Get a Taste of Lambdas and Get Addicted to Streams by Venkat Subramaniam

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I'm sorry, but this example is retarded propaganda. Repeated calls to numbers.get() for the same element??? No newline after each condition??? Not even a foreach.

Obviously the streaming api is going to look good next to code written by a sadistic toddler version of Rube Goldberg. Can we get a streaming api snippet also written by a three year old for purposes of fairness?

These are the shady tactics that are liable to piss people off. What if a thousand cats shit in your Coke?

👍︎︎ 15 👤︎︎ u/AndDontCallMePammy 📅︎︎ Nov 22 2018 🗫︎ replies
Java Streams Good morning Welcome to the session on Lambdas and streams, Getting a taste of lambdas and uh get addicted to streams My name is Venkat Subramaniam we are gonna talk about lambdas, streams and how to have some fun with it best time to ask questions is whenever you have it but I do have a problem seeing through the lights But if you do have a question, it's absolutely fine to ask, I will be more than happy to answer your questions or what you have tosay So let's get started I'm gonna talk about lambdas to begin with but then I will gradually transition into talking about streams we got a lot of stuff to talk about here I've got quite a set of exciting things to discuss
Channel: Devoxx
Views: 374,538
Rating: 4.9393663 out of 5
Keywords: DevoxxBE15, Devoxx, DevoxxBE, Venkat Subramaniam
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 166min 52sec (10012 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 11 2015
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