Get a DATA SCIENCE JOB with this TIP!

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this is it we'll help you get your first data job it will I promise if you're looking for a data science or data analyst position try to think of it from the perspective of the person that's doing the hiring it's so easy just to focus on you and that would never do you see it higher as the opposition as the barrier to you landing your dream job as the person is going to ask you really difficult questions but that's just not the case they need someone to join their team and they have the difficult task of sifting through applicants and deciding who that person should be it's difficult because interviews don't showcase the whole person you don't see all of the strengths and all of the weaknesses there's often an element of luck and if you hire the wrong person well it can be a very costly decision so you need to be the Canada that makes the hiring decision easy [Music] imagine you're planning an event and you need a photographer now your budgets quite low so you're going to look for a younger less experienced photographer you find one you chat them and they seem quite pleasant they show you their qualifications which look pretty good and they chat about how much they love photography now that's all fine but you're not sure about so you start asking about the cameras that they've used they can talk about cameras the technical aspects of photography exposure depth of feel but you're still not sure so you ask about composition what do they know about it how do they use it to achieve the results they want and again it all sounds pretty impressive but you're still not sure and so finally you ask to see some photos they've taken and they say to you well I'm just starting out in photography so I haven't taken any photos yet I don't have a portfolio but if you hire me I'll take great photos for you would you hire them now instead imagine they're able to show you a collection of beautiful photos and they're able to talk to you through each one and explain how they took it the technical requirements behind it the artistic consideration and what the motivation was for taking that photo and then they start to talk about the similarities between the photos that they've already taken and the photos that they could take for you would you hire them then I think it's much more likely I filmed here because I think it's quite pretty and I wanted you to see the wear but I think the way is quite noisy so let's go somewhere else now [Music] okay so what am i saying I'm saying that a job interview is an opportunity for you to shine an opportunity for you to show off what you can do to show that you understand the needs of the company that you're talking to and to demonstrate that you're already a member of the team you just haven't been hired yet and how do you do that well projects projects are so important now I'm not talking about the projects that you do as part of your MOOC or your bachelors or your masters if you have one they're useful but they're nowhere near as useful as the projects that you do yourself on subjects that interest you [Music] the reasons these projects are more interesting to potential employers it's because they showcase your ability to apply the knowledge that you have they give interviewers an insight into how you work how you think and how competent you are they also give the interviewers something to talk to you about and questions to ask you one single project like this can show your ability to frame a question that you then go on to answer and to frame it properly you'll probably be answering a question that doesn't have you know tidy data set so it shows your ability to gather data from disparate sources combine it and clean it it shows how you can use visualization methods to communicate your data how you model your data it shows that your data curious and a using data to answer interesting questions and that you're not just trying to lock yourself into a cushy job it's also useful because if you mess up part of your technical interview but have shown proficiency in the same topic on one of your projects and are able to talk about it your interviewers likely to be more forgiving your own projects really do give you the opportunity to shine now I'm not saying that you don't need the other staff you will need the subject knowledge to be able to answer the technical questions but it's projects that will set you apart and doing your own project is far more impressive to an interviewer than doing your class projects or a cattle comp tition where the question is already framed and the data is presented to you as a complete data set all cleaned and ready to go the project is unique to you and enables you to stand out as a candidate so how do you find projects now that's a question start with what interests you music politics sport art wildlife there is so much data everywhere find it collect it and use it to answer interesting questions so there was just one last thing I wanted to mention I got back to the house set the camera up and I was just about to hit record and the neighbor it started knowing the lawn now you can't quite hear it at the moment but it keeps coming quite close to the hedge and then going away again so I'm gonna find somewhere else I'll tell you it in a second I've had to move about I don't know 200 meters away from the house I can still hear the lawnmower I don't know whether you can but anyway it's still there but I think it should be quite enough what I wanted to add was that the photo analogy when I was talking about the photographer and the portfolio I was basically saying and I didn't say it explicitly that you wouldn't expect a photographer to look for a job without a portfolio of photographs and really anyone hiring an entry-level data scientist or data analyst would expect them to have some kind of history of projects and they'd like to see those the other thing I wanted to add is that you must put those projects on github that's really really important but the third and most crucial point is that once you've done your project or maybe even as you're doing them write a blog write a blog that talks through the project that explains why you've chosen the project why you've done it in the way you have you know how you approached it how you collected the data whether you had to scrape data whether there were data sets available that you had to put together you know how you clean that data and then you how you went ahead and answer the questions that you wanted to answer because writing that it's a really good exercise for you to explain what you're doing and it's only by explaining things that we really understand them that's what I found anyway that's certainly my experience and anyone who's interested in higher you will be able to read that blog and get some kind of idea about you even before they've met you so they'll learn much more about you than they were just in an interview you know and it's a way of showing the world how good you are this channel is supported by Coursera now if you haven't heard of Coursera it's an online learning platform but I think is really democratizing education it's particularly strong for data related courses and I've put some links in the description below to some courses that I particularly like so if you're interested in a paid for online course on this subject then go and take a look I also now finally have a patreon page it's taken me a while to get around to setting one up but if you're interested in supporting me then go and take a look at that thanks for watching please like subscribe and if you really like the channel
Channel: Python Programmer
Views: 40,406
Rating: 4.9646931 out of 5
Keywords: data science, data analyst, get a data job, how to get a data science job
Id: pGa43NUXng4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 54sec (534 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 21 2019
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