George Neville-Neil - FreeBSD: Not a Linux Distro

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FreeBSD is not a Linux distro me I actually proposed this mostly as a gag but then I realized that the question I get asked most often by non by less technical crowds for instance is FreeBSD is what is that a distro of Linux like no it's not a distro Linux so I'm Jordan humble Neil I've done a lot of things around FreeBSD and actually around the BSD even before that for quite a while and we're really happy that digitalocean is providing previously on their platform and when they asked me to come and talk about FreeBSD I said sure so quick overview I'm just going to talk by the way I'm really happy that your slides were similarly not marketing like because like I could use keynote but I hate it so this is in logic because I'm that old so I'm going to talk a little bit about FreeBSD some of the history of BSD just sort of people have so people have an idea of what this stuff is where it came from why it's here why you might want to use it why people care about it talk about some of the current features so I'm going to skip over a lot of the middle of the story and talk about some of the stuff that we're doing for the next release FreeBSD 11 a little bit about me I mean I can't really say anything more than you all already said because he said all these great things about me so this is who I am a lot of freebsd in there and also I am code vicious so what is freebie so one of the things neal said in his presentation was talking about how the system is complete so when you install freebsd you have compiler as you have editors you have all the things we believe you need to start doing sort of C and C++ development now for those people who want to do Java you'll have to install that but that's why we have 24,000 plus ports right so there's the ports and package system and everything that's um it would seem that everything that's ever been written since 1972 has been ported in some way into everyone's package system there's code in there that I I know runs but I don't know why we're really big on documentation I've now written co-authored two books on the FreeBSD operating system on the kernel internals but the documentation team for the project is a pretty big team actually it's I think it's more than 30 people it might be more than that if you who'd everyone who's translating it and the FreeBSD handbook is really amazing it's it's interesting that the first thing people usually say to me when they meet me and they talk about FreeBSD is like all the handbooks great like yeah I wrote this textbook I know the handbook is really good I'm like okay that's thank you we're really big on documentation and one of the reasons and I'll explain that a little bit more it comes out of sort of the history of the BSD s in FreeBSD and also free beasties an open source community right I mean it's you know there's over 300 developers working on the kernel and on user space and on the tools and on the ports and packages it's a large global community of people working on a big open-source project which is now more than twenty years old it's one of the oldest open-source projects it's also one of the the longest lived democratically run open-source project so there is no single Linux right there's no snow Andy Tannenbaum for medics there's no linda's for Linux we're run by a core team the core team is elected every two years I've served three times on the core team and is all good developers one of the nice things about doing a democracy with engineers these engineers know how much work actually telling people what to do is so no one ever runs for corps unless you convince them like nobody thinks it's going to be great to be on core we're all like alright the things to get done yes fine so more than 20 years of basically elections every so many years to actually manage the project so who uses FreeBSD this is a question I got asked a lot and you'll recognize some of these names you know if you're holding an Apple device or you're using an Apple laptop there's a bunch of previous D in that in particular I'm very happy that they continue to use bits of our network stack because that's what I work on but a lot of other companies have built freebsd into things so you see if here is a lot of folks like NetApp Isilon the Dell KACE folks Parnassus people who do file storage devices most of the email that is processed on the Internet is sitting somewhere on a freebsd device or inside the NSA which may also be using freebsd but they're not on the list and they haven't donated to the foundation yet so we're not putting up their Apple a lot of networking people the bsts have a really long and strong history in the networking area because of the fact that the tcp/ip protocols were in part originally written on the BSD s so you get people like limelight networks Norris who were building a networking appliance was calm syntax or an ISP one of the most valuable acquisitions last year which was whatsapp used FreeBSD for a complete communication system and you know turns out that's worth billions of dollars juniper switches Verisign actually runs Vera's on does something very interesting they run half of some form of Linux and half FreeBSD because if there is a zero day against Linux then the FreeBSD won't explode if it is a zero day against FreeBSD the Linux Porter's blood they're both using the same version of open SSL sorry that's I don't work on that code so a sign some books I'm working with right now Percy's Telecom they're a big networking provider to finance but they're rolling out a called high performance time service and that's all being built with FreeBSD boxes to do really accurate clocks so that's pretty cool sony if you've got a ps4 you're running clang LLVM and freebsd inside that somewhere they actually copped to it now and they did the ps3 they wouldn't cop to it when they did the ps4 they ask so many questions on the mailing list that finally were like you're using FreeBSD they sort of don't make me send the North Koreans app you my previous employer who does high-frequency trading on Wall Street Hudson River trading previously McAfee nyi which is a big hosting company here in New York and Yahoo so and and many many more what's interesting about working on a project where we use a license that doesn't force sharing like a GPL is people will just take our code and they'll use it for years and then when they have a problem they show up and are like I'd really like to do this thing we're like oh well that's a really interesting business you've built over there shame if something happened to it so but so it's it's interesting you get you get previously built into a lot of things inside it's inside Panasonic televisions which was sort of like you you find this out by how many how many people read the manual when they buy a piece of electronics okay me and three other people but you now if you go to the back you can find out what's in the thing because people put in the license like wait there's a BSD license in this TV manual this is really strange so why do people use previous TV will history of innovation anyone who works in software is going to say that really great tools so one of the reasons I was attracted bsds initially is that there were just really good tools for performance analysis and compilers and and just the things that a geek wants and building up a product a little piece of software mature release model so the FreeBSD project and the BSP projects generally you know have always used source code control back to something called SCC s and I think there's only two people in the room who thankfully have ever had to use that that's me and hem but you can actually go online right now we've got all the sources you can go back to the nineteen possibly the 70s but all the way back to the early 1980s and see the operating system over time and so we've always maintained this model of you know very defined releases and and very defined features and a lot of heavy testing documentation and I mentioned the business-friendly license so we'll talk about that in a moment so here's a thirty years in three minutes or less we all know about there was this thing called multics that's where UNIX gets its name from there were these folks over in New Jersey called Bell lab they built something that was better than multix because they didn't do everything to everything but here's what Berkeley gets involved so at the time you could get unix for your research environment which had a multi-million dollar massive computer that took up this entire room or at least some chunk of it mmm and you gave ATT a thousand dollars which was not a lot which is more money than it is now but we still not a lot of money and then your university generally could use UNIX and Berkeley was one of the licensees early licensees of UNIX and they found that UNIX was wanting so they started writing stuff for it in particular they wrote VI I'm told that VI was written while bill joy was watching the reruns of Star Trek which explains a lot Pascal compilers music worked on but it was basically a tools tape you would get and it was a tape there were these things they like you see me old movies that go around like this you got a tape like a nine track tape of data and you all you had to do is prove that you had the UNIX license and the Berkeley folks be like there you go have a tape we'll put it in I guess FedEx existed by then but maybe they put it in USPS or or the Pony Express but you tape I'm not sure the tape got to you but you can get a tape so this is the early 1980s there's a research group at Berkeley the computer systems research group that's CSR gee and the Defense Department comes along DARPA and there they say alright look all of our researchers have different operating systems is some Bergin a unix is some burden is something for data general and then Dex got wrist ish and they're all these things and we don't like that because we're all about standardization because that's how militaries work and they said we want to you know we want one ring to rule them all and Berkeley said we could write that because you know Berkeley they're really pro military so somehow DARPA believed this was a good idea and you know they had the the early internet where the links along links were 56 kilobits per second and there were like eight sites and this is the early the early development of tcp/ip in the internet and so that and Berkeley UNIX become the thing that people start running for all their research clusters and all their research stuff on the Internet so see a surgery builds this stuff they spend the next decade doing that and then one of the guys are really a really smart guy and really good at convincing people to do work says you know we could give all this away if we could just get rid of all these 18 T files like we could get people to rewrite the memory allocator and you know this bit of the compiler and these things and we use you know they were going to use GCC which is eventually what they used instead of the ATT compiler we could just get rid of that stuff we give this away and he was a member of CSR G and Kirk who I wrote the book with one of the other authors who was running CEO surgery at the time said well if you can get people to remove all that code we can ship at and then Kirk won that's going to work and then in a year it was all gone and there were only six files left because Keith is really really good at conning people in to do work so within a year or two they had a nearly completely clean system they rewrote all of the 18t code that's up for six files which caused a bit of a problem hmm and then they CSR G was no longer being funded by the government you know the government is like well we got we've got our Berkeley UNIX thing we're very happy thank you very much and those folks were like we're going to go into Silicon Valley and start companies do things like that so Group E won't often built at 386 back when there were only 380 sixes a version of Berkeley UNIX and they set up a company it's called the SDI and they made their phone number 1-800 its UNIX you know that would be the equivalent now of setting up a search engine and putting 1-800 its Google on your website right that's soomi so they did and this tied up the code for over a year where basically 18 t at the time sued first bsdi but the SDI was a tiny company why see them so sue the entire state of California because they're big and they have pockets and they have tax payers who will pay off the debt but this the case was adjudicated in California instead of on the East Coast and it turns out the judges in California like California universities more than they like East Coast companies just saying probably no bias but you got to pick your venue lawsuit goes against AT&T and you get the first actual release of the BSD s so at that point BSD is free at the time I was running plan 9 as a research project because if my boss required me to and then I installed net bsd 0.9 the next day so open BSD was mentioned there are a few operating systems in the in the BSD world which were you know branched so the the lawsuits pretty much done in 90 to 93 and then you get what we now call Forks but at the time none of this you know these many of these terms existed right at this point which I feel really old right now over 20 years ago there really was no concept of open source right when the FSF existed and there was a GPL license but the open source community didn't exist there was we were just giving away software because we wanted to work on it somewhere else hmm so right off you've got net BSD and FreeBSD NetBSD like the original BSD UNIX is from Berkeley tries to run on everything and actually that PSD will still run on a VAX if you can find one or you can simulate one on the internet or on my watch remember you still running everything they're really amazing that way and that's been their commitment the whole time like we're going to keep doing interesting innovative stuff but we're going to do it on every single platform I so props to them because it would kill me FreeBSD folks go after the Intel market they're like look everybody's got these servers and we're just going to be we're going to support all the drivers and we're going to be rock-solid on those servers and we're just gonna make sure that stuff works and that's how I wound up running free instead of net because it ran on all my laptops and I'm a big fan of laptops I basically work almost unique exclusively for the last 15 years from a laptop server somewhere but I've never seen them I mean I believe they exist exist only in the mind of God so previously comes from that and then there's the fork with open BSD where the BSD folks say well we're going to concentrate on security and they really have and as someone who when I worked at Yahoo my title was paranoid I had a car that said paranoid Yahoo on it those people make me seem normal so they're really into the security thing and then around 2006 if all the BS DS have always had X windows because everybody has excellent but there was a bunch of folks who wanted to have something that when you install that it gave you a more of a distro actual experience where you get it and it would come up and you'd have KDE or gnome or something like that personally if I boot a machine and it doesn't show me a like just a login prompt I feel uncomfortable because I don't trust what's behind all the pretty so FreeBSD project and the FreeBSD you know the BSD license a very simple philosophy do not sue us relicense it pretty much says you have you know if you cut yourself with this we're really sorry if it does to us we really like people to use our code one of the reasons that we use a very permissive license which is generated plenty of arguments between different open-source groups over the years is all we really care about is that people are using our code and they find it useful I met and that it's good for them like we don't force people to give back we really want the code to just run and then FreeBSD specifically produce a whole system ready for development now what that means it's changed over time but I have to tell you that every time I install a distro and it doesn't have an NFS server in it I'm really confused it's just things that are oddly missing it's like look I just want this box to work so we produce the whole system operating system drivers compilers and associated tools debugging tools editors packaging system ready to code stop for a moment and say questions yes why is NFS a part of it thesis because if I don't have an NFS server then I can't actually mount things on it like often so I've worked on a lot of servers so if I have something that's sitting there and I can't actually have someone else talk to it it's a reasonable way then it just this one that's not true if I'm doing a lamp or a stamp as we would call it on our side of our so I was like sure and what I care about it's Apache and MySQL are Postgres in our case we did we use MySQL we find post crisper porn is better but that's just an example there are just all these things that when I someone makes me install Lubuntu which I realized stands for I don't understand how to install Linux but someone says you must use a boot too I'm like good what wait why are those things out here let's give me it all so some recent recent things so we've got let's talk about these in a little more detail at the fest or ufs was mentioned ufs ZFS with the two major file systems DTrace my absolute favorite feature of the last few years be net gels new compilers a bunch of security stuff and then oh yeah we can run Linux binaries so this think of a Linux you later if you want to run a Linux binary on FreeBSD you can do that particularly I believe someone just ran Doom recently which is the that's the test right it's like oh I can run Doom inside the Linux you later I'm like okay congratulations let's talk about filesystem so in FreeBSD and we we can support any filesystem like because there's a really nice clean interface to both the low-level block devices and to user space right just you know that's sort of the traditional unix model anyway but there's two that you will really come across that's ufs which is kind of which is now more than twenty years old and has this really amusing history so every time someone comes up with a new thing like they're like oh well we're gonna do log base file systems because log base file systems are faster and then there's a paper at a conference somewhere is a lot of bass viol sisters are faster and then a year later the acoustic and a few people who work on that professor TFS come out and go yeah actually that was just metadata updates we fixed that and ufs is faster again oh you can't do snapshot so we can do snapshots a year later and then now journaled soft updates so when you crash a system I mean I know the system's never crash but just in case if it ever happened to you jazz as we got the very large discs when you had to go back and figure out what was wrong in the file system and reconnect everything and try not to lose everybody's files that took a long time so everybody knows everybody seen a CKD run on various systems which we like to call F suck I had never heard it called that till recently but I still like it really a lot so general soft updates do this for you it's like got metadata updates there journal that's a little tiny journal not a journal of everything and if you you know do this pull the power out of it server crash it then that will restore your system really fast so that's one of the things but the one thing the ufs does not do is all the sort of modern volume management I've got a million discs and I want them rated in this way and then I want you know all these crazy sort of server sides and side stuff and that's where we get ZFS ZFS was done in Solaris we're very happy that the Solaris folks did it because then we can take it zedd of a zettabyte filesystem it's got all that stuff it's got the volume manager and raid and it's fully up to date in previous teaser like some of the folks who worked on ZFS for son or now committers on the FreeBSD project so that their code can live on which is good and this is the thing that people use when they're setting up a huge data center it's like I've got to have a huge amount of data and I'm going to you know put that somewhere on I want to manage in some reasonable way generally that's going to run on Jennif has some security features security is a big thing for the FreeBSD project and for the dsds in general it helps when helps when one of the when the first internet worm back when that was sort of a benign thing basically ran against your system to make you think we're going to think about security from now on okay jails are a way of doing containerization of applications within FreeBSD it's sort of people like to think about its lightweight KVM and think of it in a bunch of ways we'd take everything you put in a jail and you can run your mail server in a jail and you've got your patch server in a jail you another server in a jail and they can interfere with each other Mac framework which is mandatory access control this is for people who are more a more military or paranoid mindset this is the kind of stuff where the system will say you know are you you know we'll give you much more fine-grain access controls to different things can you actually open this file can you actually get at that and most recently capsicum which is a really interesting project for doing basically really high level sort of security stuff on FreeBSD that's a project that was at University of Cambridge in the UK and there's a bunch of new work going on there so bunch of security features tooling I said tooling is important so hello VM and clang so if you want to thank Richard Stallman for gplv3 you should thank him for this because that's the reason that exists so clang and LLVM are really nice very modern well architected compiler tool chain and if you ever want to do something like have a compiler that can generate GPU instructions intelligently then you want to use this and not GCC hmm and the reason these exist is because there were some folks at the university of urbana-champaign who were building this cool little system and then solomon says GCC is going to be gplv3 and apple says well that's not going to work very well I think they said something else but they had lawyers who said it nicely and I having to find this project and they said to them yeah it's a nice compiler you've got there how would you like many millions of dollars in an entire team to develop it because we can't have a gplv3 compiler in our operating system so LLVM and clang an LLB B which is the new debugger come out of basically apples money researchers urbana-champaign and a bunch of developers who work really hard on it and it's a much nicer compiler tool chain in particular it's really extensible so retargeting it to different architectures if you care about that you probably wouldn't in a cloud environment really nice so when I want to run previous beyond my BeagleBone black which is in my bag hmm these provide that and last it's funny I did I make a whole slide I did dtrace it's my favorite feature so dtrace provides complete system transparency it's also by the way a rootkit so if you turn on access to DTrace and someone is running it they can see everything but the fact you can see everything for basically systems programmers and systems administrators and people who configure systems is just an amazing thing to be able to do you can see inside any call or return in the system in user space or in the kernel you can see all of the arguments that were passed you can see what disk blocks are going where and you can see which sockets are doing what and there's a whole toolkit of scripts that was written for this which are being rewritten now they're originally written for DTrace comes from again from Sun from Solaris so the toolkit was originally written against Solaris which has very different kernel structure but as a debugging tool or you know my favorite example of this is people will say you know this applications really slow which is always a great you love this bug report sorry it's it's slow okay what are you doing well someone can say is slow and you run you know things like Kay trace and s trace and a bunch of the other tracing things that have been written before are very intrusive and so if there's a timing issue often they will mask it they're also very heavyweight d trace is super super light it's it's using instruction swapping to basically look at very specific function calls so for instance someone will tell me you know we've got this application that's running on our appliance it's running really slow ok well I'll run a G trace that actually does look a whole bunch of different calls but the first thing I'll usually do because everyone does this is look at their iota calls and I'll look at the size of the right calls and I will find out they are reading writing 80 bytes at a time to a log file I'd be like that is why your application is slow and then we fix that but dtrace is amazing for this stuff and it's just it's it has made my life far easier networking by the way I I'm a networking person normally well I'm an abnormal networking person but I do work a lot of networking so FreeBSD because it was involved Beasties and FreeBSD because they were involved in the original network protocols long-term commitment to doing good networking so for instance almost every embedded system has taken one version or another of the bsd networks back and put it on it so i happen to have code on mars which is the bsd for the pre few freebsd bsd 4.4 network stack is communicating between the mars rovers and here right so that that code just runs everywhere including on mars so some of the newer vall IPFW and PF are not that new they are the long-standing packet filters PF in particular comes from open BSD IPFW was native to FreeBSD goes along with dummynet firewalls more recent features which is pretty nice if you're building something like an actual appliance are things like net map and in the virtual in the cloud world valets probably more interesting but that map gives you very direct access to your network drivers the network devices so normally when you connect with the socket you go to the colonel and the colonel gives you some memory and so all this work that gets done and we do a lot of work for you but if you don't want us to do that work you can bypass this by using this thing called net map intel has something similar called DP DK which also runs around FreeBSD and this is what people have been using to do really high-performance networking stuff where they don't care about TCP once you care about TCP you've got a huge number of problems but if all you want is raw network data then map is the way to go viola is the switch that sits on top of that and then more interesting in a cloud environment is the VX land stuff so the X LAN is what allows people to for some odd reason put Ethernet in UDP over IP for data centers which is something they want I think it's going to all end in tears but they wanted it so we give it to them I it's very useful that scares the heck out so what are we going to do next you know and we've had this 20 year his 20 plus year history with his operating system couldn't we just be done clearly not so some of the things we're working on right now and a lot of this is going to go into our next release which is FreeBSD 11 scaling so everybody knows about massively multi-core systems nobody knows how to program them but we think we do at least the operating system would be fast to your application will be it's amazing right you're like oh you got this multi-core system with all these threads and it's going to be great you know like yet did you rewrite your application to know about any of that no no it's just going to be great isn't it yeah it's gonna be great but it's gonna be great on FreeBSD so scaling to more cores we currently scale to 256 cores will of course keep upping that there's a bunch of things in the kernel you have to do to make sure that synchronization doesn't destroy like that doing the synchronization doesn't remove all your performance networking cues if anyone does 10 or anyone does 10 or 40 gig networking which I do all your network cards to be able to actually get data through them you need to be able to apportion data to different queues and the networks and then our drivers and the pneuma non-uniform memory access so if you've bought a dual processor machine from Intel recently you don't actually have an SMP box what you have is an acetate piece of acetate with two processors that sort of communicate and that means it is evaluated memory in the wrong place your application goes really slow and so we have to figure that out for you that's what your 164 this is actually kind of interesting that people over in this sort of data center space arm is pushing really hard to try to displace and gentlemens their pushes around his arm 64 step and that previously they have actually worked with the project and the FreeBSD Foundation I've got my advertising on to roll out arm 64 and that's going to be in the next release so if you look for arm 64 online you'll see that we're booting on what they call their foundation models women put that a chip they put that the sort of software simulator so we're running on top of that stuff so when arm 64 actually arrives in data centers and we actually have a test box from caveum that just arrived today and was defrosting considered data center in Canada the guy said we don't plug things in the moment they come off a truck in Canada like all right it warms up let me know so we're going to run on real Hardware probably by next week huge amount of virtualization features the serial thing should be fixed if not now very soon by the way that you mention it yet so that and the there's a bunch of block IO stuff which I think has more to do with Xen virtualization not KVM but I know that those are the two big things people been talking about in terms of virtualization features so there's the serial stuff will be fixing back on networking a lot of networking features so MP TCP is how you're if you've got a more recent iOS version this is the thing that allows you to to migrate easily between multiple networks because your TCP connections don't break because it's multipath TCP more than one path very important for mobile DC TCP is data center TCP so it turns out the TCP was designed at a time when all the machines were communicating over very long lengths at very low speeds and we've done a reasonable job of tuning the algorithms between then and now but not as good a job as we might like so we have a lot of machines with very low latencies and very high bandwidth TCP does not make as effective use of the network as it possibly could so DCT speed which was done by some research folks nobody cut though I think that's our last name and some folks at network appliance that'll be in previously eleven and then last thing on the list all your new if you're using actual hardware will come with this secure boot UEFI thing which Microsoft swears will make your machine more secure I don't know what happens when Microsoft squared something will be secure but there you're going to have it anyway the problem is that all operating system vendors Linux us of course windows has it already everyone's gonna have to support that to boot on modern hardware so we're working on that right here's more information I want to I want to put up something very quick so ACM was mentioned earlier on there's going to be a practitioner as we call it a conference here in New York at the end of February it's called applicative I encourage people to go check out the website it's going to be really interesting there's both the systems and an application track the systems is more traditionally like what I was probably just talking about the application development is more people on front-end and and that kind of stuff no js' style development that kind of thing so check out a blicket of quick thing there but if you want more information about what I just talked about FreeBSD origin of the project FreeBSD is the foundation foundation exists to be a legal entity to prevent people from suing us out of existence and we also fund things like data centers and all the things that stuff sits on mailing list forms and ambach any questions yes poor bye okay where is including these are machines what was the waiver you boot for details pad so we mean what's looks like the difference I mean like oh yeah exactly yeah so you don't want me to be I worked on embedded systems for five years okay but so so in a traditional Intel Windows world you had the BIOS basic input/output system and that handled all that stuff it's like oh you turn on the machine I look at the boot block which is it finds something and it's like oh well let that block can only be this long and that's what you wind up with three boot loaders because you live the first one which is small on the second one which is bigger and the third one which is just right like Goldilocks used to say and that's sort of the whole Intel Wintel world of booting but embedded systems have always had something had many different things so I early embedded systems were really primitive and you had to program everything into the kernel so the kernel would know while your memory was and whereas the NIC and you know you had to know the specific like hex address you wrote that into a file that's bad well or at least problematic so you boot is kind of the moral equivalent of what you get out of the bias so ladies you boot and there's these basic environments that will give will tell you things like where is the first block on disk and where does memory actually start and all the things I need to know to start up as an operating system but and then it's sort of encoded in I mean you boots another open source project right so there's a you boot project and everyone who wants to work on embedded tries to plug themselves into that because they're the ones who've gone and figured out all the things like oh you've got a Raspberry Pi versus a BeagleBone black and Raspberry Pi version a has memory that starts here and this you know that kind of stuff they've done that in the u-boot stuff so we do boot port that's how I boot my Beagle bone for doing that stuff and then UEFI is BIOS on steroids right so bio stuff was written in a really primitive period where you know the people who did like Sun boxes and deck boxes and the big iron of the time the bias to do like that's ridiculous you know like would get a real operation you know get a real system they're no longer here unfortunately the bias thing went out but yes your FBI is huge and that's what you wind up getting to when you've got a very complicated Hardware layer that has to be abstracted in some intelligent way that any operating system can come along and say oh well where's the disk and where's the mostly where's the disk where's the console where the memory and then after that we can usually work stuff out but without that we can can't really go so far it seems it is just a big yeah there's a lot of it though there's one for every single piece of hardware anyone's ever developed and that's what that's a value there it is very good reporting efforts around a - this is you Google Cloud used to be important for gig that was all previous reports if you who is heavily worked on able to use especially a box I mean the Linux guys used to every other questions alright thank you very much
Channel: DigitalOcean
Views: 90,871
Rating: 4.9095869 out of 5
Keywords: FreeBSD (Operating System), DigitalOcean, Freebsd, bsd, software, ssh, backend engineering, Cloud, IaaS, Digital Ocean, developer, developers, community
Id: wwbO4eTieQY
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Length: 36min 18sec (2178 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 23 2015
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