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so for all you newbies out there that don't really geography much Holland is not a country it's a region in the Netherlands Bali is not a country it's a province of Indonesia Tahiti is not a country it's an overseas territory of France and in that regard Dubai is not a country it's an Emirate within the UAE and it's also a city in that Emirate and there's like six other Emirates to talk about let's get started it's time to learn geography hey everyone I'm your host barbs get your geography now merch like this uh mug and this shirt at not selling out if it's your brand so ladies and gentlemen we have reached our last triplet group of countries the United group UAE UK and USA yeah we're in the end game now it's gonna get crazy so here we are with the first one the United Arab Emirates they're United they're Arab and they're Emirates What on earth does that mean well luckily that's kind of what we do here on geography now we break it down so that even a brain damaged starfish could understand uh I don't think starfish have I never claimed to be an orthodontist let's jump in [Music] so since the beginning of the 21st century the UAE has become a global phenomenon hotspot long story short they went from this to this all within about two decades but first let's see where everything kind of Lies geographically shouts to death we first of all the country is located on the Eastern end of the Arabian Peninsula bordering Oman and Saudi Arabia with Coastal borders on the Gulf of Oman the Strait of Hormuz choke point and this big body of water which depending on who you ask Iranians will call it the Persian Gulf Arabs we'll call it the Arabian Gulf I don't have time for the semantics you guys battle it out in the comments anyway the country's capital is Abu Dhabi and the country is divided administratively into seven Emirates each with a capital that corresponds to the Emirates name Abu Dhabi is the largest Emirate land-wise and alone accounts for 87 of the entire country's land mass and produces about two-thirds of the entire country's economy nonetheless the Emirate of Dubai is the most populous and also holds the largest and busiest shipping Port Jebel Ali and the busiest airport Dubai International the second and third largest airports are Abu Dhabi and Sharjah International as of 2023 Dubai International is the busiest airport in the world in terms of international passenger traffic serving over 86 million passengers as of the most recent reports now the Emirates are also kind of weirdly divided up as in many of them actually have exclaves Abu Dhabi along with um are the only two single landmass Emirates whereas the rest are sort of chopped up all over the place Dubai has one exclave Hatta about 80 miles 134 kilometers east on the border with Oman Ras al-jaima is split up into two parts one on the coast and one Inland fujaira is made up of three chunks of land on the east coast and one shared municipality with Sharjah the shamalya area Ajman has two exclaves Manama and masfut and Sharjah has the most at seven kalba which is split up into three parts including the one that's shared with Fujairah in the middle Peninsula exclave and horchatan split into three parts including the Nawa second order exclave within Oman Mada exclave that's right it's a part of the Emirates within Oman within the Emirates crazy right side note number one the UAE has over 200 islands off its Coast most in the Abu Dhabi Emirate in fact the capital Abu Dhabi is on a bunch of islands side note number two we don't have a lot of time to dive into the history but there was a time when the areas of water now the UAE fell under the influence of the Portuguese and the Dutch side note number three I actually went to the madhanawa exclaims when I was invited to Abu Dhabi for the VidCon event I randomly met that dude that hosted Serbia's version of Who Wants To Be A Millionaire and he was also a fan of geography now and he let me borrow his car so that I could drive me and my mom into these areas thank you so much Yvonne but on that side note look Dubai you are fun and flashy not gonna lie you look really cool but driving in your city is a nightmare Road exits can be super narrow and confusing everything Forks off and forks off of the forks randomly and like if you miss an exit you practically have to go like all the way to Saudi Arabia before you can even do a U-turn like I don't know about the rest of the Emirates but I absolutely hated driving in Dubai I have to be honest in any case you're probably wondering about the Mata on our exclaims and why on Earth it's demarcated that way well in the 50s when the UAE was under the crucial States as a protector of the British it kind of went down like this okay look come on we gotta figure this out where exactly do our countries exist and how are we going to draw this line okay so I'll take the South part obviously the musan Dom Peninsula that has to be mine okay well then it's settled hey you forgot to ask us what we want oh I didn't see that you're like off hiding in the mountains okay who do you want allegiance to our clan is loyal to the Omani Sultan okay all right that makes the map look a little weird but fine you are a small bubble of Oman in The Crossroads of like four different remembrance hold up no no no agree to that what are you talking about I'm a small village within your bubble and my clan has always been loyal to Sharjah and that that's basically how it happened anyway what it comes down to is what even is an Emirate and how did these seven become one country the shortest way to explain is an Emirate is basically a land that is ruled by an emir however in the UAE they don't use the word Emir they use the word Sheikh so then what is a Sheikh I've asked this question to many of my emirati subscribers I've heard conflicting answers but overall the general understanding I have is that according to traditional Arab Muslim culture it originally translates to something like elder or chief or tribal Chief but today it's more of like a ruler slash Monarch connotation but the word King wouldn't exactly be appropriate even though functionally it's like a king but it's not it's a shake but not in a mirror but it's an Emirate whatever just don't question it stop questioning it anywho that's that so how did the seven Emirates join well actually it was originally supposed to be two but then nine but then it went down to six but then back up to seven but it basically went like this okay Dubai uh we've always been pretty close uh we've always gotten along our royal family members or even relatives so let's make country you and me let's invite all the other Emirates in the area okay okay let's start with the closest ones to us are you guys in nah I'm good I've been pretty stable on my own for the longest time but thanks for the offer okay Qatar Bahrain you want in on this no now we can handle ourselves and be our own countries fair enough okay so that makes everyone Bahrain Qatar and Russell haima oh wait wait wait wait wait hold on I actually I changed my mind I'm in I want to join the country and that's how that happened basically the country today is ruled by the Supreme Council which is the seven shakes of each Emirate of that Council they elect one of them to be a president and another as a prime minister technically any of the seven sheikhs could be voted as the president and prime minister but they have kind of like a traditional understanding amongst each other that they will pretty much always put the shake of Abu Dhabi as the president and the Sheikh of Dubai as the Prime Minister what they just always do it basically each Sheikh is like a mini Monarch to their own respective Emirates this means that although the federal government has executive power over things like foreign policy defense and security each Emirate has their own jurisdiction over things like councils laws police forces allocation of budgets and so on like for example the Sheikh of he will still be respected throughout the whole country but he would never like encroach upon the territory of another Emirate and like build property or biz businesses everything he does will be focused on his own Emirate in any case that's enough legislative talk let's finish off this segment with the famous places now I'm sure you've seen a lot of cool places in the Emirates mostly in Dubai and Abu Dhabi and Abu Dhabi has the largest mosque in the country largest indoor theme park in the world Warner Brothers all eyeing Oasis is a really cool place as well and don't forget I got to go there with my mom really cool place it shows you the entire history of Abu Dhabi and Dubai I don't really have to say much you already know everything from the largest mall in the world and the Burj Khalifa the Burj Al Arab Palm Jumeirah Dubai frame Atlantis water park Miracle Garden al-fati quarter Global Village but hey sometimes you gotta give all the Emirates some Spotlight too and not just Abu Dhabi and Dubai if you want a little bit more of the tradition and culture and Islamic side is great they got great museums ajaman has really cool nature preserves they have that castle on top of the mountain umal kawain has Dreamland Aqua Park if you want nature and mountains is the place to go fujaira really cool beaches on the east coast and the oldest mosque in the UAE so if you come to this country check out the other Emirates don't just stick around in Abu Dhabi or Dubai there's all these other cool places you can check out so there you go in any case uh it's about time we move on to the next segment so let's do it so here we go the UAE and its land this is where things get a little interesting you know dry arid terrain but I promise you it gets a little more layered than just sand and dunes much of the UAE lies in or empty quarter of the Arabian Peninsula this area is characterized by being a vast open desert with sand dunes and with that in mind the UAE is one of the few countries and territories on Earth that does not have any permanent rivers or natural Inland bodies of water I mean there are tons of man-made Lakes you can find especially across Abu dhabi's desert such as Stingray Lake Crescent Moon Lake and the super love Lake shaped like two interlocking Hearts some might say of these man-made bodies of water the Hatta Reservoir is the largest one blocked off by the Hatta dam in the hajar mountains in fact the hajar mountain range the only one in the entire country is home to the most seasonal wadis or mini lakes and ponds and it is also the most Lush and green part of the country where moisture is held better in this mountain range in the north part you can also find the tallest peak jabel jais just on the border with Oman otherwise within this dry arid terrain there are also two oacs in the UAE which have adequate underwater aquifers to support permanent settlements they are the liwa Oasis in the South and the al-burimi Oasis in the East near Oman these two oacs provide water that is used for most of the agriculture in the UAE whereas water for human consumption is almost exclusively provided from desalinization plants along the coast that convert sea water into potable drinking water so like some of the other countries in the GCC the UAE lies in a very unique location on the surface you'd think it's just desolate arid sand dunes but underneath Liquid Gold they have either the seventh or sixth largest known oil reserves in the world speaking of liquids it's time for my triple shot of ESP to break and with that here comes Noah to finish off this segment here we are once again ready to roll so as mentioned the UAE has lots of oil and 96 of their offshore Inland reserves are in the Abu Dhabi Emirate holding by 100 billion barrels producing about 3.2 million barrels petroleum per day although yes the petroleum exports take up about three quarters of their state budget and their economy is still heavily dependent on their resource the country has made bold moves to diversify their portfolio and no bigger experiment was held than by Dubai how did it get so world renowned well it basically kind of went like this hmm with the only other Emirates that have some oil reserves but nowhere near what Abu Dabi repeat because we're all one Commerce so what's the plan why don't I try everything but the oil thing and with that Dubai became sort of like the guinea pig that took the biggest risks in regards to investing in outside streams of Revenue with extreme PR and marketing tactics suddenly out of nowhere in the early 2000s everybody around the world knew the name Dubai overall Dubai served its way into becoming a global City but then I could be flashy too and now Abu Dhabi has everything from Ferrari World to a space agency but outside the skyscrapers and concrete lies a more natural side of the Emirates and with that here's Gary Harlow with the animal segment take it away my name is Gary Howell come to teach you about animals today no wrong accent there let's do it animals of the UAE the country has about 13 protected areas including four national parks here native endangered mammal species like the Arabian oryx gazelle and desert fox can be found usually surrounded by plants like desert time and acacia trees by the way yes there used to be a trend of super wealthy socialites posting up pictures of exotic animals like cheetahs tigers and lions as pets however in 2017 the government passed a law Banning private ownership of said animals and violations can come with huge fines and even imprisonment along the coasts various wetlands and Mangrove Islands protected to give home to some of the 450 documented bird species like flamingos herons and sandpipers even the national bird the Golden Falcon can be spotted sometimes it even tries to hunt said flamingos or sandpipers you gotta eat and now I will demonstrate how I a Golden Hawk tries to eat flamingos or sandpipers yes because they grab them with their wings that's right off the coast the warm Waters allow for a variety of soft and hard coral species to grow which in return make a home for other species like Hawk spill Turtles dugongs spinner dolphins and if you're lucky a whale shark might swing by unfortunately one concern is that all the fast construction projects often affect the environment hundreds of square miles of coastal reefs were destroyed by land reclamation projects to create artificial Islands these issues have been brought up and the country has initiated conservation efforts to salvage and preserve their Wildlife as best as they can in any case one of the rarest species in this country is the actual emirati citizen they typically consume a diet of a gold and platinum but if they are watching their figure maybe just a light snack of pearls and rubies that's all for me folks off I go thank you Gary well as you can see the Emirates definitely has more to it than just a Metropolitan side and as they say in Transformers there is more to them than meets the eye I like Autobots assemble better uh it's Autobots roll out Avengers Assemble thank you very much it's all Hollywood they all make the same thing most food to this day is imported from outside however even in Antiquity the Emirates has had their distinct Cuisine to talk more about the food here's one of our geography peeps to explain hey Noah so uh we had a subscriber but they had to back off the last second I'll do the food in terms of actual traditional emirati cuisine we kind of have to go back to the Bedouin culture of the Arabian Peninsula basically there were two types of proteins Inland you know the Bedouins usually were livestock herders with camels and cows they would typically eat those meats and they would drink a lot of camel milk whereas the Pearl divers on the coast would typically eat a lot more Seafood typical breakfast dishes include things like these lunch and dinner dishes more commonly seen might include things like cozy Kawa or Arabic coffee is in every household lukimat is a good dessert and you know you drizzle the honey on top it's really good so yeah if you're hungry the Emirates will not disappoint back to you Noah thank you well that's all for me this time around I think it's only appropriate for me to say roll out robots assemble thank you Noah in addition to the ever-growing list of Mega projects and real estate plans they've made bold moves like opening up Khalifa port or the finance sector announcing that they would initiate the 55.5 corporate foreign ownership rights tax withholding all of this kind of started to foster a quick Prosperity season and in return it is given the UAE the largest Sovereign wealth Fund in the GCC at almost 800 billion and all of that brings us to the next segment where we talk about the people of the Emirates let's go so I asked my emirati subscribers to describe the differences between the seven Emirates and correct me if I'm wrong but to the best of my understanding it seems like they kind of said this Abu Dhabi the big guy the head honcho that produces most of the money and kind of holds most of the country together Dubai is like the flashy social media influencer brother that likes to spend lots of money and show off Sharjah is like the more conservative traditional older sister that doesn't Rebel much doesn't drink alcohol but also her money is very tied into Dubai's crazy Antics so she kind of like rolls her eyes and deals with it Ajman is like the chill middle child the sidekick that happily shows up to every party fujaira is like the fun aunt on the East Coast that likes the beach and hanging out um is like the mysterious least populated Emirate with lots of Nature and hiking and fishing and archaeological sites Ras al-jaima is like the naturey mountain Emirate also they were the ones that didn't almost join the Emirates because historically they were the richest Emirates so I don't know emiratis how did I do with that explanation was that kind of a I don't know let me know if I was in the ballpark in any case those are the Emirates now let's talk about the people inside of those Emirates first of all the country has nearly 10 million people and as of 2021 surpassed Qatar as having the highest expat to Citizen ratio in the world the country is made up somewhere around 88.5 expats and the rest are actual emirati citizens mostly Arab in descent according to the estimates given by each country's Embassy that reports undocumented expats it is speculated that of the expat Community about 27 come from India 13 Pakistan bangladeshis make up about seven percent Filipinos six percent Egyptians and Iranians each at about five percent and the rest of the expats are represented by over 100 nationalities across the world they use the Dirham as their currency they use the types C and D plug outlets and they drive on the right side of the road language-wise Standard Arabic is the official language taught in schools however emirati's speak with a gulf dialect however on that note English is the most commonly used language in the country especially between expats and varieties you go there speaking English you'll be fine religion okay this is where things are going to get a little interesting constitutionally the country designates Islam as the state religion however they do allow freedom of worship as long as it does not conflict with public policy or morals nonetheless as of 2022 for the first time non-muslims actually outnumbered Muslims which make up only about 49 of the country the second largest religious group at about 35 percent is actually Hindu mostly derived from the Indian expats followed by Christians at about 10 percent mostly coming from Filipinos Africans and some Europeans in fact religion in the Emirates has been a somewhat I don't want to say controversial but more like a subtly insipid awkward topic when they engage with other muslim-majority countries to this day not only does the UAE allow the construction of places of worship for non-muslims but the government actually even funds some of them this means that some of the more fundamentalist Muslim nations or communities across the world may look at these actions and disagree with the practice it's like how can Muslims allow the building let alone fund something like a Hindu temple well I'm not one to authoritatively speak on this topic I would advise you to talk to an emirati for their input but from my understanding what it essentially boils down to is the strategy of the Emirates is if you want to attract the investor class many of whom may not be Muslim then you're gonna have to kind of make things as smooth as possible for them to transition into your society and this is where the Blurred Lines of flexibility come into play for the Emirates but in the end what it comes down to is the expats have the freedom to pretty much be themselves as long as they don't go crazy and cause a Ruckus there are some strict laws in regards to things like defamation public decency PDA and you could be fined and even arrested if you swear in public or even post something on social media that criticizes someone else free speech and press is limited anything that openly and publicly criticizes the government or Islam is prohibited as well in regards to being an actual emirati the story is a little bit different long story short unless you are born in emirati from emirati parents it is very difficult to become a listen foreign women actually have it a little bit easier because they can just kind of marry an emirati man and get citizenship fast whereas if you are a non-emirati man that marries an emirati woman you would have to go through a lengthy process of like waiting three years to even apply and then you have to prove that you have at least seven consecutive years of living in the country no criminal record proof of residence and employment and then there's like the whole good luck even finding an emirati woman but hey legally it is possible if you are not born as an emirati or married into it the only other chance you have to become a citizen is if you are literally granted it by a high-ranking official usually in the royal family why would you want to become an emirati citizen well kind of comes with a lot of amazing perks it is the strongest of all the GCC passports free subsidized health care and education free housing or interest-free loans to build a house we have preference in employment higher salaries that may come with an extra allowance food and clothing vouchers utility subsidies and even when they get married they could qualify for a wedding Grant up to 70 000 Dirhams based off of their income bracket so think of it this is one of the reasons why they can't just let everyone body become a citizen because if they did considering all the incentives let's be real it would render the nation bankrupt this means of course being an expat comes with its own social Dynamic geography wrote to me it is of course known that expats are more restricted in their ability to take risks in their careers especially if they have family if you lose your job everyone dependent on your Visa will be affected even if your kids are still in school you have to be very calculative in your career moves to talk more about the Visa situation stuff why don't we actually have someone who has lived it you may have remembered him from my Somaliland episode geography Khalid take it away explain so here are some of the UAE visas explained the most common ones for non-tourists are the employment investor and residence visa that must be renewed every three years if someone is born in the country like myself they will receive a birth certificate but the citizenship will be from the country that they're originally from or their parents are from in addition the baby will still require a residence visa and position there is ever so exclusive newly announced golden Visa started in 2019 only given out to Selected Few outstanding individuals something as well I have to share with you that once you turn 18 as a male you are not allowed to be under your parents visas anymore you're your own man but if you're a female single female you're allowed to stay under your parents for as long as you want as long as you're a single female alright so I had to get kicked out of the country when I turned 18 unfortunately but I still go back there and visit so I hope this helps clears up a few things for you thank you very much and Back To You Paul thank you Khalid now here's the deal at this point I know what you're all thinking we've all seen those news articles about expats being mistreated it was kind of bad in the beginning of the early 2000s even the government acknowledges it this was brought to the attention of the government and they have heavily cracked down on the broken kafala system abuses in 20 16 and 18 the labor Court issued new reforms that gave expat workers more rights so there you go okay that was a lot enough of the legalities of the people in the Emirates let's jump into something a little bit more exhilarating and fun uh why don't we jump into it with art with the sports part hey guys I'm art yeah no actually uh art is busy he has work he has stuff to do people have lives man so I will fill in for art Sports Park so when it comes to Athletics let's be real the Emirates is more of like a I'll host the event and you guys go nuts so many competitions are held in this country every year like the Dubai duty-free Tennis Championships Dubai World Cup of horse racing the UAE cycling tour the Abu Dhabi Grand Prix in terms of actual athleticism though most traditional Sports in the Arabian Peninsula are focused more on like operating some kind of animal or Contraption rather than putting your own body through strenuous activity such as camel racing or Dow boat racing or falconry and by the way they have robotic camel racing too because you know the controversy of the child jockeys being injured they have yeah that's why however the love of camel racing has also sort of translated into a sort of Love of equestrian Sports as well in fact the current ruler of Dubai Sheikh Muhammad bin Rashid al-maktum has not only competed in several horsing racing events but has won quite a few and even started his own Global race using operation and his first cousin once removed Ahmed al-maktoum won the Emirates first and only Olympic gold medal to this day in sports shooting yeah the Mach 2 family they got a competitive side in any case one final thing you can do in the Emirates extreme sport you guys have probably seen the videos and pictures of ski Dubai the world's first indoor ski resort they literally built an 85 meter high indoor mountain complete with artificial snow and even live penguins that are brought out to the enclosures that people and guests can interact with and play with if you pay an extra fee you can even dive in the world's deepest pool Deep dive Dubai you can Skydive paraglide zipline Dune bash jet ski sandboard bungee jump every conceivable extreme activity is found here and speaking of extreme I'm done with this segment art you're awesome miss you buddy sorry you had to miss this one until next time cheers yeah the Emirates has had quite a bit on its plate when it comes to the social framework and mode of operation and sometimes the question gets brought up with all these foreign influences and values being brought into the country does it kind of play any role in I don't know decreasing or compromising what may be considered emirati culture or Arabic language and maybe even Islamic tradition if you ask in emirati most of them would probably say no because the people have legitimized their monarchs they are happy with them and as long as their system allows them to grow and prosper there shouldn't be a need to look too much into it and emirati culture does exist and with that why don't we jump into the culture segment with random Hannah Hannah take it away what's up guys I'm back behind all the concrete and glass lies a world of ancient historical traditions and Customs for one like many other Gulf Nations prior to the discovery of oil much of the country's culture was centered around Coastal communities made up of tribes and Clans that typically engaged in pearling with Opera boats each Emirate also has their own traditional Palace or Fortress that former rulers used to live in they are now museums holding old artifacts you can visit yeah okay sure other Gulf countries have that too but what are some things that are like distinctly emirati ah good question and quite frankly it's kind of a little difficult to answer and even people from the Gulf have trouble seeing the differences the biggest one though would probably be clothing if you look close you can catch the elusive clues that give away nationality most golf men wear white doves or conduras with a Tarboosh or long-hanging tassel that connects to the neck think of it as like an immigrade version of the necktie like other Gulf States in Marathi women typically wear a bias typically black sometimes with embroidered sleeves or hems some prefer hijabs some don't of course on an off day if they want they may occasionally wear western style clothing however keep in mind in the Emirates being an actual emirati does kind of come with a sense of public dignity they are one of the few and proud so the last thing they would want to do is disgrace their nation and rent or even Clan without landish clothing in public sometimes they end up looking too good and get kicked out of Saudi Arabia for being too handsome really yeah that's great that's hilarious oh my gosh anyway back to the traditional stuff much of emirati culture is also centered around battle and Customs or nomadic peoples of the Arabian Peninsula that many Emirates are descendants from they were desert innovators that created things like the bargiel wind catcher towers that ventilated houses to the falage irrigation system that allowed crops to be grown own in the desert nothing speaks more of the emirati home than the majlis or traditional sitting area with Carpets on the floor cushions on the walls where people talk discuss and are served coffee occasionally you might see people greeting others with a hashmack or the nose kiss started as a greeting between Bedouins who had their hands full or you might hear an al-heda which is the oral tradition of calling camel flocks in regards to the Arts all tally weaving and embroidery metal work camel hair textiles pottery and calligraphy are a huge part of emirati tradition Cinema wise the UAE has gone through a significant transformation in recent years now becoming a world-class hub for filming and they host multiple film festivals through the year the government even subsidizes and incentivizes production companies to film in the country and since then Studios like image Nation Abu Dhabi Dubai film and barjoon entertainment have popped up and become household names for this country otherwise one other new thing that seems to be a part of karate culture beating World Records longest automated Metro Network the largest choreograph found the longest zip line the longest painting it goes on and on speaking of things that never end Keith's appearance on this show but we actually don't know of Keith is going to be in this episode because I guess this is the new thing I say we never know um so take it to Keith or take it to somebody else somebody else whoa yeah Keith is not here today he has a wife he has work to do so uh so yeah why don't we have an actual emirati explained this segment here's geography Jude with the music segment my name is so uae's music what is it known for well in 2021 Abu Dhabi was actually granted the title of city of music by unesco's creative cities Network now I know what you're thinking the uae's music is just gonna be like every other Arab country especially the gccs well yes and no we do use a lot of the bass instruments some of those instruments are there with the Tabla which are drums nay which is a reed flute and the rababa which is an Arabic style fiddle but we have very distinct ways of using those instruments and dancing to them the most famous for Marathi music is probably the Ayala which is common at weddings big events where you have musicians dancing around with the instruments that they're playing there's also the El fejeri music which translates to Don which is the music that was sung by fishermen when they would go out to their is also popular style of music and it's named after a tribe shalat is the music of the nomads or as we call them Badu which is uh sung in nasally voices traditional folk music will usually be accompanied by traditional folk dancing the most popular of which is the Yola and where you see sticks and guns being twirled and thrown around influenced by pre-ordal life and I know what you're thinking do the girls have any fun yes we do Alexa is usually performed by young girls in colorful traditional dress putting their hair back and forth the music of the UAE is extremely diverse even differing from tribe to tribes in a contemporary sense today the UAE is a hub of music and musical production world-renowned artists have recorded in the studios in the UAE including platinum records s-a-e studios in Dubai soundstruck Studios and headline music studios and Dubai no surprise is a very popular hub for music videos and finally what something that we do really well party red Fest in the bay the huge International Headliners playing at venues such as the annual Formula One concerts at do Arena and there are also a lot of smaller venues with open mics throughout the city now we've only really scratched the surface of everything that the UAE has to offer musically both in the past and the present but I hope that you enjoyed this segment and thank you very much thank you awesome job so we just covered a lot of information about the Emirates and emiratis and the people and the expats clearly you can see by now there is a huge Global Connection with this country so with that in mind let's talk about it in our last segment the so clearly by now you can tell that the population of the Emirates is pretty diverse and you don't get that way without being able to connect to all the countries that make you diverse here's how their diplomacy works out for one if you want to know their closest business friends look no further than the investor countries like the USA UK India China and Russia of course being formally affiliated with the UK as a protectorate has kept their ties to the British close and the English language only helps the relationship with them and the Americans whom the Americans have bilateral treaties with including trade security counter-terrorism efforts and Military cooperation China and India are the largest trading partners and of course have worked on a number of infrastructure and energy projects Khalifa port and the Abu Dhabi oil refining and petrochemical complex each of these large investor Nations has a noticeable community of expats that invest heavily in real estate and business and many people from these countries have obtained the golden Visa of course countries where the majority of expats come from also have close ties India Pakistan Bangladesh the Philippines and Egypt the UAE does what they can to accommodate these communities as best they can in addition the UAE has done lots of philanthropic work abroad in many of these countries such as sending Aid to disaster victims if you want to know about the closest friends though most emiratis will probably say GCC countries tie in the closest they all have a shared culture in history and language they are able to freely travel within each other's countries and have diplomatic agreements that combine economic military social and political Unity amongst each other if they had to choose the closest ones though most emiratis I have talked to have said maybe Saudi Arabia or Oman are the closest Oman because come on everybody loves Oman it's like the Happy ground Emma of the Arab world seriously nobody hates Oman and Saudi Arabia due to the shared structure of both countries being fast developing Islamic Nations that have a mutual understanding of traditional Arab tribal monarchial rule granted Saudi Arabia is a little more conservative and may look at the actions the UAE takes with a little raised eyebrow but overall the heads of state meet each other regularly they are totally welcomed in each other's countries and they get each other oh so very well in conclusion clearly it's been evident that the Emirates has become a global phenomenon and the more you kind of dive into how this country functions it seems that you'll notice there's always a Crossroads of cultural expectations and legal openness that keeps this country running yeah it might be flashy but there's also a real side to it stay tuned the UK is coming up next and I'm coming to visit [Music] thank you [Music]
Channel: Geography Now
Views: 555,204
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Geography, facts, info, cool, education, learning, countries, history, class, lesson, funny, travel
Id: juHLoPYaWHk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 6sec (2046 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 30 2023
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