Get Ready With Me! DATING Q&A: How to be Classy and Elegant when dating! | HairVivi Wig Review

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hello my lovely elegant ladies i hope you are  all well today is a bit of a different video i'm   going to be answering your questions in relation  to dating romance marriage etc and i'm going to   be answering them whilst getting ready for a  date myself welcome back to another video my   name is vivienne i am the founder of woman of  elegance which is a platform that i've created   to help women globally become the most elegant  refined and sophisticated women that they can be getting ready for an elegance date i'm by no  means a makeup artist but i'm just going to be   taking you through my routine things that actually  work for me you can teach me a few things along   the way that would be great but i'm by no means  complex when it comes to my makeup i keep things   very very simple so it's not always  easy to be elegant especially   when you're dating because reasoning just tends to  go out the window and you stink with your hearts   you wear your heart on your sleeve but this  is a very easy way to get caught off guard and   this is not what i want you to do i want you to  always maintain your composure and always keep it   classy so forget about the 90-day rule and things  like that we are not going to discuss this here   i'm going to discuss with you how you can always  maintain that class when you're dating so once   i've got that even coverage across my eyelids  as well because that can kind of get creased too   i'm done with my priming i keep it very simple  when i'm going on a date when it comes to my   makeup because i don't want to come across as too  desperate i don't want to come across as eager   and i think this is a very good approach to  take you should always keep it natural because   the moment you start piling on the makeup  and just trying too hard it comes across   as desperate and that is not what you're  trying to go for always keep it natural and   that is what i'm doing at the moment so i've  just applied a primer onto my face because my   face is particularly oily so this helps my face to  mattify now i'm just going to go in with my eyes   my eyebrows and brush them towards the top of my  forehead so just give that a nice arch right there   okay there we have it then i am going to  slowly use my pencil to shade in the brow   there we have it just nice and simple  the first question is from don kangara   how do you elegantly end the relationship what  expectations should you enter a relationship with   and how emotional should women allow themselves  to be in a relationship so the first one is   how to elegantly end the relationship this is a  difficult one because there is no real easy way   to end the relationship but there's certainly  an elegant way to do it first of all don't do   it via text because texting always conveys a  different meaning to what you want it to convey   and it just comes across as you couldn't be  bothered and i don't think that's what an   elegant woman do she would always put effort into  things that she does and she's always intentional   so i think you should really approach it the way  you would want to be approached if a person was   to break up with you so now i'm going to use a  concealer brush with my concealer coats the brush   because my eyebrows aren't done i don't shave  my eyebrows i don't wax them or thread them or   anything like that i literally leave my eyebrows  natural i haven't done it in a very long time   so what i do is just use the concealer to hide the  excess hairs the hairs i don't want to be shown   and that will give me a nice arch like so so  you just blend that in so it just dissipates and   do that just gently take your time so you can  get a reasonably nice natural looking arch   remember the cold name here is natural because we  are naturally beautiful we don't want to mask it   and men do say this and i think it's a general  consensus that they don't like too much makeup   anyway well i mean it's very general some men  probably do but yeah they don't really like that   so to elegantly end the relationship i think that  you should do it in person i think you would like   the same done to you don't do it over the  phone again emotions are running high and   obviously it does depend on the nature of  a relationship if it was a very acrimonious   relationship then things are not going to  be easy and you probably don't want to be   in close proximity to him because you don't know  what can happen but if it was a relationship that   was a good one but it didn't work out  i think you should sit down with him   maybe over a lunch or something a cup of coffee  and explain your reasons and stand your ground do   not change your mind if you know that this is  not what you want anymore and it's a waste of   your time just end it in person always in person  same way you wouldn't expect your employer to fire   you over the phone they'll call you in and then  they'll discuss things with you simple as that   secondly she asked what expectations should  you enter a relationship with i think you   should have your expectations set i think you  should have your standards like i said but   don't expect too much because you'll just end up  being disappointed you should know what you want   and if you don't get it you should exit i don't  think you should lower your standards for anybody   i think it's important to have realistic standards  but if they are not met you can choose to stay or   you can choose to leave and thirdly she asks  how emotional should women allow themselves to   be in a relationship it's hard because we can't  really dictate how emotional we're going to be   we can't say okay today i'm going to be incredibly  emotional tomorrow not so much it's just something   that happens naturally and we can't fight it  it's just our genetic makeup it's just how we are   as women we are a lot more emotional we tend  to approach things in a more emotional way   so it's difficult but i do think that you should  not wear your heart on your sleeve especially   early on in the relationship because you can  really set yourself up for a disappointment   so now i'm going to go in with an eyeshadow this  is a very very very subtle eyeshadow it's nothing   that you can't really can really see because again  i don't really like the thick colors and i'm not   particularly good at applying makeup anyway i  hardly wear it i only wear it when i'm doing photo   shoots or when i'm shooting videos or going out  somewhere special i don't wear makeup to work or   shopping or anything like that because the thing  is one thing i don't like is when you don't wear   makeup and you and then you put it on and it's  a massive change it just looks a little bit odd   so in terms of emotions i think that you should be  smart i think you shouldn't be led with your heart   think logically and it's difficult to do this  especially when you're intimate with the person   quite early on and this is why i don't think  you should do this because once you start being   intimate with someone it doesn't matter what stage  you are in a relationship if it's not marriage   and you've already given your emotions away but  if you are not intimate and things don't work   out you've kind of left unscathed it didn't work  out it didn't work out you wasted a little bit of   your time but it is what it is but once you become  into older person and you start to rely on him   emotionally things kind of get sticky and you have  to be careful when it comes to things like that   so now i'm just going to apply some eyeliner  just a fel swoop right there a little flick at   the end i think it just looks a little bit nice  now i'm going to top it up using some mascara the next question is from the fasting vegan how  to stare the conversation so you can keep things   light but still get to know the guy  well enough to know if you would accept   a second date this is a good one actually i think  that if you go in too heavy at the beginning   you could risk chasing the man away  um conversation to keep things light   remember why you're there so first of all i don't  think you should just talk about irrelevant things   i think you should subtly ask questions that  are meaningful but in a light-hearted way for   example questions like if money were no objects  what would you do just little things like that   to keep things light-hearted but by asking  those kind of questions you kind of ascertain   what his mindset is and what his goals are  the moment you start asking questions like   how many children do you want or what do you  envision your marriage to be like and things   like that you kind of go into new territory  so if you want to keep things light-hearted   you should stick to asking light-hearted questions  and nothing too deep but remember you're there to   see if you can take things to the next step  you're not just there to have fun or to just   entertain him if you are then that's completely  different but if you would like this to progress   into a relationship naturally then be smart with  your questions ask them in a light-hearted manner   but make sure you have a reason for asking them  so there we have it ladies my mascara has been   applied i won't be wearing any false eyelashes  because i really want to keep things natural   and beautiful the third question is from ivy on  edge how do you confidently ask what you want   when establishing a relationship with a man i seem  to just settle for anything because i don't really   know how to ask or i'm scared to say i really  enjoy luxury i think this is something that a   lot of women do have problems with i'm going to  go in with a little bit of concealer under my eye   to hide those unsightly bags because   i've been very busy and i've not been sleeping  naughty me and now i'm just going to use a brush   to blend that in okay this is actually a  foundation brush but i use it as a concealer brush i know an artist is as good as her tools but  sometimes you just have to improvise this has   it's quite a wide brush so i can spread it evenly  it doesn't really matter what you use anyway okay there you go the important point here is that  how do you confidently ask for what you want when   establishing a relationship with a man this is  where the issue is a lot of women when they're   just starting out on a relationship they say  i want this this this this and this and then   the man goes well hang on why should i even  think about investing with you when we've just   we're just establishing something we've not we've  not brought anything to the table we're just kind   of getting to know each other and i do understand  the frustration because it's like a man saying to   you just establishing a relationship with you and  saying okay well i want this this this this and   this if you don't give me these things then this  relationship is not going to work it doesn't work   like that think of it as a job interview you  make an application and you state exactly what   your skills are what your credentials are and why  you're good for the job and the interviewer will   call you if they think you're a good fit the same  thing when you are going into relationship you   have to know what you're bringing to the table you  need to know okay these are my qualities these are   my credentials and this is what i can bring to  make the relationship a success the moment you   just go in all guns blazing yes i'm the table and  this is what i want and this is what i should get   honestly ladies no matter what people tell you  it does not work like that i think the way you   behave the way you carry yourself with dignity  with respect of elegance that can really give off   the sense that you have high standards you don't  need to say what your standards are because   they're plain to see and it's up to the man  whether he wants to run with it or not and   she also says that i just seem to settle for  anything because i don't really know how to ask   you should know the kind of man you're dealing  with from the beginning does he have children   with multiple women does he have a job does  he have his own place what kind of men are you   going for to begin with if you're going for  these deadbeat men don't expect luxury don't   expect anything other than the same thing that  he's given to the women in the past it doesn't   work like that the type of man that you  choose shows whether you're settling or   not if you are going for the kind of men that i  just described then what else are you expecting   but if you're consistently going for men who  are of high value who respect themselves and are   useful members of society then you're likely to  get something in that category men are not stupid   i think they know what they can provide and what  they're willing to provide and what they can't and   i do also think that you attract who you are if  you are shabby if you don't look after yourself   if you don't look after your health if you don't  have a stable job or something you're doing then   you can't really expect to attract someone of a  high caliber you have to be the equates that's   just how it is i'm just using my trusted sponge  my beauty blender to evenly apply my foundation to   give me some even coverage as you can see there's  quite a demarcation between my foundation and the   concealer so you have to blend it in  properly so you can get that seamless look so there you have it ladies a very thin  application of foundation just to give me that   sultry silk look nothing caked it's a bit too much  but just the natural coverage is what i want as   you said here stop settling for anything have your  standards and look for men who will be able to   reach those standards or who are of that standard  stop settling because you can't start dating these   useless men and then all of a sudden you want a  man of a high caliber you have to know what you   want stop dating altogether if you don't seem  to be attracting the kind of man that you want   because you're wasting your time and you shouldn't  really have to say you enjoy luxury that should   speak for itself the way you carry yourself the  things you wear the kind of places you venture to   recreationally do you just go to the local  cinema or do you like to go to the opera or to   ballet or to these sophisticated events that  really speaks volumes so you shouldn't have to   say this your life should reverberate this you  shouldn't have to say i enjoy luxury because   if you're always venturing out to these elegant  places then it shows it shows itself that you   enjoy luxury and you enjoy sophistication now  i'm going to go in with some highlighter just to   highlight the top of my cheekbones something very  subtle very shimmery that the light will be able   to bounce off nothing too much again question  number four is from the bliss lady what do you   think about 50 50 relationships should a man be  a full provider or should each person provide   this is a very interesting question and i think  this is a question on a lot of women's minds today   i really do think it depends and i do think  it varies from culture to culture i know   in scandinavian countries they're  very big on equality so they do tend   to go 50 50. that's for sure but in other  countries for example countries in africa   or the indian subcontinent uh men do tend to  be the providers in relationships generally   i think in the western world in the uk this  obviously varies because of how cosmopolitan   and multi-cultural the uk is personally i'm all  for chivalry so i do think that the man should   be the provider growing up my dad was the provider  for everything my mom was a homemaker she was an   exceptional homemaker she made sure we wanted  for nothing my dad provided everything when it   came to the monetary things such as paying for the  bills and paying for food and everything so i grew   up with that dynamic and that's what i'm used to  but i do think times have changed dramatically and   not every time the woman is able to stay at home  whilst the man goes out to work especially if   he doesn't have a high paying job if he does  have a higher paying job i do think that it's   a nice balance for the woman to be a homemaker  and the man to be able to provide financially   it does probably sound a little bit archaic  to a lot of people but that is just my view   again if you're looking for a man to be a provider  which types of men are you dating which types of   man are you attracting are you attracted men  who haven't bothered to provide for their   previous children that don't see their previous  children are those the kind of men you're dating   well if that's the case then don't expect him to  provide anything for you you can't even feed his   kids but if you're dating high caliber man if  you are attracting high caliber men then that   probably be the norm for him to be able to provide  for his woman really just depends on the kind of   man that you are attracting so i'm carefully  now going to line my lip with a lip liner there we go cute and natural right it  rhymes with the way my mom used to do makeup   just very bish bash brush and there you go but   that is what i'm working with at the moment  and i just put some vaseline on my lips to   just kind of blend it in a bit i hate using  lip gloss it just makes my lips feel sticky there you have it you see ladies you don't need  too much do you so the next question is from   lydian how do you make a lasting impression  on a date but avoid being too much ladies i   think it's important to be yourself because if  you pretend it's going to come out very soon   sooner than you even think you'll be let  off guard be yourself there's a reason why   he chose you but he was attracted to you  and i think you should really be authentic   don't pretend don't play games it just it makes  you look mediocre and like i said the truth always   comes out in the end have a sense of humor i think  having a sense of humor always lightens things up   and it makes you memorable in that respect dress  elegantly if you dress provocatively then you are   really giving the impression that i want sex or i  want us to have a sexual kind of contact with each   other but if you dress elegantly and modestly  which is something that's quite rare nowadays   i think you can make a lasting impression that  way i think if you come across as sophisticated   and classy like i said this is something  that's rare i think that could help you make   a lasting impression honestly speaking i know it  probably sounds a little bit old-fashioned to you   but it works don't go in there with thick  thick makeup and these caterpillar lashes   and this attitude and looking all provocative  you don't need to do that go in there modestly   elegantly and i think you could really make  a lasting impression that way take it from me   ladies and a question from chocardi asks should  i make the first move on a guy if i'm interested   absolutely absolutely this is the 21st century  this is 2022 we don't wait for men to come to us   it this is a different dynamic men work women work  and there's so many opportunities for women to   meet men in the office at the gym uh at the cinema  what whatever it might be it's not like women   weren't allowed to go out on their own in the  18th century and they had to wait for men to call   on them it's a different dynamic now if you are  interested in a man absolutely make the first move   but keep it dignified keep it elegant and keep it  classy don't be desperate don't chase a man down   be subtle about it it's your eye contact it's  your body language men do pick up on these things   and there's nothing wrong with saying  there's this exhibition that i've seen   at a gallery i think you would really enjoy  it there's absolutely nothing wrong with that   it doesn't make you come across as desperate  never ever ever chase a man yes you can drop   subtle hints yes there's nothing wrong with  making the first move on initiating a date   but that is it because men detest women who chase  them desperately and trust me if you do that   he's going to take advantage of you he's going  to see that it's for free that you've given it   to him on a platter of silver and he's not going  to make any effort now that the makeup is done i   am going to go on to the hair and as you know i  do love wearing wigs i like that elongated look   and i have received this beautiful beautiful wig  from hair vivi now hair vivi have an incredible   range of high quality human hair virgin wigs and  i think that they're fabulous and the one that   they sent to me is so gorgeous i'm going to try  it on for you so you can have a look at what it   looks like the packaging is locked it's got this  kind of velvety feel to it here we have it in this   gorgeous silk pouch as you can see here vivi  there it's now here we are isn't that gorgeous   isn't she beautiful ladies introducing  this fabulous wig by hair vivi i'm going to   demonstrate to you how easy this is to install  i don't know about you but i absolutely hate   complicated things i hate putting glue on my  hair and all these things so i'm going to show   you that you can just literally put this wig on  and it would look so natural so for those of you   who are not familiar with lace wigs lace wigs are  really created to give the illusion that the hair   is growing from the scalp they are individually  tied in into a french or a swiss lace that you   would cut off at the front just to make it look  natural obviously but as you can see can you see   how intricate that detail is and this really  makes it look very natural it doesn't actually   look like a wig depending on how you apply it  it's got a very secure band there as you can see   that you can adjust to suit the tightness that  you want so you've got the adjustable band there   and if you want it super tight so you adjust it  all the way to the end and if you want it a little   bit loose you adjust it there you go and then you  have this really large comb at the back to give   you that extra security that you need when wearing  a wig okay so now i'm going to try it on for you   i'm not going to use any glue or anything like  that i absolutely hate it and i actually really   don't have time to do those things i'm going  to now cut around the perimeter of the wig as   close to the hairline as possible as you  see the the lace is lighter than my scalp   than my face so there's a very very easy way  to circumvent this what you just simply do   is dab it's using the foundation that you  use on your skin and dab it on the inside   of the wig and this will really create the  illusion that the hair is growing from your scalp   so there you have it ladies can you see i have  dyed the wig using my foundation so it gives it   a browner texture and a browner tone  which makes it look a lot more realistic   than if it were just the natural tin so this is  how easy it is you can just use your foundation   if you need to to color the lace just  tint it gently now i'm going to put it on so ladies there you have it a completely new  look old glue nothing it looks fabulous i   absolutely love it you can just play  about with the baby hairs with some gel   that you can just use to manipulate the edges  to give you more of a natural look what do   you think i think it's absolutely gorgeous  honestly i don't even need to do much to it   i'm just going to use my paddle brush brush  through it and you are literally ready to   go you can just manipulate the edges  to give you more of a realistic look   such as with gel but ultimately what  you're trying to achieve is the illusion of   scalp growth and i think i've really been  able to achieve that very easily with this wig   by hair vivi i really love the body of the wig and  the volume that it gives me i've had wigs in the   past that are just too thick and they're all over  the place but this is not like that this is so   simple it's just falls down my back elegantly  it's not too heavy and the quality is exceptional   and as you can see it has this pre-plucked  hairline because i don't really have time to go   in and pluck my hairline and do this and that and  glue it to my head because i just find that it's   really annoying but this one is just pre-plucked  and it's just it looks so natural doesn't it   it's it's gorgeous i think it's a worthwhile  investment they have different textures if you   like it curly if you like an afro texture if you  like it very long straight if you like it wavy   they have a huge selection look at the way  it just flows down wow it is gorgeous right   so ladies there you have it if you want to  purchase your very own hair vivi wig i will   leave an affiliate link in the description  box below please click that link to purchase   your very own wig ladies thank you very much  for watching and until next time bye for now
Channel: Woman Of Elegance
Views: 77,281
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to be classy and elegant when dating, how to be elegant woman, woman of elegance, how to look classy, how to be classy and sophisticated, Get Ready With Me, grwm, get ready with me date night, dating q&a, victoria sleek wig, hd lace, glueless wig, lace front wig, hd lace wig, hd lace wigs, hd lace closure, hairvivi, hairvivi wigs, hairvivi review, hairvivi wig, hairvivi wig review, how to wear a wig, look elegant, best wig for woman
Id: uq9YR9YD9N8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 2sec (1562 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 01 2022
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