Get Option Set Text from Dataverse in Power Automate Flow

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everyone in this video we are going to discuss about the regarding power automate so basically in power automate what exactly I'm going to uh show about like if you go to our app when I'm creating a new record when creating record we can see the one of the options set this is the option set value so now in power automate flow I need to get this value so basically when you select this option set value you will get a value of this option set instead of pp1 pp2 like how I will show you how it will come so if you go to class and if you go to edit column so if you go here see so what exactly in this video we're going to discuss means we can get the option set text option T text from Microsoft data in power automate instead of value why because of I will show you now so if you go to the we can go and create one of the new flow go to the create go and create automation Cloud flow automated so I'm providing the name option set text value data so first we can take the V your row is added and modified from the Microsoft data ver so I'm I'm selecting this we can create the flow so when we select on that one you will see the screen like this so when a row is added modify delete we have the three options so I'm going to select the change type so whenever added deleted added mod something so as of making as a added and modified and table name I'm selecting my table name is student details scope I'm making as organization we have the four four types of why we going with the organization means in our organization if if anyone has created any for the recording that students details table or anyone has modified automatically this flow will trigger for example only user selected means I am the owner for this flow so if I if I create or any modify the record in students dat table then only this flow will triggering if any other person is doing it will not trigger this flow same like business unit and parent ches these are the our security rules using security rules we can provide the who is the person's going to the uh trigger this flow like if you example I'm selecting as business unit in already we have seted as in business unit particular person to see this one so we those person whenever they create any record or modify then only they can see the this flow will the trigger so as of making is organization if anyone can trigger this flow automatically if anyone has created any record automatically this flow will trigger so whenever uh this is our trigger point Main trigger point then we have a few more options show advanc options select columns filter rows delay and rers what is this means select columns example I have added as a modified also so means if we want to filter if you want this flow should trigger per particular field only means example I have the field as class so class as example we can go with the RO number if example if I change this RO number then only this flow should trigger like this means we can take the schema name of this field and you can select this and you can make it here so automatically whenever you modified in this record completely if you modify name or something this FL will not trigger when you modify RO number then only this FL will trigger that is the purpose of Select columns okay next filter rows even though we can filter the these particular records also example uh if you make it as a state code equal to Z mean status equal to active records only we can filter like that and delay until and run as the like just a minute run as like a fler modifying user row owner when you select as a row owner particular example this who is the record for this owner then that that time this flow will trigger modifier user flow owner when I when example this is Creator some of the person but the that flow will not trigger why because of we have mentioned as a flow owner so it means this flow who is created that person only it will work out so meanwhile we don't know these these two options no need these options depends upon our requirement we can go ahead these all the select columns depends upon so now our main concept is class for example I'm getting the value of class so we can go with the either compose option or insul variable so I'm going with the compos action we can get the output of the particular field whatever field you need we can get the output using this compos of data operation so if you go here when when I click on this you can see the dynamic content this is our Dynamic content you can make it as a static also but I need for dynamic because of particular when I create any record or any modified that particular person uh grade all I need to get that is the reason I'm going with the dynamic content so I'm going with the class now so if you see class and I have selected so now you can see what is the exact output we are going to get it here I'm saving this record so I'm now manually I'm testing this one because of as of now we can trigger it as automatical first time right I'm making as a manually automatic means when you C create a record any modifing auto I will show you that one also okay now I'm modifying the any field like I'm creating one record name some a BC because we have triggered manually right so example one something I'm selecting pp2 so this flow should trigger now see if you see your flow R successfully because we don't have any much steps right so immediately it has proceed so if you see here when I mention whatever the details added are also that's this a new create record so that's the way it is created one record so this is our table name whatever the details is there those details is whatever the we have filled those details it will be there here now we have selected pp2 so it should come this value we'll see it should come it will not come the text it will show as a value so now our main concept how to get the text value means pp2 so now we can go with the edit option click on new Step instead of this no need of so here I will do it I'm doing this one so before this I'm taking one step get a Rob so I'm selecting the table so this row ID above only already record is created so I'm taking unique identify that is our row ID so what is our unique identif it will come with the yes student details yes so particular row only it will come here and now I'm going here we'll get it we'll go with the expression in this we can take class from the get every first I have I'm sorry so in dyamic content I'm selecting class okay means this class also getting from the get so outputs of get and this is our schema name of the field so now so now for this schema name I'm adding the word expression formatted expression so if you see here this is our formatt expression 4 community. display. form value so now if you see outputs of get for that particular class schema namea so I'm saving now so again example I'm changing this in class now save it so if you go back our flow will automatically trigger because of we have mentioned already triggering points that added and modified so now again again I have modified this class so it should trigger automatically it is stick so we can right click on this and open link in new T so we can see the TR history of the power atom flow so floor and successfully get if you see here we you'll see all the details what entered and see here in get is taking the value but I need a text if you go here I will get the grade one exactly this is the way we can get the option set value text from data in my in our power atom flow thank you so much for watching and next video section I'm going to let us tell discuss about the same concept but how we can get the lookup value even the lookup also you'll get the go ID instead of text so we'll discuss in the next session
Channel: CRM Course Updates
Views: 25
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Id: a2a0asRhvyM
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Length: 11min 17sec (677 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 16 2024
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