Get Up From a Chair Easily with 1 Incredible Trick (60+)

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do you find yourself struggling to get in and out of a chair easily if you do then you're not alone and in this video I'm going to show you how to do it more easily if you don't know who I am my name is will harow and I'm the over 50s specialist physio here at HT physio in farum and today we're going to be talking about how to get in and out of a chair easily and I'm going to give you one secret to help you do it now many of my clients when they first come to see me they're embarrassed to admit that they sometimes struggle to get in and out of a chair easily they find themselves using their hands much more than they should or they find themselves plonking down in the chair too quickly and in today's video I'm going to give you a nice simple trick that you can use that should eliminate the need for both of those things so just before we go any further the advice in this video is not designed to replace anything that your doctor has told you don't do the tips in this video if they're painful and don't take them as specific advice for any medical condition anyway let's have a look at the tip to help you get in and out out of a chair more easily now so I know a lot of people have trouble getting in and out of a chair and one of the big reasons for that is their center of gravity is all wrong so I'm going to show you a quick tip now on how to fix your center of gravity so that you can sit to stand more easily but before I go any further I just wanted to make you aware that 88% of people who watch these videos have not yet subscribed to the channel so if that's you scroll down hit the Subscribe button it's totally free and then you'll be the first to hear about these videos let's have a look at the tip now so I call this tip the nose over toes technique and it helps to fix problems with center of gravity so before I show you the tip I'm going to show you the common mistake that most people make and that's that they don't bring their center of gravity forward while they stand up so they try and stand up like this so they find they have to use their hands to put their hands behind them to leave themselves up out of the chair so you can see here my center of gravity is about here it's kind of in the middle of my body maybe slightly behind my body now my center of gravity if I'm coming forward and up should be in front of me okay so that might sound like a funny thing to say but your center of gravity should be ahead of you to give you that momentum to rise forward and up so a nice technique to help you do that is the nose over toes method and basically what it means is you want your nose to travel ahead of your toes as you initiate the movement so make sure you're at the edge of the chair okay we're not going to use hands for this because that's cheating and basically what we're going to do is use our body weight to come forward so the nose travels just ahead of your toes and then you should be able to push through your heels and stand up now if we put that into reverse what we do this way is we bring the nose again over the toes but stick the bottom out and then reverse it back down and that should make it so much easier for you to do so I'm going to show you again so we start start static you bring your nose over your toes like this you can feel like you want to get up from this position that's just the ready Point you're going to go nose over toes and then push through the heels it's so much easier to do that rather than trying to stand up straight like this which is much more challenging now if that was difficult for you or it wasn't quite safe for you to do it like that or you felt like you were going to topple forward which I know many people do there's another way we can help you with that and that is to use another the chair in front of you just to put your hands on to get the technique correctly so again the feet are going to be flat on the floor you're going to come nose over toes but this time you're going to put your hands on the chair in front and just use it to stabilize yourself as you get up and then again on the way down so again nose over toes hands on chair bring yourself up and then hands on chair nose over toes and back down we go now when we're doing this at home the key key for this on the way down is to go as slowly as you can that's when you know you've mastered the movement so you can come up nice and quickly to start with but on the way back down we want to take 4 seconds to reach the chair and the way the reason we do that is because it strengthens the muscles in the legs a lot more than if you just plop down like that so I hope that helps remember your nose has to travel over your toes to give you the momentum to come up it's normal to get the hips to be bending fully to get in and out of a chair you can see my back is still quite straight it's my hips that are bending but doing it like that is the perfect way to get in and out of a chair so much easier than the ways that people make it difficult for themselves and it should eliminate the use of your hands with a little bit of practice at home so try that over a few months and you should Master sit to stand and never have trouble getting in and out of a chair again so that's how to get in and out of a chair more easily I hope that video has been useful to you if it has please do drop a comment below because I love to read your thoughts and if you want to get more from me you can pick up a copy of my book it's called thriving Beyond 50 and you can find it on Amazon using the link below anyway thank you so much for watching I appreciate your time and I'll speak to you on the next video
Channel: HT Physio – Over-Fifties Specialist Physio
Views: 830,244
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Physiotherapy, Knee Pain, Health, Exercise, Wellness, senior health, Over fifty, total knee replacement, knee arthritis, physical therapy, knee pain, knee replacement, knee pain relief, knee surgery, physical therapy (medical specialty), knee ache, arthritic knee, bob and brad, athlean X, OA knee, knee bend, knee flexion, knee habits, walking, better walking, build strength, muscle build, walking stick, senior, cane, sit to stand, chair mobility, chair, standing
Id: _Rl0DG_p4Yg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 14sec (314 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 01 2024
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