Germany Produces Water In The Sahara Desert With This Technique - You Can't Believe What You See

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Hi everybody. It is known that the world is experiencing water scarcity. But very interesting things have happened with water in the Moroccan Sahara Desert. A water foundation in Germany has applied an amazing and practical technology for the production of water in the Sahara Desert. This great technique will get you excited. Producing drinking water from fog. The Sahara is one of the most extreme and harshest environments on earth. For years the drought has been increasing the desert is spreading more and more in the groundwater level is continuously sinking. In this region 60 percent of people do not have running water in their homes and the water may not be safe for drinking. So every day, girls and women have to travel long distances to the valley to buy municipal well water. In the video. We will see the largest water harvesting technique of its kind used to provide safe drinking water to thousands of people. You will be impressed by how the abundance of water in the desert is created and how they manage to irrigate. The name of this established system and technique is Cloudfisher. For many years the Water Foundation has been researching the use of fog collectors. The Cloudfisher is the result of several years of  joint development work with munich-based industrial designer Peter Trautwein.   The first series produced fog collector that can withstand high wind speeds of up to 120 kilometers per hour. It is quick and easy to install requires no energy and is extremely low maintenance. The Cloudfisher supplies high quality drinking water at low cost and suitable regions. In addition water extracted from fog can be used in agriculture livestock and reforestation projects. 31 collectors of 54 square meters each were installed. That means the biggest facility in the world. Fog a collection is the harvesting of water from fog using large pieces of vertical mesh netting to induce fog droplets to flow down towards a trough below. Through condensation, atmospheric water vapor from the air condenses on cold surfaces into droplets of liquid water known as dew. One collector can collect 0.5 liters of water in 22 seconds. In addition to the construction of 31 Cloudfishers. A total of 26 kilometers of pipes have been laid and five cisterns have been built. Thanks to the fog collector's, up to 18 liters of water are constantly available per day a family member. It is up to the family to decide what they use the water for that they do not need for domestic purposes. The largest installation in the world has been in Morocco's anti-atlas mountains since 2018. With the fog Nets 22 liters are harvested per square meter on an annual average. With 31 CloudFishers, this makes 36,828 litres per foggy day. This means that the 16 villages would approximate. If you want to use more than given where you will use it for large agriculture a certain fee is required. This fee is used as a donation for the Water Foundation. So again you're using it for yourself. The fog water obtained is of drinking water quality according to standards. Water production with Cloudfisher in Tanzania. The German Water Foundation applied this system to a region in Tanzania. None of the 14 schools in the region are connected to the public water supply.  The families of the students mostly live on subsistence agriculture. Teenagers often spend two hours bringing water to school in this classes as a result. That's why the system was established. In the babadi region, 14 Schools with approximately 4 000 students will benefit from 14 cloudfisher aggregators after the project is completed. The mist collector is an example of integrated water resource management. Where water is viewed as an integral resource for the ecosystem and is also a social and economic good. The project has the long-term goal of contributing to improving the living conditions and health of poor children and youth in 14 schools around the high Plateau around kamiu in Tanzania. Also young people are the best multipliers of change. They will share their knowledge about water an important  resource for wash with their families. Thanks for watching please give your opinion in the comments.
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Id: k8Uj69kKB0M
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Length: 8min 3sec (483 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 10 2022
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