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wanted adventure hosted by donna newman german windows i love the german windows they are really amazing before moving to germany i had no idea that windows like this existed out there in the world the the concept of fenster kippen was completely unknown to me i wish i really really wish that i had thought to take pictures or video footage of the windows the last time that i was in the u.s but i didn't so i'm just gonna have to describe them here one kind and the kind that i had a lot growing up yeah windows that opened like this you you pulled or you pushed the window open and it opened from the bottom the bottom part slid up to the top i have also sometimes seen windows in homes in the us that open with a little crank so you crank it and the whole thing like opens like that then i came to germany and just this whole new window concept was introduced to me all right so we've got here a window a german window let's see what it can do step one for opening the window i turn the handle like that and then the whole window opens let's see that again handle but there's more you can turn the handle like this you can also sometimes keep going and at first when i saw this i thought like uh is that window broken because luck fenster kippin a lot of the windows that i've seen in germany can also tip open like this i don't know if all windows in germany do this so you know maybe uh find out before you just go ahead and try to kip all the windows and break them but a lot a lot of the windows that i've seen in germany you have this kind of three settings of the handle you've got the kippen the window full open and window closed let's give that window a round of applause the next thing about the german windows that i would like to mention here is the roladen which is not to be confused how do you say the other word stefan can you please come here roladen is the food no no roladen is on the window rolladen i know this is correct and what's the food it sounds the same to me yeah i know i i understand the concept of it i just don't know how to say it and then there's also a food that we shouldn't get it confused with which is rolled meat you also roll that and the word for that though is roulade but at this point we really need to move on so stefan's going to demonstrate them now there you go can you see that there how there is no light well not no light but we have manual ones like you have to chef on just manually oh you can even see that and chevron manually did it and now i'm manually doing it but some people have um what word am i looking for here electra do windows in germany just come with them stefan like all the apartments that we've lived in had these shutters it's standard though the roladen are standard in german in germany but not necessarily rouladen not everybody likes rouladen but the rolade in our standard in germany um stefan i think that's all i wanted to say right do i have anything else listed there the balcony door yes i said that on the windows in germany a lot of times you got this full opening and the kippen and i have also seen on balcony doors here in germany sometimes these big balcony doors of course they can open that would be helpful but a lot of times they can also do the kip bin as well so you can tilt sometimes the whole balcony window which i think is pretty cool so my question for you is windows what can you do with the windows where you live or what kind of interesting things have you seen as far as windows go around the world please let me know in the comments below thanks so much for watching i'll see you in tomorrow's video where i'm talking about a few weird or not not so weird but like funny english words what do i say next oh yeah until next time until tomorrow auf wiedersehen want to watch another video here are two and a really really really big thank you so much to our patrons on patreon who help make these videos possible thank you so much for your support this morgan
Channel: Wanted Adventure
Views: 813,924
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: German windows, windows, Fenster, windows Germany, Germany, Deutschland, German, Rollladen, Deutsche Fenster, German balcony, Balkon, windows USA, American windows, German windows amazing, Fenster kippen, culture Germany, culture, inside the home, homes Germany, German homes, American in Germany, life in Germany, living in Germany, American, Wanted Adventure, living abroad, Dana Newman
Id: 3dNuchjXa_M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 40sec (340 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 07 2018
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