Get Dropdown List Value using Power Automate | Power Automate Tutorial

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welcome to RPM in this video we'll discuss  about a very interesting topic to extract   data from drop down list or to get list  of drop-down values using Microsoft power   watermel to understand in detail please be  available from start to end of this review   I will explain you a very detailed topic bye  using Microsoft power automate now get started   let's understand what is the drop down and what's  the values are whenever we are navigating into   the input form sometimes we have found there are  several drop down created within the form if I   want to extract these values using Microsoft for  automation how we will do it so drop down always   contains some value or sometimes these values  are more than fifteen hundred or thousand so   if you want to extract these details then we have  to use some spatial tactics which I will show you   here so before proceeding further let's run the  slope and see the result then we'll delete and   perform the practical within this video so let  me run this code here this will navigate it to   the browser it will launch the code and it  will extract whatever rules we have within   the data and save into the list and then this will  close our browser so if you double click on this   options you will have all those information  available as a part of data table so we'll   see how we can perform this operation so for  doing this let's start from beginning [Music] so first you will need launch browser activity and  to add the initial URL we will use same URL which   is listed here now whenever we are adding this  information selects make shows to select this   maximized window it will automatically create  that equal as a name of browser which you can   modify it click on Save and then we want to Peak  extract data from web pages so before extracting   this let's perform some operation here let's  consider we want to extract the value which is   present within this drop down list so to do this  this inspect the elements on right clicking or   either you can also press F1 whenever you'll know  this you'll find it out this is the select options   which is available here so just double click on  this and copy this complete value you can also   sometimes you'll find out the name sometimes with  a class sometimes with the ID so if you have all   three information either you can go ahead with the  name or ID as often we have just one information I   am copying this complete detail next information  the pawn to just drag and drop this activity and   specify the value so the browser instance will  use the same build browser timeout we are just   keeping 60 seconds and start data mode is valuable  we can also store into the excess pressure but as   of now let's go ahead with variable and here let  me modify this variable and will keep as list   because this is a part of list that's the reason  we we want to just specify it just open this   activity and will keep this open so that we will  get live web helper so for doing this we have to   install our pattern 8 plugin within our browser  then we will be able to see this live web helper   actions after that just click on advanced settings  and here we will find it out different options   let me explain you one by one in vtn so if any  information the web browser is undefined then   probably we are using undefined State let's say  we want to extract single value then we are using   single value if you want to perform handpick  value that means it will go one by one and take   the value as per our Command then we are using  handbrake value if you want to extract the list   probably we will select list if you want all those  information within the table we are selecting in   the table if you want to extract entire HTML  table table then we are using this information   as of now I want to extract least value  that's why and selecting this and here   we will just add select square bracket teach the  information which we have offered and make shows   this double quotes should be properly copied and  then close this square bracket after that we want   to add options next information will not specify  CSS selector attributes and reject information   attributes will just add here cool text and  if we have multiple Pages let's say we have   10 pages information to be extracted then we  are using use paging but as of now we have just   one information let's click OK and then you can  see all the extracted preview is available here   at any point of time you want to reset it just  click on reset and this complete information will   be cleared and if you want to rephrase this click  on refresh and what about new data is available   that will be added successfully once you are done  with all those information just click on finish   and here you will have this data seeds properly  click on Save and after that let me add one more   activity as close browser now this will take  a browser instance which we have launched and   the same variables will be tagged with it let  me save this even if you want to showcase this   information the message box we can also show  it here so it will use display message box   and now we can specify the title titles  okay let's consider at least drop down   value and here we'll use list as a value click  on Save and then we'll save the complete flow   and close that will execute the command so  whenever the execution will be started it will   navigate it to the same website layer from there  we are extracting the detail it will go to this   location and from there it will extract and paste  into our message box until claim is accession   will be completed and the browser will be closed  successfully even we can see all those information   are available here on just right clicking  on the list this is how we can extract or   get drop down list value on message box  either on message box or we can save   into the Excel so that's all for this video  hoping to add the content that's the thing so   this will be useful don't forget to share  within your circle thank you for watching
Channel: RPA Hub
Views: 5,588
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Keywords: power automate, microsoft flow, power platform, Power automate, Microsoft Flow, flow, Export and Import Microsoft Flow, How to export and import power automate flow, exporting and importing ms flow, export and import flow, Microsoft Flow - Export and import package, How to export Microsoft flow, How to import Microsoft flow, How to create flow package in power automate, Power Platform, Power Addicts, RPA Hub, drop down list, get drop down list, Power Automate Beginner guide
Id: QujIAVjxiNs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 35sec (515 seconds)
Published: Sat May 06 2023
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