Get to know the cast | Blue Lights - BBC

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this is not sound really weird St ready what similarities do you in your character share both funny both a little bit maybe naive to the world Tommy takes a lot of pride in his work and I would like to think that I try and take pride on my work too yes yes Tommy come on we both have the same hair we're both really stubborn yeah I mean in a good way though you need to calm down don't tell me to calm down love food that's about it pork belly sausage rolls with capsicum and chili jam what would your dream pack lunch be I think it would just be like a picnic a bit of everything packet of cheese and onion stunning I would have like an XXL pickled onion like an actual crisp oh crisps crisp stunning you have to have a sandwich but what would you what what's going to be in the sandwich avocado H cheese tomato have you got any avocado on toast I could give you mushy peas and you could pretend it's avocado I always tell myself at the start of the gig I say to everybody I'm not eating chocolate for the whole duration of this shoot and then maybe what is it 3 or 4 days in I fall m canning if it was a chocolate bar he'd eat himself JZ we're going serious here I oo this is a heavy one this really deep question see like it kind of Tes you off guard a little bit therapy session on this job sleeping in was my greatest fear not hearing the alarm clock has that happened on this job absolutely not happened Mar absolutely not I'm a complete professional uniform 72 that's a rival being in a room full of rats that would be pretty scary my greatest Fe would be if I had to be a comedian and go on stage and make people laugh always puts the fear of God in Me yeah not being able to do blue lights anymore that really sad oh man that poor lad well this just going to sound really weird really to me but my dad can like fit 10 pound coins on his elbow and then he goes like that and he catches all the 10 pound coins so at a party sometimes I do that and the coins Go Everywhere I have never SE either I haven't done it here because I'm in work I don't want to put either sounds like fun oh I can do I can do the crab what's the crab huh do you know like the exorcism yeah yeah yeah yeah like when you're walking around like backwards I know Marty Marty would you Stevie yeah moski I love him so much I think I would just tell everything that would be me I think I have to agree with this yeah yours would be Stevie mine would be caring I think caring would be willing to like ban the rules a little bit to make sure he gets whatever he needs are you you know everything all right conable yeah super biggest mistake oh my God don't know what do you think got through like a full day of filming and my watch was on the wrong wrist oh yes I remember that remember it was all like oh my goodness Tommy's got his watch on the wrong wrist what are we going to do it's like a 30C pic pic yeah did I tell you about this oh we ordered coffees the delivery guy came he handed them over to me and he just went is everything okay is there an emergency here and I went no and he was like are you sure is everything okay and then I realized of course he was asking me that because I was in the police uniform and there was maybe four or five police cars and yeah you do forget that was probably a big g m and gold star
Channel: BBC
Views: 25,936
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: BBC iPlayer, United Kingdom, British TV, British TV Shows, Watch UK TV Online, Watch British TV Online, Watch British TV Shows Online
Id: -Of-oGqvi6Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 8sec (248 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 22 2024
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