Get Rid of Maggots INSTANTLY!! πŸ‘€πŸ˜³

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hey guys i wanted to hurry up real quick get this on video because i've been having maggots in my um trash can again you guys know i made a video of how to get rid of them with bleach which is really cool but the thing about it is our trash people don't come out for a couple days so i tried to bleach it killed them that day but they came back so now i'm about to use boiling hot water so guys another way that you can be able to kill them with uh boiling hot water as well as insect repellent so like if you have something for mosquitoes try that and see if that worked but i'm going to show you guys how i'm about to get rid of them okay so what i did was i took my tea kettle and some hot water be careful guys not hurt yourself first get the one that's outside try to use as least water as possible because my little container ain't that big and what you want to do if you have any animals or whatever do not let them um come over here by the trash can especially with this being barbara and stuff so i'm just wearing it just pouring it inside of the trash can so guys again this is another way and you don't want to pour it directly on the trash because you don't want i don't know if it'll melt or not but i just put some hot water on the trash so it didn't melt so that's the question of the day for me was was my trash water and i'll be right back but you get to just so just again just put boiling hot water on it and it'll get rid of your maggots i hope everybody had a good fourth of july bye guys and put your make sure you're wearing gloves and i always like to wear my boots i don't know if y'all seen my crack boots i love them or some garden boots okay bye guys
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Keywords: how to get rid of maggots, how to instantly get rid of maggots, how to clean outside trash can, maggots removal, how to remove maggots, diy project, boiling hot water to kill maggots
Id: lwGYy8rb-3o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 9sec (129 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 05 2021
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