Getting a New Bookcase and Organising my Bookshelves!

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hi everyone i'm miranda and welcome to my youtube channel today i'm really excited because i'm getting some new bookcases that i've been waiting for for quite a long time and i thought i'd share the process with you it's quite a big bookcase that's arriving it's a double bookcase and it should enable me to finally be able to finish unpacking all of my books from when we moved here in june and also to actually start arranging my books properly too so i thought i'd start sharing a bit of the process with you because i wasn't looking at other people's bookcases and i'm sure that a lot of you do too so today i'm going to have to empty this bookcase and that put case over there because a new one is going to go on that side of the wall but i'm going to be shifting some of these bookcases around so i have to empty them this morning and i'll probably then just refill the new one unpack the rest of the book boxes and then see what i can do about rearranging all the books because i'd like to have some kind of system to the madness of all my books and i haven't really been able to organize them properly yet so hopefully i can do that over the next few weeks or the next month or so it really makes me excited to think that i can finally get my books into some kind of order because in my old flat in london it was so small i kind of just had to cram books anywhere but hopefully i'll be able to organize them this time so i thought i'd just tell you a little bit about the bookcases that i have in this room because i'm either having bookcases built for me or um i've bought sort of secondhand bookcases or i've had some bookcases made from sort of other pieces of secondhand furniture so these came from an old post office they used to be um the cabinets in the post office and they're dated pre-world war one which i absolutely love i mean it's wonderful to have some fun that share with a bit of history to them and um i had them made into bookcases from the sort of original shelving but they're painted sort of green on the inside and i love the old dark wood i know a lot of people don't like dark wood but i really love it and it still is so much more reasonable to buy um i find that new book cases that look attractive are so expensive so i've been doing all of this on a budget and i've found that repurposing old furniture buying second-hand bookcases and even having some custom made but from you know people i trust has been a really reasonable um option for me so i thought i'd share that with you all but i can't wait for the new bookcase to arrive i'm going to get busy emptying these shelves now and hopefully soon i'll be able to show you the new bookcase bye do do all empty and you can see the green paint inside which i actually really like the new bookcase has arrived so i can't wait for part two so the new bookcases are in looking amazing just got the sort of top and bottom to go on but i'm so pleased you can see i've got quite a lot of extra shelf space now which is wonderful and we had these built for us so they're just made out of pine but we've painted them magnolia to match the walls i think they look great hello again so it's now the next day i had hoped to finish sorting all the books and be able to film the finished result with you yesterday but i just ended up working all afternoon and well into the evening on sorting out the books moving furniture all over the place because i had to decide where to shift my bookcases about and then that made me wonder if i should move more furniture about i was carrying my desk upstairs and downstairs again and completely rearrange the furniture only to pretty much put it back exactly how it was before but everything is done now i'm so thrilled with the new shells which are behind me i think they're gorgeous and it's given me so much more book room for books which is wonderful i've been able to unpack all of my books which is such a relief it was so nice to get them all out of the boxes now and i've been trying to organize the books a little bit too i haven't had enough time to do that properly yet but i have started i'm going to give you a little tour of these bookcases in a minute but first i thought i'd just talk you through some of my ideas about how i'm going to organize the books downstairs so i'm in the living room dining room at the moment and i want to keep predominantly fiction down here also some non-fiction but the non-fiction will be more cookbooks and sort of food related books like food memoirs that type of thing maybe a few travel books as well but predominantly fiction will be kept down here and non-fiction so biography memoir nature writing literary biography all that sort of book that i love well hopefully fingers crossed fit upstairs so i've been ferrying books back and forth up the stairs too because i had a lot of fiction upstairs and i'm still keeping probably children's fiction upstairs we've been bringing most of the fiction down and getting most of the non-fiction upstairs although it still isn't perfect it still isn't all quite right yet but i'm really happy with it so far and let me show you the bookshelves okay i've stepped back so you can see the full height of the bookcase this is a seven foot bookcase so it's quite a big one and i did get it all filled yesterday this morning i was still trying to sort out the fiction and the non-fiction a bit but it's coming along really well i'll move in a little bit closer so you can see i'm so thrilled i think this is the first time in years i was saying to my mum that i've been able to keep most of my books um vertical instead of horizontal piled up on top of each other so i'm really excited about that because it makes the books just a lot more accessible which is wonderful and i can display some of my lovely sets really well like my elizabeth taylor's up here um and the veranda virago modern classics the hardbacks it makes it much easier for me to see what i have and also where some of the gaps are in my library too but yes i'm really excited to have all this extra bookshelf space um this isn't a sort of proper tour of all the titles and things because like i said i'm still working on getting all of the fiction down here which i hope will work i think i do mainly have well i have a lot of fiction and of course cookbooks i have a lot of two and those are staying down here probably overall i have more non-fiction than fiction if you count the cookbooks too but i definitely have a load of fiction so it's nice to try to keep it mainly all in one place and then you'll remember the bookcases i was telling you about yesterday these two that were from the old post office i've shifted them over to this side of the room and i really like them here sort of framing the window on either side with my emily sutton prints above i really love that look and i haven't to be honest properly sorted these shelves yet i think i've mainly tried to keep food related books so cookbooks and so on in them for now but they are still rather higgledy-piggledy i have to go through them properly and i'll probably choose some of my nicer cookbooks to display in here at the moment i've just gone for whatever really and some of them are my more tatty ones which i'll probably keep more in the kitchen but you can have a little look step back a little bit i really love these shelves but i actually prefer them over here anyway and it was nice to have the uh magnolia bookshelf the magnolia painted bookshelf over there i think it just makes the room feel a little bit larger when you step in rather rather than having the really um dark wood furniture as soon as you come in i've moved my davenport desk over here it used to be in the window but i had to shift things around a bit so that's over here now i like it there and hopefully at least i won't get distracted by the bunnies when i look out the window and forget to do my work because they are very distracting okay and then over here i'm still working on this bookcase so i want to get mainly fiction in here too but i still have quite a bit of non-fiction muddled into this one i'm trying to keep mainly hardbacks in this shelf yesterday you might remember i was talking about having bookcases made from sort of repurposed furniture this bookcase was actually made from a wardrobe which i thought was amazing and it turned out really well so i loved this and i loved that it was made from something else that someone no longer wanted but we're able to turn into a beautiful bookcase so i'm really happy with this one and then this little bookcase this is a bit of an interim bookcase i don't actually love this bookcase but um it's better than the one i had here before which was a bit of a hideous big one so i'm glad to have this one here for now and then i think i'll probably get another bookcase built um to be a bit taller and made for this space sort of similar looking to this new one but to fit in this space over here but yes i mean this one isn't uh perfectly sorted either but you can see all of my wonderful dean street press books which have rather plain spines but they often have lovely covers i really like this publishing company and um i'll have to fit that back in later doing it one-handed is actually quite tricky i've got some georgia hair and some poetry books down here too so this is a bit of a muddled bookshelf but it's just great to have that extra space over here for now until i get the other one made but yes you can see the room from here plenty of books of course and yeah it just makes me so happy that i've finally been able to unpack all of them and now i can really properly arrange them but i hope you've enjoyed this little tour it was really exciting i'm sure if you love books you can sympathize how exciting it is when you get a new bookcase and you're able to display all your books properly like i said this room it's still a work in progress i still have to figure out quite how i'm going to sort all my books so i'm sure i'll be telling you more about that in the months ahead but i hope you enjoyed this little tour and let me know if it gave you any inspiration maybe for getting bookcases yourself or any tricks you have about arranging books how do you organize your books do you organize them by genre or do you just do them all alphabetically i'd be really interested to know but give this video a thumbs up if you enjoyed it thanks so much for watching and i'll be back again very soon with another video bye
Channel: Miranda Mills
Views: 5,532
Rating: 4.9831934 out of 5
Keywords: Books, BookTube, Book Haul, Bookstagram, Book Blogger, Organising Bookshelves
Id: Bq3LAca3jog
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 3sec (963 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 09 2020
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