Get More Bites With This Tip When Using Spinnerbaits And Chatterbaits!

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hey everyone welcome back to the channel thanks for tuning in for another episode today I've got a really good tip for you today anytime you're talking about a bait that has a skirt on it like the spinner bait maybe it's a vibrating jig maybe it's a swim jig in any case if it's got a skirt on it I've got some tips for you that will definitely help you catch a few more fish before I do get into that though I want to remind you that if you want to support my channel and you have not yet hit that subscriber button and you like my videos and you watch a regular basis please hit that subscribe button great way to support the channel also I've got a members only page so if you're looking for more content from me go to my YouTube homepage click the join button you can find out everything you need to know about that we give out uh several more tips on a monthly basis we've got a monthly live stream and you can have direct access to me so check that out and hopefully it's tips like this that keep you coming back to my Channel all right so let's talk a little bit about skirts most manufact facturers with their skirted baits have a standard stock skirt that's put on they ship it out and they do that for a couple of reasons one it looks the prettiest a nice full skirt looks great it helps sell the product two it's pretty expensive to do anything you can't just go make modifications to it and what I mean by that is if you were to hire somebody to come and actually trim the skirt up that costs time and that costs money because it it takes time the other thing is most manufacturers can't get skirts made to as uh to very fine specifications and what I mean by that is most skirt manufacturers require you take at least a half tab of so much skirt material and therefore you can't just say I want two strands of this I want this material I want to make it super short you get a skirt and that's what you get meaning you pick the colors out you pick the material out they put it together and ship it to you but you can't really get as Det detailed as you want and if you do find a place that does that again it's going to cost you a pretty penny so most manufacturers put a skirt on pretty similar to your standard jig skirts and they ship it out I would also add that because you're not limited or you are rather limited to the number of strands you can have most manufacturers tend to go a little bit heavier because they want to have multiple colors and every time you add a color it's generally at least a half a half tab of skirt material which means with just say two or three or three colors all s your skirt gets pretty thick well I'm here to tell you that a thick skirt is not what you want and any of these moving baits your swim jigs your spinner baits your vibrating jigs you generally want to have a much thinner skirt now like I said most manufacturers don't do this there are a couple that are really good at trimming their skirts tight rope is one of them just to show you this one I'm GNA take it right out the new out of a new package and they really package them well in here but I just want to show you kind of what I mean so this skirt looks fantastic out of the package there's a couple of reasons why it's thinned out in the middle it's got different lengths already and see how good that skirt flows if I were to compare it just to a stock skirt you're going to get way more movement out of this than you will a standard stock thick skirt so our goal is to try to make our skirt look much more similar to the tight RPP bite getter here so what am I going to do first couple things I'm going to do I'm going to shorten the length up if you shorten the skirt strands they stand up taller meaning there's weight down here so if I trim the skirt generally I'm going to trim it so it's say about a half inch I'm always going to do it on an angle as well and I'm just going to trim it well you'll automatically see is the skirt wants to puff up because there's less weight pulling these strands down so that's the first thing I'm going to do the next thing I'm going to do is I'm going to actually cut out half the material from the inside of the skirt so you've got a top and a bottom part of the skirt I'm going to go on the inside and I'm going to trim just big chunks out of the middle because I don't want a big bulky skirt in the middle and there's two reasons for that when I remove move a bunch of the skirt material it there's going to be less material for it to hit on so that each skirt strand can actually swim better flows better it flutters better the other reason I'm doing that is because if I want to put a trailer on the skirt material if it runs down the trailer if your trailer's got a flapper on it or it's got a boot tail on it if that skirt material is coming in contact with it you're actually going to lose motion out of those Flappers or out of that boot tail so I'm going to trim it just down like that and right off the bat you can see how much material I've taken out how thin it's gotten and how much that skirt wants to flare up I assure you when this is in the water your strands will flutter much better it looks much more natural and realistic versus a big bulky trailer skirt that just comes through the water just looking like a big bulky skirt that's not what you want you want your bait to be flowing and moving just like that skirt's going to do you know don't worry about having a straight line across you don't actually want that because again that's not nearly as realistic but you do this to your chatter baits you do it to your swim jigs you do it to your spinner baits and you will find that you get much more motion the other thing that's cool about it too I've made a much smaller Strike Zone meaning the fish has less material to key in on you end up getting less short strikes because instead of having material down to here the fish comes up and they're going to be biting exactly where the Hook is so it really is something that the majority of top uh swim jig fishermen spinnerbait fishermen and vibrating jig fishermen are doing to their baits they're not often talking about it very simple thing to do very quick uh easy adjustment but it makes a very very big difference give it a try if you've got some spinner baits that need some trimming up do it look at how different it looks in the water it looks so much better anyways I hope this is helpful if it was guys hit the like button subscribe to the channel if you haven't done so already stay tuned new video coming out tomorrow
Channel: Matt Stefan Fishing
Views: 5,063
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bassfishing, bassmaster, topwater, crankbait, swimbait, spottedbass, fishing, fishingtip, fishingtips, bassfishingtip, bassfishingtips, largemouthbass, largemouth, smallmouthbass, smallmouth, bassmasters, fishingtournament, fishingvideo, chatterbait, spinnerbait, wormfishing, jigskipping, swimbaitfishing, crankbaitfishing, bass fishing, hover rig, hover strolling, retrieve video, squarebill, jig fishing, finesse swimbait, power switch, damiki rig, prespawn, flipping, pitching, core tackle, swim jig, TUSH
Id: JP35nykSSSA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 43sec (403 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 25 2024
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