Geoff Allen Plein Air Demo, Watercolor SD 480p

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[Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Applause] he is he's really on his way so we're lucky to have him it'll probably come a time where he won't do these lonely Deadpools Society anyway I'm just kidding he'll have to he owes it to me that's right that's right anyway there's a lot going on in the park the flower show but it seems to be really succulent and then the farmer's market so there's no excuses not having anything to paint there's plenty year to paint um the bathroom's right here there's a restaurant over in there there's places to buy snacks and food so starvey there so without further delay we'll take it away yeah okay well thank you for being here here we gotta turn yours on oh how do you do that oh back here Rosie what I know close to him okay can you hear it can you hear me all right okay well thank you for coming and it is true that I sort of got myself I feel like my start in Linear by coming to these so I think they're very important and uh I was just telling someone that they know on Instagram how um yeah it's like to me this is there's so many things you do in the studio are controlled and you kind of learn what colors to mix what brushes to use all these skills but out here it's you know it's all wild you know we're in the wild things can happen and that you don't anticipate like I said up over there now I'm over here people and I was just looking here the sun changed but I kind of locked it in before I got started so that I could talk about it instead of being right into pain and this is my value sketch now why do I make those they make it because somebody bring his little time to uh to work on all this chaos here and to put it into shapes and to make okay how big do I want that how small do I want that where am I going to get light to come into my foreground you know many paintings peanuts background Middle Ground foreground but how does your eye go up and down and I call that pathways so how do I make Pathways well I use light like you'll see this dark and I'll hopefully I won't mess it up but you'll see a big dark shape here and that's this tree Mass but I want to inject some light into it and the same with uh this mask too and I want light hitting some of the uh the leaves so by bringing light into your Shadow shapes I I believe you're being like the sky into the foreground into the middle ground and your eye can travel through and also you make relationships it's not just light it could be color you know it could be you know it could be a brush stroke you know all these things are elements that we can develop to connect and break so when I say break I mean like if I put do you see this little white mark on the top of the building on here I put some gouache or titanium white there but it might break that shape so it's not just a hard one I don't have to make it hard I make I makes things soft and hard based on how I want to move the person's eye throughout my composition so it's always your choice like what to do oh I want to make that hard I'll make that hard or but but the because is because I want us I want to make it hard because I want to stop someone's Vision there I don't want them going off so maybe I'll make it hard but I want them to move through this so I want to make that soft and make it less contrast I'll make it a broken stroke I'll do you know I'll eat you know maybe I'll fade the color back I'll make it lighter in value instead of dark so all those things are we go through the that process so this when I do these it gives my brain a little time to figure that out okay so um as I've said before when I do this like my first uh layer my first wash it's all about light so I'm getting light and I try and get messy have you guys see me splatter so what's what's that about I think it's about letting something it's that lack of control of trying to let go so um and use as much water as I can okay so let's get going um yeah I always when I get here I always feed my um you know a squirt try and get as much water on my colors as I can instead of that and my brushes as well I hate turning my back to you but I'm gonna have to do that and I always give my brushes a drink because they always have some color in them from something else Okay so it's light now the light's all different but I'm gonna stick with sort of what I had thought anything that's white on this I think of as Sky I think of this light so I'm gonna go I might go a little warm and I'm gonna go light value so I'm gonna take care of that first but I always go with what I see so I'm gonna have to change that that's that's tough on me okay so brilliant pink a little Cerulean kind of cool cool that up I don't want to use too many warm colors so I'm sort of making like a sort of a warm gray I'm trying to get and make another color and I'm just going to use Cerulean Cobalt too much water I want to make this a thicker mixture so notice I have like three mops and so I can sort of load each one Cerulean Cobalt some of my brilliant pink whole bun color and I'm just going to put a little bit of burnt sienna a little bit anytime I want a gray I put go to Burnt Sienna a little ultramarine trying to get enough of that in there okay and I'm a little more pink so these uh Holbein colors that have they're semi-transparent they have a little uh titanium they have more body they're not going to move as fast or as much when I put them down so that's and sometimes I'll add a color to that okay so I got my sky color I'm gonna go back there okay I think I can get going now do oh I didn't see that oh by the way this is a panel this is paper mounted on uh Gator Board so and it's uh what is this stuff called this is Saunders so give it a little pre-wet why am I doing this I'm just feeding the paper some water the more I feed it and it really depends on how hot it is no so it's I'm this is my soft time I'm just going to go ahead and I'm gonna just do a bead on this a bead you know it has more water when you're doing a bead so did you see I kind of put twice I went up here three times so bead is accumulating I'm just going to take that down or maybe I'm gonna I'm just gonna warm it up as I come down so that was jumper young maybe um maybe I'll put some uh yellow ocher oh got a little green on it and like that I want to keep it sort of on the reddish the warm side reddish side putting a little more so it really this is to me warmth and I can paint right through my building and these are leaves here I want some sparkle in some of these leaves so I'm going to try and leave some opens you know uh so I'm very lightly you see I'm almost quickly dragging the brush really quick leading leaving some spaces and I'm getting down I love this building over there it looks like it I don't know it's so if to me it's like Sky color that building over there that light blue do you see that okay now before I get going too far I'm just gonna before this gets too dry I'm just gonna try and I'm gonna splay this out a little bit I just want to make a few you have to usually wait like if I did that right away it'd be too wet which it goes right so I waited a little bit maybe I want it brighter over here so I'm just going to knock that off [Music] uh maybe sort of go for a lot a warmer color here but that should be pretty light and if if I think I got too much on it maybe I'll give it a squirt it'll float down take some of that pigment it'll lighten up there okay so really quick done can't wait too long I see some it's uh starting to flow down too much so I'm just gonna tilt a little bit let it flow another way that'll flow off that way okay so back here back back to them yeah I wonder if I'll finish this okay so as I get down here I'm just going to warm it up so um I have zumbrian number two grabbing that maybe a little um take a little my sky color and I do quick quick draws like that just to see if I can break get a broken stroke and remember I'm not I'm painting light that's what I'm painting I'm not painting anything else I'm not painting Shadows painting light so anywhere where I want like a feeling of light that's what I do I'm just going to give this a little squirt down here keep that wet I'm gonna grab a smaller brush and I just want to put some of my values into this building and it's sort of like a gosh what kind of blue is that I'm gonna go for sky blue and verted here I'm gonna really lighten it up I might add a little which is a little yellow to that I'm just gonna go into this I mean even though this is the shadow side of that building it looks so light to me and it's really about value not necessarily um uh color at this point and maybe I'll just go ahead and you know just sprinkle some water in there oh maybe I'll I'll just throw some water just to break that edge there a little bit and it's okay for me to make this dark because I think this is on the dark side so I'm just gonna okay so we'll let that go okay so I'm back down to here and I'm just gonna go um more uh Bert Sienna I'll go for I just want a dirty this up and again like you know the colors when I did this were so much different than they are now this is the light has changed and so I'm just gonna stick with what I had before so I'm gonna like put a little more um color into this so my passageways remember this is gonna fade fade quite a bit I'm just gonna go just adding the blue of the sky that I had before and a little bird in the air little just blowing it up this mixture I'm gonna pull some off that's why I use the sponge pull it off so I have less in here so I can do it kind of a dry drag over that and maybe I got some sparkles and that so I think that's that's good kind of like that and this water to me it's the same kind of thing I wanna you know sort of a gray color now but I'm just gonna kind of Pump It Up just put a little uh phthalo and I'm gonna do a quick just a quick drag right over that just to kind of add some some of that and I really want if you look at it there's places in the water that are very um what happens they're reflecting the Sun and there's some that aren't like right here right and for me where I'm standing right here is almost uh you know this color here it's a darker color so I really want these to pop this and this area so that's me bringing this down into this and I'll hit it later if I need to make it Bluer or something but right now I don't want it to mix with any of that so I'm just going to leave it about it's in my phthalo section over here this is all phalos and I could talk about that in a sec I mean in terms of so back back into so I kind of like making these bold marks and then figure out what I want to keep you know what's you know what's necessary here okay it's gonna grab let's see maybe I will do a couple driver Marks here too and I think I want to have like a kind of a gray so I might have had some Halo in that brush anyhow so uh trying to make it gray with um like a purpley gray so I'm adding some alizarin a little Cobalt I'm just gonna remember we were talking about sky colors just trying to break that up just a bit now do I want that really hard this is right at the edge of this do I want the eye going there no I don't think I do so I'm just gonna mess I'm just gonna I'm gonna stop my Sparkles before they go off okay and now um I didn't have this in my palette a while ago so you can see me and I love this phthalo light green it's a slimelier color and I it's very great but I mix it with uh with other colors and it's just I feel like it's a nice you know neutral color so I'm just gonna try and go around and add some colors before this gets too wet and I want this you know this to mix in with what I have so this is a phthalo green going to finish Orange a little thicker so maybe it's going to stay I'm hoping so we're going to talk about something to keep your eye in like I think adding some something here is like a stopper so I want to do that there's Patsy some Patsy greens here and this is light I mean don't remember not to get too dark [Music] and I could have done it up here but I'll have to wait I think I'm gonna go for I like this red strip thing here so even my brush strokes big medium small so I don't have to do that so you haven't you know that's my choice and why do I do that it's just like if any time you can think about big medium small do you know do it and it takes practice it's one of the things you practice at home I you know for me I did I'm just going to restate that kind of like this roof having like a little glow to it I'm not sure if it'll go out or bleed I don't you know that's okay so I mean this other parts are drying so it's okay I'm gonna I kind of like wasting some time here not wasting time but did I say that okay so remember that spark sparkling of the tree things and I like you know I'm just gonna connect some Dots here that's gonna fade anyhow so [Applause] okay so I think I'm gonna move a little so I'm sorry you guys might have to move too this is what what I don't oh that's okay yeah so why I did that is just I want I don't want any light coming in because it makes it harder for me to see so I just moved a little bit okay well this should be our impressionistic time and I think you know when I think if you can get away with any you know maybe this is a cooler I might just throw this in now I'm gonna break that bridge even so the bridge let's see how that tree falls down Crossing it so I get to break the bridge and isn't that a pathway through the bridge is because I broke it so so we're drying sort of and I'm just killing time so always have you know I got some birds up here Okay so any questions oh yeah yeah you know it doesn't come off so if you want to walk up while this is drawing I've probably got you know a good five minutes I think for it so you guys if you want to come up we're all the way out of the way what yellow are you using before you breathe I used the combination of that phthalo light sennelier color yellow okra and Polly Burton Sienna and some of that Chinese orange color and that's a sennelier color Jeff how did you decide what uh that you're gonna paint this View because there's grass here places for all of you but that's a good that's a good question like a lot of times what I do is I'm looking for big shapes I'm looking for those Pathways I'm looking for a variety of elements like what are the elements well how long Okay the color value texture I have rocks I have Reflection In The Stream I have like a big shape of this building you know and I have light coming pour into it is my plan what brand mop brush days and where do you get them okay I got uh I have to look at the names these are Italian I like these and the silvers are great too so I have silver film off and these are uh Toretto 1412. Aqua saw and get them but they have a good point they lose hairs but it's not so bad but what do you got them oh Jackson Art Supply Jackson yeah what kind of paper around the the handle in the brush oh so I can I used to have a smaller place and oh it's Saunders 140 rep and it's laminated onto Gatorade it's a rough it's a rough yes yeah I had a question about the red is that like the eaves kind of coming out yeah it's the red and the eaves and I'll go over it right but um and most likely it'll be dark but I could not like that I could put that in there now yeah I mean you might not even see okay that's another that's a bigger I mean but really quickly I Rush on acrylic gel I bow the paper so when it goes down I don't want any Bubbles and I vacuum not a single piece of dust put it on I have a brayer right gently because if you do hard it scores the paper so you do it just gently just to get bubbled at plywood and then and then like 10 ounces well this I can put right into a Plein Air frame okay and and I can I mean you probably could do it with paper too but I can um varnish it so I'll lose the flexi okay well there's certain sizes that come ready made for clean air frames and so if you paint it and just kind of guess what you know tape the paper then you then you put it onto um a substrate you know this it has to be the same size as a frame so I just started I just made them the size of frames if it's if it's a loser I'll just go I'll put another piece of paper on top wow okay let's go I think it's dry enough I can I can get started on this okay why do I want it dry that so it's not too dry but I'm just going to go on Soldier on anyhow um I'm gonna wet wow now I see nice yeah I might do that oh we doing a big picture hurry I got I got a lot to do okay so um I'm just gonna clean this up you know I don't think I'm gonna necessarily finish it but I will finish it you know uh as you guys start to paint I will get it done um I like that little puffy blue I feel like I could have done a little more with that so this is my big you know uh Wet Brush here and I'm just gonna go through here and I'm just going to make a couple um sometimes this is I just have to act right I don't do I know exactly what I'm doing I have an idea okay that's on there I want another brush that was just water yeah so vertadier um a little lizard kind of going more transparent some Cerulean and I'm just gonna hit um I'm just gonna put a tiny bit of red in there I'm just trying to uh so it's not so saturated so this is like an organic yes kind of organic something I can't remember anyhow so because I liked I like what it's doing now so so the more I make this start the more that'll feel like life that's that's how I kind of see it now I'm gonna let that go it's nice and soft right there okay tilting it because it's going down I want it to go another Direction and then I'm going to do this hill I'm going to mix this maybe I'll use this small one of these that Hill it's in light I want it warm but not too warm I want it to go back so it's a value of things maybe I'll cool it off so we'll go Cerulean you know Lutheran serve a cool warm to me so I'm just going to use that and we'll see here so I'm gonna I'm gonna shake this a little bit just see if I can get some little edges there I'm gonna put um try and warm it up a bit as I come down here more water okay back to this warm it up burn Sienna a tiny bit of green because as as you're coming down the hill I wanted to get warmer but I don't want it I want it slightly darker than this building I think so why am I doing this I'm just breaking that edge where that tree is where it hits this so I'm I'm trying to make an organic head okay best laid plans huh so just like you just have to see how it goes I do kind of like there's some houses and stuff up here so smaller brush gotta thicken my paint up a bit I'm just gonna make a couple as if it's detailed or some trees this I think this is all gonna blur I don't want to spend too much time it's going to go right through that edge so notice I'm sort of talked down back going front phthalo green some Van Dyke still warm but kind of cool as I'm coming down off this hill maybe getting a little darker [Music] okay so I hope that sort of runs into this building bit now I want this building to look white lighter so I'm sort of making that just slightly a bit dark so I'm going to go into this building I'm going to try and do this really quick and it's to me it's a backlit um thing so um thank you oops that greens okay I have an accumulation of water so I'm just gonna grab that no to me um it's as quickly as I can without spending too much rendering time doing this and I have a tree here so I'm just gonna kind of so coming back in true color but I want it light lighten it up brighten it up like it's getting more sun so I went into yellow ocher okay so um I think I'm gonna start on these trees now but it's sort of wet but maybe I want it to be on the Wet Side I'm gonna switch brushes can you stand aside for one minute okay so everybody can see I'm going you're good all right so I'm going to start on this and I might actually wait because this is this is wet and I want this to pop out in front of that so I'm just going to wait and let that go a bit so maybe I'll start on this side and but maybe I'll just finish up this um this wash here like at the base of this building because it sort of goes down and it's in Shadow so I made lines for the building and then I broke them and remember this is sort of in light so I just don't want it to be too dangerous because I know it's like it'd be safer just to kind of leave it and pull it later but I just don't want that to get too dark but hopefully it'll lighten up a bit okay so this is the top like it comes down there okay and then when that's right I'll go over that with my bridge okay so okay we're gonna go here trees I'm gonna use my uh made a tree brush and I put pins in it and I think I'm getting better at using it going into my phalos and Van Dyke pretty dark stuff I'll give it a a little squirt and maybe a fling before I start and I'm trying I'm trying to see where I have marks already still pretty wet from maybe even when I did that other but that's I think that's okay so usually you start with the trunks or you start with the the leaves like I start with the leaves and then and then I'll make the trunks fit the shapes because I have those shapes in certain areas so pretty more warmth into it Okay so I'm trying to look at my drawing and see where I have um these shapes and where do I want them okay so you're not gonna see it's I'm lost so I have to do this so big shape here had a shape here look at me I'm hardly looking at this thing I'm just it's and then there's one something hanging down here which I kind of liked you sometimes work from the inside of the tree outward or how do you generally handle uh how many like that um sort of how I'm doing it like I really designed the where the shapes are supposed to be I try and do the big medium small which I'm not sure if I totally you know got here because I kind of I'm thinking big this is too big I mean and then I have a couple other shapes I think I made it more complicated than it maybe should be but I want these to sort of drape down and I want remember I was talking about like light coming down so sometimes I like to I'll put some light some water up here just on the very edge and let it come on down pardon like a shaft of Lights yeah and I might help it along with some you know Strokes you know doing this but the water will keep going even after I do this but if you put water there it you know it'll keep moving a little bit remember I was talking I mean just a sexy a sense of direction okay so I'm gonna make the the barn color so you know what I think what do I do actually right now while that's doing that and you can look at that but I sort of want to tilt it because I want the light direction to go you know to come out this way um I'm just gonna mix piles of primaries using my Blues ultramarine Cobalt y while you're doing [Music] I don't know if I can oh well explain that because I don't know that anybody's necessarily seen that well remember I was talking about like my first my first wash that's light it represents light and so I made um pick up this zone system you know photography off the internet you know but these are just 10 values and it could be five values break it up so many different ways this I consider light so that first layer I put on that represented light probably would be in you know sort of this value range like I try and keep it to that and then when I do my um I call this a medium value range when I do this now I'm in this range and and this I consider accents I'll add them last when everything's fried I really want to punch something into darkness so now I'm starting to get through this this one so that's what this is that good but it's got you've got oh what is written on it the volume well it says uh well form and volume okay so like how do we know something has volume well it's really light tells us light and Shadow and so and the shadow part which is gonna could be cool I mean it depends on the light that's you know out at the time it would be cool on a sunny day it's gonna be cool but that's what creates volume form like how we see an odd dip so and so I'm you know I took care of the light side now I'm putting in the shadow to get formed so that's how I think about it yeah so I'm gonna make some red so glycerin Van Dyke so I kind of mix a bunch of Reds together I might even put a little blue in it so it's not so or Violet mix them up I'm trying to make lots and so um we'll put even a little CAD or whatever this organic red is whoops it's a Daniel Smith color okay and then maybe I'll make some more green just so I have it [Music] Little Blue Van Dyke because remember we're kind of saying this these are well it's sunny now so kind of going cool so but I want to make sure I got plenty of red in there too because I don't want it to be too hot green too much okay so maybe that dried a little bit and I'm just gonna go I might even do my um looks a little bernadier I'm looking up there maybe some some uh some of my Blues kind of a warm blue so I'm just gonna put a little it's sort of a combination of my blues and burnt sienna and I'm just going to go into some of these it's dry enough that it's it's staying now but and it's even I even break some of these like you know I don't necessarily have to do like when I'm doing a tree I don't have to I can I can pick up and come back down I can do a dry brush stroke and get something a broken stroke okay there's Branch coming out here and there's another darker Branch kind of coming out from the side here you know what I might let that dry a little bit but I guess I want this to come whatever is foliage is on this maybe it'll cut maybe I'll wait a little bit let that dry come back and do that sometimes it's kind of nice to you know that Pathways thing is just to break like I broke that trunk like as if light's hitting it okay so coming back to this this big brush light's hitting the top of that building now but it's sort of like a bit of a deeper red oops I'm gonna warm it up I'd like that to be sharp and I might have to go back over that at some point now these little bits remember I was trying to and actually I left some there so that's good but I got too much in a hurry but trying to leave those little bits so that breaking that and now I'm just going to get some water I'm just gonna put it right up into here remember we're just talking about you know breaking something so I'm just gonna break that could be I'm breaking too many things but we'll see see how it goes okay anything off to the side I might just add a little glue to it just like I don't need you know the darker this is so I'm just doing like a mini wash it's a more complicated wash in that first one but it's still sort of like a a mini wash I'm just gonna join this tree with this building too and there's a fence back there might leave some like indication of like some kind of railing going on these look too straight so I broke them okay so I'm just gonna let that go kind of keep an eye on it but um I'm just gonna make a little thicker trying to thicken my paint as I go too right that's where I added that red so broken stroke and I'm not really sure if um we all really go for some red it really throws some warmth into that so it's just coming down don't break that line trees merging I think I'm gonna re-emphasize some of the coolness of the tree so I'm going to go for some um bird of deer and some lavender just to kind of distinguish it from this warmth where can I get away I don't like those look a little I don't like those too much distracting shapes I don't I don't think I need it and I'm just gonna take I want to go too dark but now that's looking too red just gonna so it's all wet right it's all flowing it's all in motion I'm Gonna Leave It okay so I'm gonna follow my pathway do you see it's a nice sharp Shadow now is this still wet still a little wet so I'm gonna come down here and go into this before I come back into this because I want this shark to come away from that so I think I Can Do the Bop the base of the bridge which is right here so I'm gonna do and it's like one of my darkest colors so Van Dyke paint gray oh I'll warm it up burnt sienna and all these little places I can kind of let let everything flow into itself into this big shape then I think I think that's good this is that Brit right the bottom of the bridge and I'm just I kind of like the idea of breaking it so so see how it's wet up here so I'm just gonna do this stuff picture up from him so if you guys want to come up oh a few at a time to Pizza feel free that would be great you're welcome to come up [Music] so I'm just following the shadow shape all the way down to the creek I want these are the Rocks which are sort of like I'm just gonna make like what I think is Rock shapes coming down I'm gonna warm them up a bit so I'm coming coming back into some of this burnt sienna I might add some uh other warm colors to this but here I'm getting a little texture like focusing the eye couldn't come back here to the this shadow on the other side of this Bank I remember the bridge sort of goes underneath now do I want it the same value I don't think I have to so I'm gonna lighten it up a little bit a little more water maybe I'll warm it up so just a slight bit lighter and maybe I'll just I'm just gonna do some whoops I don't like it there some splattering here just uh because this is that tree coming down connecting with that so I'll take some of my green here do a dry brush so I'm just like trying to connect that tree trying to you know go let the tree sort of move through that bridge right [Applause] so it looks like I started up here so I think I'm just gonna continue this tree finish this tree up so I'm just gonna get enough another type of brush so I can do some you know some texture and lights hitting it I want the value to be more like warm it does kind of connect to this in real life but I don't I think I want to separate it a little bit maybe a little orange in this some cat Orange [Music] just to warm it up bring It Forward so I'm trying to you know when I do the brush like I'm spinning it sometimes I'll go different to right yeah you're not limited to this right you got this you got this yep you can push it set the brush you cut into it yeah my tortured brush the tortured brush what was it it was it shiny it was a Chinese bro I bought it used like a Chinese brush and um so I think I like this here this little bit of lightness as if this is this other tree sorry um and they put pins in it which is sort of cool because this isn't the best splatter brush but I'm just gonna throw some color into this too into this tree and I'm gonna go I need to I need a Van Dyke below really quick kind of connected to the fridge sort of doing the darker part of this tree and I'm squinting a lot I'm here I'm like I'm like this looking at that [Music] so I can see shapes not things like I'm not looking at leaves like I think I could come back and I can kind of do a little little leaf dance here to make it um [Music] you know like if I think I need that but again like here I'm doing something way off do I want someone to look there I'm not sure I don't think so so maybe I don't like maybe I'm gonna weaken that you know so soften it weaken it let the water take care of that but here I I want someone looking here this is sort of like I'm gonna cut through here I don't mind like I have a better one but it's not out the other one hanging on the uh oh no not that one yeah that would be really dangerous okay this is my stabby my stab move but I I like the idea that like this is really dark right there like like I feel like that's good for my composition let's get connect this is more this is even the wrong color but it's to me more about um you know trying to get that line going through okay all right so okay back here this is still wet actually that's great and I see shadows and so this is my green pile I'm just gonna try and move what I can and then just gonna throw a bunch of blue in here for like Shadow Van Dyke little Greens in there that's good okay I'm just gonna you know just come down bring my shadow down there's some other stuff like hitting here oh like trying to point everything to here um so I'm coming with this see you later you have like 15 minutes oh wow okay I can't believe it usually you should really freak out usually when people tell me it's like oh no so I'm just bringing that shadow down I'm trying to go thick thin you know because the the it's it's not sitting on the Contour of this uh plane so I kind of I don't like that sometimes I just like I don't know what it is but sometimes there's some I just like adding some titanium white to something as if it's like smoke or something I don't know just a haze it remember I was saying do I want that red subverted deer titanium White you don't want to do too much because it's opaque and it'll take away some of the transparency so I added some water there still but I like the idea that it's um taking the color down no so I'm trying to gather contrast and color here and I mean I did hear which maybe I should throw some of that over here we'll let some of that just mix in you know like and titanium white is another color that sort of like it'll mix in there and just take it down a little bit so we'll see what that does okay so let's just back to our shadows [Music] and we have another tree here so big brush as big as I can kind of manage and trying to do fresh marks coming down to the and I'll take another I'll go for this soft brush let's warm it up with some something here and maybe I'll just do a couple which could be like you know some Contours of of this landscape foreign [Music] well you know it's almost like I can't even have time to look at it so I'm really just dealing with I always think like there's a saying and I'm I know I'm misinterpreting it there's a map it's a map my thinking my plan and then this is the territory on feet on the ground and I'm looking at this and this and what does this mean and the more I go on the less I look at that and the more I start looking at this and going oh hey where do I need you know where do I need a path light and I think you know where do I need something you know that's not going to tell me I mean I guess if I spent 40 hours on that then then it probably I could probably go by that but we're out here it's like a couple hours that just kind of gets me going but then I have to stop looking at that and they just it's an interaction between what I know about design and what watercolor can do and what this means and I try and say you know like just I think it's important too just saying like I think this is my important place and two like what if I I might put someone on that bridge too that would make it even more important because a human element draws our eye to it I think like 10 minutes I used to time myself because that mean we go oh I spent a half an hour on that there you go so so I got 10 minutes okay let's do water because that looks good my wife I think she would say that water's an icky color but I'm gonna stick with that you know because it's like this what color is that it's sort of a rich brown green and I kind of like whoops because I to me it's a dark form coming through here and I want to kind of get these Sparkles you know before I get those Sparkles I'm gonna blue I'm gonna blue those up okay dirty brush looking for a clean brush I think that had blue in it it's good clean space I'm gonna go for some you know Sky color now blue and maybe it wasn't that way before and maybe that's why it didn't occur to me but I'm just gonna blew this up and I'm gonna blew up I don't want to get any of that it's gonna put a little blue and I want that to dry so I'm gonna try and Pat it down so it doesn't bleed into blue um okay let's make that color go for my man that's a toughie going little phthalo and Cat Orange and let's just make a little Mark that looks dark maybe it's some yellow okay maybe okay so I'm just gonna Define this Bank gonna lose all my sparkles can I see thank you you know I'm just gonna going for some blue kind of a neutral blue I kind of like that but I want I just want to make some of these rocks coming down so um so it just sort of Fades back there we have a sense of where the that line of the creek like a road you know sort of going back I just want to solidify that little sliver of light here and maybe there I might like get rid of it like I'm just gonna join the bridge and some of this other stuff too and maybe it let me get rid of that just so you have to bring the microphone over oh okay [Applause] okay [Music] [Applause] now um yeah I'm just gonna go back into this little green I make a grain just to kind of get some of the shot the the stuff going on here with the grass maybe I'll do a dry brush and I'm letting this dry so I can pull that shadow see how the Shadows jump the creek but can't do it now I can do it on the other side oops too too much too fat I don't like as if this is sort of this tree Shadows are coming down too how are we doing Lori we got five minutes or so listen maybe I'll try it no pretty wet but I want some of these Shadows to you know jump jump this crease so also there's like more color more contrast and there's a rock here I think I can put in I'm really just doing the shadow side of it quick picture wouldn't that be great oh wow how perfect I hope someone's taking them such a shot I was just gonna say this oh man this is like the movies they have missed yes I wonder if that smells anyhow okay so I think it's time for me to take questions because I'm sort of you know I'll keep working on it but so just to do a recap so first wash then I did this second wash but it was really light it's me that joins us the sky that's it's lit and then then I started this and I kind of came down and I wanted that to dry so I started this so everything is a series of washes in the sense that you travel through the shapes and um I had this thing um that I figured out to say and that is you have to read your paper so the moisture in your paper you got to read it how do you do that you you look at is it reflecting light I do this a lot and I touch it and I go okay ready it's not ready for me but a lot of times it tells you what it is if you want to do something to it okay I need to make the paint because it's still kind of down it's still wet so I'll change the mixture in my in my brush to match what I read in the paper if that makes sense so I'm always kind of evaluating okay what's in my brush and I'm evaluating how wet is the paper it's also which brush because some really water faster than others right yeah so a synthetic won't hold it as well and I have and something with a Long Point you know put off the tip a lot of times whereas these they're sort of made you can tell the big belly really kind of stays in here and when you connect the belly that's when it released um okay any other questions yeah oh welcome did you hear it that one didn't work Velcro so I have some velcro I used to have a tiny table and so I couldn't put my brushes on the table so I you know I put it on my side of my easel so I can hang stuff and this is all velcro too this stays on it'll take a pretty good gust of wind thank you foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music]
Channel: Geoff Allen
Views: 6,484
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: i16Y77SqbrI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 65min 23sec (3923 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 17 2023
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