you're both coming with me let's go oh no moody oh bye horsies we need to put them back in the stable they're going to run away well let's hope not ah it's feeling so bad their their trainer is dead there she's got a gun oh should we try to run for it um i mean we can i don't know if we're that's a very good thing we just need to explain what happened and they will let us go right yeah i'm sure everything will be fine okay well we got this we got this we're just gonna have to explain it to the judges and everything's gonna be okay i know it i know it all right see we just need to participate i mean yeah and do what they're saying and then we're not gonna be in trouble okay oh yes oh no top bunk's mine oh my gosh hey all right please now stay here okay uh well we can't really go anywhere else so uh so did we get any food or something we're kind of hungry we're gonna go get lunch afterwards riding yeah i need the poop and i need food to do that alright so what do i do with this thing we'll come get you when your trial is ready okay oh man oh man don't have my book santa my horn is sticking through you'll get food later oh oh my god the gun the gun the gun what do we do booty how do we get out of here we're gonna be in prison for the rest of our lives for something we did not do well we did cover up the bodies i guess we could be like helping uh hide the body but she could have died from me something else you know and and no one murdered her you know oh yes i think we're gonna have to go to the toilet i don't think we're gonna be able to fit in here but it's something that will fit in there though hey i will hit you with my shovel stop that okay fine uh how do we get out of here we're gonna need to get out of here moody okay what we're gonna do is we're gonna pretend to be dead and she's gonna come in here and then she's gonna have to take us out and then we can escape that sounds like a good idea okay okay i'm ready okay yeah i'm ready to uh we're dead dead i better go check on them she's coming she's coming when she opens the door we slide out of here okay okay what yeah dad dad oh no dead dead dead i better go get help now me three oh oh one go go go go go go go go go go go she's leaving go go go moody come on come on let's go let's go let's go wait wait ice cream ice cream we forgot the ice cream oh my toes are wiggling i know me too there there well let's go we gotta get out of here let's go off to our house again come on bed bed red run or slide okay slide slide slide slide slide oh my god they're never gonna know that we're gone oh my god no she's running behind us she's saying hey oh she's getting out of here keep on going keep on going do not stop for anyone she's shouting be careful jump around so she can't get you oh my god oh my god oh my god house controls i'm gonna get ready to lock the door okay ah okay oh my god do it go i locked i locked it take okay be careful be careful take shelter take shelter okay sheltered under the table oh i'm under your floor are you okay yeah i'm just gonna hide out here for a while and then what i'm going to do is close the shutters there we go i'm sorry ads lock you in there with her oh i am literally you know what i look like a lamp right now i should be good oh no i act why do i keep on clicking on everything frog right now she doesn't even know i'm in here she doesn't where are you i'm running i'm going upstairs let me out okay moody go okay i'm gonna unlock the door and then you're gonna run out when i tell you okay okay do it now do it now okay go oh yes we did it we did it and it's time for us celebration dance dance dance stand stairs stairs oh let me get my oh yeah i'll call for backup uh well you know actually sorry go upstairs go upstairs where the the doors open there sorry this door is stuck upstairs why oh one let's go let's go let's go let's get this fire on demand started there okay let's go outside okay hurry up perfect there we go no backup coming now his house is on fire all right guys well thank you so much for watching this video oh my god she's screaming in there thank you so much for watching we're gonna see you soon with another video [Music] you
Channel: Moody Unicorn Twin - Roblox
Views: 1,291,606
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: roblox, twin, twins, unicorn, unicorns, neon, legendary, adopt, me, adopt me, bloxburg, friendly, family friendly, royale high, rare, new, update, roleplay, brookhaven, brookhavenrp, brookhaven 🏡rp, roblox brookhaven rp, brookhaven roleplay, roblox brookhaven, unicorntwins, moodytoo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 30sec (630 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 22 2021
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