Georgia Aquarium Guide To Fun & Must-Know Tips!

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I'm gonna share with you just how you can see and do everything the Georgia Aquarium offers in under four hours plus I'm gonna tell you everything you need to know about this must visit Atlanta attraction that attracts over 2.5 million people each year but the best part is I'm then going to share with you some helpful tips near the end of the video so you don't want to miss that but first you might be wondering is the Georgia Aquarium really worth the price of admission and I have one word to answer this question and that would be absolutely this place which is the fifth largest aquarium in the entire world is a world-class attraction but before you get there you have to park your car so here are some parking tips and while the Georgia Aquarium does offer an attached parking garage so you don't make the same mistake we did and to save you some stress I I highly recommend parking in a different nearby parking garage or somewhere else nearby because this one seems like it was built without a good traffic flow in mind and it took over 30 minutes to get into and parked now if you arrive later in the day then I don't think it's gonna be as big of an issue where the Georgia Aquarium located you will find the aquarium is located in the heart of beautiful downtown Atlanta and it's located right next to the World of Coca-Cola and the Centennial Olympic Park what are the hours for the aquarium the Georgia Aquarium is open 365 days a year so yes every single day and the hours are Monday through Thursday 9 A.M to 9 p.m and Friday through Sunday 8 A.M to 9 p.m and with the price of admission you can stay as long or as little as you want the day you visit where are the best places to purchase tickets and I always recommend checking their website first because usually they offer some sort of promotion that is worth taking advantage of and you can also always check out Groupon as well when is the best time to visit the Georgia Aquarium the world's best aquarium is a year-round attraction and since it's located Under One Roof it's an excellent activity for a rainy or cold day as well I do recommend trying to avoid visiting on a weekend and trust me on this because the aquarium will be packed on our last visit we visited on a Friday around 12 p.m thinking that it wouldn't nearly be as crowded and oh boy were we wrong because this place was so busy so I cannot recommend enough arriving within the first hour of the aquarium being open or any time after 5 PM when it's open until 9 00 PM so if time allows it try to visit Monday through Thursday if you're a able to but if you can only visit on a Friday through Sunday then I recommend getting there early or a few hours before they close how much time should you plan to spend at the Georgia Aquarium there is so much to see and do at this must visit attraction that you really can't spend the whole entire day here it seems like but I recommend setting aside anywhere from four to six hours to see and do everything and you are about to learn just how to see everything the aquarium has to offer in under four hours a Georgia Aquarium consists of six major exhibits and they are sharks predators of the deep this is the aquarium's newest gallery and is by far the best exhibit you'll find in any aquarium in the entire world this massive tank features 1.2 million gallons of water with a tank death of 20 feet and a length of 185 feet this musty exhibit is filled with all sorts of different kind of sharks and educational activities to learn more about these beautiful creatures River Scout you're going to find over 90 000 gallons of water with one glass bottom alligator exhibit and two crawl Tunnels for the kids you're also going to explore why diversity of animals found in the rivers of Africa South America and Asia and this wonderfully themed exhibit seriously the kids are going to love all the cool things this exhibit has to offer tropical diver now this exhibit was one of our favorites and that is because you'll take a journey to these tropical coral reefs where you will encounter over 90 different kinds of species also you're going to get to experience one of the largest living reef exhibits of any aquarium in the world and it really is truly breathtaking cold water Quest now you cannot visit the Georgia Aquarium and not say hi to the Penguins and beluga whales and this exhibit features all sorts of different kinds of birds fish and mammals and if you are traveling with kids and they are going to love this interactive exhibit but just keep in mind that there are two levels to this exhibit and it's highly recommend that you explore both Dolphin Coast you're going to be able to take in a beautiful underwater viewing of the Dolphins in this exhibit then just around the corner is where you get to enter the theater for the must-see dolphin presentation show ocean Voyager this exhibit alone is worth the price of admission this is the largest Indoor Aquatic habitat in the entire world we're talking 6.3 million gallons of water and this exhibit features a hundred foot long underwater tunnel where you get to walk through part of this aquarium you're also going to find 4574 square feet of viewing windows with one of the largest viewing windows in the entire world a 23 foot by 61 foot wide Crystal Clear Window giving you the best views ever of all the beautiful animals in this aquarium you'll see giant whale sharks manta rays and all the other beautiful fish swimming right in front of you the Georgia Aquarium is so much more than just aquariums and did you know that you'll find two great show presentations here as well and the most popular one is the dolphin presentation and I personally recommend spending five dollars per person and purchase the preferred seating for the show this way you know you're going to get a spot to go see it now if you want to save some money then stay tuned because I'm going to share with you how to experience this show for free later in the video also this Dolphin Show showcases the beauty of these animals and you get to really take in just how fast they can swim and how how high they can jump Under the Boardwalk sea lion show now this show does not get talked about enough if you want to get this close to some sea lions and have a good laugh or two or three then you have to make time to see this show and as of now you do need to reserve your seat online and while it is free this way you can at least go out and see the show without a hassle and for your convenience both of these shows happen multiple times each day I recommend just checking out the Daily Show schedule in advance so you kind of map out your day as far as when you want to go see the shows while exploring the Georgia Aquarium there's a pretty good chance you're going to get hungry and rest assured the aquarium does offer a huge restaurant called Cafe Aquaria and while we did not eat here during our visit the food actually looked pretty good aquarium add-ons just like most animal attractions out there the Georgia Aquarium offers a bunch of different add-ons for you to consider and here's a look at the current animal encounters you're going to find at the aquarium with each one being priced differently surely if you wanted to experience an animal encounter there's a pretty good chance that you can find one within your budget now if you really want a unique experience then you should take a moment and check out the aquarium swim and dive add-ons talk about a lifetime experience now before I share with you just how you can experience all the exhibits the Georgia Aquarium offers in under four hours I wanted to share with you some very important tips for your visit to the aquarium but first if you're finding this video to be helpful in any way then all I ask that you do is give it a like this is by far the best way you can help support my channel and the time it takes to create these videos now let's get into the Georgia Aquarium tips always keep a look out for the African penguins as they explore the aquarium as well during their waddle walk if you are wanting to know what type of animals are in each exhibit then be sure to check out the Georgia aquarium's website because under each exhibit you can find all the information about it including all the animals and that exhibit I know that you're going to be spending a good amount of money to explore the aquarium however if you're able to do so then I highly recommend checking out the aquariums backstage tours for around 15 you can explore the secret world of the aquarium and get a behind the scenes tour of the place I highly highly recommend it the Dolphins and death show fills up very fast so I recommend lining up at the theater around 30 minutes minimal before the show starts to get the best seats available if you do not have 30 minutes to wait then purchase the preferred seating for five dollars per person the sea lion presentation is not nearly as popular as a dolphin show however in our family we all agreed that this was the much better overall show and I cannot recommend seeing it enough bear warning to my fellow parents there is a massive gift shop that you have to walk through as you exit the aquarium and finally purchase your tickets in advance since you'll need to select the time of day you plan on arriving this way the time you want to visit will still be available so here is how you can experience everything the Georgia Aquarium offers in under four hours and before you arrive be sure to purchase your tickets in advance also purchase preferred seating for the Dolphin Show and make reservations for the sea lion show and one last very important thing be sure you eat before you arrive that way you don't have to waste any time by stopping at the cafeteria now when you get inside the aquarium start counterclockwise and head to your right when you enter this will take you right to the tropical diver exhibit and the best part is that this exhibit will exit right by the restrooms which is located right next to the ocean Voyager exhibit from there head over to the cold water Quest followed by river Scout after you finish these exhibits I recommend checking out the shark exhibit and the beautiful thing about the Georgia Aquarium is that everything is located next to each other making it very easy to go from one exhibit to the next so if you decide to go see the sea lion or Dolphin Show then you can time it right and go see those in between This Plane of attack so that is how you can experience the Georgia Aquarium in under four hours now I want to know which exhibit are you looking forward to most be sure to let me know in the comments and I really hope that you've learned a lot from my Georgia Aquarium guide to fun again please do not forget to give this video a like and as always thank you so much for watching remember to smile today think positive and never stop traveling
Channel: Travel Guides USA
Views: 2,776
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Length: 12min 0sec (720 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 07 2023
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