Geotagged photos in QGIS - QGIS2Web 01 | burdGIS

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[Music] Matt phones today we're looking at how we can bring the geotag photos into QGIS this is part of the series and the goal is to make a web map from this particular project so as ever let's not delay and dive right in so this is what our final output is going to look like after we've completed the series and you can see I've got clustered points here over Edinburgh where the recent foss4g UK conference took place and each of these points is somewhere where I took a photo so you can click on here you can see I've got a reward for going to the conference and it's upon Porter very nice and if you click on one of the clustered points you can see the conference venue excellent place to have a conference right next to the Scottish houses of parliament so that's what we're looking for that's our ultimate goal but the first thing we need to do is take some pictures so our first step is going to be setting up phone to make sure that we can take two tagged photos and in order to do that I'm going to go into the settings which will be right here and then I'm going to go to my location settings which is down here and I'm working on an Android phone but there will be similar options with a iPhone as well and I'm going to turn my location on now you'll notice that the mode at the top layer is set to high accuracy that means it's using both the GPS and also Wi-Fi signals in order to determine the location mobile networks Bluetooth etc so that means that I'm going to get a much better location than just using GPS or just using Wi-Fi Bluetooth etc so I've set that up that's all good let's go back and then in my camera settings if I open up my camera you're not going to see an awful lot but I'm going to go to the settings button and then from there I'm going to hit more and I'm going to scroll down and you see the save location if I turn that on that is good okay and then when I go to take a picture you'll see down in the bottom right that there is a little pen if your phone is searching for a signal that pen will actually be a little satellite and you should wait until the pen drops until you start taking photographs that's how to get the best location accuracy so while I was out in Edinburgh at the conference I did a little bit of exploring and I've taken all the photographs I have tidied the milk chosen the best ones and put them into their own folder and from that I will be well poised to make my QGIS project here we are including iOS and I've started a new project I've been working a lot in the British National Grid recently so you can see my epsg down here I've set that to be the default I'm just going to switch that to a web based there we go pseudo Mercator that's what I'm after so su demarcate is often used in websites and as this is going to be a website eventually I'm going to stick the epsg to that to begin with but also like to know where things are happening so I'm going to add a base map as well and for that I'm going to go with Open Street Map monochrome if you are lacking these X Y Zed base maps or the X Y Zed tiles you can see my other video here which will use class Carlson's X on Python code in order to load all of these up into browser here we have the world you can see it's not an almost square because of the web Mercator projection and we're all set now what I'd like to do is bring those photos in and make them be points on a map so how can we do that whenever I'm working in two and I come up with the question do that my first port of call is to go to plugins and so if I go up to manage and install plugins I'll connect to the plug-in repository and I'd like to go to all and I'm going to search for photos and you can see here we've got one called import photos now checked out a few of these and import photos looks like the most suitable for what we'd like to do and over on the right hand side you can see a description of how this works so that's good I've got that plug-in installed already and I've turned it on so let's close out of this and you will have a couple of little new tools on your toolbar these are from the import photo plugin so if I go down to import photos it's going to ask for an input folder location and an output file location and a style if we have a style so I'm going to browse to the input folder location and that is gonna be in here I've got all my photos already in v4 upload photo folder so I'll select that folder and it's going to ask for an output location so that location I'm gonna keep as the same and it's going to save it as an ESRI shapefile I'm fine with that no problem at all so I'll call this my photos and let's hit save okay so you could check this button that only imports photos that are in the canvas extent so if you had an area that you were interested in and only the photos from that area you could do that I'm not going to I just want to bring all of them end so I'll hit OK and off it goes look at that very speedy the import is completed and we've got 18 photos added without error to is skipped because they're missing locations which is interesting we'll investigate further later on so I'm going to hit OK the task is complete and my photos are loaded so over here in the layers panel you can see I've now got called my photos and within that I've got a shapefile called my photos so I'm going to zoom to that layer and they are all in Edinburgh excellent news so this looks like it's worked very well now the first thing I'm going to do in a little bit of housekeeping I don't need a group for my photos they can just be on their own so I'm just going to track them out of that group and then don't leave that group and put my OpenStreetMap on the bottom and here's my photos now if you want to inspect your photos you can use this button up at the top click photos and we'll get the crosshairs and if I click on here you can see it opens up that photograph it'll tell me what date it was taking what time and what the layer is called you can also cycle through the photos that you've taken which is quite useful and you can see in the background it's highlighting the locations of these so they'll turn yellow now one thing that I have noticed is that the photo symbology so the point symbology for these is okay but it kind of fades into my background map so I might want to change that and I'm just going to go to my photos here double click on that and you can see that it's built up of a number of different simple markers now rather than messing around with these I'm just going to set them to no symbols and then go back to a single marker and you can see how it reverts to a very simple market I like the color blue so I'm going to make this blue and in terms of opacity I'm just going to open up the layer rendering and make it a 85% and I'm just trying to think that when this is on a web map is going to be quite important that he's really stand out and you can see them quite easily here so that's quite good and if i zoom in you do have some that are on top of each other that might be a bit problem but we'll tackle that later on so this is looking alright now what I'm going to do is save my project I'm just going to go to save as save it in the same folder and I'll pull up my photo map great now if you remember we had two photos that could not be added so they don't have a geolocation associated with them so I need to do a little bit of investigating and find out which ones have been missed off so I've been through my photos and I've had a look which ones were missing and one of them was right at dynamic Earth and it's quite a nice picture so I'd definitely like that one on so what I'm going to do is select my photos layer and I'm going to start editing so I'll toggle that editing and I'm going to add a point feature I think that point was around about fair that's where the actual location is and I can give it a name so I'm going to call this one globe and then in terms of the date it was probably on Saturday the 21st we'll go for that in terms of time now you'll notice when I click on the time it brings up a date window that's not very useful so I'm just going to leave that blank for now Liman lat I'm not too bothered about not any of these and let's have a look what else we've got we've got a title I'll call it globe and comment path relative path and timestamp okay so I'm just going to fill in the very basics for now and okay that and you'll see that we've got this added now because I haven't given it a path it doesn't know by that photograph is and so if I open up the attribute table you can see that all the other items in here are a lot more fill then I've got my globe in here and it's called the globe JPEG and I think the photo and if I scroll across you can see that all the other ones have something called a relative path and I've opened this up a little bit more we can see what that relative path looks like it's got the - the duck - forward slash for upload and then the filename so this path is relative to where the file is stored or where our project is so I'm going to copy one from above paste it in down there and then I'm going to give it the name of my photo file which i think is globe I'm going to double check that and in a second so it should be globe let's go back to my photos and the sample though it is called cloak jpg and you can see from here here's where the project is here's where the file is and that is where my videos are of videos photos that's where my photos are so key needs to know that relative path name and now that I've updated it theoretically we should be able to see that picture when I click on it so I'm going to stop editing we'll save those at it close out of this and then I'm going to use this camera click again no image path found hmm that's not very helpful so let's open up again and see what we might have missed so if I go over here we've got an absolute path here as well so perhaps it's something to do with that so I'll copy them from above I'll paste it in down here and let's have a look if I change from summit to globe out that's save my edits close and stop editing now if I use a camera click and there it is so what the import photos was looking for was the absolute path but it is very useful to have the relative path in there and you'll see why when we come to making our web map now the other problem that we had was that when I tried to update the tie line it was coming up as a date field so I'm just going to go into my photos and I'm going to have a look at the attributes form and which one wasn't it was time now if I click on time here you can see the widget type is date time and the field format is set to date I don't want that I would like that to be time okaythat's and now when I go into my attribute table and I try and update the time let's turn on editing click in here and I can update the time now I'm not sure what time I took this photo but let's go for 11 in the morning on the Saturday that looked good okay so I'm going to save my edits and we're all good on that front excellent now I have my photo map I've got a couple more adjustments to make I've been inspecting this for a little while now and when we were over at the castle I had this particular picture taken from the castle walls but I had a roof over us and so I think the picture was taken from around here but cheats bad accuracy it's put in our tile house that's no use so I'm going to spend a bit of time tidying these up and then I've got my photos geotagged brought into a QGIS project now in the next video we are going to have a look at how we can create a local website from this particular project so stay tuned don't forget to subscribe and please like the video if you enjoyed it had some really great comments lots of subscribers recently so if we can keep that going that would be also and if you feel like this is a little above your head don't forget that you can always jump over to udemy and do my introductory course on QGIS it does need a little update so I'll be doing that very soon if you'd like to check the video description below if you clicked upon show more you can get a 50% discount on that particular course alright thanks a lot for watching and happy mapping
Channel: burdGIS
Views: 14,061
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: burdGIS, GIS, mapping, geospatial, cartography, remote-sensing, QGIS, geotag, geotagged, geotagged photos, photos, import photos, QGIS3, webmap, webmapping, leaflet
Id: Kdrb5MOqLP4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 47sec (947 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 27 2019
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