Geothermal diy #1

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welcome to the hobby shop Mountain had a couple projects are working on here one of them is the new geothermal circulation system this is the pump in the latter can that's the Arab leader right now we're working on laying out the board that's going to mount pump and the valves and all of the equipment that operates it and over here we've got some fittings and tube to put all this together with we've been working with these little bounce to mount the stuff down but one of the situations is that the big old bladder can hear big old bladder can makes it need to stand away from the wall pretty far the mountboard so we're coming up with ideas like that we'll see in the process of laying out the board it became obvious that doing sub assemblies would be a much easier way to go so I assembled the air bleed and bladder can together and then the pump and valves and gauges we're kind of obvious to make those into a sub assembly and from there things started to progress more smoothly started to look like what I was expecting to create yeah there's all the stuff we need to put in a couple of wells look at those little blue little turnaround tubes right there don't see one of those in a minute okay if you're gonna put down the GOL you got to have holes in the ground and you got to have tubes and put in holes first thing you do is lay out youtubes measure them cut them to length if you know how long how deep you're gonna drill your holes my first of all I didn't know very interesting so they're all gonna be about 17 15 to 17 feet and so I know exactly how long I'm going to make them we're going to cut four hoses at about 17 feet and put them together in pairs with a turn around 3/4 all three quarter inch tubing and it's gonna have a turn around at the bottom double clamps on every tube and we'll get these ready and they'll be set aside for the activity of inserting as soon as the drill string has taken up out of the hole so that there's no dirt coming back down in there plugging our hole up now this is the turnaround tube at the bottom of these two wells were digging right now put these things on there a really good tight and didn't double clamp them kind of both off at the same length this is the second one going in and so that when you're when you're ready to pull that drill out that these are ready to go in as you get ready to finish these you have to install the clamps we're using two different types of stainless steel clamps one on each of the each and every to plant position one is a stainless steel screw clamp like you might find on your heater hoses or radiator or whatever and the other is a pinch clamp also pure stainless steel for underground use the screw clamp goes over the top of the high ridges on these inside pipes that go into the polypropylene tubing and then the crush clamp there the squeeze clamp goes above it and seals it off around the neck so nothing can even get underneath that to get at the ribs so it makes for a very good seal and then they're ready to go in the ground alright guy good enough I'll line them up [Music] and we'll talk a little bit about the driller does itself you'll see how that works let's beam this boy out here this is the bit this is an adapter I think I've moved on and then this is just no it's a nipple in some hats it's all inch and a half pipe I believe and yeah whose hacksaw it some slits annette bend it out this way and that way we got going out we got them going in we got them going twisty so whatever gets in a way that sucker is gonna be button to bite on it so you gotta get the water inlet tee boys board and we got these just basically a hose adapter that's adapted up to the size of inch and a half for the PVC and that's how the water comes in goes down the drill string and washes out the cuttings well I don't know if this is going to show too well hopefully just be able to see the top of the drill string this is the water supply good pressure screws right on to the top cap here for the drill strength I also kind of acts like a blow-off does it only push this on and a little unwieldy getting there going so hang on now it's about 18 feet long and we got the holes laid out where we're gonna put these last two wells and up it goes and you start turning it back and forth back and forth that water's flowing down that PVC pipe right now and it continues to flow down and come out at the cutting bit down at the bottom then washes back up the hole and brings up sand and clay and never saw rocks come up not that fast of a flow I guess but that's how we drilled all 10 of those holes just turn it back and forth and let it go down goes down pretty quick on the first 18 inches as yellow sand under there and boy does ever wash out a big little sink hole and then it gets into the hard clay and hard clay is tough going and but you know a couple hours later you get down and now would you do when you bounce it like that are you doing is like forcing that water up really quickly and it brings up more of the cuttings in the dirt that's and fluid in the wash and the water so this is this holes done now we're taking the the drill out and we'll set that aside and those black tubes that have been prepared are now ready one of the things that we've done with those tubes is to straighten out as much as possible the first six feet by bending it and trying real good as you can to straighten it because if it's curly it's gonna dig into the side of the wells it goes down knocked dirt down turtle go down before you oh yeah you got to have your water at hand when you put a tube down those empty tubes there's no water in it right now and it floats then you shove it down that hole and it would pop right back up out of there like a clerk so you get it down into the hole and then grab your hose and put water in it that makes it heavy as the water around the outside of the the plastic and it'll tend to stay down in the hole so yeah see I just step on the side of it the hole that's jumping up out of there and put some water in it takes a minute to fill it up and then then it won't come out of the hole these these are at least 15 foot in the ground two tubes that's 30-foot a tube in the ground for each hole times 10 holes there's about 300 feet of three-quarter inch tubing that's in the ground and net would you call it a circuit and yeah pull it pull the dirt back in the hole and wash it in take your time fill that hole back up best you can it'll come down we washed it down and filled it again and washed it down and filled it again and to get that dirt down around the pipes there's air it's not going to transmit the heat very well and the idea is that these tubes are gonna pick up about 55 degree heat that's in the ground and then when it's zero outside that's a lot heat once all the welds are in the only thing you have to do then is uh hook the welds together to create the circuit excess pipe is more than enough to reach between the wells you install the unions double clamp them and you're ready to go it's always great to have a buddy come over and do that some of that digging for you - it's my least favorite part of the whole job but it's not all that bad we dug them to about two feet down just to keep them out of the frosty area of course the greenhouse can be on top of it anyway well here's the here's the completed field that's coming out of the garage building let me start off the back so you can get a perspective there's the garage there's the field ten holes and wells and back into the that's the whole circuit this is where they come up whose control board there's an air blade there's a baffle in here like this all the air come up you trapped up there this is a bladder tank maintains the pressure around the system goes through I have a low clear tube on there just for fun and then in and out the pump circulator pump over to the radiator back out to the field it's gonna be simpler radiator I don't have a ban on without it for openers we're gonna use this little box name it'll have the ability to you orientated like so they'll be a hole in the wall they're going out to the greenhouse they'll be out there or if we want to just heat the garage and give it a 90 degree swing like that close the chute out to the greenhouse I imagine most of the time it's gonna be like this so that's it simple homemade geothermal system about a thousand bucks maybe maybe 800 I'm not trying to count receipts yeah get a little wiring to do I forgot to switch and I'll hook up the fan got a knot a box in here with some red LED designa so I know that everything's powered up yeah very simple a 55 degree air conditioning during the summer and get 55 degree heat when it's zero outside during the winter well here we are it's a first test run got system pressurized this is the low side of the suction side we're operational 25 psi on the whole side 35 on the pressure side one thing I have to tell you is that everything I've done here has been by logic not by manual or engineering it seems like a logical system to me in fact Ollie it works fine now another advantage I think to this system is that at anytime I could come here and put in another take you know remove the radiator from the circuit and put it into a water to water heat exchanger or run into a heat pump or I could use this circuit for anything that I wanted right now it's just a plain radiator with a fan on it and that's the way I plan on using it this year but anyway that's how this thing got charged that's how it works for me that's how I designed it to work and it seems like it's working quite nicely you got some film on the field out there and this is where the pipes come in from that field you'll see all of that let me know what you think I don't know what to think about all of this it seems to work just fine that's what I wanted to do was give me 55 degree radiated heat and and I've got that so what did I do wrong what could I have done differently or better and yeah I'll be listening let me know what you think go Maddie here you go there she is all finished on a rotator I wanted to eat the garage or the greenhouse flexible tubes that's standing pressure 25 pounds gotta wear it up I will read a noisy don't work but switch it down dose up put it on low you switch it on goes up to 30 switch it to medium all right I know if you can hear it running no bubbles in the side glass works perfect both sides 22 my size about 32 oh yeah colder - it works as designed how cool is that time for Guinness
Channel: larry shea
Views: 211,859
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: geothermal, geothermal heat, geothermal well, geothermal pump, DIY geothermal, geothermal DIY, heat pump, geothermal heatpump, earthloop heatpump, DIY well, recirculate system, geothermal system
Id: TNLrjMjYD4s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 28sec (1168 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 14 2017
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