Get a Posh British Accent- Received Pronunciation and Modern RP

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hello everyone and welcome back to love english today we are looking at what many people would think of as the classic british accent it's called received pronunciation or rp for short but it can also be known as bbc english or the Queen's english but what does this actually mean and what are the features of this accent well that's all coming but first of all an important thing to know is that england has a wide variety of regional accents if you live here long enough you can actually tell where somebody is from just by listening to their accent however rp is known as the posh british accent and it's very much been the accent of the aristocracy the royal family and some of the media in the past as well but as many of you know i do love imitating accents so when my boyfriend heard that i was making this video he challenged me and leila to try and copy some of these rather posh british people so we're going to listen to some examples of rp the classic rp and we're going to try and copy them let us know how we do in the comments the chancellor basically needs to calm down and regrettably stop talking nonsense the chancellor basically needs to calm down and regrettably stop talking nonsense the chancellor basically needs to calm down and regrettably stop talking utter nonsense i just wanted to convey my heartfelt best wishes to all i just wanted to convey my heartfelt best wishes to you all i just wanted to convey my heartfelt best wishes to you all that it is often the small steps not the giant leaps that it is often the small steps not the giant leaves that it is often the small steps not the giant leaps so don't forget to tell us how you think we did with those however rp is not just about posh sounding people today anyone can speak with an rp accent and you don't have to speak like the queen the accent has shifted into a more modern version of rp and this more classic rp that we've just heard is much rarer but before we move on to looking at modern rp let's look at some of the features of the more classic rp as they are still used by people who speak with it today so first of all some of the diphthongs are pronounced differently with classic rp as they are to the modern rp remember that a diphthong is actually two sounds in one syllable so for example the uh diphthong which is found in cure and pure and sewer and during with classic rp this will definitely be pronounced very correctly a cure they might say pure during during so with modern rp that diphthong can actually sound more like or the long monophthong or the one found in horse caught bought for example cure you're bought you can hear there's not very much difference but with classic rp that will definitely be said very correctly as well as that the diphthong ear as in ear the one found in here near fear year this one in the classic rp has a very interesting twist this one actually blends with r the monothong r so you might hear rp speakers saying yas instead of years many years ago he's not an mp round here now to compare these two even more leila and i are going to talk to you about one of our best partners lingoda but we're going to do it by one of us talking in the modern rp which will be leila and me talking with the classic rp now listen to the difference see what you notice about the changes in the vowels and even the intonation so lingoda are a language academy and one of our most trusted partners there couldn't be a better time to start learning english than when we are all spending so much time at home and you could even come out of lockdown sounding like a native or if you wanted to even a brit indeed but not just this you can learn and have the chance to get 100 percent of your money back if you do the super sprint which means you could learn english with a professional native teacher for 30 days a month for three months as long as you attend all your classes you get all your money back it is a frightfully good offer but if 30 days of classes out of every 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now for the cherry on top you can save 10 euros on your 49 euro deposit when you use our special code class 11 so when you click that link below add the code class 11 to save 10 euros places are limited so make sure you do sign up as soon as possible you don't want to miss out on this offer so what did you notice about the difference between our two accents there perhaps you might have noticed that mine was a little bit more exaggerated elongated vowels every consonant and every vowel pretty much pronounced correctly so that was the classic vowel Rp now do tell us up here in the poll which one you prefer the classic or the modern from what you've heard so far but let's move now to looking at some of the features of the modern rp accent now this is a great accent to learn because actually it's the one that is used in pronunciation guides and things like that it's also known as regionally neutral and is considered to be quite easy to understand so first of all one thing about the modern rp sound is the long r sound in a lot of regional accents in the uk the long r can sometimes be said as a for example in grass castle bath but with an rp accent you need to say the long r grass bath castle moving on to the second feature if you're speaking with a modern rp accent you never drop your h's at the beginning of words so spoken english all over the world has become a little bit lazy and at times there's nothing wrong with that some elements of connected speech can be useful however dropping h is considered to be a little bit of a bad habit so with a modern rp accent you will say those h's crispy and clearly crispy crispily in a breathy manner and clearly so you might say have you gone on holiday recently instead of 'ave you got an 'oliday recently and Hold my Hat instead of 'old me 'at and hello harry instead of' ello let's look at the lovely hermione granger pronouncing all her h's here harry no way you heard what McGonagall said besides you don't even know how to fly the next feature is pronouncing your t sounds rather than using glottal stops the glottal stop is basically where we block air coming from our throat and so we don't pronounce for example the t sound this can be seen in words like football setback we don't say football set back so sometimes it is necessary however people have started to overuse the glottal stop in a way that does sound very incorrect for example in the word bottle water modern rp says no to this and says pronounce it correctly so have a try at practicing these sentences to make sure you're not using a glottal stop and are pronouncing your ts my boyfriend is getting fatter every minute my boyfriend is getting fatter every minute can you get me a bottle of water can you get me a bottle of water the next feature is no yod dropping what on earth is yod dropping good question Leila well yod dropping is dropping the y sound from certain words in certain words we do actually have a little y sound for example in tuesday and news and tune can you hear there is a yeah sound news news tune however in american english they tend to drop their y sound from some words and they might say the news tune tuesday however with a modern rp accent this is a big no-no you need to make sure you are still saying that y sound but i have to say it's not just the americans some of the worst offenders are right here in england in the east part of england called east anglia they will say oh that's a lovely tune or oh how lovely is that music instead of saying music the next feature is the long o sound in phone comb moan this is elongated and pronounced very correctly in a modern rp accent you would say pass me the phone instead of pass me the phone so you need to make sure that you elongate your long vowels this is just one example many of the other long vowel sounds should be elongated as well such as long e long owww or with the modern rp accent we don't rush those we make sure that we say them in the correct lengthy way that they should be said try saying these words to practise show flow no how now caught bought thought try practicing this sentence it shows that the grass grows where the water flows the last feature is pronouncing the ng phoneme which comes at the end of ing words for example in singing talking eating in many regional accents this can be dropped and said as eating talking chatting fasting however with a modern rp accent this is not considered correct fasting singing eating so a great way of course to practice the rp accent if you have started to like it is by listening to it as much as possible you can watch our current prime minister he has a modern rp accent although a little bit classic as well kate middleton a lot of the cast of harry potter for the classic you could watch downton abbey and there are also other things like for example the tv show line of duty they have modern rp accents there and also a lot of the speakers on the bbc do still speak with a modern rp accent you could of course also learn with a native speaker like you can with lingoda any good teacher no matter what their accent is will know the phonemes and so if you say you want a modern rp accent they can point you towards the sounds that we've talked about today and give you a little help with making sure you're saying those correctly there's no better time to work on your speaking and if you have fallen in love with this modern rp accent then what's stopping you from getting one so don't miss that amazing opportunity so to sign up head down to the description box below right everyone i'm sure that you feel like you've been listening to me for years so we'll draw this to a close now and remember whatever accent you choose to learn make learning fun accents are part of the character and diversity of languages so make sure that you enjoy them we'll see you in the next video bye-bye but it is all from the small steps not the giant leaps really i sound australian
Channel: Love English with Leila & Sabrah
Views: 84,512
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Love English with Leila & Sabrah, Love English with Leila & Sabrah YouTube, YouTube Love English with Leila & Sabrah, learn English, love English, English, received pronunciation, received pronunciation example, sound posh in english, get a british accent, get a posh british accent, received pronunciation queen, received pronunciation accent training, british accent, posh british accent, modern rp, posh british female accent, modern received pronunciation
Id: nYFgfZuVDMo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 21sec (801 seconds)
Published: Wed May 20 2020
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