Getting API keys and credentials from App Store Connect - Tutorial

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hello guys my name is Lucas and I work with esap reports on the marketing team uh creating content and doing emails and these sort of things um and today this video is about how can you get all the information you need from the App Store connect um page to start using esap reports so by that I mean how to get the the user ID the Israel ID the authentication key the the API key and all those stuff in order to actually start using uh our dashboards and and easier reports so let's do it together on a step-by-step let me share my screen and yeah so let's go right now on the home page for the App Store connect and the first thing you have to do is go to users and access and click on keys and this will bring you to to this page where you're going to create a new key you just like click on this Plus sign and you're going to generate a new API key and for that you need to name it just to make it easier for you to remember all right so let's name it easy app key so I know this is for easy app reports and then choose the access sales and reports there are different access but for this one you're going to use sales and reports and then you click on generate and this will generate a new key just like this one as you can see so on this page now we have like 80 90 percent of the whole thing you need to move to the Second Step which is actually setting up your account so on this page we have the issue issuer ID over here as you can see we have the API key over here and there's an authentication key that whenever you create a new one it appears a button right here saying downloaded and when you download it this is what you get so we have three things and just one thing is missing which is the vendor ID um so we have the authentication key we have the API key and issuer ID and how to get the the vendor ID it's pretty simple you just click here back to get back to the home page and on the home page you go to payments and financial reports and this will open this page and as you can see on the top left corner you can see it right here vendor number so this is your vendor ID that you also need to use further in the process when you you you set up your your account um so like in three or four minutes we were able to get the key ID the authentication key um the issue ID and also the vendor ID so we have all the IDS and authentication codes keys and all this stuff uh ready to go to the Second Step which is actually setting up your account so for this first video this is it uh this was just like a tutorial or how of how can you get all these IDs and authentication keys and then we're gonna do like a second video showing you the step-by-step guide on how to actually set up your account and how to start using easier reports um I really hope this was helpful and stay tuned for the next videos okay and yeah thank you guys have a great day thank you bye-bye
Channel: Beyond Analytics
Views: 3,814
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: app store connect, app, apple, api, tutorial., easy app reports, google data studio, data studio connector, app store, app analytics, app store to data studio, google data studio connector, looker, looker studio
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 55sec (235 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 20 2022
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