Get User Current Location in Flutter (+ show in Google Maps)

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how to get the current location of your phone and display it inside Google Maps we create attacks in the body of our other default string add the geolocator package in our pop spec file now we can create a button and Define a method to get the current location of the device therefore inside this method first of all we check if the service location in our phone is enabled or not then we need to check the permission for the location accessibility therefore we will request a permission from the user to access to its location and if the user denied we are not able to get the device location and after we granted the location permission we can get the current position of the device using the geolocator now for Android devices we need to add these two permission inside the Manifest file and for iOS devices we need to add this inside the info.pls file to access to the location permissions and now from this current location then we can get the latitude and longitude values therefore we need to declare them in our home page and after that we can update our message text to our latitude and longitude values using city state here as we can see now when we click in our button we can get the latitude and longitude values here now we will create a method to listen to the location updates and have our live location and inside this method we Define allocation settings which has the distance filter property which is the minimum distance a device must move horizontally before an update event is generated then we can listen to the position by the help of the get position stream which takes the location settings as a parameter then we can get our new latitude and longitude values from our position and update our location message text with a new latitude and longitude values using statistic now if we click on the button we will get the current location of the device and if we change the location we can see that our latitude and longitude will change also now we will create a button to open the device location the Google Map therefore we will Define a method which takes our latitude and longitude values as a parameter and in this method we assigns these values inside our Google URL string here and then we can launch our URL to open the device current location inside the Google Map using the URL launcher package [Music]
Channel: HeyFlutter․com
Views: 68,411
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: flutter, flutter calculate distance, flutter gps, flutter location, flutter location tracking, flutter tutorial, get user location in flutter, gps flutter, how to get user longitude and lattitude, location permissions app, user current location, user location
Id: 9v44lAagZCI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 29sec (149 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 19 2022
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