Get On Up Movie CLIP - The Famous Flames (2014) - Chadwick Boseman Music Drama HD
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Channel: Movieclips Coming Soon
Views: 1,389,493
Rating: 4.9359155 out of 5
Keywords: movieclips, movie clips, movieclipstrailers, new trailers, trailers HD, hd, trailers, trailer, 2014, official, HD, Get on up, get on up clip, clip, scene, james brown, biography, james brown movie, chadwick boseman, musician, drama, music, singer, artist, tate taylor, david andrew nash, nelsan ellis, viola davis, octavia spencer, aunt honey, dan aykroyd, Craig robinson, performer, soul music, funky music, black musician, the famous flames
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 9sec (129 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 29 2014
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Thanks for the link!