Geoffrey Admits the Truth About his Dark Past | 90 Day Fiancé

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first of all I should have been smarter than this you know Christ found eight sides here I'm crazy I'm not gonna be played hey guys welcome back to the number one youtube channel in the entire world today's video is the video nobody asked for but everybody needs to see this is a true crimes video on jeffrey from 90 day fiancé I'll be honest I've been watching a lot of true crimes and conspiracy 30 videos lately especially Kendall ray you guys don't even count alrea she's a really good storyteller I love her conspiracy videos so like Kendall thanks for the video inspo dog know we have just received word that Jeffery from 99 fiance has been kicked off the show and it's not because he's a country boy turns out that Jeffery wasn't even invited to the 90-day fiance tell-all reunion mario was because she seems like a nice girl she literally just wanted a happy hour anywhere with anybody because she's 30 in Russia they got to get married before they're 30 you know so as we know Jeffrey hasn't passed I have a past yeah I know I said that don't interrupt me little now me like most of you are really curious how Jeffery actually got on the show considering his very abusive violent past it turns out that one of the interns for TLC didn't actually run a background check on him Brad you're fired and no one's gonna do a quick Google search on him Wow some world we didn't in all of us don't know how Jeffery made it through the background checks but he did and actually made it onto the show which is weird because the minute he appeared everyone was like wow this students really sauce when some of you probably don't know is when the series ended with vari and Jeffery he actually got down on one knee and proposed aporia and our girl said no way man [Music] maybe this is the rendezvous yeah if anyone's confused about who Jeffrey has already made a video on him so definitely check out my little video also he's the dude with the serious serial killer eyes and also the guy that takes off his shirt has those weird nipple tops oh did I mention how tall Jeffrey is no well I've actually done a little bit of research and it turns out he's 5 foot 5 when you're 5 foot 5 you do not stand up on a door like this dog it's not funny this is ridiculous you know Jeffrey you want to kiss my feet when you're down there so a lot of my subscribers have been sending me messages like hey are you sure you wanna make videos about Jeffrey he's been to prison he might be dangerous guys this guy isn't dangerous look at his nipple tattoos he was somebody's boob prison and now he's gonna be fine ain't that right Jeffrey also a sock decoration your wet sock come on are you kidding me no that's a mood sesh here's a crazy fact when Jeffrey was on the show 90-day fiance at the time he had a misdemeanor for when he was physical with the girl that he had a relationship with back in Tennessee now because this was only a misdemeanor he was still allowed to travel thus why he was able to go to Russia and film on 90 day fiancé after he got back from Russia filming 90 day fiancé the situation got more serious when Warren allegations were brought to the table the worst part about the situation is when Jeffrey went to film 9-day fiance he was so betta we married so the whole time when he's meeting with Varia and being like you only want to use me for my visa I'm an American oh my god what are your intentions why are you talking other Americans this [ __ ] still legally married everybody's against me cuz I used to sell weed no dude everybody's against you because you clearly have a history of abusing women physically that's why everybody doesn't like so this piece of [ __ ] has the nerve to throw it allegations that Barria has bad intentions with it and only wants to use him for American citizenship meanwhile he's cheating on his wife he allegedly beat up back in Tennessee with this girl in Russia that he met through an online relationship look wet sauce I think we can all agree if you're a man and you can't you're a coward and a puss and every other mean word I could think of to say about you so technically he's still married to this woman to this day I don't want to say her name and respect for her privacy but I find this situation backward I think GLC did the right thing cutting this dude off because he's a suck ass kid on a sidenote randomly enough jeffrey actually admitted how bad his relationship was with TLC in a livestream with Trisha Paytas think about me is that the guy that bill cosby stay away from those you already have a reputation so I'll be posting the full livestream with Trisha and Jeffrey my community tab I just don't want to play the whole thing because it's a long livestream and that has nothing to do with the plot in this video so yeah if you want to check that out hop over my community tab but do it after this video so I still keep my watch stopped according to reports in his own admission in the second episode of the show Jeffery was as young as 19 when he first started getting into trouble with the law it's possible he had earlier arrests but his juvenile records would most likely be sealed in 1997 he was picked up with charges of possession with intent to sell controlled substances then in 2000 he was arrested on charges of larceny under $500 it's not their what the result was for either of those crimes we do know that he was free in 2001 because he was arrested in Texas on an unknown federal offense and that landed him in federal prison for three years something we were able to verify by doing a federal prison record search at the time of his arrest he had five pounds of marijuana two ounces of cocaine $15,000 cash and a firearm he allegedly abused his second wife we don't know anything about this guy's first marriage but we do know about his second marriage or wife number two as he likes to call her they were married from 1998 until 2004 they have two kids born in 1999 and 2000 in 2004 when the kids were three and five years old respectively police were allegedly called after wife number two took the younger child inside the left the five-year-old in the car when law enforcement arrived they found drug paraphernalia and they proceeded to file a divorce some people suspect that the drugs were allegedly planted on wife number two by Jeffrey himself during the resulting custody battles wife number two accused Jeffrey of physically abusing her throughout their relationship her lawyer actually said Jeffrey has committed assaults against the wife number two in the presence of minor children as well as committing acts of violence towards the minor children themselves Jeffrey has repeatedly raped the wife number two and Jeffrey has further threatened the lives of wife number two and her family numerous times wife number two fears for her safety in the event that she should respond to Jeffrey's legal proceedings in any manner according to the reports the couple ended up with mutual restraining orders and can only talk to each other when it's a therapy session with them and their children Jeffrey was granted full custody of the children meanwhile wife number two can only visit sometimes Jeffrey was also allegedly dealing drugs during his third marriage Jeffrey married a woman named Alison in 2007 according to the search of the Tennessee marriage records they had a child together in 2012 but separated in 2013 according to reports their divorce was finalized in 2014 and they share custody even after wife number 3 moved from Tennessee to Florida in 2016 the insuit returned in 2017 when Alison wanted to remarry and move with her new husband to Seattle which violated the terms of their existing co-parenting arrangement so Jeffrey filed a complain and now they have an ongoing legal battle allegedly Alison only wanted her child to spend time with Jeffrey if he agreed to share his personal medical information specifically if he was being prescribed opium ed occations and if he was Alison wanted to have them drug tested to make sure that he was taking now this is because Alison suspected that he was selling opiate pills and possibly even using their child as part of a cover story to traffic drugs Jeffrey has allegedly thus far refused to cooperate with the drug testing orders and he doesn't have any arrests on charges of selling prescription medications Jeffrey met his most recent ex Britney in 2014 when he was 36 and she was 19 during their marriage the couple had two sons believe it or not the marriage was doomed to fail from the beginning because he's a woman beating [ __ ] allegedly in 2017 Britney allegedly took their two suns in return to Canada and a court filing that year she claims she moved her children because the environment wasn't safe and her husband would expose the children to drave risk a physical or psychological harm so his ex-wife had actually flee to Canada to get away from this woman beating five-foot five print allegedly in 2019 Jeffery was allegedly arrested for assaulting his girlfriend are you guys seeing a pattern here this guy has fans on Instagram are some people just done in June of 2019 Jeffery was arrested for assaulting his girlfriend in Knoxville Tennessee the unnamed woman had him arrested for Lexi charges of aggravated kidnapping domestic assault interference with emergency calls and vandalism he kept bashing my head into the hardwood floors of my home she alleged he dragged me through the house by my hair and continued throwing my body into walls and furniture I know this because of blood on my walls and he's scheduled to go to court for this case in March but I noticed that it's been delayed due to the Toyota borrowers unsurprisingly Brittney his fourth and current wife use this as a reason to charge their custody arrangement she now has primary custody of their surviving son Jeffrey says that Brittney and the unnamed Tennessee woman cooked this whole incident up to sabotage bring him and take away custody of his sons which if you believe anything this guy says I dare you to go take an IQ test as we watch the show I think I speak for everybody when I say Jeffrey radiates awkward serial-killer vibes there's nothing there's no fun he's also very manipulative and withholds information often hiding things about his past I have a past everyone has a past not everybody beats women you sick [ __ ] allegedly we can really see how Jeffrey with holds information when he confessed some of his past crimes to bar his mother and brother when I was younger I uh I got mixed up with a I guess the bag a bad crowd and started selling drugs yo here's a thought maybe instead of shifting the blame onto the wrong crowd you should accept responsibility your own action you know Jeffrey I think it's really weird you leave out that you have multiple domestic violence charges brought up against you I think your bar your safety you might want to bring that up that you're a piece of [ __ ] also what about the fact that you're still legally married so some of you might be asking the question what a gem even want to go on 90 day fiancé with this parallel pass it turns out that he's actually a Fame [ __ ] and we can see that by how he used his 90-day fiance Fame and go on numerous TV shows we've been in that shred some TV shows and he even used that opportunity of being on set to go take selfies with real famous celebrities and pretend that he's famous now let's look at Jeffrey's Instagram because when he's not posting pictures pretending to be a lumberjack he's posting pictures with long captions trying to clear his name and convince everybody that the whole world the TLC is against him in this next post he actually talks about the allegations against him everything about me is out there for the world to see whether it is true or fantasy I can never go back and honestly I would not have it any different I have realized who my people are and opposing Lee who only want to hold me down and set me back imagine being an alleged abusive towards women and then going back and saying I regret nothing I wouldn't change a thing really you wouldn't change a thing like I could never go back and honestly I would not happen any different this dude's such a piece of trash my that's the only reason why he gets physical with women is because last time he got a fight with the dude it was in prison and he got those nipple tats dot nice oh look what do we have here Jeffrey a workout video you're trying to be a fitness influencer I see Wow impressive three reps of 225 it's not like everyone that goes to the gym doesn't know that benchpress is the most useless exercise so when this post Jeffrey shows it behind the scenes of the scene when him and his friend and Barney are all barbecuing together behind the scenes John there is so much more than what happens behind the scenes than what many people realize this is just a snippet of what it takes to mean acting is easy this was not acting there were real and raw emotions behind every scene Ari and I went to this experience with genuine love and excitement not only for our potential future together but also to be able to share our journey with so many people many people judge and scrutinize every moment of what's on TV trusting every and cliffhanger when you start to think about everyone watching your life unfold in that very instance it can be rather unnerving hopefully this will give you a little insight and what it takes to bare your soul public working with this crew is absolutely amazing we couldn't have asked for a better group of people to spend this remarkable experience with I consider them friends and hope they got a bonus for having to endure the banya with me hashtag 98 fiance before the 90 days look at all these hashtags put in on country boy all this stuff about listen loser don't try to drag TLC and say they're portraying me in a bad way meanwhile you're riding their dick to try and get your video promoted the algorithm by mentioning them and hash tagging them second of all you uploaded this and then attempt to prove that you're innocent and everything happens behind the scenes it's different guys this was a professional camera crew that filmed it it's a TV show you know it's funny in this long post you and Mario talked about how you were so in love and you went in here just spreading love and positivity no dude you're a woman-beater that went on the show when he was still married allegedly you were still legally married and you didn't disclose that information she's using it for the visa you're gonna write all these long posts on your IG about how you're such a great person and everyone's against you you're such a coward you think you're all buffed down there ha you 5 foot piece of [ __ ] and I love your image you're going for like the southern gentleman look at you you got a post smelling flowers what is this [ __ ] spring is in full swing and it's all about new beginnings I make it a point to get my garden going and get my flowers popping at the very first moment I can the colorful beauty and aromatic sense along with the bounty they provide always gets me excited get yours going soon while the window is open and reap the benefits oh my god let's look at the shirtless post on the motorcycle going fast is Who I am it doesn't matter if it's riding a bike jumping out of a plane or as many have seen jumping into a [ __ ] for as long as I can remember it has always been one of my personality traits yeah dude I was so fast when I beat up all my ex-wives dude it was like Bob Bob so fast dude yeah I'm so fast selling coke you're not a stroke bath shoes my kids isn't drug deal allegedly you ever seen that superhero the flash I'm faster than he is because I comp super fast and I think it's funny seeing his fans defend him saying he's an actor everything he did on the show was an act meanwhile is posted things like this was genuinely Who I am so I'm just a little confused how that works my overall summary is this dude sucks a bag of dicks oh he's probably going to go to prison to get more nipple tasks dude is that sock wet enough I don't think it's wet enough let me pour some beer on it that's a wet sock dude little guys that's the end of the video comment below subscribe lose your breath lizard bread follow me on Twitch right now
Channel: undefined
Views: 239,852
Rating: 4.8578372 out of 5
Keywords: 90 day fiance, geoffrey and Varya, Geoffrey and varya 90 day fian
Id: kd3DuXSpERI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 25sec (925 seconds)
Published: Fri May 15 2020
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