Genshin Impact Voice Actors Play Among Us

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all right hello hello hello everybody if this all right oh what hello hello i got my window open hey everybody how you all doing today welcome as you can see we got a bunch of people right now i'm currently muted in the discord i hope you're all having a great day today we are here doing a gentian impact voice actors play among us so i would just like to point out i'm sure a lot of you are wondering why isn't like so and so here why isn't another person here that voices another character well i had this great idea in my head and i kind of fell through a little bit um but this was initially planned out to be a uh leeway like edition so um we ended up kind of not doing that so as you can see like most of the people are from there except we have uh christina who plays bennett and shincho so christine actually voices two of the characters in the game and then we also have erica harlicker who plays venti from monstat so yes welcome everybody i hope you're all uh having a great day i'm gonna join in the chat and see what um what everyone's up to so yeah at valley girl thanks for the five dollar super chat is that bob ross fantastic no that's just griffin okay cool here we go um let's see let me make sure that changes cool cool hello hello hello all right how do i change my my my picture i'm i'm dumb i can't i can't do this reamer mode enabled it actually hides it you have to disable streamer mode and then when you go into your gear for the settings you'll be able to just click on your picture and update it also guys just want to say that i am live on stream mode through your settings oh hey guys just want to say that i am live on stream right now we're all we're all going live and i've dropped a multi-link in my chat that way you can watch uh uh i'm streaming chris's streaming karina erica and zach are all streaming um so don't you know don't say in the chat who you see sus if you see someone as imposter on the other screens but if you want to watch you want to watch the chaos unfold from multiple angles this is the best way to do it chaos chaos awesome very exciting and as soon as everybody uh everybody's unmuted and it's all here i want i think it'd be awesome if we could all just kind of go down the list and introduce ourselves sure yeah that's a good idea sorry i had a hype train so i had to make a train noise i'm gonna switch over and go live actually right now so i've been quiet cool cool cool all right cool cool and welcome in all the new cocoa goats it's good to have you here it's going to be chaos everyone will know when i'm the imposter because they'll be so so completely like not able to function yeah i'm really nervous i've played this game maybe like i don't know i've probably played like 20 or 25 matches of among us one i can never remember anything on the map and people like where were you i'm like i don't know the middle and and i'm never lying like my map is always open i have no idea and then the one time i was imposter we were playing with different rules so it was we were allowed to talk it was a lot easier um i'm totally scared i'm feeling confident like i'm gonna murder you all right now but i haven't played in a few months so i might not i'm feeling confident that i'm going to get murdered a lot oh good perfect maybe you can be my first victim i've never played before so this should be interesting i did free play earlier today i think we're going to play we're going to do like a practice round first yeah that we all can agree we'll do a practice much appreciated yeah unless i win in which case it gets counts twice yeah oh right right so if okay i didn't say anything important okay hello [Music] is he saying hello to his people i think yeah he's honest and anybody who does have their discord up on theirs do you make sure you are in streamer mode so that it keeps all your stuff secret because i'm watching i'm getting a bunch of friend requests from folks that i don't know and i'm like okay does anybody remember is mira hq is that just like the standard map that's probably what we should start on yeah and like i guess they all the cafeteria i don't know is that the one with the credit card machine that i always die at is it that one yeah ones with the credit card machine yeah that that is a lot of places oh my goodness oh um samickable says the standard map is skilled you're thinking of it for the big oh is it yes that's it i was like oh it's the other one right okay okay yeah okay okay are already deciding who is the most sus among us someone asked if aether is sus i think ether is not suss but i think moon carver is us i am the most sus he is always dead i literally have a crown for it mostly i'm never suss so tasteless which is why i'm actually like sweating because i've only yeah i've been imposter like one time i don't even know how to vent i don't have to do anything i'm just like and i can't be like hey guys what are you used to what button is it to stab what button is it to stab it what up yeah i don't know hey chris is here okay i guess i'll go down the line if you guys want to go in order of what we got the discord in right now yeah which looks like alphabetical so perfect yeah all right everybody hey what's up my name is zach aguilar and uh currently i'm live streaming on airsack and i play ether in gentian impact yay [Laughter] uh i'm kristina v i uh i play bennett but also cincho and i'm not streaming but i am uh i am looking forward to always blaming griffin for everything yes good segway a good strategy yeah um i'm griffin burns i play child or tartaglia uh hey buddy hold still or hey guys there's two there's two versions oh definitely because everything's awesome and he knows that i'm here and that's right and i i'm not live streaming but i could i is it weird if i just live stream on my tic toc of my face while i'm playing or is that weird no that would totally do it though i'm gonna do it i'm just gonna do it yeah do it it don't even like extremely handy what's that don't even explain the tick tock just start streaming okay i will i'll just start streaming and people are gonna be like what the heck are you doing my dad why wearing an obnoxious headset with really large earphones and whatever all right who's up next um hi there my name is bo richland and i play chong yoon in gunshin impact um and i should probably do a line because that's what everyone else has been doing but i glide on cloud and wind alike yay great to have you both thank you yeah thank you for having me i'm so happy to be here i'm incredibly nervous and i'm going to die a lot bye i'll die too it'll be fine that's part of the game we all know zach is imposter already it's not me oh my god it's never me it's always zach it's yeah i have to pick up my food keep going and introducing yourselves okay okay all right hi i am jen lucy my name is ganyu secretary at the uahi pavilion and i have come specifically to meet you and i am streaming right now on jen losey and you can come hang out with the coco goats and watch me freak out this whole time hi i'm sarah miller cruz and i voice lameen um so yeah you also say quite that's exciting for me i'm getting a lot of starfall now it's cute that you and zach are both here together i know first ever the world's going to end something else is weird um should we skip court yes yes okay we'll come back yeah hi i'm erica harlicker i play venti the bard uh not tone deaf by the way uh and um yeah i'm ready to do some no i'm not gonna do any venting because i'm so there uh my name is chris feyel i'm the english vo director for ginger impact and amongst other many games um and yeah i direct all these wonderful folks and i hope you guys love it and enjoy it and i'll take this opportunity really quick to throw a fast disclaimer out here one this is not a gentian impact stream this is just a bunch of friends because we all are just a bunch of friends playing against an impact and it is not mihoyo um you know approved or or anything like that this is just us playing fran as friends and we just happen to be cast members as well so throwing that out there out of the gate just because that's my job yeah this is a game full of various stuff we might have some different language in my stream than we normally do so prepare yourself if you're a kid go get your parents permission to hear f-bombs because they're probably going to be uh-oh i was a very nice postmates guy that totally like he said he liked my cosplay oh oh my god cute well because i told my stream a long time ago if we get 200 subs i will cosplay as pymon and then they did it nice i was like okay well this stream seems like the time to do it i love it so much anyone jackie go cosplay hi i'm jackie i'm the voice of juggling um i don't know what else to say so i'll say help my dinner's attacking me missing because i went to go get food um hi my name is karina bengar i'm the voice of pymon let's play and murder people let's play inverter people murderer so exciting [Laughter] if you have a nice voice you should you should be a voice actor too oh well thank you chad i um we're gonna seek him in some time eventually that we did i know i am i am a voice in a an animated feature that we can't talk about right yet but it's coming from exciting oh uh yes that's right there's a podcast called car serum on itunes you guys go check it out it's an amazing eric yes i didn't know this is cool and uh there's one episode i die really fast i show up i get killed that's awesome i can't about to announce that i should do that i wasn't sure when my episode came out hey guys who who all has live streams again i want to tell my uh live i have not a thousand people watching on tick tock right now and i want to tell them where to watch so mickey erica erica okay erica harlicker right with the k games with ak games yes youtube i'm streaming jen loves he's streaming and jackie lastrow streaming and chris feyel is streaming okay uh let me know i'm streaming we're all on twitter zach zach you can click on the multi link and everybody's will pop up okay and then zach's link is also there does everybody want to like shout their links out like for for me it's youtube.comairzaq herezak a-i-r-z-a-c uh slash with the k games jen losey j-e-n-l-o-s-i uh this is uh mr burgle it's uh slash mr mr underscore brgl nice and griffin what's your uh what's your tick tock my tick tock is mike griffin burns my griffin burns my grit so ticks so would it be like tick slash my griffin burns burns just pouched this exactly just look at my griffin burns on tick tock everybody if you just want to see my face while i play but if you guys if you guys want to actually watch the game you go to uh was it it was air zack on youtube uh jen uh tw twitch what dot tv slash jen losely then what else was it i'm sorry guys i'm taking up too much time i'm trying to tell my audience here i knew just don't worry about it they'll find it on our twitter okay yeah yeah yeah i think they got it stressed out play the game guys i'm gonna make a game for us all right everybody let's do it okay it's all ready so remember to put yourselves on push to talk when we start the game right best mute if you're like me and aren't smart enough to use push-to-talk yeah i have a i have a quick key for mute so and then you unmute when we actually get into the meetings right we can just do we can do a practice game everybody so okay so no worries even if we don't even if we don't mute we can like at least talk about it or if somebody new gets the imposter we can say yeah so this is what you do when you're imposter you can use the vents you can check the map with this key and so forth this is the one time you get to ask questions okay everybody so i put the code in the chat do not say it out loud so copy that that is the code like online and then there's like a uh private okay there we go okay got the code okay i got to go to online oh my god yeah you put orange on you like so i have to go change my color hold on let me go be purple so that um bow can be blue wait i forgot what the key is is it blue okay there we go all right i'm purple so that both can be like icy blue purple still works oh we got to change your color and name it change the name before you enter so you might have to go back put your name up top oh [Music] where do you press press e press e yay and then there's like little color boxes next to oh once you're in the lobby you'll be able to okay once you're in the lobby go to the computer and then press e to use it and then you can major yeah okay all right some people have like halos and crowns and yeah you can do that in the computer go over to the computer and then if you guys want to you can change your change okay jackie if you exit the game but right before you uh right before you enter it lets you change your name yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah i got you i got you a child earring and it just came in happy valentine's day thank you so nice to see you you guys there are a lot of people watching on my tick tock right now this is cool this code is showing uh i'm i'm working on it but this is just gonna be so funny if they just see like griffin's face like the reaction of horror as he dies like in the game well it's gonna happen oh no someone in my chat says that i'm the most seasoned among us veteran please do not set your standards so is everybody is everybody ready yeah no no no give me one second oh no okay one more sec i'm gonna post i'm posting a little note that's gonna play occasionally of like jen is not looking at chat like she don't really does so please give her patience um i love this okay and for once i'm like closing my multi-link so that i don't accidentally like screen cheat and see something i shouldn't see okay good i'm going to wear a wig i'm going to put a wig on i have a bob ross wig i'm going to wear it while i play wow i suspect there's going to be some happy little accidents anyway definitely definitely going to be some happy little accident i'm wearing on cosplay so what the heck hold on guys let me go get my ether wig out of the closet yeah do it with my it's got that long braid everything i can put on this will just be a practice game so we guys let's just we could leave our mics open if we want to like i don't know if i just want to make sure everybody knows how to play i hope i have a poster now to get it over nope okay so we're leaving our mics on so that we can help everyone right okay oh yeah so go to your tasks you can look at your map if you press tab yeah and it will show you where your tasks are okay and then to interact with things you press e when you're next to it it'll glow yellow if you can interact with it and then they're all like mario party mini games if you are an employer right now you're trying to murder people and you can also sabotage if you go on the map okay wow whoa somebody was knocked already where did you where'd you find the body where'd you find the body i found the body in the o2 room i don't even know where that is i haven't been there yet that's on the right oh no my game crashed i don't know no no hopefully let you join it back in i think it's griffin i think it's deck why do you think it's me i went to cafe i was just walking around in cafeteria i did not spend need like a map because i don't even know what anything is called where am i if you press tab not on this screen okay snap on the internet i am in what does it say reactor i was in reactor okay so that's the opposite side so you're probably okay yeah i was in the spawn area because i didn't even move wow good job i don't know the names of areas oh that's a good idea i should put them out on my phone i feel like you can stay like down oh yeah you could say north south east and west if that helps yeah that's fine whatever works do we have to vote like this early no we can we can skip i feel like we should have to skip this early yeah unless we like really know who did it okay i know who did it you do i don't i have no idea you said that very convincingly i have success wait what am i gonna do you gotta you gotta vote or skip oh yeah press the skip button well yeah yeah there you go wanna be alone somebody stay with me and it's time onlines [Music] okay so like i was thinking before if you're imposter you can also sabotage things so you can like make the reactor go off or the oxygen level go off i think i can't quite remember but i think you open the map and then you click on something oh yeah somebody just did the lights yeah so now that somebody sabotaged the lights uh what you're going to want to do is follow that arrow to uh oh to the to the light and then you gotta go go fix them yeah okay however some of us do not fix lights i'm here but uh i'm here but i'm gonna wait for somebody new to just come and fix it oh wait there's a report button oh eh i'm never going to finish this fast because i've always known what happened oh my god it was in the cafeteria it was right there i saw erica coming down that way or getting up there yeah that's what that's how i found the body i went up there and then i found it convenient i saw okay i saw griffin and i saw christina come from that direction when i was going up there i've been same puzzle for this entire game i'm never going to see anything uh uh jackie and i were together i will say i did see griffin come to lights i think it's i think it might be griffin griffin was i was going iphone i i followed zach's orders to go follow the the arrow to the lights to turn the lights on he did come to lights he did come to light so i came to the lights what did you do before that though i was try i did another task in another room but i did what task uh i don't remember okay you're gonna make a big mistake if you export me or whatever is this like is this part like are we supposed to act too like yeah you will go you want to get ejected here listen sounding really guilty right now no i didn't murder anybody no i know i know when we pass or continue i already voted for you i bought it first i voted for griffin what i skipped leave me alone oh wait do we have it do we have it set up to tell i don't know if we haven't set up the towel if it's are we going to be able to know you just launched me into space oh no it's not an imposter oh well well you're dead now so you got to be quiet with me i wish we had like uh an afterlife chat that we could just like switch over to like another channel yeah we can do that we can make that happen it was chat oh yeah ghost chat that'd be pretty funny ah so whatever oh good the task actually remembers your progress oh you guys i don't even know how you open a door you can't on this level my chat's just like how come jen is still alive witnesses i think honestly hey oh guys so so when the uh when the o2 sensors go off you're going to want to go to the arrow and uh type in the code as fast as you can otherwise the game ends and it's over and the imposters win there are two arrows to go to so yes yes oh i see i see okay do we all have to do it no only one person does okay well one of us did it but sometimes an imposter will like stand there pretending to do it and then you'll be like oh somebody's got it and then there were like six people there so i have no idea all right i'm done with my tasks sweet i'm way behind schedule nice in fact you gave us so few tasks for this practice oh yeah i don't know what uh what the setting i gotta look at the settings yeah this is like not remaining i feel like i have so many because i keep running all over the place oh thank you for the gifts up that's so kind if i move things going oh no oh no where is that oh crap i don't know this map i see a dead body but i don't know where it is i was on cam i was on cams oh yeah actually quick question whilst you're playing not playing but like how do you report a dead body do you just walk up to it and then there's like a button on the screen it wasn't ether it was the moon carver really ganged when we play again uh do we go mute we meet ourselves next time we'll meet yeah that was just okay are there any questions you kind of understand how does anybody like know if you get impostered you know how to open up the map and like sabotage stuff or uh can open the map yeah or is there a figure it out yeah you press tab to open the map if you're on pc i got so focused on winning i apparently uh do tasks as a ghost so very important if you turn into a ghost do your tasks otherwise we won't win yes really yeah you gotta you still gotta complete your tasks oh i just know that yeah if you're a ghost and the um imposter sabotage or something can you go fix those things or no you can't do that that's what i thought yeah also by the way ghosts have a separate ghost chat in the in the game well not separate but you can you can talk to other ghosts in the chat yeah where it's it's the chat at the top of the screen if you're a ghost only other ghosts can see what you type so you can you can see whatever anyone else types too um only ghosts can see what you type oh so it's like true uh what do you guys what do you think we should do for tasks is this how i change them in this little thing oh yeah i feel like too few that i know we should have at least one more common task and maybe one more short task but maybe what about long tasks should we only have one of those or two we have a lot of new people i think cool so i'm an expert now all right so that was a friendly a friendly first round do we have enough voting friendly voting time i feel super friendly you guys just gang up on me all right you're you've got to remember me oh i did whatever i couldn't remember i'm sorry sorry i threw you under the bus to save my own skin yeah you did pay for that light up and color order everyone line up in alphabetical order so we match play again why did the code go away i don't know tis the same code it's the same code uh when are we gonna get a jump function in this game i know right that would be cool it kicked me out of the game but it did but i'm here oh and also guys just a heads up that we as we kind of get used to this i'm gonna just leave it on for right now so uh people can kind of get a feel for the game but you can actually turn off uh confirming uh uh ejects so that means if you do vote the imposter out it won't tell you if it was the imposter or not that you voted out so then you'll never know oh my gosh you're voting sounds really hard it's very fun but we should definitely leave it off for now yeah yeah right now for right now somebody had also mentioned you could do anonymous voting in case you're like i need oh you have that too under the bus these are all more advanced settings though okay get ready to mute your microphones everybody if you're ready to okay okay you're ready ready okay let's do it all right all right bye everybody be nice bye okay cool true mate [Laughter] so troll hey what up everybody in the chat sorry i haven't really been talking to you guys because i'm just trying to make sure everyone is situated playing among us today not everyone's played before so uh it's a little hectic but i'm super glad all of you are here and um and yeah just gonna play some among us you know we we're not suss we're just doing we're doing good boy things we're going around we're oops we're doing our tasks we're always always crewmate here just living a great life you know lying what's that lying that's a sin we we are good we are good we are good noodles here we're just hanging out doing the tasks what could go wrong hope you all are having a great day thanks for coming out so nuts so like i said at the start of the stream hopefully we'll get to do some more of these among us games get to do some uh some like a monsta edition there's so many more people that i know would love to play and i would love to have them so uh oh we got a body oh no it was a body and electrical oh there's a couple bodies oh boy i found the body an electrical okay i and yeah i can't wait so what can we say can we say anything on here like yeah you think it is yeah okay yeah i saw pymon going off into no man's land where there were no tasks so i'm just like but everybody has a different task everyone does have different tasks though that is true oh everybody has different tasks yeah yeah yeah so there's tasks everywhere different tasks is us okay well i saw i saw her going um uh uh east west wait two people are dead it doesn't matter yeah oh so one was an electrical i'm pretty sure lumine is safe i saw her struggling with the card swipe after i saw her do something else nearly afterwards could this have been a double kill [Laughter] i can vote i can vouch that uh chong yoon was uh with me yeah i was gonna say chris is chris okay now look i wasn't with anybody but i went to the right and i did shields and then i went and did the card swipe and then i you killed me last time killed me i didn't do anything woody i am a good noodle i am always crewmate a good noodle you were in a box at this time what noodle is it was not me i and then afterwards i did the up i did the upload and then i did the download uh at the very top because you killed me last night no okay it's time on everybody vote on like i agree with griffin i did download thingy on the cafeteria right next to the trash chute use there are two upload and downloads i'm pretty sure i did it i voted i voted you'll never know all right there are at least two if not one yeah i skipped because i don't know oh oh my god i hate you all oh no wait were you not let's see oh no way i was right you were right yes okay everybody mute okay no way hang out with me griffin that's so crazy the emergency food what's us i fixed the lights eric not benti not venti okay pretty sure pretty sure eric is doing them yeah doing the stuff doing the electrical stuff i need a buddy i need a buddy to stay with oh no please don't suss me for this please don't suss me oh no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no okay we are good i'm gonna follow um follow follow the venti follow the venti lead us to victory we are good we know we know what we're doing we uh okay there's a lot of people here now's the time to do the upload task you want to do the upload task when there's a lot of people around this is this is how we do it okay it's fine it's who is who is hitting these lights somebody loves the light switch gotta go up to navigation so i really don't think it's i really don't think it's venti right now pretty sure we're good i don't know if it's chong yoon though i'm not sure oh no okay okay i i saw a child near med bay where i found the body just saying i he was kind of like going back and forth between places no no no no no no no chris i was like what's he doing here no i'm hitting the tower i'm hitting tab so that i can figure out where my tasks are and i'm new to the game and i'm trying to navigate so that's all that's going on there okay okay here's the people i think are safe zach and i were together like the whole time and then beau was also with us most of the time and then i don't think griffin is the imposter because griffin pointed out pymon immediately so i'm pretty sure it's either christina or chris and i'm thinking christina just yes let me give you a breakdown of what i did okay i went to the left and i did this little thingy it was like a little spaceship looking thing and then i went down to electrical and then i did this thing where you connect the colors together and then another thingy and before that i swiped a card but that was on the other side that's like busy work christina busy busy fake work you know sabotaging tasks can be described as thingies as well that's all i'm saying wait chris what tasks did you do i did a wire task i did an engine alignment task i did what else god i don't know i i ran around from the other room too now i'm confused but i'm pretty sure it's one of youtube i am so confused yeah i know it's not erica because i was with erica like the entire time yeah we were buddies even though i'm sure i looked really sus just standing there but then after you didn't kill me in electrical i felt like you were you were good so who are we where are we voting here oh god can we take a chance christina bennett no no it's not me i'm just doing my job i don't know i don't know i don't know the only one i'm sure zach i guess ann griffin it's not me with the dead body that's all i'm saying no way it's not griffin right i would griffin why would griffin say core though oh no oh no no no no no who keeps hitting this light switch i'm done fixing the light switch don't make me do that anymore not this task please i hate this task is that not it oh okay i think it's both huh ah there we go what did someone just say me yeah what's your story well i mean i was like trying to follow chris and then griffin's there like that's my story oh yeah right oh no where where is the body thing so i don't know the names of the places yet or anything like that but it was just kind of on like is it like a like a pilot room or something like that but it's the thing on like the east you can kind of see like oh yeah navigation okay i was just trying to stick with chris and uh griffin where were you uh can i look at the map i'm i'm east um there was uh i don't know what room it was called but i did a task um i cleaned out a vent i pulled down a lever and i dropped all these leaves out and somebody was in the room with me and i think it was chong yun and i think that's who it is so yeah i think so too i think i agree you think it's beau yeah i wasn't anywhere near anybody i was like doing the simon says so i saw zach going to do simon says i was on cameras so i saw griffin go into navigation but i didn't see bo go in there you must have been already in there with plenty of time to murder i think he was already in there yeah i know it's definitely not erica or zach because like i followed you two around and watched you two do a load of stuff but like griffin is sauce to me because here's the it's either i think it's either bo or it's griffin who sold out his partner immediately that's just nuts though that's so crazy i don't know who to trust right now uh i i s erica who did you vote for it's your play then for for the rest of the night i don't trust you ever erica who did you vote for i voted for bo i voted for bo uh ah okay if this is not it then i made the right choice well now i'm concerned but this isn't it then we live hey you just gotta trust oh thank god what did i say was so convincing my friend brilliantly played oh i killed a lot of people for a first go is my chat impressed with you but they were actually rooting for you up tasks just being like i was just following other people around like can i just say i really annoyed if i feel like if i just said the zack and erica thing like faster before you voted i might have had a better chance but i started to recall that you kept disappearing on me and zach uh a few times so i was getting a little bit concerned christina that that's honestly just because i'm not used to the controls really see i was like so i don't know it could just be kind of getting lost dude we should have known from the beginning dude he's cold as ice dude the part that had me laughing is he killed me first and i knew there was like a piece of bow that died inside stabbing me first i know i'm so sorry oh i don't care i was just like well done because no one will suspect you killing me first and then two i was like that's such a good move because yeah no one would ever think beau would do that but now you're screwed because if you're ever the imposter again now no one will trust you yeah why was it because chris cause there was like a dead body that like i think chris could have reported and then like i didn't report it because i didn't know that i could report it and then um and and then like and then i was like oh shoot i just i was very proud of you though i was like this is well done yeah yeah you can just be excited how do you report a body dead body there's a little report button on the right i keep just like clicking with the mouse so so guys something i like to do as um as the imposter sometimes like as the rounds kind of go on longer and longer is i will i will kill somebody right in front of another person and then report my own body and just start screaming that the other person killed them right in front of me so you so even so even as the imposter you can report your own you changed your name to your other character i see um oh wait i should change it on here too shouldn't i i love it okay let's see yeah griffin you need to enter into the um oh i'll play again sorry sorry sorry i'm kidding i'm there hey i've never forgotten to mute no way oh guys it's me and pymon okay oh i gotta focus ah lumine i mean i'm so okay okay we're good we're good we're good good we're good we're good no wait what what the the only person i know so far is thief was shungling and i'm pissed that jackie's dead because she was the only person i had eliminated so far from uh being suss the only other person i've seen is venti i haven't seen anybody else whatever happens i know erica was the main person i saw who else did i pass i haven't seen the other players at all um i'm gonna throw out a little opinion here um whoever did this obviously has played the game before because they knocked off four people relatively quickly so it's either aether ether or uh uh who else the only thing i know well i think first of all like a lot of people that erica harker plays this game like a beast okay i do but i swear i am a crewmate i found the body in reaction no okay i don't know if it was i was with erica for a little bit of time yeah i saw zach a lot no i'm suspicious because you're very good at this game and uh yeah but so are you apparently oh my god at this game i just where's the reactor is that by the cafeteria the reactor all the way on the left okay i was in the cafeteria for like 75 of the round because i was changing my name on discord the only person i saw i saw i saw piemon in the cafeteria with me pretty late into that round so that kind of places paimon at i mean that's not canada no yeah maybe i don't know saw christina in the cafeteria and i i assumed that you were doing something else cause i was like i think she's busy because she's standing in the start spot i was like ah yeah i passed the same show let's go hold on i have the map on my phone where was i going so i was going left out of the cafeteria and my mom was going right but like you're alive so at least if i was gonna burn anybody it wasn't there uh oh no i have no idea i think it might be zach uh yeah i'm gonna go with zach yeah i'm okay with this i'm sorry zach he's not saying anything so because i think no you guys are wrong it wasn't me really i didn't do it good work good work everybody all right hang in there that was okay guys you gotta say wasn't that so random i swear i wasn't going to say anything because i thought they were going to vote for i thought they were going to vote for karina i swear i thought they were going to vote paimon i swear they i thought they were going to vote pime on there so i was like okay i don't really need to say anything i was like i was with erica and erica was like yeah i saw zach i was like what i think did i only kill one i think i only killed one person it's okay it's it's been a hot minute since i played but ah i don't know i feel like i feel like they're gonna get it i feel like they're gonna get it like i think they're gonna vote i think they're gonna vote arena next round i know i killed i killed lumeen my sister death only one twin can survive sorry i killed you it was time on it was time on it was fine yeah it was time i left electrical and christina was an electrical with me and also griffin was there but griffin left first so then i left second right as pymon was going in and as that was happening i said i'm gonna go right back in there in like 30 seconds and i'm pretty sure it's vendi strategy why would i do this [Music] but we're definitely gonna die now huh leave leave venti leave okay the the strat here is leave venti alive and uh kill child i think kill child in front of venti i think that's what that's what the strat is that would win i don't know who was i forget who was on uh who's on karina's side i'm on side oh oh my god oh wait what is griffin doing what is he always trolling oh wait oh no way oh oh that was the fastest code input i've ever seen i did it that was the fastest coding what i've ever seen in my life no you killed you killed child on o2 you murdered you you murdered child on o2 i'm definitely doing o2 no hi man time on murder murder murder o2 no i caught you twice jen come on jen okay pymon and ether were the murderers the first game and the statistically i can't imagine them both being imposter a second time you can't use that kind of statistics in this game no no no you're right good job jen we did it okay [Laughter] oh no damn exactly suck it i swear i thought they were gonna vote i thought they were gonna vote you out but i didn't wanna i didn't wanna incriminate you though i caught paimon red-handed and nobody believed me oh that was the fastest code input i've ever seen in my life erica no i oh you reported the body you reported the body i even i really do put in codes that slowly just because adhd and like no i wasn't gonna yeah i put it frog all oh my god i'm not gonna make it but i realized the report button was there so i recorded the body right gotcha gotcha yeah yeah yeah guys i'm gonna go get water zach trying to like piggyback off um erica being like i was with erica that made me very suspicious at the beginning but i really was that i only killed one person you i only killed one of yours three people that first you only i couldn't by the betrayal in my heart i said sorry in the ghost chat and that you murdered me first it was just really hurtful i just saw you by yourself and i was like there can only be one because i'm a good person and i like to focus on my tasks i've been murdered doing my task every single time i only reason i was suspicious of zach was because four people died and i was like i think zak karina karina came sleuthing up out of a vent it was karina oh my goodness yeah i killed three people in the first round yeah wow i followed around like griffin and um and core and then and i was kind of i kind of saw them and whatever and i was like okay cool cool and then griffin kind of just sort of left and then i was kind of looking at core just kind of standing there and i was like oh no i've got to run but then it was just too late and paul got me um this is the first time in the history of the game that i got the card swipe the first time i had like six cats i was freaking out and i was like all right we have to do this we have to swipe fast they know i'm bad at this machine they all know i'm gonna die and then i was like oh it's done okay oh is everybody here i was like you gotta get her tasks done okay let's do it hi guys i'm so scared okay so roommate roommate this time fine do a little download task up here cafeteria we're just hanging out doing the download task oh i forgot how hard this game is i i don't know well i guess i gotta get back into the swing of it it's it's been three months since i played this game so it's like it's hard to uh it's hard to think about what i should be doing and who i should be going for oh i hate this task please oh there we go all right i am scared wait a sec is there a card swipe so here's the thing i think everybody gets the card swipe task i don't know if i'm wrong about that but oh there is a card swipe oh no i just saw someone leave electrical and there's a body in there and i think it was i think it was orange i'm not 100 sure i'm an admin with ether what's happening yeah i'm i'm in admin with john you and paimon yeah yeah for that i saw you both up there i was just coming from the reactor and where was the where was the body in electrical well i passed electrical but i didn't see anyone come out of there could lumeen be the evil twin this time i feel like she would have killed you first for revenge though no because i ran for the hills i ran i i like went and did my farthest task my first test i saw zach and core both fix calms and then we all went up to where the card swipe was and then i'm currently failing at that very hard right now yeah i left but you were still working on it and then i found the body electrical so though your two are the only ones i like am semi okay on right now i feel like i saw lumine come from electrical but maybe i just saw you walk by electrical i don't know no guys i don't think christina was back i was coming from i was not back to chaos and death oh no forcibly disconnected yeah you did okay are we skipping the vote then i well now that christina's left there's only seven so i'm feeling like we should vote but i don't know who to vote for yeah i don't know i know it's not i mean it could be either or and or pymon but like at least this murder like one of them still could be it but i was with both of them i mean thank god that you no no i just saying like what it would be possible but i cleared you guys i was like you're with you well now you're unclearing us i don't know but uh yeah are we voting and sarah confused again you guys sound too similar stop it that is a high compliment i love you it was not me that said that okay well then screw you jen and unscrew you because i didn't know you were trying to all right everyone careful i was saying you were saved i thought you were trying to say it was sus oh no pymon going off all right so three of us are here we're hanging out we're chilling oh come on come on oh oops wrong room we have animations on i was like i could always show them that i'd do the garbage shoot wait did karina not get the card swipe before they not get the cards hold on i'm so confused i'm so confused wait it's not it's it can't be pymon right it can't be pymon [Music] i is it paimon okay i'm gonna ask karina what they did at the card swipe i am not emergency food not this time you got this got this we're good we're good we're good we're good we're good we're good we're good we're good we're good we're good we're good we're good we're good we're good we're good we're good we good uh what's this oh the garbage chute garbage shoot okay okay okay i don't know i'm thinking about hitting the button oh [Music] we dancing we're dancing i don't know what to do oh i'm gonna go hit the button i'm i'm so worried actually maybe about a bunch of people might be dead right now oh crap oh crap oh crap oh crap oh crap oh crap uh okay okay okay okay okay okay okay just hitting the button i hit the button in the middle of the cafeteria i'm sick of doing that too because it's been way too long i'm like what is happening who else i'm sure zach is good i saw the garbage come out of the shoe yeah i saw erica do the garbage shoot so uh that's like an animation for all of those who don't know uh it shows the animation in the beginning hey scan if people want to see me do that oh oh you have what scan media oh okay i finished all my tasks uh me too i got the credit card again i'm now i'm a now it's my favorite i've been paid very quiet who's been quiet jackie jeffy has been very quiet um i i haven't seen her at all this entire game i just ran into chong yoon he did not murder me but i was very efficient i haven't seen the mean in a while um i haven't i think i saw it here we passed each other because i passed you i'm sorry i passed you a second time too wait we still have seven times we still have seven so nobody died what i think did it say last time that um there's one imposter remaining because it's possible christina was one of the imposters and didn't know because they were disconnected which means there's only one imposter which is why it's taking so long oh i didn't even look oh i wasn't paying attention because it wouldn't tell us if they were just connected it wouldn't tell us if they were the imposter no right when it'll say one remaining yeah yeah so we'll see this time i think there's only one person left okay and that's why do you guys want to guess somebody should we guess um we could just finish tasks if we want to be nice but i have i have suspicions we just have to do med based scan next that's it yeah we can do that all right are we skipping then yeah i skipped this was the last thing they ever said [Laughter] probably ah interesting all right i kind of agree there's two monsters left oh it's not medpay scan it's corey you're not muted oh no who is it we are we're all here except lumene and who else are we missing oh it was just lumeen except lumene was the mean here oh no that task you don't have to wait there for that task you can you can leave you can leave that task what what is happening yeah what you doing lumeen what you doing what you doing she won't kill me she won't kill me there's no way there's no way that is sweet sweet sister lumeen i am so sorry i thought it was med baby i knew it was both of you darn it oh i knew i told you guys i saw lumeen come out [Music] chuckie on record and i was like this is it it's time for a killing spree if you kill enough people they can't i don't even know what to say right now what i want to know is what the heck why did we not get all our tasks done griffin are you doing tasks yeah i did all my tasks my tasks were done i had like an issue trying to do the med bay one was the thing and i was like i listen let's try to get uh let's try to get christina back in here yeah [Music] i had an issue doing like the med bay thing like i pressed all the buttons and then it like sort of filled a bunch of stuff up and then yeah you have to wait thirty then you have to wait yeah you have to wait 30 seconds i just cannot believe that i got that that timing though i was like it's it's sweet lumen she'll never kill me my own sister no way to make sure if she killed you i could i could report it i was falling apart what happened how did so many people oh oh there were still two imposters so oh because they died what happened was i killed someone and then i heard jackie kill someone and i was like oh if we both just killed two people then the only way out for us because they're already kind of suspicious is if we kill enough people that we win so it just became a bloodbath god funny to me yeah with me hang out with me this round i was about to vote for shangling and then we're like let's not vote i heard that in the very first vote i did vote for jackie because she had some very suspicious and i voted for sarah i thought there was only one person left because of the stuff we'd said so i was just like oh just avoid jackie stay away from jackie but then yeah that i have been so spot on and nobody really have like maybe to me in the future yeah she's calling this way too often we have to kill him i should have got everyone to vote i knew it in my heart too i knew it but i just couldn't do it but i knew it yeah did you just say that whoever's imposter is going to kill me first cause i keep calling it yeah okay i'm staying with erica no no no no no people say though like the fact that like the fact that you're not gonna be like a pastor yet is gonna make me think you're being possible i'm probably not the imposter the whole night with my luck let's go everybody are you ready to do this again do it let's do that let's go so kill some people okay we gotta i gotta i gotta be a better detective better detective this time better i'm a better crewmate better detective figure it out figure it all out as the reactor is melting down and oh no all the way on the other side of the map oh wow they did it i'm gonna check to see if anybody died over here oh wow they made it over here so fast i'm going to electrical i'm going to electrical i'm not gonna die in electrical because that would it would suck venti where the body at dude i see lumen next to the body oh no portion it i was just with jackie standing right there come on chris i ran up i saw my little flashlight fell across the scene and saw you standing hold on i think it was christmas you went to follow me but then you turned right back around yeah i was afraid of you you're like fine bottom right bottom right sorta uh i saw this black i saw zach come out of electrical and there were no dead bodies so that's a good sign good job i was with paimon and she had every they had every chance to kill me and didn't so struggling quite a bit helped me he helped me with the reactor and then they both didn't murder me so again good good job reactor and then i was running i saw the dead body and reported it i'm not see chris so i don't know where chris is that magically sees the crime but didn't report it i don't that seems close to me i just want to say something and i just want to i just want to ask griffin yeah where are you where where are you at weren't you and christina supposed to be together like no no we what happened why what happened i don't know because you killed her we went to admit no no [Laughter] i'm not going to vote griffin i don't know yet i don't know yet we don't this is the first kill we don't have enough info i think yeah oh oh you let me die you killed chris your eyeball's on girl no we've skipped it's okay nope right get your eyeballs on chris more people first of all yeah uh pymon you got my number dude i'm coming for you i don't know how but i'm gonna do it is there a quick way to mute get yourself on push to talk that it's so i don't know i well maybe it's because i i don't play we haven't played with this group a whole lot i mean we haven't played among us really with this group of people so it's interesting to hear how everyone kind of reacts in different situations but it makes it really hard for me to be able to tell oh no i'm so bad at this oh please please please please please eight three two or two david do my asteroids i don't know who yeah it's this is going to be so confusing um i think we who are we who are we kind of suss we we're sussing uh the director chris obsessing chris possibly child possibly griffin okay so i think sarah sarah's good hello okay no it's not it's not paimon i know that i was with yeah where's the body at it's guys it's not paimon where was the body who's saying it's not paimon uh i did griffin where was it the body and where was it so i just kind of like went southish and then i just kind of found like the green body after i did the there's like a hexagonal task like the shield thing oh so you're on the right you're on the right side of the map yeah okay i was heading downwards yeah okay i just ran into sarah on the left side of the map so i don't think it's sarah and he was standing near things but the tasks were not going up i like literally stopped at the doorway of the room because i was like i don't know if i should go in here and i don't know if jackie's done i don't know if i should leave because if she leaves me in here i don't want to die wait who are we who are we voting what is happening who's call voted for wait wait why are you voting for me i didn't do anything who said that they saw somebody doing tasks that weren't or like i said i saw chris who was standing near navigation yeah not the taskbar wasn't being okay go for it vote me off guys do it i'll make it easy for you do it everybody vote vote for me vote for me just do it let's do it right now no i don't want to i feel like just do it chris is pretty passionate i feel like it's not him now i don't it's a point guys doing this by the way guys call me crazy but i think it could be like i'm feeling piemon and child it's too impossible i don't know i have no idea it's not oh no and i don't have any more tasks left um i don't know what to do i don't know what to do jackie you're not you're not people are you shangling please don't kill me i don't know what to do no please i don't want to die not alone and electrical okay we're good good we are good good we're good do the garbage shoot do the garbage shoot do the garbage shoot please oh yes okay okay so i know for sure okay i just found a body in electrical and like i passed three people going past it so i have no idea yes i'm so lost okay i don't know i i'm confused so okay okay okay so here's here's the thing i was with jackie the entire time i saw jackie i saw jackie do the garbage shoot so and the animation went off so it's not jackie for sure who was was did do you think griffin came out of electrical i came up and i saw griffin so i went the other way and went to electrical and then there was a body so i don't know but then there were other people going by so literally like they could have been there a while starting to think that griffin was using me as a pawn the laughter you guys are all wrong you guys are starting to think it's me it's not i can tell you that for sure it is not me and if you do if you choose me you are dead you are dead ass wrong i don't know this game well so i don't know i i don't know the areas that well so i couldn't like you know you know tell you exactly what's up doing one thing i was doing is trying to find tasks trying to check my map i keep hitting tab to go to my map and it's try i have to like stop and look okay where am i going i play like the entire game with the map up it's like arkham asylum i feel like i'm playing behind the whole game um but we do it we do have to vote here i think if there's still two imposters left then all they have to do is kill two people and we lose you've been talking a lot you know i feel like it could be you it's not me i finished all my tasks it killed me and didn't i finished all my tasks and then i looked for a buddy and i just ran i ran into jackie guys yeah but you're but you're wrong but you're wrong are you ready to be wrong it seems really super i mean but you're gonna be wrong who's everyone voting for i'm i voted griffin if this is the hill i die on then so be it you guys are wrong you what did i say oh no oh no they say you guys just don't remember oh try no how is it not him he sounds so suspicious gotta do this [Music] okay i gotta hit the button before it goes off that's the only chance we got right okay um oh geez i just don't know um crap crap i'm thinking oh they got you or lumi i i don't know i don't know i don't know what who is on who is on our side all right we're giving you a vacation defend yourself what do you what are you doing right in the middle of my thing man um well i just was going to do my task because i want to finish our test so that we don't die but then zach called a meeting so i wasn't able to get there no no no it's because if they kill one more p if they kill one more person then we lose and they and i think their kill cooldown comes up in like 10 more seconds 10 more seconds faster i know it's so crazy uh like jen's been really quiet this round i'm i'm i'm down for voting jen yolo i haven't seen lumen much right i also haven't seen paimon much so i don't know yeah i'm basically just running around because i'm going right now that i've been doing my task so like the person i kept seeing was child and now i just don't know oh i don't like this i just want to connect my family i know what i flew mean last time i still think it's looming i no that kind of tells me that they two are the imposters honestly karina i'm voting for you because i just i feel like this whole time you've been pushing all these other people and maybe guys the bow tied no wait what somebody go hit the emergency button hit the emergency button in the center i can't hit it i already pressed it once go hit the button in the middle of the chop i haven't made any progress hit the button no no no no hey what's up hi okay hey but now karina hit the button so i don't know if oh i don't think however is that like pro ball i don't even know well because the thing is is that the impostors could win just by killing again one person and there's two impostors still left because i was with shuggling when we thought it was chris but then chris died so that's my own oh no no so it's definitely not jackie it's definitely not jack i will vote for whoever ether and xiang say i swear to god if it's i was like it's the same two people again all right i'm gonna say either john you were looming i know that's what i'm thinking but which one do okay i'm gonna do eeny meeny miny moe and follow me eenie meenie miney moe get your tiger oh envy almost let him go my mother told me to pick the very best one and you are it okay it's lumeen i'm voting oh my gosh i don't know where to go because it's not me please work please work oh no come on if if this is wrong we lose yes my mother's always right baby let's go you got it oh god i said jackie what are you doing jackie hit the button jackie hit the button stacky hit the button okay so the next one is gone you it's gotta be gone you okay come on do it come on do it do it i'm ready to report i'm ready to report do it do it do it do it so yeah i think we know who we're voting for right yep yep we know oh we do who is it it's gone you okay you guys are just following me around but you're not calling around jackie that's because i know jackie's innocent also who's not doing their task there's one last test that needs to be done oh maybe it's a ghost because everyone's following me and i don't can't finish my stupid other tasks you can still finish your task with people following you no because if i go to the card machine they're gonna stab me i gotta i got a question to ask you jen yeah are you behind are you behind schedule on killing people are you murdering us in cold blood that's rude it's jen if it was me why would i vote for lu mean i couldn't vote last time somebody didn't vote whoever didn't vote is the other person you were trying to absolve lumen but first remember that yeah because she was following me around so i thought she was saying oh but you said that you haven't seen each other that's weird that was the other round in the very very very beginning okay mean we already voted i hate you i think we're okay i think we're fine jackie do you have an emergency meeting button left in the center yeah if we if we lose if we well i mean we don't do oh wait do we lose here oh yeah oh no no i don't think so rude we're good we're good we're good i think this is yes [Applause] i can't believe you guys figured it out i can't believe i eenie meenie might need mo between the two impossible was voting looming because i'm like it's gonna go through anyway so i have to do it okay i just want to say i'm sorry for suspecting griffin but the clues the clues in my head i just saw everything added up to me he sounded really sus and then christina was the first one who died and i was like i don't know okay there's a chance at the beginning where like griffin like could have killed me and didn't which is why i never killed him because i know he was like the number one suspect well i was like yeah but he might just still not be familiar with the game because like my movements would probably look the same so i was kind of yeah hey do you guys remember at the beginning when i was like yo the mean sexual body and uh and then everybody was like sorry oh you're the worst yeah but i thought that was because she reported it though i thought that was because she reported it so that's why i didn't well and also because it was a hundred percent because the way you said it you were like i saw the scene of the crime thing one thing is i didn't kill that person because i wasn't i actually didn't kill anybody jen carried that on her shoulders because everywhere i went there was like a second person that would have been a witness so i like wasn't able to find somebody that i could kill without someone else seeing but um are ghosts doing tasks or no people were not doing that who's not doing that so if you're a ghost guys make sure you press the tab button if you're playing on computer and go around and find your tasks and do them even when you die yeah i feel like there were some people who just left and went afk were we still missing in here somebody stay with christina stop letting her die for so long me too christina did you do your tasks even though you were dead i did it and then at one point i was like what's the point and you left i was like i see the lights no i will go toward the light this day doesn't gang up on you i told them i was like you're going to regret this you're like no it's you it's you okay it's only because you're so suspicious for some reason why it does seem i don't know why but there's something about griffin yeah it's just like kind of suss you know yeah i just can't tell like because you tried to murder us in the game sarah i'm so sorry no it's okay i i actually like really really and like like my heart is racing when i'm the imposter wedding i was like ready for you to off me i was kind of like it's okay if you throw me under the bus i deserve it okay guys i was like i have theory because i haven't yet but yeah i wasn't lying in the beginning when i did see sarah a lot and i didn't see her anyway goodbye muting it's me oh no this is crazy good kill okay i'm stuck here okay close off the doors close off the doors why did i do that where was it uh i found somebody outside of um what's it called on the on the uh wait navigation sorry i remember i was on camera and i saw the body looming almost found the body but then had to go and fix the thing for i think it was o2 was it o2 or something that went on yeah that's what i wanted to go okay they were they they were i literally saw the dead body looming was about to go and walk up on it but then the o2 went off so they doubled back because of the o2 so i don't think it was lumine it was nice i think i also saw lumine i think in like cafeteria i was doing a lot of cafeteria hey i we were in electrical and gany was there too but now ganyu is dead after o2 was fixed in the like card swipe area but that was right that was right before the body was found so i don't know where child was before that wait i was with wherever i was i was alone i was so this is so it's so weird i was yeah i did shields and then i walked up and i saw it so nobody else was over well that's the thing core said course said they saw lumine there yeah on camera looming was coming down almost discovered the body but then the o2 went off so they went back to go deal with oak two but they did not see the body because they were not close enough yet and i saw that but blooming was moving when 02 went off yeah when o2 and off looming was moving towards the body almost saw it but then o2 went off so she basically doubled back towards to fix 02. me tells me that lumen's probably safe because to sabotage while you're moving is like kind of hard really hard oh man i'm gonna skip i don't i don't know yet somebody could have so happy i'm doing tasks it's so great no child i clear what [Music] rude okay that was really that was really close guys i almost got caught there oh like my heart is beating so fast i'm doing the wires doing the the upload oh no i'm on the way to electrical lights and in the storage is where i found child's body i will say this i was coming from navigation and i saw ether go into navigation but i don't necessarily know where ether came from whether it was down south where storage was or whether it was from cafeteria so it doesn't really mean much but yeah i came from uh cafeteria ether yeah i can match that ether was in navigation i was also in navigation and i saw i saw time on too that's me bardventi and then somebody went up but i forget who i feel like it was zhongling maybe it was not i was in i started in weapons then went down to navigation cleared the o2 filter and then walked back up to the cafeteria so i did see you go up yeah i feel like beau is being very quiet where were you at christine has had a lot of chances to kill me though i'm just chilling i'm just enjoying it who just accused me who excuse me i still think it's bo it's not me but who accuse me uh i think it was talking about it bo you're gonna take them out seriously you accuse me who accused me i think zhang ling did but nobody nobody has accused you of anything people just wanted to know where you've been and why you're so quiet see i followed lumen around a bunch and as far as i know lumen has been doing tasks and i feel like lumen should have been seeing me i haven't really seen lumine either though and there's i've known well lumina and i were just like trying to fix the electrical i mean i did pass you a good amount of time yeah jackie sorry christina and core who are you guys voting for buddies i'm voting for i'm falling for chong yoon okay it's not me that's a mistake you're wasting your vote i'm gonna skip because i don't know i don't know you're sounding suspo you sounded really successful i saw you both i don't know i went that sounded so fake i was like oh oh no uh murdering don't do this to me again i swear again i literally saw you killed him right in front of me on you having just murdered a dead body and then you're like no no no it must be you and everybody believed you and you're doing it again what i i i i about me i was the imposter nobody believed me otherwise and i still was voted out it's not that case this time you killed christina okay guys listen i think it i don't know because while i was in electrical this is if you vote me out and i am wrong it is venti oh it was there guys i was in electrical with pymon and then time on and then left electrical and then after that this this dead body thing happened like if it's not me then vote her i came down from the top i came down from the top and my mom was murdering christina i had to fight her first and then if it's not me vote her okay i think it's i'm voting yeah i'm voting on it i'm i don't know i'm i'm voting for venki oh you got why do you leave me i mean you shouldn't have this time but like usually oh my god oh yeah i know something suspicious about the way you went about that on come on i don't know what to do uh where's the body right next to the fixed lights thing oh no oh my god you guys okay sarah where have you been where where have you been sarah sarah where have you been i was sarah i've been all over the map but you were the one person i haven't seen but i'm guessing so then you haven't seen me either no i haven't seen you i was on my way to electrical but then the arrow was going into med base so then i stupidly followed it but it really meant to go it was a whole thing anyway okay so i'm so far wait wait okay so but jackie found the body on the lights because that's the thing i saw the lights go off and i was like okay i don't want to go to the lights because i've died so many times on lights uh is it jackie it is not oh my god you know what uh well i don't know i really thought it was you sarah but i don't know the lights haven't been fixed yet so how could what do you mean you were going to fix the lights the lights are still off no they're fixed i didn't see the lights get fixed no they didn't get fixed zach i kind of think it's you jackie i'm sorry i'm voting jackie all right so sorry i hope it's you it's not it's really not oh we just lost oh my god give me the w yo listen up anybody anybody who kills me next is gonna i'm gonna have i'm gonna tack on another 150 efforts and we're just gonna do it over and over again in the next section you better buy some ninjas oh my god i can't believe you got that i thought it was done for that was a rush that was so that was so nuts i swear i thought you guys had me because i defended i defended erica i know you didn't mean nothing i thought we won because i thought they were voting paimon and i was like yes just vote payment and then if it's not paid on vote me knowing that we would win no you were i thought i swear i thought they were going to vote i i don't want to be debbie downer here but i i got one more in me i gotta eat dinner soon it's okay it's almost been two hours so thanks for playing yeah yeah it's almost seven yeah i'm having too much fun murdering wow i cannot believe zach got away with good job amazing i'm proud now i know now i know not to trust i was actually waiting in the light like lightroom i was waiting in electrical and i saw jackie come across the body um and and i was like is there a way that i can win here and then as soon as sarah said i didn't see the lights get fixed i was like oh yeah i didn't either oh i fixed them but they didn't go back on so when you said that it seemed really suspicious you're standing over the dead body for so long and i was like this looks suspicious to me that was awesome oh i'm glad we got a w oh feels good feels really good oh also if i die here i'm gonna sorry i've been so bad at reading super chats everybody would like to give a shout out and say that um that i do have a members thing on youtube if you guys want to join the members thing right now there isn't a whole lot of incentive for joining but we're gonna add a bunch of cool stuff probably make some custom content for members only and i'm also having some emotes made i don't know if people use emotes here on uh on youtube but we're gonna have some cool awesome gentian impact themed emotes coming soon so i hope you guys will look forward to them also i didn't even get to talk about my uh i didn't even get to talk about my my latest voice acting role i don't know if any of you any of you cool peeps in the chat play near or near replicant if you're gonna be getting that game when it comes out in april but uh yesterday i was announced as the voice of uh the young protagonist young the young brother near so dad i just saw i just saw it who was it ah it was in what colors colors um what's the one on the bottom the bottom right is that shields shields yeah that's shields uh pymon was running out of shields and the child was just laying dead i was in communication how could you do it on griffin's last game no oh no oh that's true i was definitely in communications let's all take a leap of faith let's take a leap and vote out pain mon just for fun okay jackie sounded really convincing so i thought i don't know that feels mean i'm skipping okay then skip don't don't vote then don't focus yeah okay everybody's burping me out anyway in your heart i really just i don't know why i just like really believe jackie it's not sure it was time on time on then it's a 100 jackie i just don't i don't remember exactly the color but i just damn it i know so someone's running from the room oh no it's not me i went into electrical and then i did a bunch of wires you jumped on that too quickly zach you jumped on that too quickly well two people two people are dead it's 100 you it's not me though i just went into electrical i don't know we already voted okay don't write don't vote out because i don't want to get voted okay never mind okay okay then you guys cannot vote me out i am see there we go it's not me it's not me i told you turn right into me it's fine [Music] oh okay here we go on griffin's last game ripperino in pepperinos oh darno it's not jackie i wonder if it's sarah sarah really threw me under the bus there i wonder if the second killer is sarah lu mean i'm watching you i'm watching you i'm watching hmm fixing the bottom one hmm that's right i was hoping i would i was actually hoping i'd die so i could you know what i'm gonna go find sarah and see if she'll kill me because i think it's sarah i think it's sarah okay i was on the way to go fix the o2 thing that just went off and i ran into jackie's body wait i'm just trying to see who's who did i who did i just see last it was in the uh it was christina i saw christina last and then i went down the body's dead right outside of electrical okay i will say this zach was in electrical with me for a second and could have killed me and didn't so i don't know what that means but it is a thing that happened and whenever zach is the imposter he always kills me so i don't know what that means but i feel like he's not being monster i think i saw bo going up the past reactor up the up ways but i can't really i think that was yubo i can't really remember the bodies the body's down outside electrical but it could have been done a while ago i can't tell i but i i did see christina i did pass christina but we got pymon was impostor right right yeah we got we got one imposter makes me feel a little bit better we're not about to lose okay um i know well that's the thing is that we don't have to vote here okay i did see a couple people but i don't remember who they were like right after that reactor thing a lot of people were in reactor but i saw some people just standing there not like like not in the correct place of where it would have been to help with the reactor oh i hope that the top one yeah i saw a bunch of people to help at the top and then i think christina was the sole one who did it at the bottom i think i saw i think it was who was it maybe christina there was somebody who was like in an like in the reactor area but like not actually at one of those two hubs and i do remember thinking that was kind of weird i was like why aren't they actually helping any of us why are they just standing in the room but i don't remember exactly who it was it was christina did you did you help it was one of the two greens i'm i'm gonna skip here i i really have no idea i helped at the top reactor so if you saw i was at the top and then i i went down to the bottom one because i was like why isn't this thing happening it's suspiciously quiet but okay okay i don't know okay so maybe it's not though maybe it's not bow please don't tell me it's please don't tell me it's sarah come on lumeen you would never do this to me this is this is it right here the the dream team and it's the dream team what what happened who did that was that bo i moved to who was there it was it was you saw i moved to the right i moved to the right on purpose i had a feeling and then i reported it it must it must be beau yo christina what's your name talking the whole time no real rude we were all there yeah i was i was hanging out i was following zach and and uh and sarah and sarah yeah we were just chilling and then we all hang out and then suddenly bo's in the picture and one of us is dead i'm voting beau farewell do you really think it's beau i mean i don't know beau or christina hey wait why would it be me if i'm the one who was like let's vote out pymon just for fun oh that's true okay i don't think it's christina christina it's gotta be either it's either bo it's either bo or erica and i'm and erica if this is erica i'm going to be like erica learned this from me because this was my tactic that i used to do back in the day um oh my god you did used to do this this is me too are we gonna live if you get a happy ending um okay if it's not bo we press christina and i we we we need to press the button in the middle of the map and okay and vote out yeah okay wait why not press you okay i think it's both so i think we won i think so it's benti it's fenty oh no we lose unless i can fix the lights fast enough come on press the button christina press the button oh my god i fixed the lights vote vote venti christina please christina please christina i was with you for like uh so long so so long you know it's not me it might be zach i don't know i don't know it is venti trying to press the button too ether i think you're bamboozling me no no no no i was with you i was really with you vinci was with me right now and i was waiting no no no no christina christina listen i had to i had to fix the lights because otherwise it won't let you press the button if the lights aren't fixed so i had to go and fix it i i went to go fix those lights and venti didn't go fix the lights because venti is waiting to kill you there this is exactly what i would do to trick you no no no it's it's it's not me christina it's really christina i was with you the most of the time please zach is so good at manipulating oh my god no i'm not christina you don't understand i used to do this to erica yes yes yes not today not today that was so good that was so good erica oh my erica's using my own strategy against me i really was in communications the body was in communications and she said shields i was so sure i was dead when you got out so fast i'm on and i'm i'm taking that as a win that was oh my cool my heart hurts i swear i thought christina wasn't gonna vote for me there wasn't anything for you but i was gonna press because it wouldn't have two people to do it why didn't bo defend himself oh i was like speak up you're gonna die but i don't think you could have seen it no playing the game on so yeah i was like uh oh i was yelling at erica [Laughter] i sure just i was like good this is over eric has just blatantly killed someone else and then i was yelling at you stick it you were all sticking together it was all i could do it's like my only moment cause i was in chat i was saying the whole time oh wow i was hoping if if your followers want a chance to win the pie mon plushie and the sign print from me go into my chat and type in the word murder only once if you type it twice you will be cut from the thing murdered you will be married guys guys it's murder we played for over two hours i never got imposter dude i've played for over like five and i never got it so i didn't either yeah everybody thought i was the imposter in every game you guys i really i really wanted to somebody to catch me sensitive so i really wanted someone to catch me venting and say i saw you vent and then i'd say no i'm venti you saw me venti i'm benchy that's amazing guys go for a little bit let's um can we drop our handles yeah absolutely cool um this is christina i'm the voice of bennett and sync show sing cho and you can find me everywhere um twitter at christina v-e-e-c-r-i-s-t-a-n-a-v-e-e christina vox vox instagram all those places youtube i'll see you guys there thanks for playing yeah awesome what about you griffin where can people find you at hey guys uh you can find me at mikegriffinburns so uh at my griffinburg that's on tick tock and instagram and i i'm i'm not that seamless my my twitter is actually at the griffin burns i need to make them all the same but yeah say say hey sweet thanks for having me thanks for coming guys thanks for playing out but i'm not sure just type in the word murder by itself and don't type it more than twice you will be certified you will be good yes and i reposted that multi link given my chat a little bit you said you still have time to make it to my chat right now if you're in somebody else's chat come to mine type in the word yes once if you're using multi i just tab on over and then scroll all the way down to the bottom and do that yeah make sure to read the rules if this is your first time over there cool all right so our christina so christina and griffin are the ones that are leaving is is everybody else kind of done too it's been a while i i could keep playing but we have people to replace them i'm fine with that i can still play yeah i want to still play we can play a little bit i can still i figured this was going to be like a break so we could find because we have we have some people on deck for joining us don't we oh perfect oh good wait wait and i had backups so i tried to get i sent out some messages to people who will not be named but i um i got a i got the no response so it was eight though yeah we can do it with eight um or we could play hide and seek ooh that's also a good game oh that's true we could do we could do some some hide and seek just type it once guys if you type it more than twice or more than once if you type it more than once you're disqualified so just once the word murder that's it murder murder um did you try [Music] did you try everybody on that list uh yes i believe so i uh well i i invited that other the other person that i told you too and then i invited some other i invited the other people that um that were like maybes today but i'm guessing they're busy message somebody like right now see if they're interested in joining us i'm also going to message somebody right now yeah yeah but i already did it i i already did it without asking my apologies well aren't i will announce the winner at 7 10 i will announce the winner that's in two minutes for me hey whatever is two minutes in your time zone um let me go see i'll be right back in a sec just to find out yeah take a break that is water i'm gonna start eating yeah i gotta i gotta hop out for a quick second uh dinner and uh put my daughter to bed but if you guys are still on i'll check back in with you guys gotcha all right chris thanks for being awesome dude yeah let's do it i want you as the imposter i'm gonna i'm a raid karina and uh chat you guys can keep following this thanks chris there's among us action here no thank you and uh we'll see you guys later we should make this like a regular thing we should yeah guys i want to do the i want to do like some uh we can we can have like some group mix stuff too and whatnot like just get a bunch of different people that'd be awesome yeah yeah yeah that sounds fun all right y'all we'll talk soon all right bye chris thanks for playing hi quinn all right guys everybody in the chat um so technically at the start of the stream if you're new here if you didn't see the start of the stream uh i mentioned that this was a liue edition so that's kind of what we were aiming for and then we ended up inviting uh we did invite venti um but we are definitely gonna do a monsta edition next so i'm hoping we can get albedo in on that one we can get uh d luke possibly kaya like there's a bunch of people i want to try to get in on that so uh that'll be for the next time the next round the next go round but uh i guess we're gonna see i'm gonna see what if there are any replacements for this time that anybody else has uh has involved or has any replacement people anybody has in mind for this time uh we did try to get zhang lee for this time but uh unfortunately the voice actor for jean lee wasn't was unavailable today so um so who knows maybe we can get him next time as well and do like a kind of mix mix match you know some people from monstat some people from leeway um i was like yeah i'm gonna see who's on uh i stuck my head out and my boyfriend was like already eating and one divisions on i was like great cool um because i am behind i haven't started so we have like we have a list of shows we're like this is the shows you watch together and then like here are the shows you can watch by yourself and like it's okay so i was like please watch that that's the like gen streaming please enjoy um show oh my gosh have you seen have you there's this um like hilarious um tweet that i saw that was like um this guy was saying that uh his girlfriend came in and was like hey is there a game on and then he was like yeah there is and turn on the tv and he sat and watched the game for two hours before he was like thought had the thought of like oh where is she she had turned on the game so that she could go take a nap i like it wow that is so genius that's like kind of what happened to me oh my goodness that's amazing me while i do my thing dad the person that i messaged said they're on vocal rest oh gotcha yeah probably not a good idea to uh play this game yeah i tried to get brianna because i was like oh who tows i'll like announce now oh yeah bummer no bomber but yeah she's on vocal rest makes sense we gotta she's treating us the next time for sure yeah yeah yeah for sure it makes sense too i mean people don't understand like how crucial that is for us especially like when i've had those weeks that are just awful lots of loud and screaming lines i need even just one day of vocal rest has saved my life and my career that's a good point so what do you guys think do you think we should just wrap it up here and just try to do something else again soon or next time or um yeah it's up to you guys do you guys want to maybe make this like a semi-regular thing like every day i would love to i really want to stuff like that i would love if we did it like weekly or by like or every two weeks once a month yeah yeah yeah yeah i was thinking like once a month would be very doable okay we could do once a month yeah for sure and we gotta and then we'll have to switch them around maybe i won't be the first one dead every game i know i'm so sorry i realized i killed you first twice in a row and then i was like i really thought i was going to survive that final match and i'm so annoyed that my microphone was muted man that was unfortunate i gotta i gotta give i gotta give mad props to uh i gotta give mad props to bo for this for this one the first time first time playing this game i wouldn't i wouldn't even know like you are so good very very very good very very good the next time that we do this guys so don't worry also guys i want to mention that the leeway characters that i see you guys talking about some some in the chat were unavailable for this stream so maybe we can get them next time um but i'm gonna do my best to try to get everybody on the stream that we can call it for tonight and even for let's do this even for upcoming streams so uh hopefully you guys will hit that subscribe button down below and uh we get to do this more often and have more cool guests and whatnot on the stream so yeah thank you guys thanks everybody for coming out tonight i wish we could go for a little bit longer but you know everybody this is the weekend everybody's got their own plans and whatnot so i totally i totally understand hopefully we can do it again very very soon yeah subscribe to the channel if you're new and i'll be posting updates on the community community youtube i'll be posting updates on my twitter at twitter.comzac um if you guys want to follow me there i always tweet out my streams uh and talk about we're gonna call it here for tonight and we're gonna do it so thank you for inviting us for this friends to read we will be doing future ones yeah we'll let you know when they will happen yeah thank you guys so much for watching there's so many so many people watching so many new friends thank you guys for coming out seriously yeah your handles and stuff because griffin and christina oh right they did yeah so yeah you can find me uh the voice actor for ether zach aguilar at airzak or airzaq that's a i r z a c h nice um you can find me on uh twitter at beauvo b e a u v o um yeah i've had like i've had loads of like followers and stuff this week basically just because of like zach and course like no way like all my notifications like basically like this week have basically just been the tweets that you two tagged me so so thank you for sharing the love and this has been really fun i'll just throw that thanks for coming bo oh me i'm next i'm busy typing i'm like typing in the chat everybody's information i'm jen hello um you can find me on twitch and twitter at jen losey that's j-e-n-l-o-s like a sandwich i that is where i live i am not other places because that's i'm already distracted and you can find me sarah miller cruz on instagram and tick tock and that's it because everything else is scary um and you can find it it's under sarah miller cruz all one word no spaces no dashes just s-a-r-a-a-h m-i-l-l-e-r-c-r-e-w-s and i'm the voice of lumine i'm karina becker and i'm the voice of pie mine you can find me on all my social media under karina becker it's spelled right on my screen for you um so yeah that's all my socials uh yo okay so you can find me erica harlocker the voiceoventy on twitter at erica harlicker which is my name that one's the easiest one uh my uh what else tic tac is erica with a k so like the whole thing write that whole thing out uh and then my instagram is with a k insta they're all different it was bad it was bad marketing by me and uh where else am i i think that those are the main ones that i use and then obviously here on twitch if you're watching on twitch with the k games i have a youtube that i ignore i'll try to not ignore it anymore and yeah it's also with the k games we love venti hey hey uh hi everyone i am jackie lastra you can find my twitter at jackie lastra super easy um my insta is jackie lynn v o um am i anywhere else oh no or where else just just those please hey yay oh and really quick before uh everybody goes somebody in my uh qb in my super chat says please tell gone you i love her i just want to say that a friend of mine oh yeah should you read should we all read the same person you know yeah poor kid kool-aid 04 we just got raided by the way thank you rose for the raid we just finished up this crazy thing we're about to go take your party with us to another person's house i just don't know who yet i'm reading cool kid kool 804 if you want to join me on that but yeah excellent okay i just want to come on i'm going to mute everybody as i just kind of wrap this up guys thank you so much for coming out tonight really quick i'm going to go through the super chats that i missed during the stream my note today was kind of hectic usually i'm way better at reading super chats um let's see who did i who did i leave off at anime gaming lifting thank you for your super chat hey sac how are you and how's the new pc it is going great love this new pc got a 3080 got the uh amd got the 5950x processor it's a beast it's so so good dote uh donated five dollars said good luck zach thank you thank you half pint donated ten dollars i would die for all of you i love you half pie i love you you're awesome uh lou super chatted 125 uh 125 happy birthday bennett everybody frying eggs out of boneless wings uh super chat at five dollars don't know if you remember signing a little uh primo gem for good luck on my name for jonathan thanks it got to me got me two shows in 11 rolls windblade out of boneless wings that's awesome the show luck worked heck yeah thanks for getting a print um silly bean donated two dollars i love every single one of you thank you silly bean we love you um guys there's so many there's so many super chats sorry levi ackerman thank you for thank you for your super chat you guys do an amazing job you deserve all the loves can griffin give us uh hey girlie i'll do it for him hey girlie since i missed the super chat sorry about that levi uh that valley girl uh lumeen and ether together game over guys story complete yeah that was the that was the ongoing joke uh ichigoti uh ichigo ichigothi thank you for the thank you for the dollar uh tots thank you for the ten dollars little steve vert thank you for the five dollars silly bean thank you for the one dollar maple thank you for the two dollars cassiopeia thank you for the two dollars out of boneless wings thank you for the two dollars umbrella gamers gamers thank you for the two dollars uh chara thank you for the five uh euros at qb oh i already read kyobees uh rockies thank you for the ten dollars pog all right okay i finished them all you guys are awesome hope to see you soon don't forget to subscribe i feel like a youtuber it's so weird um i hope to see you guys in the next stream it's so cool that we got to do this and that uh karina the voice of paimon and i kind of organized this to try to get people together because uh because i feel like this is something that a lot of people will be down for more regularly so hopefully this kind of turns into a regular thing and we get to have more fun like this so um so yeah thank you all again hope to see you next time and uh yeah peace oops transition thank you guys have a great rest of your night slash day morning wherever you are in the world [Music] foreign
Channel: airzach
Views: 1,889,136
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: g2sGQQ2Ob_Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 141min 38sec (8498 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 27 2021
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