GET TO KNOW US (married couple edition)

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hello and welcome we have officially made it to colorado and this video is going to be a little bit different we're actually going to sit down we want you guys to be able to get to know us a little bit better and we're going to answer some questions so typically this sort of video is known as the get to know us tag on youtube um i know a lot of other youtubers have done it just so that their audience can kind of get to know them a little bit better um so we're gonna give it a try all right question number one where did you grow up so i grew up in brentwood tennessee it's just south of nashville i spent 18 years of my life there pretty much grew up there i moved there when i was a month old from north carolina and i was born and raised in atlanta georgia but of course if you're from atlanta everyone says they're from atlanta it's not actually like the downtown area so i'm actually from dekalb county near tucker georgia which is probably about a 20-minute drive from downtown atlanta and i grew up over there all right so who is older and by how much so claire is older than me she is 19 days older so my birthday is june 8th 1998 and so his is june 27th 1998. we are both 22 years old if you were wondering all right what's your favorite drink just one that gets my my heart strings going is sweet tea like i think sweet tea is probably gonna be my favorite drink for my life if i have to decide i'm just one truly a boy from the south from the south i think my favorite drink of all time is probably the matcha latte or bubble tea i really love that it's always a great treat and i don't get either of those very often so anytime i do get it oh man i am quite in love with it how many siblings do you have so i have two older brothers um they're eight years and 10 years older than me yeah yeah very very much younger than them and then i have one older sister that's about three years older than me and she's actually a travel nurse right now which is super cool because we're both traveling and doing what we love and i think that's really awesome that we've both found a career i guess in the traveling field what was your most memorable childhood memory i feel like oh man some of my most memorable childhood memories would be camping with my family um just having lots of fires even if it's like backyard fires as well yeah i have a number of very vivid childhood memories but i feel like this is the one that i always tell if someone asks me the question i always say that one of my most vivid memories would be sitting at the back laundromat table because my parents own a laundromat if you didn't know and you know they would be doing wash dry fold service and then my sister and i would be at the back table and we would both have a costco workbook and if we finish like 10 pages or something then we can go up to the front and then show my parents the pages that we finished and then we would get a little styrofoam cup which we can then go get some skittles from the skittle machine as a reward and that would usually be about eight skittles eight skittles yeah and so i always remember that growing up because i always wanted the skittles so bad and some days i wouldn't finish the pages so i wouldn't get the skittles [Laughter] what is your favorite ice cream flavor oh i was gonna say chocolate but i think coffee coffee is pretty good yeah i think my favorite one is matcha which also says a lot about us because he's definitely a coffee drinker and i'm definitely a teen drinker how many countries have you traveled to so the countries i've been to without claire are japan amsterdam austria germany italy and the united kingdom and then the ones we went to together are canada taiwan thailand indonesia france greece switzerland and hong kong and then i have gone to peru by myself without chad with my family if you could do one last thing what would you do like before i die i guess so okay i have no idea do you know what you do i mean i'd probably just give all my money to my parents to make sure that you know they have a great retirement since they gave me everything when i was a kid that's a good answer i think i'd probably just make sure that everyone knows that i love them everyone in my life not and everyone everyone everyone in the world everyone in the world i love you the very last thing i must contact everyone in the world all right what would be the first thing you would do after going home from school i would have a snack that was pretty much always what i'd do i'd be so hungry i'd rip off my backpack get some water because i'd be thirsty i would immediately take off all of my school clothes not that we had a uniform or anything it's just whatever i wore to school and i would immediately put my lounge clothes on into my comfy comfy clothes and then i would frolic outside and go talk to my imaginary friends oh those were the days that was great i can just remember taking off my jeans and putting on like my long nightgown dress and i go outside like a spooky victorian doll and go talk to him you're so weird what was your favorite slash worst subject in school alright my favorite subject consistently was probably history um and then my least favorite it's just dependent like i did not like anatomy that was a lot of memorization so science i guess but then i also didn't like english i think i was always the worst at history for some reason i can never remember anything unless it has happened to me so like i have really great memory of my childhood and any experience i've ever had but when it comes to anyone else's experience i cannot retain it and so like i would always do poorly on all the tests math was good for me up until like 8th grade and then it just went downhill for some reason english was always a really big struggle for me just because my vocabulary wasn't that great and you know the vocabulary i heard in my household was 50 chinese and then the other half was like okay english and so i think once i hit like maybe the end of high school i got really into writing and then that became one of my favorite subjects but if we're like looking at like extracurricular subjects then i obviously really liked art yeah like visual arts ap art all of that yeah and i like i took a film class throughout school which was broadcasting broadcasting and learning about how to run a broadcast and doing uh news stories which is a lot of fun all right have you been to any concerts or festivals which were the most memorable mr chad living in the city of music yes so in nashville i did go to some concerts i saw john mayer i saw a million concerts i saw imagine dragons i saw fun who else the neighborhood neighborhood which one was your favorite john mayer because because he played the guitar behind his back yes because he was able to play the guitar behind his back that's pretty cool that was really cool growing up i did not go to any festivals or you know whatever they're called concerts i was about to say musicals orchestras oh i went to those oh yeah you did yeah because my cousins are very talented in the music field anyhow i remember my mom would always say you want to go to a concert i can perform for you at home for free but i do remember there was this one time where my godmother took us to a musical that was in atlanta at that time it was the lion king musical and that was such a memorable experience because i'd never been to anything like that and there were just people dancing down the aisles with these huge puppets and it was it sounded incredible and i just fell in love with musicals in general like my family already loved musicals but after seeing that i just wanted to see more and more broadway musicals so all right so the very final question i think a good one to end on is what is the biggest struggle you overcame i think some of the biggest things i've ever struggled with in my life i went through a phase where i was very very very depressed um and that was really really hard i was suicidal at a point and it's something i don't really talk about a lot but i don't really know how i got out of it i think claire definitely helped me see i guess the point in life and a lot of joyful things that i was kind of missing and overlooking and for taking for granted and then recently within the past year i've gotten off of adderall so i have add or adhd and i would use that to help me focus and i've now gotten off of that which has been really hard but it's also been really good because i don't feel as addicted to something that um i guess would help me but it was also really hurting me just because i felt very reliant on it and then i think for me it's still a work in progress but trying not to think about either like hateful comments or people that just uh don't like me or don't like what i'm doing i think i've always struggled with that ever since i was a kid when i was bullied a lot for reasons that i just wasn't sure about and you know there are always going to be people who don't like me and it is really hard for me to get over these things because you know why wouldn't you want to be liked by most people yeah um and so like having chad help me with this journey and having him just go through all the youtube comments so that i don't ever have to see like the one bad comment that we get on videos has been really helpful but it's still a work in progress i'm definitely not i have not overcome it at all but i do want to overcome it someday but we are now going to continue the video with kind of like a day in the life and just kind of cook dinner with you guys and just spend the rest of the day enjoying a peaceful moment on a mountain in colorado so we have worked the day away and it is now time for dinner [Music] [Applause] [Music] all right claire what are we having tonight we are having a black truffle chicken linguini with olives and mushrooms [Music] wow [Music] [Applause] [Music] i have an order anyways i launched my spring collection of fiber art and paintings on my instagram today and people have been so kind and supportive and i'm just so excited because tomorrow's just gonna be order fulfillment day all right so we just decided that we're gonna keep this getting to know us thing going claire's looking up some questions yes so it's gonna be like a nighttime slumber party with your favorite people chad and claire all right so we've got some saucy who is more likely to questions and basically i'm gonna do like a countdown so i'm gonna say who's more likely to la la la and then you're either gonna point at yourself or at me okay and so it's like i'm gonna go three two one and that way we we will just we'll find out when the time comes yes who is most likely to eat expired food i didn't count down i guess it's me who is most likely to forget someone's name three two one chad never remembers anyone's name i'm very bad at that the chad can never remember anyone's name but his favorite thing to do anywhere is to look at someone's name tag and use their name in any sentence you can yeah like if someone's at you know a cash register or something he'll always say like thank you jeff or whatever yeah i just feel like it makes the person feel recognized who is most likely to get caught out on a lie three two one chad lies all the time i don't lie okay he says facts but they're not actually saying that they are facts i just say like i think this was founded in 1926 or whatever it was no you don't you just say like oh yeah that thing was founded this time and i'm like oh cool and then i like i quote him back on it he's like i don't think so i'm like you said that though that's true who is most likely to procrastinate three two one oh definitely back when like it was just chad doing the videos for like two videos it was always like the night before him scrambling like crazy and also all throughout college yep it was always i get so stressed watching you pull off a huge project in one night yeah i just lacked the motivation i really enjoyed my hobbies of biking and rolling around the house who is the most likely to lose their cool in an argument they're cool three two one oh really okay i think it's pretty even for the two of us because we both will just blow up yeah at random moments for like random reasons or you'll just suddenly raise your voice in mid conversation not even talking about fighting but like it's so funny because chad came from such a like no conflict household and i came from like a very much louder household that like sometimes when i'm talking i'll just suddenly talk really loud and he's just like oh my gosh who is the most likely to send back a meal in a restaurant three two one okay me i would never i was a waitress for many years and i would never do that to a waitress i will eat like anything despite like me cooking and like enjoying food i would never send food back to me it's true yes who is the most likely to stay calm during a crisis three two one depends on the crisis true i want to give myself credit if there was a legit crisis yes okay if there was like a legit crisis i can handle myself who is the most likely to laugh in the wrong place at the wrong time three two one yeah i've done that way too much like i get really nervous and then i start laughing and then it gets so awkward what was like a situation i know there was one time when they're drawing my blood and i hate it when people draw my blood and i was just laughing really hard they were taking like four tubes of blood because apparently i have very special blood they want to test who is most likely to read 50 books in a year three two one more likely not saying i would make it we don't read i would like to we barely even read the signs like the plaques we're like close to being illiterate oh my gosh i want to read i want to have audio books but it costs money so maybe i need to look for more we should start reading the signs yeah i just think you like exit science no i'm saying like national parks [Laughter] who is most likely to listen to classical music three two one my mom's side of the family really really enjoys classical music and a lot of them play classical instruments so i grew up listening to like mozart and beethoven and vivaldi every single night and apparently it makes you smarter but here we are illiterate not reading any books illiterate who is most likely to win in our running race three two one only chad depends how long the race is law i think i could run farther like i could get flying faster than you i think i think if you were really really no i think if you were super motivated yes you could run faster than me like if you were like i don't know man i thought you were gonna say that i would be able to go longer no because i have more commitment no you can be committed but you still have thalassemia my red blood cells won't keep up who is most likely to dye their hair green three two one you would dye your hair green yeah i guess i would too let's both dye our hair green who is most likely to gossip three two one chad is the king of gossip he loves oh yeah that's his favorite thing to talk about fun time all right very last question who is the most likely to cry at the end of a sad movie three two one of course i am it's just obvious chad is an emotional emotional intellect gotta add that we're illiterate well on that note we hope you guys got to know us a little bit better this is a really fun video to make and we will see you guys next time with probably a travel vlog yay bye [Music] you
Channel: Chad and Claire
Views: 17,270
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: ImhvM3s56XI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 53sec (1133 seconds)
Published: Sun May 02 2021
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