Get Foundry Virtual Tabletop Up and Running Fast | Port Forwarding Guide

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hi are you ready to use Foundry vtt as your virtual tabletop of choice maybe a little Factory curious maybe you're just sick and tired of paying every month to play D D with your friends well that's the case you've come to the right place I'm Tim and I'll get you up and running your Foundry vtt faster than you can pronounce the word neblin there's neblin it's very needling deep gnomes now before we get too deep in the weeds let's go over a few basic things first and foremost what is Foundry oh Foundry is a virtual tabletop that has a pay once play Forever subscription model not a subscription model at that point is it it has a pay once play Forever licensing model which means you buy the license for 50 bucks from the website and you and your friends can play as much as you want you don't have to pay a monthly fee for storage or bandwidth or anything like that which is awesome but they don't handle the hosting of the app which means you're kind of left in the wind when it comes to where to run the app that's okay that's what we're here to fix today let's hop over to the computer and figure out how to do this so before we get started let's kind of go over what we need first and easy is a computer of some sort Fender Sports Windows Mac and Linux I'm on a Windows machine so let's go over that Mac and Linux they have pretty good instructions online I'll just like all the instructions actually in the comments below they're actually surprisingly good um okay so uh first thing you will need to do is go ahead and make a account at once you have done that you'll need to buy a license it's 50 bucks right now that may change in the future but as far as I know it's kind of always been 50 bucks let's go ahead and pick that up and after you've done all that you'll hop back to Foundry go to your account page and then hop down to uh purchased licenses and right here you'll have the option to go ahead and download the software so for me it's Windows I'll just leave it as default your Mac and Linux options I'm just going to leave the release as is that's fine and hit download and once that's downloaded go ahead and open it I don't know what to do here so destination folder so this will also be your default um location your modules and assets basically everything you load into Foundry will be saved here by default you can change that later um or you can go ahead and change it now just set it to maybe an external a secondary hard drive not your main boot drive wherever you want to and like I said you can change that later uh but for now we're just gonna leave this as defaults all right um so that actually took a couple of minutes but once you're finally done go ahead and just leave uh run Foundry checked and then finish that and I'll get Foundry up and running here for the first time awesome so uh yeah this is it um so it's basically broken down into uh several options so you have your game systems which are obviously like your rule sets and your um modules and stuff like that things you used to play the games then your game worlds which are like the self-contained games themselves and you know add-on modules for your fun your funky Dice and things like that uh so for now let's just make a little test world so we'll just go to uh install system and I've been playing DCC a lot done recall Classics I'm just going to install this right here and just like that it's done I mean you can install I mean 5e uh fourth edition they have everything Shadowrun fifth edition yeah so they have a ton of stuff um some of these are usually free to install uh but they have like certain things you can buy like add-ons um that'll cost x amount of dollars another DCC one I'm using has uh basically the you can use it use it as a as a DCC module uh to run the game but if you pay some money you can import the rule books and everything to have them there instead of having to switch back and forth so that's just a like uh quality of life Improvement but not strictly necessary all right so now we have that one just go over to game worlds here oh create world uh we'll just call it test for now you see a saved in data worlds test so basically every world will have its own folder to save all your good stuff in exchange the background image here just have a little bit of fun to splash page you can do a description all that good stuff you know if you are bold enough you can go ahead and create a time to start your next session all this stuff can be edited later obviously create world I forgot to uh set the game system so that's one so we just installed dungeon called Classics so all your systems will be there in the drop down try that again great world and there you go and we'll just go ahead and launch the world uh there's no other players added so I just log in as game master and we haven't set a default password I'm not gonna get too deep in the weeds when it comes to actually installing and running her and when it comes to actually running a Foundry game um there's a ton of great resources out there for this this is really just kind of how to get you up and running and then you can after the races to go figure out how you want to use it um and yeah so this is it right um this is kind of how the starting page is uh which is awesome except for uh no one outside of your network can currently connect to your computer so what that means is we're going to set up port forwarding which is scary to some people it's really not that bad um it's going to be a little different for each everybody's system but um I'm gonna walk you through how to do it on my system yours is going to look different but the concepts are going to be the same so um yeah let's go ahead and get that going right now uh so first thing you need to do is figure out your computer's private IP address that basically means what IP address your network has given to your computer and we need to do this because we're going to have to static it uh so we're gonna have to make sure it doesn't change uh so let's go to start menu type in CMD open up your command prompt and we're just going to type in ipconfig and here we have uh I've got a bunch of extra stuff but yours is going to be so right now it's my ethernet adapter I'm currently wired as my main adapter if you're on Wi-Fi you'll have like a Wi-Fi adapter same information basically the things you want to care about are your ipv4 address so mine's 192.168 1.8 and your default gateway one on two one six eight one dot one um yours will be different or they might be the same but probably they're different um so first off we need to static our private IP address um on this is on a Windows machine I don't know how to do automatic Linux if you're on Linux you already know how to do this stuff I'm just going to go ahead and say that right now you probably don't even need to watch this video um for a Windows machine go to control panel there's a ton of different ways to do this but this is how I do it uh go to network internet Network and Sharing centers and then this right here that's going to be what you're uh currently using as your primary Uplink your connection to the Internet so just gonna click on that and then go to properties uh and you want to go to the the Internet Protocol version four of your ipv4 settings right click on or just go to uh properties on that one and most likely this is what your current uh setup will look like it's getting its IP address and domain or DNS server from your router basically it automatically pulls it you don't have to think about it that's great um however we make sure you need to make sure it doesn't change occasionally you're um if your computer is shut down for a certain amount of time or the lease on your IP address expires it will pull a new IP address and that'll kind of Break Stuff when it comes to port forwarding so let's go ahead and just set this now since we know for a fact nothing else is using this IP address other than your current computer I'm just going to set it to that one two one six eight one dot eight subnet mask can you see right about here is 255-255-2550 24 if you're nasty and the default gateway 102 168 1.1 so that's your location of your uh your internet gateway it's also going to be your router's IP address which we'll need to get into in a second um hi Tim from the future uh I screwed up I forgot to mention to uh when you're setting your public static IP address or your private static IP address you got to change your DNS server um DNS is basically think of it like a phone book when you're looking for certain addresses if your computer does know how to get to there it'll reach out to this server and get the information um what you can do uh so you can just use Google's public DNS which is and I think the other one is for the alternate um so you just set that so here let's do eight oops eight eight and then I got eight that's four that's four I think I'm pretty sure that's it so I have internet again I can double check okay uh provider redundancies all right fun fact OBS does not like it when you change your public IP address while it's running or private IP address while it's recording stuff anyway we're good um so yeah so you're private IP address is now static and the only reason like I said we're doing this is in case you lose your lease expires and your current IP address and you lose it and you basically you pull a new private IP address not the end of the world it just kind of messes stuff up and it's something you got another thing you have to look out for uh if you're having issues to troubleshoot great okay so now that we did that uh we need to go to your router's public or your router's internet interface and to go to there it's going to be your default gateway so mine's 192 what's okay 1.1 and we'll just go to the old Chrome now let's go ahead and open this back up I'm already logged into where I need to be um so I'm running a Netgear r6400 V2 is my router um yours is going to look different Netgear stuff actually kind of always looks more or less like this um but it's going to be the same process no matter what you're using it's just probably the menu is going to look different and it's going to be in a different place if you've never logged into your router before if this is the first time you've done this you'll need to have a username and password and it's usually printed on a sticker on the router somewhere so if you go find that look around on the router there's going to be a sticker there with a uh the username and password username is pretty probably admin password though is going to be randomly generated so grab that and uh go ahead and log in here and so you need to find your port forwarding menu option so for me it's under advanced settings Advanced setup port forwarding back in type okay um and yeah so here's what mine looks like I said yours look different uh but process is going to be the same so just leave this port forwarding um first service name is actually going to be a custom service so what we can do is add custom service here um and so this is going to be your service names name it whatever we want let's call it Foundry uh you're gonna go ahead and leave it as TCP and UDP I'm not sure what port it is I think it probably needs both so external Port range um so this is all right so broadly speaking what port forwarding is um everyone has a public IP address but most of the time people your your router or your firewall will automatically block all incoming connections so if anyone just types in your public IP address randomly nothing's gonna happen uh this will allow a very small sliver of that traffic and from the public internet to your local machine now it's not a hundred percent safe not doing this at all is way safer than doing it that's just a fact but I'm an ID professional I do this crap all the time it's you're gonna be okay especially when you're just connecting it to this one service you're not letting it into your whole computer you're just letting it into using Foundry on its own specific Port um so I'm not going to say there's no risk but there's such little risk that honestly you don't need to worry about it um so there's two ways we can do this we can either just leave it on this normal Port uh so foundry's default Port is 30 000. we could change that in the settings but we're just going to leave it as default for now and then so you're basically your players would type in your public IP address colon 30 000 to get to Port 30 000. would it works or we could do it as Port 80. so 80 is the default HTTP traffic Port so basically all normal internet connection that's not secured meaning it doesn't have an SSL certificate um goes over Port 80. so this is going to say oh uh traffic coming into your public IP address on Port 80. so that's just typing in the IP address into the search bar without changing anything it's going to get redirected to Port 30 000 which is the pub the port that Foundry uses and here we need to do the uh your static IP address of your server or whatever computer is running Foundry so mine's 19168.1.8 and we will hit apply that's it that's all there is to it so right now um getting your public IP address will for that traffic so someone typing your public IP address will forward that traffic to Port thirty thousand on to this particular host for right now this is our computer running Foundry so it's kind of complicated but here I'll show you how it works so you gotta find your public IP address you can literally just Google what's my and then you know for that one uh 47 minus currently 47 199.79.9 or 76.9 uh This is Gonna Change I'm going to make sure I change this um so once you have that you're kind of good to go so all you can do is just tell your players hey when you're ready to connect go online type in your public IP and yeah there we go so uh this is your Foundry login screen same thing we're just on um so you have sold actually logged in locally um yeah and then you can set up for players and just have them connect to this um if you're still worried about security um this is only actually running when your Foundry software is up and running so when you're not using it or after you're done with your session just close that and now it will no longer accept traffic on that Port so I can try to go to my IP address again and it's just going to bomb out so like I said pretty damn safe you'll be okay um and yeah that's kind of it so uh now that you have a Foundry server or Foundry service on your computer up and running people can connect to it automatically automatically but people can can connect to it from the internet um yeah you're kind of ready to go that's all you really need and now you can start messing around with all the cool features Foundry has and uh figure out what you want to do um I hope that's helpful if you have any questions please post them below I will get to you if I can and uh thanks for watching goodbye
Channel: Figure It Out Tim
Views: 14,111
Rating: undefined out of 5
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Length: 15min 22sec (922 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 18 2022
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