Germany Could Not Win WW2
Video Statistics and Information
Channel: Potential History
Views: 3,550,288
Rating: 4.6458507 out of 5
Keywords: Germany, lost cause, ww2, Germany loss, How germany could have won, Eastern front, Oil, Potential History, World War Two, Germany Could Not Win WW2
Id: sbim2kGwhpc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 6sec (726 seconds)
Published: Mon May 28 2018
Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.
Inb4 Wehraboos start 'AKSHUALLY'ing.
Am I the only one who's frustrated he didn't address the scenario where Hitler doesn't invade russia in the first placE?
Wtf is that clip at 6:44
From the interstitial / end song's comments:
Goddammit this is like the 3rd time today Iβve had someone suggest this fucking video
Why didn't he address Dunkirk in the second part? That was major mistake on Hitler's part and they could've wiped out a significant part of the Allied Forces right there (possibly). This is weirdly just focusing on the Eastern Front.