Geopolymer concrete made from waste is the concrete of a sustainable future

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[Music] imagine what concrete at the building material has done for us as a society it keeps our feet dry and gives millions of people a roof above their head however the concrete industry is the second largest producer of Quixote's and is responsible for emitting up to 5% of global co2 emissions at the same time there's a fast increase avoids production in many other industries at the Faculty of civil engineering and Geosciences the Geo Contin is working on a new type of concrete the ease of waste and byproducts instead of cement this is an example of the geopolymer content it is made by mixing different industrial byproducts then activating the products by alkaline solution we get a binder that's fine aggregate and finally the get such a hardened material that has comparable or even better properties than the traditional Contras [Music] the geocanvas is doing fundamental research on the geopolymer material first the waste products are characterized then through micro structure development properties and performances of the material can be predicted the research outcome enabled the team to set up design calculators and put these into practice [Music] we are also trying to demonstrate how this material works exactly so we started with the non certain applications such as calendar payment I'll present things in complicated shapes forward restructure applications the first one was the geopolymer can know last year this year rain forest and river bank and the mean real future rebuilt as with your polymer British if you think of geopolymers into practice in another one the complete production of concrete can be done without importance interest in addition to this we need lessons of base and another because we can make people wait in the sterilizer by using the polymer concrete we are not another different global pyramid it also makes us rethink the role of weight geopolymer concrete might just be the building material of the future you
Channel: TU Delft TV
Views: 177,969
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: TU Delft, TU Delft TV, concrete, geopolymer concrete, geopolymer, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Civil Engineering and geosciences, ye guang
Id: izCV1DwvODY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 44sec (164 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 30 2017
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