GEOL 351 - #17 - Swauk Formation I

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well good afternoon everybody how's it going today thanks for joining us welcome to ellensburg washington usa where the local time 12 46 pm 15 minutes from now or so we will begin our lecture called swap formation but before then we'll say hi to everybody make sure things are going okay got a couple thank yous as well oh got more thank yous than i remembered hang on just a sec we have emma we have rhiannon and we have ariel the princess more are bound to arrive momentarily wow almost forgot about this box so first things first are we doing okay can you hear me can you see me it's been a week since we did this i want to make sure we're okay uh hello edmonds washington in colorado that's barbara bonney lake washington kimmy a from across the alley how's bijou doing kimmy a hope he's staying out of trouble over there bergen norway minnesota torrance california sweden sunny central scotland wales penticton bc bloomington somewhere alberta mr town sorry ballard the netherlands kelowna british columbia marion virginia philomath maybe oregon marysville washington glasgow scotland hello gordon wisconsin rapids go badgers vienna austria spruce grove alberta so peter says it's five by five so does carol so i guess we're doing okay same old thing that's good you might go well why are you testing it every frickin time man well first of all i get nervous about these sorts of things even though i've been live streaming for more than a year and there's always issues i was out in the field yesterday with ralph hagarood and i was filming him and i looked at a little bit of the footage i haven't really edited it yet but it's a little freaking frequency kind of buzzy thing sometimes i can't figure out the pattern there were two wireless microphones so there's always stuff to learn and hi vincent from montreal so i think i have for well i'm gonna jinx it now i think for the moment i have the classroom thing figured out but uh you know how this goes uh i'll upgrade with whatever and then i'll go right back to square one with learning new things which is healthy in the long run short term kind of frustrating whatevs that's short for whatever i like that sound again is that like a styrofoamy sound what is that ah you're stirring your smoothie oh well i i got something to go with your smoothie come on girl you are oh my god you're you're gonna you're you're gonna barely get out of this room all my emails come from this class says emma uh yeah i better get on it okay so um we'll start with a couple of non-edible thank yous so terry the birthday boy and uh gloria from longview washington thank you for all that you've done as well as this gift right here the official new and improved nick zitner rock hammer recovery unit made by been there done that company your hush falls over the room i have fishing for rock hammers down cracks happy birthday terry thank you terry and gloria appreciate it very much and rich from arvada colorado sent me an email let me know that this box was arriving these are gifts for the students only three of them are here but we'll make sure that they're accessible rich is a retired geologist and he has a brand new field notebook for each of the students rihanna is pumped at the moment so there's 24 of these and so rich thank you for your generosity that's not a cheap gift and so uh i will make sure that these budding geologists get their own fresh field notebook they might even use it tomorrow out at the gold mine so thank you rich okay so i'm coming to you with this uh what's a good spot who does anybody oh no there's no chair here okay so this is going here and there's edible gifts as well emma emma's wilting so we got to get her fortified uh again gifts not asking for gifts you know that right i'm not asking for gifts i'm not asking for gifts i'm not asking for gifts but some of you feel compelled to do that and thank you very much so mike and leslie from boston binman's bakery we have a brownie for each student the gal said ah hell yeah uh to look delicious smell delicious i'd love to partake myself but i will not and we have dueling gifters today i mean andrew's not here so of course we can got all sorts of gifts just kidding andrew this is also from vinman's joe and verna i believe you were from seattle you gifted last quarter if i recall so we have more chocolate chip cookies 24 chocolate chip cookies for the students so field notebooks brownie and cookie don't eat the notebook but eat these other two things i'll be right back thank you joe and verna mike and leslie there's still a what a day to be alive there's still only three people here you might have uh four brownies each oh my gosh i'm glad i got that on i'm glad i got that on michael yeah yeah these students are now knowing to bring drinks there's something in it also andrew who is uh watching live probably from leavenworth washington i don't know maybe you're not andrew maybe it's such a beautiful day you're out climbing but andrew wanted to share this some beautiful pahoehoe ropey textured lava some basalt lava with some vesicles and you're like well i've seen that a million times in hawaii or iceland or wherever yeah maybe you have but andrew was climbing at ancient lakes otherwise known as potholes coulee in eastern washington i've never seen such beautiful pahoehoe uh i guess on a floattop of one of the flood basalts so i i'm sure we have eastern washington people say i've seen this also all over the place well i haven't so probably one of the wanapum flows about 16 million years old thank you andrew oh it's warm in here oh emma oh you guys got some napkins for everybody i'm starting to get pissed we got three people five minutes from go time here we go i know but we don't normally have just three at this late an hour oh the rock liquors here i can feel better now who now do you want to thank the field notebooks uh uh rich from colorado uh bryce says thank you and the uh the brownies in the cookies uh a couple of couples one from seattle and one from boston bryce says thank you emma does too everybody says thank you that's nice oh they're all coming in it's like they were having some sort of seance out in the hallway now they all show up at the same time and now that i said that i don't even really know what a seance is actually seances are let's say hi to a few more suddenly there's a jolt of electricity in the room i guess we do have a a tight social group now they're all hanging out together so they all rat madness says hi kids mr bryce tony uh sending me emails and signing at the rock liquor so i can call him that so bryce don't lick the cinnabar got a new handout got uh cookies brownies and one brand new spankin field notebook for each of you now you're damn right you're lucky to be signed up for this class rachel's pretty small out of context no idea okay and now has a hernia oh my god is there a minute by second by second updates hello helene in savannah georgia and ruth in south bendy indiana i added syllables to the word indiana for some reason jill's in cheyenne wyoming vicki marysville washington moto mining have i see ever seen satsquatch every day i've seen sasquatch every day kind of bored with it by now mountain laurel hello jurassic coast dennis has been with us for a long time ian from melbourne australia great lakes watershed patrick h7 hello patrick i wish you could be here to enjoy our treats and uh field notebooks oh man we got spring a tire here i'll save that for everybody preface your question with not to be super annoying yes kyle's lost what's going on what are you looking for come on kyle you see the field notebooks you didn't add not to be super annoying as a preface i'll talk to the group about it kyle i will let the class know do you have any words to the viewers for the uh the cookies and the brownies and the field notebooks thank you hey hey hey hey help they're all saying thank you i'm sweating not a good sign it's about 80 degrees outside the wind's supposed to kick up later today and supposed to be windy for the next four or five days but it's been a nice little stretch of calm weather you can actually uh water the lawn without without it ending up in seattle stuff dropping in my water hello megan no tim what the hell price is staring me down again that is so unnerving when i just look up and your those beady eyes are just penetrating my my being like right now what do i do i guess i just start talking like faster and louder because i don't know what to do awkward takes another slow brownie bite all right well we don't have everybody here i think i hurt some people's feelings on the midterm but we'll talk about it i got to get out of your way who are we missing quite a few tim matthew andrew oh matthew matthew is excused right uh mary okay well this is us uh it is one o'clock we are beginning students we have a beautiful afternoon please go out and enjoy the wonderful weather when we're done here but for right now we're going to try to make the most of our 50 minutes together my plan today is two things one is to kind of finish the narrative with what we were talking about on the olympic peninsula i have some remaining thoughts and the new handout is actually not a new handout it's just a slightly redone handout from last time so you have two versions of those mike eddy cross sections but we are starting with that but i'm also today kind of kind of playful with you in the sense that um i want to get us set up for tomorrow tomorrow is a big day uh we're going to the gold mine and rob specifically requested i talked to him over the phone a couple days ago he says i want to have a little q a with these guys i've been watching the class i know the names i know the voices that sort of thing maybe he even knows the faces but he wants to do some live q a and so you have an assignment i know it's late you have an assignment before we go to first of all who's who's coming to the gold mine tomorrow okay now you don't want to because you have to ask him a question yeah this i'm all about pressure emma come on now oh we even got hayden strolling in with hands and pockets okay there's a link below on this replay so after class sometime between now and tomorrow morning you're going to go to this replay you're going to click on the link and you're going to you don't have to watch the whole thing i guess but i shared the stage with rob reppin the gold miner more than five years ago i re i never share the stage with anybody i give those public talks it's all me baby but in that case it was a rare opportunity to have a guy who knows gold mining knows the liberty area beautifully i had him share the stage with me and i want you to hear his live q a with the crowd in that liberty gold lecture and bonus points if you take a little extra time and go to rob's youtube channel these are all both linked right down below in this frame and you'll see some of rob and his cronies out there more than six years ago now looking for gold so part of today is unusual i'm setting you up for a field experience but it's because rob wants to have a discussion with you all and you need to have a sense of who he is and you're going to come with at least two questions i want you to write down two questions big or small questions hopefully after you watch those two links or two appropriate channel channels on youtube are we good so you've got the email from me you know that there's extra equipment that needs to come with you you know the time and the place that we are meeting tomorrow it will be a rare treat i promise that you will remember that field experience for a long long time and it's private land nobody else is invited and nobody can just roll in there and get a tour from him so this is a big deal for us and we're going to use part of today late today to get ready for that are there any questions about tomorrow quick and easy it's all there in the email we good that'll be a great time looking forward to it okay so let's go ahead you've got the outline now and let's follow through on this now this is a generic title called swap formation because i wasn't sure exactly what i was going to do today when i set the uh lecture i'm still not exactly sure what i'm doing with you but it's a transition day from the olympic peninsula to here in eastern washington so let me verbally give you a story we're going to have we're going to start with dueling stratigraphic columns stratigraphic column from western washington the olympic peninsula we know most of that stuff by now but we are leaving western washington and moving to central washington and look for matches and mismatches between rock units ages those sorts of things by the way i haven't even peaked at your midterms yet i don't know if i hurt your feelings or not but i haven't even peaked at them i'll grade them sometimes this this weekend i suppose okay so your mother and i love you very much we're very proud of you i'm sure you did very well on that midterm we're not thinking about the midterm right now okay we're starting the second half of the class right now okay the energy's real good now now that you've got some sugar in you so we'll start with those strat columns second thing i just decided that this whole second half of the class is talking about what i will call the main event you know these dates what happened 50 not 51 49 a creation of celezia baby and so we are going to spend the rest of the class and we could spend a whole class but we're just spending half the class looking at all the crazy things that started or were developed as a result of the main event so i'll use that phrase over and over and over again you'll probably be sick of it the main event what is it we built celestia out in the water we've brought the thing in we've docked it it wasn't a gentle kissing of the shore it was a massive traumatic event felt severely here in central washington and the rocks that we have tell that story of the docking or accretion of celezia that gets us to deformation of this walk we don't know what it is yet it's coming and then again i'm hoping to have a little bit of time you know how this works but i'm hoping to have a little time to get into rob reppin stuff and set up our discussion in the field okay let's start with our stratigraphic column i got it started i've never done this before i think it might work western versus central it's like an athletic thing our big rivals in athletics here western washington university vikings versus the central washington university wildcats who gives a we remember sports that doesn't happen anymore okay oh comments now what tim yeah well back in the day i went to sporting a brand i breathed the same air of the athletes and everything but that does have feels like a distant memory okay so i want to add a bunch and i'm not going to come to you a whole lot today there's nothing that you're responsible for but you you have good energy anyhow so i thank you for that let me get my notes that's how new this is getting my notes so western washington what i mean well we're west of i-5 we're west of seattle we're on the olympic peninsula we don't have to start from scratch there we know that stuff what do we know well i'm just giving you kind of a cartoonish stratigraphic column which we've kind of done but i just want to do it again in this format what's kind of the quote-unquote basement rock of the olympic peninsula it is exotic terrain material we've thrown that phrase around exotic terrain casually i think we all know what it means it's a piece of land yes it's spelled this way terrain it's a piece of land that's built elsewhere and added to north america it's exotic and celezia by looking at the blue mountain unit paper by mike eddy that was the main role of that paper do you recall the blue mountain unit proved to us that celestia was not made at our coast it was made out in the water why because there was young sandstone underneath that got shoved underneath celezia after it accreted i hope you got that main point but here it is again i'm just giving you the stratigraphic scene and we know that this ex exotic terrain which is celestia you can add that if you like that's 56 to 48 we've heard that a million times we don't need it again sitting stratigraphically above question mark well not really but i do want to kind of lay this out if we're west of [Music] if we're west of the cascades there's a bunch of sandstone all this dotted stuff you probably guessed is basically a big sandstone and all these sandstones which will be our focus for the next couple of weeks i gotta say our kosik sandstones they're all our cosec do you know what on our coaster sandstone looks like of course you do you went to pishast and pinnacles that was our kosik sandstone here's let me get your camera next to the home viewers camera sandstone this is part of the swap our topic today sorry oh you know what it looks like you had your nose on it bryce was licking it apparently sandstone arcosic what kind of minerals in the narcosic sandstone you what kind of minerals what kind of sand in our coast sandstone quartz what else feldspar what else maybe some horn blends maybe some biotites correct it's a mixture of sands crumbly by nature we were looking at the chum stick formation not the swap formation of peshastan pinnacles but both in west of the cascades and east of the cascades we've got loads and loads of varcosic sandstones which i pretty much ignored until now i didn't spend a whole lot of time thinking about those arcosic sandstones i'm in now i'm in majorly with our coaster sandstones so in the case of west of the cascades there's something called the chum stick formation and i'm realizing as i'm doing this that i don't know if i totally like it because it's kind of looking like the chum stick is sitting on top of celestia and it kind of is but anyway let's let's roll with it and before i ca yeah and younger than the chum stick the bmu our friend the blue mountain unit from the olympic peninsula so the part that i don't like in real time with you is it i originally called this the olympic peninsula but there is no chum stick out at the olympic peninsula so i'm refining and just making sure you don't get confused let's pick the cascades as our dividing line between these two strat columns and let's realize that we have these kind of major stories two of them are cosic sandstones with ages going up i'm going to give you the ages you know some of the ages but i'm giving you some of the ages in just a bit i don't want to do anything wrong with that right now i want to leap over to our side of the cascades here in central washington by god we also have exotic terrains and we got them up the yin yang we got a lot of them and not the focal point of this class but i'll give you a couple of names that i don't know i we made do a little hike up the ingles creek emma seemed particularly excited about that but i mentioned that last week and we'll be looking at the ingalls terrain part of an ophiolite sequence part of a sea floor this is a serpentinite of the angles and i don't have a block handy but mount stewart batholith the granitic material is also exotic so um again i'm not going to take the time to write those out but locally in central washington that's our exotic terrain basement i will ingalls that's the name of one terrain ingalls named after ingalls creek again we might hike that it's right off of it's right off a 97 and then i guess we'll just put stuart we could do a bunch more but i don't think it's worth it this walking biotite nice the chihuahuacum schist there's a bunch of local names that you may or may not have heard of but that's our exotic terrain basement here in central washington the point i'm getting to is that there is a beautiful correlation thought to be correlated for a long time now confirmed by mike eddy and others with their high precision work that we do have an arcosic sandstone unit here in central washington that sits on top of exotic terrain basement that's roughly the same age as the chum stick what's the name of it it's the swamp it's the swak formation and there is swalk formation at rob reppin's mine there is swalk formation up and over blewitt pass us-97 which most of you have crossed multiple times this spring to get to our field sites there's swap formation in many other places north of here as well yes that's our focal point today but i want to do a little bit more than just that today is kind of cartoonish there's plenty of time for details next week probably go right back to this walk and do more but now i just want to lay out some basic relationships as we transition from west to the cascades to east of the cascades most of you are right with me today and i appreciate that uh sure why not here we go most of you either were with us in person at pishast and pinnacles or you maybe watched the replay online that's the chum stick more arcosic sandstone time for some dates do you have dates for the blue mountain unit please somebody got them handy 47 to 44. so precise i think he had more than two significant figures i think but we'll we'll go ahead 44.7 at the youngest age and 47.7 so the three million year stretch of blue mountain sandstone interpreted as turbidites i'm a little sketchy whether that's marine sand then or that's freshwater sand or a little bit of both i guess it's got to be marine if it's turbidites right now that i say that well there is a correlation with the chum stick now i'm ahead of myself but we've talked about aaron don agui with her brand new paper on the chum stick she's got similar dates uh 49 so i haven't read the paper carefully yet i think this is appropriate i'm just cartoonishly trying to set up our correlations and we may or may not be doing some rather significant correlations between the blue mountain unit west and the chum stick east like some physical connections river connections between those units i said that kind of out loud in the field at push ashton pinnacles i'm not ready to go there because i don't know her details yet but there's a nice correlation there we have our nice correlation here does anybody know where the chum stick formation is most easily visited nobody i got the wrong name i'm sorry please forgive me writing chumpstick here is incorrect what does anybody know the name of the sedimentary unit exposed by bellingham and south of bellingham it's even called the the name is in the drive along the shore south of bellingham it's also a ch that's why i got screwed up chuck a nut you've been there megan saw that right away and she's like i'll just let him fry and that's good thank you thank you for being polite you hiked it yeah it's a beautiful area there's probably i meant to grab it there's a poster is it still in the hallway outside of the mineralogy lab or something it's an image at the lidar image and it shows the folds in the chuck and nut i'll grab it for next time the point is thank you this is corrected sorry for the error chucking it equals swalk black uh blue mountain unit equals chum stick grossly and i mean exotic terrain bedrock equals exotic terrain bedrock that's almost silly to say but there's there's that basement that's between the two of those guys uh we have good dates from the mike eddy paper so i doubt anybody looked before class because i told you you didn't have a scientific paper to read with a star for today but there is a new paper with a star waiting for you mike eddie and next week i'll send you an email this weekend but next week you'll be ready with your top five from the new mike eddy paper it looks like this it looks like this it's also 2017. so mike was a busy guy in 2017 in preparation god damn it sorry patrick in preparation for the big geological society of america annual meeting in seattle so he led a huge field trip and so this one is waiting for you this is actually what these things look like you can buy the whole collection of field trip guides from an annual gsa meeting again this was from the seattle meeting in 2017 it feels like 20 years ago it was just what less than five years ago i was not on that field trip uh but that paper is tremendously exciting and it's the most recent work of mike and his group where was i going with that yes from that paper we have good dates 59.9 this might be wrong but let me just write it 40 let me just go 59 to 49. our featured unit today the swap formation based on zircon detrital zircon absolute kind of real zircons coming out of some tough units within this walk we've got it nailed down now 59 to 49 million years ago an incredible accumulation of varied sand our acoustic sand here and i can't hold it although i'm going to save it for next week the chuck nut and the swak were deposited in the same basin they're offset or they're just they're not totally together today because of recent faulting activity or younger faulting activity than this basin but just putting that in your in the back of your mind there's uh swalk equivalents up by bellingham because they used to be part of the same sandbox and they've been disjointed since that time so there's a regional story i almost want to tell the story right now but i'm not going to i got to stay disciplined we're feeling okay so far okay what do you notice that's different between these two uh strat columns this little guess what is this a gap what is this a windowsill what kinda anybody guesses what that is i'm gonna use a color yeah man thank you this is the tiana way formation the tiana way basalt and i'm timing this with our trip to rob's mind tomorrow because it's a tiana way formation story his gold is tied to this tiana way event so there is no equivalent of a tiana way formation or a tiana way eruption of basaltic lava west of the cascades and that's one thing i want to try to explain to you today or help you see is why do we have this quote-unquote local quote-unquote flood basalt story i got a pause i'm going to kind of casually call this a flood basalt event the tiana way basalt flood basalt event now we know the big boy we know the big columbia river basalt group and the scale and the breadth and all that you know we that's we started our class in there is a smaller version apparently yeah there's a smaller flood basalt version of the columbia river basalt group and that is the tiana way story but i think because of limited exposures of this tiana way basalt i'm still not sure we know exactly how much of the pacific northwest was buried by this tiana way basalt so i'm going to let that hang because nobody has an answer but if it's truly a flood basalt story how we're going to get this flood basalt here it's got to come out of the ground does it not you bet your bippy it does this is more this is a local flood basalt more than just saying we have some basalts locally we got the freaking feeder dykes here locally as well excited just saying that right now i've taught this a million times but it is cool this is not a story where we have our feeder dikes half a state away and then we bring the flood basalts in we got the damn dykes right here and there's a bunch of them there are hundreds of these feeder dykes that beautifully cut across this walk and even the ingalls exotic terrain the stewart exotic terrain etc so what i'm drawing here are three of i think there's hundreds of these tiana way basalt feeder dykes kyle this is a review from 101 i'm taking a little bit of 101 and plugging it into what we've been doing here in 351. thank you kyle today might be frustrating in the sense that i'm laying things out and i'm not drilling down to some specific data to some specific answers for why certain things are happening uh again i'm fighting with myself here i want to make sure that i save this and lay it out in a very logical way but we can ask can't we like what the hell happened here what's special about 49 million years ago why is basalt coming out oh now i'm on a roll i posted a video while you guys were taking a midterm and it was on the tiana way rhyolite i found some rhyolite with andrews down the hall from me we posted a little video visited the rhyolite outcrop for the first time i have significant questions about the tiana way riolet suddenly we're talking about bimodal now right we got basalt and we got rhyolite apparently in the same formation i'm standing here right now with a blank face uh blank look on my face because i still don't know it might be in mike's paper that you're gonna read for tuesday i don't know if that rhyolite of the tiana way is younger or older than the basalt i don't know why there's rhyolite is there a caldera is it an ash flow tough is it a is it a flow banded lava dome i mean these are basic questions right here right next to rob's gold mine that nobody's figured out so keep an eye out for some rhyolite discussion involving the tiana way in mike's paper i know he's got some but i haven't read it carefully yet that's part of this story okay got halfway through the lecture do you want to say anything right now how are the cookies good are the brownies up to par you deserve and here comes a five course meal made you look let's go to the handout for today i got one handout continue to struggle with this multiple camera thing let's look at it really carefully i'm gonna i'm gonna uh zoom the home audience in not zoom zoom but i'm gonna bring you guys in okay so here we go i'm going to hope that you can uh read this beautifully in front of your face on the piece of paper even though the text is small and the home audience is going to struggle a little bit more but they know how to get to this paper this is from the mike eddy 2017 paper that's linked below in the video okay let's put some contextual information to these units i've just introduced again at a cartoonish sense so backing up i've just got three for you here right so we've got map it's always a struggle i'm looking backwards into a screen and everything else so i've got a map of the pacific northwest at these three times and corresponding plate tectonic cross-sections at three different times okay we're good what's the storyline well we're pretty much going from 60 million years ago to 40 million years ago perfect that's our frickin time window baby 60 to 40. so for 60 here's celezia offshore remember celestia is the main event we're going to accrete celestia 51 to 49 million years ago you know that notice in our does he have a date here what does he say here what's that date 53 greater than less than greater thank you great so earlier than 53 here we go celestia built by the yellowstone mantle plume straddling a spreading red there it is in black and white literally in black and white but at the coast of north america nothing's here yet correct what do we have draped across the interior the frickin swap formation so swalk is pre-main event it should be obvious to you just by looking at these dates 59 to 49 million years ago yes kyle says this is 101. it is i've just done it my sleep let me do it for you right now the swap formation is interbedded arcosic sandstones and black shales interbedded our kosik sandstones and black shales what do the arcosa sandstones represent rivers many think high-energy rivers bringing sand from half a state away details coming on tuesday black shales what do they represent lake there's fresh water now you see you see the depositional environment for this walk we're not out in the water we're not out in the ocean this is not turbidite stuff correct this is old arcostic sandstone really the first um the first of our units built here in central washington do you know what i mean by that this is not exotic stuff being made elsewhere and brought in you know we've we've already done that we've accreted those older exotic terrains so this this swalk is the first kind of homegrown geologic unit deposited directly on this exotic terrain stuff from the age of the dinosaurs got a whole different story to it so the sand of this walk is river story the black shale is water but ponded lakes lagoons swamps and many of you know from just walking down the hallway and being awake that there's all sorts of palm leaves around here there's all sorts of beautiful palm fronds and other kinds of very hot and humid plants recorded locally where's it coming from it's coming from the freaking swamp the swamp of the swalk the swak swamp 59 to 49 million years ago this is all a precursor this is all setting the stage you guys doing over there okay this place was florida in every sense of the word quiet hot humid accumulating deposition of material i can't hold it i was out with this guy ralph yesterday we were looking at swalk and we were looking at chum stick now i'm not gun shy and i gotta look like chucking we're looking at the chump stick and he says uh where's the shale in the chum stick like we're just comparing these two arcosic sandstones and according to this class right now all we know for a difference between these two arcosic sandstones is is are you above or below the tiana way basalt are you a sandstone with these feeders these basalt feeder decks cutting through or not and so ralph for the first time for me helped me realize that there is no black shale or very little of it in the chum stick and i can't hold it i got to give you one more he says these sand grains in this walk generally you know you know what i like to do i just i want main story lines you know i don't like all the qualifiers not everything you know it's like just give me the give me the you know he said these sand grains in this walk are are round they've been rolled they've been moved they've been traveled it's a river story and the rivers are coming from half a state away or more i'll be specific on tuesday but this chum stick sand like pushest and pinnacles he says that stuff's pretty angular those sand grains have not been moved that far they're more of a local almost a crumbled granite nearby kind of a look it's a german word called gruse saying exactly that if you're a rock climber on a granite face there's a bunch of crumbled granite at the base that's gross he says this chum stick looks like gru's to me so my point is there's some physical differences between the same grains themselves and since we're talking about this walk today it looks like it's a far traveled story so that's us that's us in this top picture and so let's see is poised to attack but it's not ready yet of course you know what i mean we're going to blindside celezia coming in from the northeast we're drifting to the southwest let's move ahead you can see this pretty well i think it's slightly out of focus but otherwise you got it in front of you beautifully well what are we doing here it is the main event we're creating celezia and i want you to notice just a couple of things we'll come back to this again and again and again there's a lot to chew on from mike's paper but i want you to notice look what happened to our nice passive swak it's been folded it's been faulted some of you know the phrase fold and thrust belt that's what we have we have a fold and thrust belt in this walk as a direct result i don't know why he chose to do it this way this this is notice the thickness of the farallon plate before accretion and now he's got thickened ocean crust which is our large igneous province but i don't know it seems like it should be much thicker than that should like it should be like a huge python or what's that like a huge mouse this python is trying to swallow what stupid move on the point is we're deforming the swap formation as a direct result of the main event folding and faulting so i don't want to mess up my chalk diagram too much because i love it but i am starting to set up our visit with rob tomorrow there's beautiful folding in this walk and judging by the blank look on your face when i mentioned the chucking up poster in the hallway maybe i took it down i don't know but there's there's also great folding in the chucking head as well my point is we have significant deformation significant folding and thrusting in these units because of the accretion of celestia and of course i'm going to run out of time so before i forget rob's gold his wire gold his crystalline wire gold is found here i'll give it to you verbally his crystals of wire gold liberty washington half an hour north of here they're found in the black shales of this walk right next door to a tiana way basaltic feeder dike at an anticline all three according to him at his spot you need all three here it is again and you're like give me give me more why what's going on it's like don't know nobody knows hydrothermal fluids all sorts of things nobody knows but what i learned from rob was this recipe here it is again all three fragile wires of gold being deposited in the black shales in other words the former lake beds of the swamp time that have been folded into anticlines he's got no wire gold at a syncline for instance he's only got it at the anticlines and he doesn't have wire gold in the black shale with an anticline just out by itself hanging out he never has that he needs to be right next door to one of these basaltic feeder dykes tim's dying to ask 42 questions at once you're going to be vibrating tomorrow i can tell i'm going to have to figure out a way to i don't know put you in some sort of put you in a muzzle what jim let's try one oh it was just this annoyed me uh during 101.2 as well but we're not going to find an answer here as well but it's just the point that you're you have the salt peter dykes cross cutting these and clines and tin claws they are but you you don't get the gold at the sim it's only at the end according to rob now you know i've talked to other miners up there and some you know there's a calcite story as well we're not going to get into et cetera some said they like quartz uh for the host of the the wires tim's bothered by the fact why wouldn't you have why do we need the anticlines physically why do we need the anticlines we're getting into fracturing we're getting into generating fluids coming successfully through this story in one place versus the other yeah uh believe me there's plenty of inconsistencies with with uh with how i'm presenting this compared to all the reports the eyewitness reports i've had logan between like the um for the location of the dice and the amplifying and this time like do those provide like a weaker faster point thanks for the question logan logan's wondering if there's a preference of these feeder dikes to come through an anticline or a syncline or any kind of pattern they're cutting through everything similarly regardless of which fold is there in fact the dikes are 49 frickin million years old and they're not folded they're just as perfectly as vertical as they they were the day they shot through in fact that's what i definitely want to get to rihanna we're going to save that for tomorrow i'm priming the pump for tomorrow if you haven't figured it out so i'm not only going to punt because i don't know but we're gonna keep thinking about this in the next 24 hours or less and we're going to talk to the man himself good okay um i did have this set up so now that we're on this many of you want to ask about these feeder dikes they are extensional so let's address this oh man i need both tried this can you still kinda kinda peekaboo not happy with this but it'll work this is a map this is celestia the main event accreting between 51 and 49 just for casual sake let's just say 50. okay we accrete so let's see 50 and shortly thereafter remember this is a 49 million year old event we're opening these cracks this is the orientation of the cracks north east southwest north east southwest these are the feeder dikes these are these looking down and you can see them on my map because of course i've removed the tiana way cover basalt let me try to be more specific these feeder dikes are doing just that they're cracks that opened up sent basaltic mafic magma to the surface and then we clearly had a covering event or a cap basalt is flooding into our swamp and burying the swamp with lava so on this orientation i've removed that cap you with me and we're just looking at the feeder dykes so i'm just stripping away the chum stick i'm scripting away the the cap of the tiana way basalt and i'm just showing you these heads coming up through and we'll take a field trip out there to look at these i'm not going to ask because i'm running out of time so i'm just going to help you see that each of these fissures is extensional so what i'm drawing here are little arrows away from each other every crack is the result of pry barring open the crust figuratively we're going to open the crust make a crack right here and from depth how deep don't know we're going to send this mafic magma to the surface and flood the the swamp what's interesting is the orientation of these feeder dikes which again are oriented north east southwest oriented north east southwest now that's the compressional direction this is a big old tectonic arrow this is a big old tectonic arrow this is obliqu this is let's not belabor that this is a collision between two tectonic plates as we accrete celezia and here come these cracks opening up why would you have the crust open up if this is a huge compressional event i'm going to ask it one more time without calling on anybody why would you have extensional cracks when you have a major collision between tectonic plates i am going to call you on this slow down boy slow down boy slow down boy i am going to call on you about this what in the swak sedimentary series is evidence of this collision it's not the cracks what is it the folds and the faults which i haven't drawn on here but the fold and thrust belt is from the compression so i don't want to belabor it too much but there's folds that have their fold axes as it should be right if we collide north east southwest we've got the crest of these anticlines and synclines orthogonal to that that should make perfect sense what are these lines here the fold axes of anticlines and synclines as we compress the swap formation but now i come back to the question the one-on-one people already know the answer that have had this from me why are we getting also at the same time from the same compressional event the ground opening up what's the prop i'm going to reach for that's it i'm going to reach for a coin purse this is where i normally tell a story for 20 minutes it's not happening today this is from the olden days and something called a coin purse and i still need to find one that's kind of well worn and used for decades this thing's so stiff i just got it off amazon but you in the olden days you used coins and you went into a store and to get your coins you'd have to squeeze your coin purse uh to get in to the coin purse and get the coins on fact i got a couple coins in here for you so what am i doing i'm trying to show you why we are squeezing the crust and forming extensional cracks the answer is i can do that if i orient my fingers squeezing from the north east and the southwest you're seeing it now and i'm opening the coin purse like a drawbridge the opposite two ways coin purse extensional cracks and the lavas coming up through the coin purse now what are the coins in here uh one of them is a uh for our international viewers this is a dime with that roosevelt fdr and the other coin i have is this another president that's rob reppin what the hell this is rob reppin rob made his own coins out of silver and i think this is a silver coin he gave me so the home audience i'm going to help for the odd home audience here that's his face and on the back this is a gift the liberty gold mine so they'll be handmade coins for each of you for going in the fifth no they won't shut up don't want to stop that stop it come on this unbecoming you're not greedy stop it you're better than that okay coin purse extensional story even though it's a compressional regime i have one more thing i want to do yep i want to do it one more thing with our handout and this will be a nice springboard into tuesday where again you will have your top five from this mike eddy paper look at the maps please can you find the triple junction in all three maps i'm going to slow down and give you a second to do this on your own you know a triple junction three different plates touching each other i'll say it a different way the triple junction is where the spreading ridge is disappearing beneath the edge of north america as you go from the oldest picture to the youngest picture here's my question for you does mike eddy migrate his triple junction to the south as we go younger or does mike eddy migrate his triple junction to the north as we go younger south or north south and you know what he's a bad sorry patrick mike eddie i don't care everybody wants a northward migrating triple junction f off i'm doing a southern migrating triple junction and i have evidence we're going to look at some papers we're going to visit with folks and everybody loves a northward migrating triple junction between 60 and 40 million years ago except for michael p eddy phd and we want to look at his evidence of why he's against the grain with this story i got to say i'm i'll i'll save that rylan would it work with my baja bc i have to answer your question we got three minutes so thank you for that rylynn rylynn is remembering i don't have a good map for it rylynn is remembering that uh this is the spreading ridge out in the water this is north america drifting in and rylynn is remembering that most everybody likes a northward migrating triple junction and that was important for the baja bc people because they needed that spreading bridge way down in southern california to therefore have a northward moving oceanic plate so those baja bc people this is review those baja bc people they need their spreading ridge in freaking mexico and they need that spreading ridge migrating north to have this beautiful northward moving oceanic plate to allow this transport at first glance mike's idea is like oh so he's anti-baja bc because he's the only guy saying he's got the triple junction migrating south between 60 and 40. but i'll read you his email when we're carefully to it rylynn and he does i think he said i'm agnostic before 60 million years if they want to put it further south okay but he says in my time window in the eocene between 60 and 40 i need the cooler plate offshore and not the fairlawn plate offshore and you'll see what i mean in the next couple of weeks thank you for that perfectly timed question so it seems like that baja bc thing was like a total spit ball and total improv i did it on purpose because even though we don't totally understand baja bc most of us that concept of the position of the spreading ridge at different times is at the heart of the matter totally unresolved by the way but at the heart of the matter between different groups and mike is open-minded but also seeing great evidence for a southward migrating triple junction on your handout i got 30 seconds left i'm going to reiterate what i need from you tomorrow we're going to meet at the secret place at the secret time you're going to have your camp chairs with you we'll do our usual just shoot the breeze for a half an hour for many of you between before the magic time but then we're needing those camp chairs at robs mostly we're going to be sitting out in the sun at rob's place and he's going to take smaller groups of you in at a time with uh his co-worker um for a number of reasons he didn't want us all in there at the same time i assume most of you are going to be with us so we're going to have 20 people there that's going to be tough in the in in the mine again most of the details in addition to that with equipment and everything else is in the email but rachel wants to ask yes read that email okay thank you we are primed not only for tomorrow but we are primed for next week you need questions written out for rob reppin on our trip tomorrow that's your entrance fee we got cookies left we got brownies left we got free field notebooks courtesy of rich from gold uh arvada california colorado there's a couple left over there thank you i love you goodbye deal with a couple of student issues here and then we will do a little live q a thank you for joining us today kind of a frustrating day in the sense that we were cursory and we weren't going deeply into things but if you have certain questions maybe i'll just give you some sneak peeks of where we're headed next okay i've got to go talk to some students be right with you jess say again you find it rachel no no uh email me and i'll resend it to you okay thank you i don't know nice job in the position of that spreading race so am i under underneath the area we're talking about exactly that's where we're headed baby we got kind of stuck on well thank you okay uh that's big time okay cool yeah i watched the video with andrew yesterday as well good on that rail lights that's where i'll tell you a secret i just read parts of mike's paper that you're going to be reading over the weekend he's got that right a lot lower than the basalt in the tiana way which i i didn't catch it when i first read it maybe two years ago i don't even know if so i'm not even sure it's part of the tiana way is there a rhyolite that's that's a different formation just a lot of layering position no you can't do that it's bimodal and the question that is still unclear to me is it it's bam bam is it rhyolite assault or is it basalt ryla the gold mine we're going into is like still partially active do they use it still or he's mining every day are you skipping out of chemistry lab if they refuse to work with me i sent them an email letting the professor know that this is a once-in-a-lifetime experience for me as a technology major and uh if there's any way at all i can do it at a different time and if they tell me no i'll be like all right well i apologize but i won't be there tomorrow nice nice we have a difference oh my god we still have yes there's food left and there's five notebooks or six notebooks left i know you do kyle no hey grad students you want anybody watching upstairs we've got plenty of food left oh there they are ben nice i was just talking to you there you are okay good i'm not sure i've met you kim nice to meet you i'm nick okay take a few more up ben if there's others up in the bullpen or something okay let's do a little live q a if we still have some folks and uh i'll try my best upper case please the dave are there any current continental flood basalts happening that i am unaware of no no i mean you're a fan of geology you know that there's lots of absolutely mind-blowing things that happen in the past that are rare enough that they're not happening now so i know you're not taking this tax but many go well i don't believe it because there's nothing happening right now it's like okay there is something called field evidence you know nick gold is such a classic deposition story did the shale generate other minerals and even oil traps did the shale generate other minerals well if you watch that video that's down below i talk about through rob rob helped me see that the wire gold is deposited in calcite the mineral calcite within veins within the black shale within the anticline next to a tiana feeder dike um but apparently some of the quartz up the uh some of the gold up there is deposited in quartz veins as opposed to calcite but i really i gotta confess i don't know even now if i'm still that interested in gold deposition mostly because i'm very weak in chemistry as most of you already know and to really understand hydrothermal fluid systems etc uh rob just sent me a link last night rob watches all these by the way so he'll be watching this tonight maybe looking at all of your questions he's always impressed many people who many who are really serious about uh research geology or in rob's case you know hands-on um they're always very impressed by all your questions i always hear that from folks who don't regularly watch but they they're like wow people are really asking excellent questions so i'm stalling because i don't know the answer but i guess i was going towards rob sent me this email link about the role of methane gas and earthquake earthquake histories allowing kind of violent fractures and then sealing as i way beyond me uh i'm still just grabbing things as they roll by helene anticlines in black shale have oil any oil companies been sniffing around in this walk uh they have not been sniffing around in this walk wait maybe they have been swift sniffing around in this walk shell oil was here in the 1980s but they were drilling in eastern washington underneath the very thick columbia river basalt group i guess that's the swalk never really made that connection before till right now i knew there were some potential host rocks and potential structures two miles below the basalt in some cases three miles below the flood basalts of eastern washington and they did find a bunch of natural gas but apparently not enough to make it worth their while uh but can we convey can we wow interesting can we uh confidently say those structures and host rocks here that's so far in the subsurface can we confidence say that swalk i guess we i guess we would because according to ralph there's not much black shale in the in the chum stick thanks for that i never made that connection thank you i should have but i didn't jack do you want samples of rhyolite uh vitreous fee from the snake river plain uh thanks jack but probably not at the moment i i i appreciate the offer um it's been a long time since i looked carefully at rhyolite and looked at different kinds of rhyolite deposits whether it's ash flow tough or vitrifiers at the base of the tough or flow banded lava domes or whatever so i just need to get brushed up on the basics i might eventually want to compare and contrast but right now i think that'd be premature thanks though robert can you comment on the regional story you couldn't get into chuck and not chumpstick i'll give you a little sneak peek i might keep this for a couple of weeks i'm not sure but i might keep this because will account once we i suppose it would be most likely mostly mike eddy again next week that paper is so excellent there's so much good stuff in this mike eddy paper and against it's linked below but currently he has a graduate student that i've already introduced to you erin donaghy and this is her brand new paper on the chump stick and where i'm heading with the chum stick is that she's got rivers uh she's got more and more data that's brand new potentially connecting these basins and saying that this arcosic sandstone out on the olympic peninsula is part of the same blanket of sand and now that i just say that ralph was talking about the sand and the chum stick being local looking and not far traveled and yet apparently this stuff is i'll do one more with you i was intending to go here today but i got sidetracked um after accretion of celezia people in central washington know rot a little coal mining town called rosalind so this is mike from four years ago saying the rosalind the puget group which are some sedimentary rocks exposed in the seattle area and then this blue mountain unit are all part of the same story and then there's four arc basin sediments that are apparently sitting on top of the blue mountain unit and that's what aaron is currently working on including field work this coming summer so we're heading in that direction but i'm not exactly sure how i'll do it i need to read those papers first of all and really get the gory details you maybe heard me talking to bryce and a couple others i think eddie's mike's got uh rhyolite below the tiana way basalt which was a shock to me about two hours ago sitting out in the sun uh now i'm sure i've missed most of your questions let me scroll oh gloria hi gloria does this mean teanwood basalts are all pillow basalts now there's essentially no pillows in the tiana way basalts so you're assuming you're asking gloria because there's maybe some standing water in the swamp swamp and there maybe is a little bit fresh water but there's no deep water here at this time and remember this swap right we're talking about late no no no pillows in the tiana way thanks for the question let me scroll back catch a few more of your questions here hot and stuffy in the room today ray says big nuggets they're finding if you're talking about up by liberty yeah some of the video clips that you will enjoy if you haven't seen rob reppin's channel that's all placer gold which uh we'll talk to rob about tomorrow i'll be interested to see how many students watch that his videos before we go out there it will be obvious if they took the time to watch or not but to me that placer story up there is a totally different discussion but rob and others think there's a connection between the wire and the placer the dave are there any current already asked that papa gino is swalk an eastern flow story and chucking up a western flow story uh you're talking about the rivers themselves papagino this also a little uh sneak peek to next week within the swap mike eddy has evidence of celestia accreting because he has evidence at 51 million years ago of the rivers changing directions again next week the lower swalk the sand is coming from half a state away and the source of the sand is to the east but when you bring celestia in there's a topographic high to the west of central washington and so suddenly we have rivers coming in from the west and bringing some energetic course material there's another youtube lecture that i did that i didn't require these guys to watch it's called liberty gold and the yellowstone hot spot where i it's really where i first discovered mike's work and uh talked about that changing river story it's pretty amazing john why are the north cascade feeder dikes ish and the columbia river basalt group feeder dikes vertical north cascade feeder dikes horizontal well i guess it depends where you're talking john i'm sure many of you know that a sill is different than a dike these are dikes because they're cutting across the rock layers and if there hasn't been a whole bunch of rotation or deformation of the dikes they're still very vertical like the dikes are in the tiana way going over bluet pass if you've driven over bluet pass a bunch of times just north of town you you cry if you know what to look for you can see about i don't know three dozen of these tiana way basalt dikes they're right there next to the road and it's easy to find them once you know what to look for these brown resistant walls of lava and they're softer tan sand that doesn't make a ridge that's it all these ridges up in the bluet pass area are held up by this resistant tianaway basalt but you're asking about horizontal-ish dikes if they're horizontal-ish and they were formed horizontally-ish john then i would call them sills versus dikes where the mafic magma is squirting into a horizontal betting plane the only one that comes to mind is the camas land sill which is very famous it's been studied for more than a hundred years and um i can think of ribbon clip is ribbon so there's more of these mafic dikes up by chelan there's ribbon cliffs place where it was thought that an 1872 earthquake epicenter was but turns out the scarp is further south than their bit those are vertical though aren't they so i don't know where all your horizontal dikes are but maybe you can i don't know i can't think of some at the moment frank do we know what is driving the basalt flow no hot spot right well that's where i'm driving the class i don't want to give everything away but i guess i'll say it we're subducting a spreading ridge at this time right i mean it's not just an accretion of celestia it's also subduction of a spreading ridge and once we get a little bit later in this month to jeff tepper's papers he's showing all sorts of evidence of hot mantle coming into shallow levels of the crust and he's very definitively saying units like the tiana way basalt are a direct result of a spreading ridge beneath central washington not a mantle plume but hot mantle getting close to the surface so that's one of the biggest things we're going to be working on maybe a few of the students already see where we're headed and connect some dots between things but for the rest of us we'll discover that in real time those of us that are not quite as sharp as others i put myself in that category jeff tepper is the man okay i agree he just retired like this week jeff tepper university puget sound he's too young to retire i don't know what's going on there gary back country gary do we know if the puget group sediments volcanics come from east west or both i don't gary um that's once once i kind of stumble on the remember i was dabbling in etikites and mount persis volcanics and mount pill chuck volcanics and i'd without knowing anything i'd put puget group in there and a few other things i'm going to share some work that's been done on those things including the puget group but i haven't read carefully enough to know what to do with it so i can't answer your question yet but maybe i will in the in the next couple weeks i got a lot of learning to do in the next two or three weeks and i can't tell if these guys are burned out or not i mean it's 80 degrees outside we've got another month of this spring we're on the quarter system so our quarter goes till second week in june uh my energy was pretty good today i think they expected to get their midterm back but i honestly haven't even peaked at them yet although some reacted on tuesday like i just hit them squarely in the face with a baseball bat not my intention two more and we're done talk about how the chum stick is it also fresh water deposit yes as i understand it also coming on tuesday but hang on hang on patrick you'll enjoy this paper i have no doubt we have enough we've covered already enough of this for you to make sense of this paper mike eddy 2017 i think on the website i called it the triple junction migration paper oh is it worth looking for now he's got he calls the whole basin the swak basin only half of which is now this walk formation the other half is the chum stick and everything is high and dry everything is out of the ocean it's all fresh water oh god don't have it so lots of plants well it's got a lot of plant files so chucking out's got tons of palm fronds and other things you can't have those plants growing in the ocean maybe that's the easiest way to say why it has to be fresh water uh what'd i say two more i'm down to live oh aaron's with us again that's great aaron thank you answering backcountry gary oh good so aaron is uh you can read the comments as well as i aaron's interested in the puget group as it is age equivalent to the forearc basin deposits yeah looking forward to seeing what you find there aaron back in purdue marbles collectors is it possible to find evidence of an old coastline near ellensburg well seems like a simple question but to properly address it you need to get into the whole baja bc thing because so many of our cretaceous rocks in central washington moved north from mexico or california so if you're a baja bc person the coastline is much further east of ellensburg for a long time and then and then you you instead of bringing all this stuff in off the water you just bring it north from mexico and then suddenly you have all that bedrock here all that basement rock here if you're not a baja bc person then you're still moving stuff north but not it's not not quite that distance i guess that's the way to answer it that that old passive margin west margin of north america that existed for hundreds of millions of years after uh australia rifted away huh that's a whole other discussion but that's that's the old coastline and then suddenly we bring a bunch we slide a bunch of crushed north into ellensburg's area before 60 million years ago probably not a satisfying answer the last question trundle the great have you found a basalt rhyolite contact near liberty no i have not you may have overheard me say it i'll repeat it right now i posted a video from the field on tuesday because we didn't have a live stream on tuesday this is 20 48 hours ago and it's called tiana way no it's called first creek rhyolite with andrew sadowsky and it was my first time visiting a rhyolite bedrock exposure uh north of ellensburg in the first creek area and there's many more locations as well of rhyolite as i just mentioned to the students i think i read in mike's paper that you're all going to read before tuesday he's got rhyolite below the tiana wave basalt i think a date to 49 million years so he's got rhyolite right underneath this tiana way basalt now does that mean it's part of the tiana way formation or can we break out this rhyolite that's in first creek and tie it to other rhyolites like there's a bunch of these that are semi-local that i've only read about i don't even know where they are the mount catherine whatever and the up in the she's in the silver peak whatever i mean there's a lot in that mike eddie paper so i'm very excited to finally sit down and learn it i've known that paper for four years i just haven't really found the right time or place to really dig into the details but the time is now that's enough for today a toast to you see if i got any baked goods left oh yeah andrew matthew mary rachel b a couple others who weren't in class today i've saved a field notebook for each of you courtesy of rich from colorado there's the last cookie a toast to you and your health here's to the health of your family and your friends in your town in your state in your country on your planet i'll be posting the video from our visit to rob's gold mine this weekend i'm sure the students will enjoy that and i always learn a lot each time i go out and visit with rob here's to rob and his generosity for being willing to open his place up private land to whatever 15 cars rolling into his place here's to rob here's to you rob so today's thursday right yeah okay so i'll have at least one video posted this weekend rob reppins goldmine um i might have a second video to post visiting camas land and looking at the swamp and the chump stick with ralph hagarood no promises but that might happen and then i'll see you all for the next live stream back to our normal schedule this coming tuesday at 1 pm pacific time have a good weekend i love you and goodbye benmen's bakery in downtown ellensburg you gotta love it goodbye
Channel: Nick Zentner
Views: 10,417
Rating: 4.9826088 out of 5
Keywords: Nick Zentner, Swauk Formation, Blewett Pass, Teanaway Formation, GEOL 351
Id: uPK_vaE-eFE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 95min 7sec (5707 seconds)
Published: Thu May 06 2021
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