Get Postman in your VSCode | 1st look

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so I was just chilling out reading something for an upcoming video yes folks we do learn For an upcoming video in fact there's a lot of learning that goes into it and just then I saw an email and I thought let's make a video Let's explore things together so in case you are a web developer this video is going to be really interesting if anybody of you is a web developer uh the the word Postman is really very familiar to all of us we all have used it if you have developed any kind of API or have tested any kind of API or even have just worked in the front end the postman is a go-to tool for everybody and yes there are alternate options uh for the inbuilt plugins for vs code and a lot of things but yes Postman is kind of a go-to tool for everybody and just right now let me show you I received an email so this is the email that I got that hey Postman is you got an early access of Postman vs code extension and I saw is it just me that got this extension or everybody then I went on to just searching for it and turns out it's available for everyone it's fairly new compared to how many developers actually use Postman 3000 is like nothing by the time you'll be watching this video it will be 10 000 or probably more just let me know in the comment section by the time you're watching this video how much is the download a figure there right now I'm just just curious to know about that so we have couple of contenders here that we can actually pull through I have created and started an app onto the server here on 4000 so that we can at least see what's happening how the request actually goes uh what fun we can have and I also have the classiest Thunder clients so thunderclient is actually the first among one of the first extension which actually probably pushed vs code to actually make an extension otherwise they were purely happy with their little bulky and a slow uh desktop application so it was not enjoying them much in the recent days but I have just installed it and the first thing that I noticed here is they look for sign in so I can use thunderclient without without giving any of my login credential information it just works out of the box let's try to make a request here let's try a new request so already my application is running so let me just actually copy and paste this so I have one other request let's see how does the request actually looks like on both of these clients and how does it work uh so I have this URL which is slash items items in which there is some response which I am getting uh so it's just a basic get request let's send this and yes I'm getting some of the requests so this is nice I can see Header information really nice cookies result docs I I really just need this much of it information I can definitely send my queries headers auth so all of this all of my Beta tokens everything is mentioned so a well thought out of plugin we all are aware about the client let's see the first thing that I noticed here is I have to sign in I have to sign in like what's the point of sign in come on give us an option like I want to just explore this there's no point of signing in so buy too much collection of the data anyways I'll give you on that I'll sign in I won't be like that so yeah open this up and it's saying signing you in so I already have an account and it should be just that's it so it opens up on the browser you sign in into your account I already have a postman account I just you get that so this is the basics of how it looks like let's close this one and let's see that if we are going to make the same HTTP request how the interface looks like this is the first time I'm actually seeing it so this says Untitled request can I change this nah now no way to change this and title request at least as of now uh let's see the URL let's say how does it looks like okay so we have a lot more uh okay looks good looks good and we have slash items okay what more I can do here so let me close this one okay I will get a response here the key is query parameters all right authorization no auth basic plr token all right looks good headers buddy do we have form data yeah we have Farm data we can send images as well and we have none okay Raw binary Json so almost all options are here so they are not cutting through any options uh prerequisites test settings support for settings is coming soon all right I'll give you that you are in beta so I'll give you that much let's send it all right so very familiar-ish kind of a looking syntax so compared to what we saw in the thunderclient it's it's almost looking like a postman so I can see it in raw prettier ah preview nice pretty yeah get me pretty cookies okay no cookies received from the server that's nice all the information that I want is here what do you do clear response okay all right so that's minimizing it text based results body okay okay let's see what else we have this is probably for reporting the bug log out uh more options workspace that's nice let's see I have collections let's try to set some environment variables okay and web it variable is not yet here okay uh I think now thunderclient is leading the way honest opinion uh but I think very soon the postman guys are gonna catch up they have a pretty big team uh compared to ThunderClan they are humongous as a team but this is good now I don't need to ask my students to install any pla any software or something I can just ask them to install an extension and pretty much anything and everything can be done within just the vs code I hope this doesn't makes vs code too bulky because that's one thing I'm worried about but anyways together we saw some stuff and we can just go and look for it all right so let's see what are the reviews right now reviews are always bad because people usually post reviews when they are unhappy which makes reviews very skewed so I don't really rely on the on that the sidebar layout is a copy of thundered client extension no this is how it is going to be because you need to have you have only limited options of how things needs to be done so it was expected requires you to login in to do anything which is not possible inside Dev environment which does not have internet connection yeah that that's a valid point so this one is a valid point this one I think is I think a fan base authentic line which is good which is good but I think this is valid also I didn't liked it why they asked me to log in so if Postman is watching this video uh Hey guys hey folks you are doing such an awesome job you are such a big company and asking for a login yikes I don't like it either give us a guest option or something this is I'm happy uh like what more you can do this is how the entirety of the API testing and everything works this is cool I like that now I have two options I can use this one I like this one actually better not the top bottom this is actually much easier because this is somewhat I don't know why but I like this kind of a layout do we have option to change layout here as well in the in this one do we have option to change the layout okay let's get this so can I change this nope I cannot change this no no right click nothing all right so this is your first look a fun video just to test out the things which will just shared to me all right so if you have any of your opinion let me know in the comment section let's see how how this war is going to end up this is all good for users at least all right let's catch up in another such video
Channel: Hitesh Choudhary
Views: 18,391
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Programming, python, javascript, devops, cloud
Id: zLdcmJDIXt8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 58sec (478 seconds)
Published: Tue May 16 2023
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