Get in the Santa Cruz Team Van! Til The End And Beyond Tour: Australia 2019

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[Music] na-gee-ram-ba oh I see let's go [Applause] [Music] it's my first time in Australia and I'm [ __ ] yeah so we all flew in around 7:00 7:30 this morning some people six some people we've an earlier came straight here just moving our legs you know I get the blood going today can't be all cramped up after a 20-hour flight you know just hop right into it I think it's like most of the squad's first trip out to Oz it's gonna be pretty sick to see everybody else you know hungry for the first time you know skate the park state the spots the spots everywhere everybody does the back on 80 switch front Kirk on this thing it's notorious for that I'm gonna try to do it that today is our first day here in Australia went skating right off right when we landed went skating like eight o'clock this morning about from the airport yeah so I've been here three times now so I'm kind of excited cuz like I said Henry hasn't been here before so I want to take him Tallis gnarly Street spots like I know where they're at so I can't wait to do that the guy's a pretty strong picked that thing up I think doesn't want me to pick it up that was even better dude that was so sick I knew lies when I pop [Music] [Music] [Music] it was for you got no damn it [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] this is the exact shot of the windows 95 screen saver back problems Yasin it was shot in Australia right here at this point in the portrait the screens and windows - Avery was shot in sumona Valley California give those birds man there was gnarly we called the bin chickens here so I just like living in the bin apparently Ben is the trash can until the garbage cans call have been out here so the Ben tunes I took a whole spoonful of Vegemite and it was pretty gnarly but you just ate it straight off the spoon ya know like toaster cracker oh yeah that was gnarly oh and said that's a delicacy that's a probably enjoy now you really live thank you now I got to try it the real way with some toast ya later your boards wave flies so they don't have to yeah don't scratched up pretty good setup you know hand me out baby day to hope they don't fall off actually all that's fallen in this oh [ __ ] told you what [Music] well the day started for me I was on a plane like half awake I'm half asleep at the same time stop is it death yes first time really [ __ ] even on this side of the world yeah you're Dean I want to see fan guru but I want to see the big swole one that was on Instagram kangaroo jack that [ __ ] square up and see if he's really bout it so that's a pineapple yep yellow red back red backer and then a blue swimmer and I don't have a father who keeps lives more people yep pigs eyes are saying that's how Jake [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] yes thank you hell yeah oh yeah [Music] [Applause] day one for day two I didn't know man it's like how many days good turnout a lot of people kids right I was like skating and honestly the only tricks I landed were when I close my eyes and like forgot I was skating kids like dude didn't even feel like my feet I was like doing kick flips Mike I wasn't my kick was it was things hitting different Down Under Sydney so far I've only been here for a few hours but like just looks so good so we'll see we'll see how tomorrow goes ready to go to bed boom over [Music] yeah lip balm [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [ __ ] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] awesome Maz has been a [ __ ] key triggers [Music] we had party van and we had business meeting I'm not really sure what the other van was it was like just all that dolt sin when vain and then we had Karen me Jesse Henry was sick inspire we're revving it up night our vans together watch with this Golden Gate I'm sure you know I I give you this bed you might sometimes my pleasure thank you kind sir oh it smells in Australia [Music] [Applause] [Music] I got tara misu ketchup is not the right sauce [Music] this thing is sick their parts here are amazing I had say something and then he came back he was pointing music hey guess what he's Spanish [Music] they're skating the you pipe it's pretty nice the you pipe that was in Canberra that spot you know I seen Grant skated I've seen a few other people skate it just like snow seeing that first one was so sick you know yeah same that you pipe was pretty sick like that stood out to me the most [Laughter] scary he tried to go to heaven anyone the other way yeah we drove from Sydney to Melbourne and we like broke the drive up in the middle we went to a Canberra we met the student cons who he was the [ __ ] he was so like he was just funny as hell and like drove us around and was just like [ __ ] around the whole time conscious [ __ ] yeah well that was crazy we decide like last second we're gonna stop in Canberra and go and skate these spots and just like yeah go see the driver here I was kind of like hearing those singers like they might be over here like I want to go to a kangaroo sanctuary in a sanctuary trying to find some kangaroos I don't know where to put they're out there no first thing when you get Doster everyone wants to see a kangaroo and then they're like hard to find but then once you find him they're everywhere seems after that Hey look at he's gonna kangaroo before huh no thumbs all right now they're so sick they walked about like a hundred feet salt fifty kangaroos yeah about thirty to fifty them [ __ ] over crazy sit around just chillin you got a mine ride day and then you got that big bass so they sort of just hanging a ten-year-old tolling huh this is big pack they don't jump how I fell they jumped they kind of like I don't know they used like their back a lot I was expecting yeah yeah they're pretty crazy it looks off friendly [ __ ] so okay last time you saw kangaroo you know ia had this him you know so I'm so stoked very buddy yeah let's like check up off the bucket list type thing oh I've cons the best yeah he's definitely an ambassador's skateboarding here I saw biggest kangaroo it was so big that we had to pull over and I saw the size of this dude I mean this thing was brawling like you could see the muscles pulsating on it this thing was huge [Music] keep the [ __ ] tomato Oh easy yeah the yay was nice always check both ways man hours forget that cool for unis and it's like very from that I was trying to honestly I couldn't take away your attitude oh my god those things are so good those people are like welcome in Melbourne Australia we currently have packed noseblunt slides we have beautiful weather it's a crisp 60 to 63 degrees outside today slightly overcast but that's alright things will blue in up as the day goes on look around you see the trees swaying birds chirping the people smiling it's really nice out here I've never been to Australia when Hisle takes me about this trip my answer is just say yeah like you know even know what we were doing here was it a film trip demo trip anything it's just like I'm going hey figure it out from there before we're flying out here hurt my knee back home it was four days before Australia so I didn't skate the whole time until that day I got off the plane and I could still feel it a little bit but at like Waterloo Park it felt fine I think we filmed some Instagram stuff but throughout that day it was like progressively getting more sore and more annoying so that kind of burned the next like three days or four days of the trip for me asking the first day and then didn't skate for like four days because of that and it sucked [Music] the home in loves them shout out damn that's crazy dance and top 10 all-time that's fans of name [Music] [Music] [Music] I could have followed it I could have been so bad [Music] [Music] where we are right now we're in Melbourne Australia OCD skate shop [ __ ] killin em prize [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] now I'm like how you're treating me like we had a little intervention don't worry [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] yeah I was able to state two days in a row and it's feeling good hopefully the rest of the trip smooth sailing from here just glad I'm good now I think you just needed those extra days the rest I could still feel right now but it's skateable you know [Music] [Music] [Music] that's all day baby [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [ __ ] 600 of Lawrence what your newborn yeah I need you weren't even a mine neither [Music] [Music] when I want [Music] how far did you come down yeah and no one else came milligram one two three yeah we're at Yellow Bird out in Melbourne and when Jesse has some beers he levels up you know you've all keen levels up he rolls into raspy into red and when he involves in the red he just kind of goes crazy he sat next to me I don't know what was said like a fight in my head is fooling dick a chunk and broke skin on my head didn't make me bleed but he like broke skin I like whoa this dude is fired up like Jake was not happy I was not Oh hungover they got a watermelon because I thought I would be hydrated from it and then I was eating it aggressively and then I kind of lost control and next thing you know smash it over my head [Laughter] never seen all I realize I've refreshed Jessie's sick you know he's always fired up always down for a good time he'll skate anything so it's super SIG's always fired up [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] they said Louie [Applause] [Music] baby [Music] got this badass bolo over here I'm stoked to be skating and it's going to continue to be doing for the next couple hours while everyone else goes and skates the street course [Music] I'll tell you man [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] a t-shirt cannon has attached a huge tank of propane and this thing is gonna shoot giant t-shirts skateboards whatever you want this is gonna be insane all right we're about to fire off the t-shirt cannon and we're also about to do a product toss hey it's not a real two [Music] so hope you like running again because this guy's just gonna throw this thing as far as you can today we're going down the st. Kilda skatepark and grab breakfast for the kids the minute we got off the plane we've been skating the entire time morning noon and night hiren is gonna be ridiculously good at skateboarding I mean he already is but like you 15 that's what I mean you know signing the beach today boys so me and Jesse were trying to get doubles around the corner Smith trying to him doing nosegrind down Popoff but I messed up the Smith grind slid out and I was like trying to get out of Jesse's way so badly and I just see him go I smoked him oh I just like looked up any was down yeah I thought I dislocated it because it felt really weak and like I thought it kind of go like that yeah I thought oh I thought I [ __ ] him up I thought I might really hurt him it's a big bit of meat fun and a little little fella smash to squash it like a pancake but nothing really happened too bad just a bit of bruising got back off when we got the clip he's a very resilient little fella he is very resilient if you're a new subset because skin care and actually you guys got the sunscreen on [Applause] the watermelon challenge the quickest smash on wins all right on your marks get set go oh man let it break you guys good job ray you got the pocket you get the 12 there you go hey good job make sure you challenge someone else to pass the challenge get the watermelons firing good job guys yo yo yo yo on the oysters we're gonna eat them fry them up in the toaster maybe steam them or something this one's not looking so good actually [Music] I'm pissed I always change those you know penguins in no-burn and then the last day were there you know wake up the next morning breeze like he's paying with video oh it was right there like these adorable one foot tall penguins like that I didn't get to see him but if you like that sometimes shut up you saw the Penguins yeah I [ __ ] right I did [Music] [Applause] mr. rat he's here in spirit [Music] Savas in 1859 by the British because they were mainly fearing that the French would set up a colony [Music] we're gonna first we're out flying again [Music] we're going to Spain [Music] we're going to Pearl born was walking amazing had a blast I'd like to take you guys to my crib you know we got security just making sure everything's going I told a PUD toll [Music] all the Bulls are here so good [Music] Oh [Music] Hey you're crazy okay go Jake's on my favorite people here a hit a holla keep you tripod man for dancin yeah so hard to do it kind of dude I'm over that actually they hit me three times all right down I don't know he's funny I love him I love going on trips with him every time it's like he just brings an energy and watching that dude skating person is like it's like one of my favorite things probably cuz I can't really relate to it at all like watching him rip a bowl but it's like [ __ ] amazing mara 10 Australian dollars ok ground obviously first sure let's see we're breaking [ __ ] breaking stuff when is not like y'all have to feel guilty for breaking it Oh what is that thing golden gate time is another one or what went on to the Hoenn I need that I'm gonna just say Eric [ __ ] dressing he's the man [Applause] Eric was firing it up last night iPhone was terrified watching them skate he was getting gnarly yeah very nice full speed pump around the bowl is the whip in his body out like wow powerhouse yeah any time dressing drops into a bowl or just start skating I get so fired up pulling up the tail ought to you know Lulu the tail block was fired he's like 50 and skating amazing and still just has that same love that he's always had you know it's not just change one you get people screaming I love you [Applause] five [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] like scooter like two years I saw like the Santa Cruz team and I wanted do that we actually bumped into them at a fall before and I was so scared to meet them it's just so nice to talk to them to stuff it was safe like seeing them not for my videos and seeing them in real life just means a lot to me you know because I know I'm like I'm still that skate fan you know I found out on other pro skateboarders and that how people like appreciate me and my skateboarding and my boards it means the world to me [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] do that [Music] [Music] and that was sick as [ __ ] kept looking back and there is more people walk people more people all right just give to me just get it just give to me yeah I just hung it up in my room before I came on this trip it's such a sake board last demo was a great time I wish I could have skated but just had a good time shaking hands with everybody it was fun Perth is the [ __ ] shout out everybody in Perth [Music] [Applause] these are my favorite to watch [Applause] for coming out there has been a great turnout every demo and the people are like stoked I love how different the team is it brings different like sorts of people out you know brings like people who want to see me skate a Ledge or people who want to see dress in [ __ ] you know frontside grind in a bowl like or all the new dude it's like people from all over the place there any part of skateboarding can relate to Santa Cruz it's [ __ ] sick I just wanna you know think Santa Cruz Australia for bringing us out it's great to meet new friends and see like old friends it is like being back home like home away from home oh I've had a great time very lucky to be involved with Santa Cruz and it's good to share people's first experiences all that good kangaroo hunting cuz I see it all the time I forget I like oh there's some kangaroos whatever but I like to share that with you guys that's stark it's like oh that is actually pretty sick kind of remember how sick stuff is you know it's just so much [ __ ] I never knew about Australia that I'm learning every day that we're here just all these are new things you know so it's pretty tight yeah I reckon it was a very successful trip everybody got good clips I think everybody loved it Australia was super sick saw some sick [ __ ] sick animals culture lifestyles the whole the whole nine yards you know so sick Australia has been a [ __ ] blast I cannot thank everybody enough we got us out here because who used to come to Australia for skateboarding like it's pretty [ __ ] special right it's amazing what I do I wouldn't wooden toy it it was just insane just more like skate tourism you know [ __ ] that I never thought I'd ever see in person and I had the opportunity to see it and skate it and [ __ ] it's like it's insane to me that I was I had that chance you know that's it yeah you're right thank you loss thank you everybody oh sorry okay this drain right here I love you guys I'll miss you guys goodbye watermelon challenge hashtag like subscribe press the subscribe button above my head right now stay tuned for more watermelon action down on Santa Cruz thank you [Music]
Channel: Santa Cruz Skateboards
Views: 99,815
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sc, santa cruz, scskate, santa cruz skateboards, screaming hand, eric dressen, Tom Asta, henry gartland, australia, oz, santa, cruz, maurio mccoy, aimee massie, jesse noonan, kieran woolley, jake wooten, get in the van, skate trip, skate demo, skate tour, skateboard demo, skate spot, spot hunt, magic trick, fun, friends, travel, skateboarding, eric palozzolo, joe perrin, andrew cannon, santa cruz skate, 411vm, 411, jenkem, thrasher, transworld
Id: 5cEij99ULTg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 3sec (3423 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 15 2019
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