Geraldo Rivera joins to break down the media, campaign coverage, Donald Trump, exit from Fox News

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[Music] hey Bill O'Reilly here welcome to the no spin news Monday July 17 2023 stand up for your country first of all on Friday I had Mohs surgery not Moe Larry and Curly but Moe's on my skin all right it's right here a little Band-Aid over the stitches so the problem is that I had to move my earpiece from here to here all right so you might see a little wire sticking out or whatever and it's a little muffled now we got Geraldo Rivera coming up and he promises me he's going to be very bombastic today so I can hear every word he's saying I'm going to tell you at the end of the program what this is all about and why you should pay attention to my surgery because you don't want to have it um and with the sun and all of that my God um but we're going to start tonight with campaign hysteria it's um you know a little less than a year and a half before we vote for president again and it's just ridiculous now I told you back in the uh beginning of this year I wasn't really going to cover the campaign until late August uh but I gotta I gotta move it up because there's so much garbage and nonsense going on so I'm going to clear the woods here a little bit but I'm not going to get into the nuts and bolts of it until the fall because it's a lot of BS and a lot of posturing and a lot of bad media you know the usual but money is already playing a big role in the 24 presidential race and that is the subject of this evening's talking points memo so the Biden campaign has announced it raised 72 million dollars the second quarter of this year that is the highest total ever amassed by a Democrat at any time for a quarter so Biden is not having a very good presidency I mean if you're an objective person a fair person honest person you got to know that um yet the money is flowing in there is a reason for it and I'm going to tell you that in a moment so uh the body campaign says about 400 000 people have given them money um but most of this money is coming from the progressive left it doesn't go directly to President Biden that would be a violation of campaign Finance law you can only give 12 500 each individual couple can give 25 000. all right that's it goes to political action committees that act on behalf of Biden same thing on a Republican side so here are uh some of the fat cats that are donating big money to Joe Biden to see him get arrest reelected the biggest is Jeffrey katzenberg who is running the Biden campaign about 900 000 bucks katzenberg has thrown in there I'll tell you about him in a moment Seth MacFarlane uh the TV guy a hundred thousand uh Netflix uh CEO Reed Hastings a hundred thousand Marcy Carsey producer in Hollywood 100 Sybil Robinson or a hundred Michael Kors uh you got the handbags 50. Tory Burch 50 Lin Manuel Miranda that's uh Hamilton twenty thousand Vera Wang ten and a winner Tour 10 on and on and on and on so katzenberg is the big guy and he is a music mogul he hangs with Spielberg and and very in in the Hollywood Community very powerful there so you have to understand that Hollywood is now a hundred percent Progressive not all the people in it but those who run it all right are a hundred percent Progressive now Joe Biden is the most Progressive president in a history of this country there's nobody even close Obama would be second but he's a distant second remember Obama didn't want gay marriage I mean a whole bunch of stuff yeah he evolved but believe me when I tell you Biden Far and Away more than FDR way more you know Biden doesn't really have himself a personal philosophy he just goes with the Wind and the wind the power in the progressives comes from Hollywood and New York and Georgetown DC that's where the Nexus is and that's where the money is and the media is now you folks who live uh outside of those centers they don't care about you now you would say well look all of these people are very wealthy people why do they want socialism why do they want this huge Nanny state run from DC which will dictate everything you do in your life why would they want that they made their money in a capitalistic system um they prospered and here is the reason they have so much money they can't spend it all right as long as they live they can't spend it so taxing them and all of that they don't care about that anymore they're beyond that they all have private jets they all have Yachts they live large and they want a woke Progressive culture because they believe the United States is an evil country and always has been run by white men who hate minorities and Trump is the poster boy in their eyes for that all right that's what motivates them get rid of trump get rid of all these fascist Mega people uh marginalized conservatives every Progressive thing is good let the country be run by minorities the whites had their chance and screwed it up and whatever Biden's on board with all that okay diversity uh Equity inclusion all of this stuff that's what Jeffrey katzenberg wants get his picture let's throw it up there again so this guy he's super powerful um if you're an actor or a musician and uh you're trying to work in Hollywood and he doesn't like you you're not working you're not working believe me he makes one phone call you're done that's how powerful this man is and he's given millions and millions of dollars to Progressive causes this isn't a populist movement the Progressive Movement is not populous it's centered all right in the very very wealthy precincts that control the information and entertainment flow see you very important for you to know that yeah Donald Trump did pretty well in the first quarter but not nearly as well as Biden Trump raised 35 million big number okay again it goes to his political action committee and remember uh a lot of this money can be used for other purposes Trump Pays His legal bills out of donated money Biden is going to have a lot of illegal bills down the road mark my words and he'll do the same thing Rhonda Sanchez picked up 20 million uh DeSantis campaign is not doing well right now I'll get to that in a moment you know it was a big surprise is Tim Scott uh the senator from South Carolina announced he's running for president he's doing very well he raised about 20 million dollars all right Pence he didn't raise anything Nikki Haley raised about five um but Scott not surprised they're looking at that number and going you know that's a progressive number now Ronda Santos has not done well so far he's way behind in all the Republican primary polls because he's not charismatic and you compare him to Trump who is charismatic whether you hate him or not um you know the sentence comes off as boring dull gray his policies are good he ran Florida well just like Trump ran the federal government well and he's four years in office he did and I don't care whether you say he did or not I can prove he did all right but Trump is Trump he brings in a lot of unnecessary chaos and a lot of Voters don't want that anymore and that's why Trump while he probably will win the primary and the nomination you're going to have a hard time in the election no matter who the Democrats throw up against them um Biden I don't think is going to make it all right and then you'll see somebody like Newsom or Amy Klobuchar even Michelle Obama come on and quick but it wouldn't matter the progressives they'll give money to whoever's going to be progressing I don't care if it's Biden doesn't matter um so that's the scenario that we're looking at on July 17th in a month it's going to change fairly significantly and by September it'll change again we're there for you every day every way and that's a memo Mr Biden is scheduled today nothing I I don't even think he worked today I don't know where he is might be at the municipal pool I don't know maybe he's looking for who left the cocaine in the West Wing I don't know what he's doing I don't know where he is either do his schedule is apparently because that's what they put out all right now over the weekend the bite Administration announced it's going to forgive or wants to forgive 39 billion in student loans from the Department of Education the U.S Department of Education now Supreme Court ruled that Biden can't do that it's unconstitutional but they found a loophole uh they the bite Administration where because the department of Ed answers to the executive branch to the president all departments do uh that they can forgive this loan for 800 000 people uh to the tune of 138 billion to the taxpayer it's going to get thrown out all right so the Supreme Court is not going to be happy by the way to see this coming down a pike again so I'm not I wouldn't worry about that well you did the tough thing during covid you paid your people and pulled your business through the pandemic and now you could qualify for up to 26 000 per employee at covid government funds are available to reward companies with two or more employees who stayed open during covet this is not a loan you don't have to pay it back nobody knows about this more than the CPAs and tax experts at you pay nothing upfront they do the work and share a percentage of the cash they get back for you even those businesses who took PPP loans can qualify non-profits and churches as well so let covid tax help you get up to twenty six thousand bucks per employee visit that's okay let's go to the mail Jorge Torres Hodgkin George I'm angry and depressed with FBI angry no one has a price paid a price for the corruption and I'm depressed because I come from Cuba with the totalitarian regime is doing what the FBI does I feel like America is becoming another Cuba good letter okay James sordi Greentown Pennsylvania I was in NYPD supervisor of Investigations for more than 13 years I thought the FBI was corrupt when I was in office but nothing was done about it 25 years ago today I'm furious about their corruption oh my but Chris Christie thinks that uh Ray's doing a good job uh Jason cope Mountain Home Arkansas someone who read Killing a mob I believe Christopher's Ray's FBI is vastly more dangerous than Jay Edgar Hoover's happier Hoover was the problem all right one guy back in killing the mob and if you want to know about the FBI that's a book to read Rey is a problem but there's a lot of other problems that's the difference Ed wey Ranch Austin Texas on the uh no Smith news you listed several corrupt act by the FBI including lying to the fisa court what did the fives the judge do about it nothing judges really you very rarely do they make public statements they should have but I don't know if one fisa judge did Leo a few numbers of our citizens don't care if the FBI is corrupt then the crazies have won we can all sing bye-bye Miss American Pie a lot of apathy a lot of people don't even know it they don't pay attention concierge member Wayne thank you Wayne Democrat politicians are fine with corruption as long as it serves their ends I think that's accurate but it's a Republicans too not just Democrats uh Dan Posey Riverside California I'm a republican I've always voted for Trump that may change if he does not scale back the divisive rhetoric I'm not expecting the scale back but I hope he does Jan kubis Natick Massachusetts it seems the right is outmaneuvered in strategic thinking and planning by the left all the time the left is destroying the right with social issues that racism identity politics immigration division where's the rights K Street the right has think tanks and they do analysis but the media is on the side of the left which is why that message the progressive left message gets out far more than the conservative right message that's what that's all about Richard Nobby Orem Utah your Sunday Commons laugh out loud hilarious I love how much work you put into everything you do O'Reilly I've learned looking forward to your column as much as I look forward to the no spin news column is about the Twilight Zone of politics we have you'll get a laugh out of it but it's kind of sad I hope you read it thank you Richard for the kind words student Gans Grapevine Texas Joe Biden announced last week he was forgiving billions of student loans how can he do that um I covered it tonight but I wanted to give you credit Stewart for spurring me to do the piece all right website summer reading program look if and you're in the South you can't go out can't go out it's too hot so let's read and have fun at the same time killing Crazy Horse killini Killers killing the Legends and the team normal hat all 32.95 the price of salmon without a potato in many restaurants come on can't go outside you in the South now are where in the winter in the North when it's 10 degrees nobody goes out you can't go out read have fun get the three books okay and we have discounts on all the other killing books too um and you'll like them all and then we have bumper stickers don't be a pinhead is the latest one love that atheism nothing there team normal all right and you can get six of them for uh what 15 bucks and give them around and have a few laughs and all that word of the day do not be in jujun love it j-e-j-u-n-e back final thought in a moment the chairman of the FED is promising more pain ahead last year's stocks dropped a whopping 20 percent 2023 could be worse you are right to be worried so call the only precious metal dealer I trust American Hartford gold they will show you how to protect your savings and retirement accounts by diversifying your portfolio with physical gold and silver since I've been a client and spokesperson the price of gold has appreciated more than 35 percent so please call today and they'll have physical gold and silver delivered right to your door or put inside your IRA or 401k they have thousands of satisfied customers and have the highest rating in the country with an A plus rating from the Better Business Bureau please tell them Bill O'Reilly sent you and they will give you up to five thousand dollars of free silver on your first order please call 866-501-5201 that's 866-501-5201 or text Bill to 65532 again that's 866-501-5201 or text Bill to 65532 all right here's your final thought of the day I'm Irish you know that I am very white Caucasian pale whatever you want to describe it as my father died from melanoma at age 62. I go to the dermatologist and he is an excellent doctor every three months so on Friday I had to have Mo surgeries either Band-Aid right there okay Little Stitches pain in the ear okay how to do it how to do it because if I didn't do it then the thing spreads and then it's in the nose or it's here you know I got to stay on the playing field as long as I can stay on the playing field all right that's what this is all about here I don't have to do it but we're the only news program and news agency that actively looks out for you look concierge membership I've told you this in the past it's a life insurance policy for you you get in trouble you come directly to me and I will help you okay why wouldn't you want that with all of our power and connections so anyway I got to stay on a playing field now when you go into a doctor I mean it's nobody likes to do this like the dentist you got to go in every six months or you're going to have an excruciating pain if something goes wrong so you just have to go into a mindset that you want to stay on the field as long as you can once you get post 60 years old all right then the body starts to accelerate down you can go to the gym and that's all good all right it can run you can jog you can do whatever you want it's all great cut the sugar cut the sugar all right eat insanely and you want to save money two appetizers in a restaurant you don't need the 42 entree you get two appetizers you're full then you go out for a little ice cream later or something like that you'll save 50 percent um and as the appetizers are good okay but what I'm trying to say is this thing that I had to go through wasn't pleasant but it didn't kill me I can do the job now three days after I'm gonna you know it's a little Hollow in this year but that's okay but you've got to stay on the field all right because people depend on you most everyone listening and watching me right now people who depend on them all right children grandchildren spouses relatives friends and you know and you want to maximize your your time all right time's up for everybody when God decides it's up but while you're here you don't want to be dragged down by continual stuff that you can be proactive in preventing so anyway that's my little lecture tonight um I was thinking about taking off today and I I said no I'm not I'm not gonna give in to it no but I get the stitches out in a few days and I'll be good as new I guess or something geraldo's haircut is going to be more painful than mine Mohs surgery thank you for watching and listening to the broadcast this evening bill it if you want to weigh in name in town and we'll see you again tomorrow thank you for watching the no spin news to watch the full episode anytime on please sign up to become a premium or concierge member visit to sign up and start watching today
Channel: Bill O'Reilly
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Keywords: Bill O’Reilly, No Spin News, bill o reilly, no spin news, bill o reilly no spin news, bill oreilly, bill o'reilly, o'reilly no spin, no spin news bill o'reilly, the o'reilly update, bill o'reilly joe biden, joe biden bill o reilly, bill o reilly fox news, bill o reilly show, bill o'reilly youtube, bill o'reilly youtube channel, no spin bill o'reilly, bill o'reilly 2023, no spin news o reilly, no spin news bill o reilly, no spin news bill
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 57sec (1257 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 18 2023
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