Gerd Janson Boiler Room x Sugar Mountain 2018 DJ Set
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Channel: Boiler Room
Views: 1,635,714
Rating: 4.8837385 out of 5
Keywords: Gerd Janson, Running Back Records, Boiler Room, DJ Set, Sugar Mountain 2018
Id: 02PstSNvln0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 20sec (3620 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 11 2018
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This is my go-to running mix and I've listened to it probably 50 times since it was released and can confidently say that there isn't a single deep house record played within. However, it is RIDICULOUSLY awesome and Gerd Janson is an incredible DJ, so let's keep it around.
Who run tings!?
This set fucking slaps