como germinar ciruela en 30 días

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"Finca Don Juan" present germinate plum in 30 days hi, how are you friends? my name is George welcome to "Finca Don Juan" we will do a video how to germinate plum today is 2 of may, lets start with the video we have this beatiful plums that i show you we will germinate 3 seeds we will start in this way open the plum usually with a turn around and we take the seed very good with the 3 plums turn around and we obtain the seed we do it in this way, obtaining the seeds oops sorry it fell we will break the pit that is we take the first and we keep do it with the others the second there go it is slippery because are recently taken the the the plum seed are like the peaches that we have to take care in this place where it comes from the roots we do it in the 3 seeds in this one you don't have to put it in water because is much easier to peel in this we have to be carefully like the peach in this we have to try when they are peeled not giving any bactery because usually make a mushroom that ill the roots, because we peel like this the ideal is a little of alcohol in your fingers i had done before for peeling so the seed doesn't have any bactery because in that the plum is very delicate to make a fungus and if we transfer a bactery of our body and in our hands they are prone to get some ill and fail the germination, usually it will germinate we will take a paper to put here they are prone to get some ill they will germinate but the root will be sick and when you transplant they get dry that is the only secret well i peel the 3 and we continue with the video very good we have the 3 seeds we have here here we put a container with a little plate inside i will put i put one paper 3 papers because it have to be a bed very fluffy other thing apart from desinfection of our fingers to not transfer nothing the water never use in the plum never used water from the faucet with chlorine if you don't have other thing let the water like 24-36 hours so the gas of chlorine will go from the water this is are a bit more delicate like the the peach, the peach is less delicate in fungus so we have prepare a perfect bed with the less touching possible and with the most desinfected hands possible and if you touch 1 time better we put the 3 seeds 3 like this always the tip you look here always goes to the inside because there will go out the root to the other side like a explain before it will be like a leaf like a leaf and that way they will open and sprout now i will put the third paper up also i will bend in two bend in two and we do the same the same we do with the peaches there go we will close it here in possible we will uncover like this to see just one because the plum with less we touch and look with less possibility of pollute them better germination you will have is a seed pretty more delicate i repeat several times very good like this there goes like the other one, i leave it with something black in 6 days i will show you how germinate very good we are here today is 24 of may, 22 days after we start the 2 of may with the germination so let see i have it protect i cover it with something black and a plastic bag to keep it wet and also in a dark place let see how it goes, remember to clean the hands to touch the plums never should have hungus like others seeds without any problem always we have to take care at the possible the first it is germinate amazingly the second a little less and the third recently start sprouting so well we will leave it quite the process of the plums is a period of time much larger than the peach so we will continue in 15 days how it goes and probably they will be ready to transplant 29 of may lets see how it goes the germination of the 3 seeds plums well uncover them and see how they are, we have them conservate to keep it wet uhh, surprise look this it goes out of the paper well i will cut here to prepare because i have a idea i will prepare all to transplant this seed and i will let see how are the others the color of the leaf of the plum is violet like the tree of plum this one is little and the other is starting to sprout so it goes late well this give me an idea to do we can do the two who are very sprouting and the third will leave it here i will end the video today and in 15 days when the other is to transplant i will show how the other are progressing the other two to any hunter escapes the hare and to me it escape because i think it will take more days so i am surprising the speed of this germination lets prepare all and continue the video well all prepared now i put alcohol in my hands to manipulate them, that is the only thing we have to take care we must let to dry the alcohol first before touching them because the ideal is not to participate the alcohol in the seed so lets uncover the 3 seeds without touching this this is sprouting but it goes slowly so i will leave it there this come great to cut he video so it isn't so long and i can speak in other video of the varieties of the plum and other things i will focus how to germinate, look it get into the paper i will take it out it get into it, so i don't want to break it there is we take it with with a little of paper so we don't break the tip the tip of the root look at this here it is the tip of the roots the paper will descompose in the earth so i will plant it directly well here the same i said in the peach video always a very little quantity of earth in the first transplant and the earth little organic material only earth, in my case i have a earth very sandy prepared to do the crops, the seed when i plant in the pots so i prepared the earth perfectly we put it down it looks good? we have to bury we have to try that the roots stay erect possible press a little around so the plant is erect there very good there and we have to spray a little of water always remember the water without chlorine the chlorine it can burn the plant when it germinate we put little like this look how good that it happen this so i will do a video i will transplant this that i a make it and i will transplant this one fo not doing so long i will end the video now this one i will tansplant in this pot in this way so the video is not so long this seed here i will leave sprouting to be much bigger in 15 days more or less will be like this one i will tansladate i will talk about varieties of plum how to transplant to a pot much bigger and will end the video later i will do what i show you now what we will do with the plants of peachs this are the plants that i had transplanted this is the biggest and this is the one we transplant we transplant the little seed, look how big is forty days later so this plant have 55 days since the day i put the seed to germinate so i will continue with with the video doing a transplant because it is saying to me "transplant me" look how the roots go out from below ok so tomorrow saturday 30 of may i will upload this video of plum and in 15-20 days more or less because i can have a mistake but in 15-20 days i will upload how goes the plum we transplant and how goes this one that was transplanted today so we see the process and the way it grows the plants and the next week i promise you Ivan that i will upload the video that i am finishing how to produce the rooting so i send you a greeting from Argentina thanks mexico a big hug to all if you like my video give a like subscribe to my channel and we will see in the next video bye bye
Channel: Jorge Ramat
Views: 100,312
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: argentina, ciruela, semilla, germinar, natural, naturaleza, carozo, germinacion, 30dias, arbol, fruta, frutal, cuidar, proteger, organico, hongo, alcohol, pelar, bacteria, delicada, pepita, papelitos, desinfeccion, agua, sincloro, ciruelo, manos, brote, brotar, mojar, contaminar, tapar, limpieza, proceso, largo, hoja, trasplantar, planta, raiz, raices, tierra, suelo, humus, compost, macetin, maceta, enterrar, regar, riego, paño, paños, humedo, humedad, vida, duraznero, durazno, grande
Id: leKGdd1gACs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 45sec (885 seconds)
Published: Sat May 30 2020
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