Genji Dash Combo Overwatch

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all right so dashing tutorial basically you don't have to dashed straight at them like if i dash at widow you can see the two damage but if i go either side there's the two damage still but the the length is like this far away where's miss bro like from that door to here so basically if i want to stop right at them you do it to the front of their foot right click and she's dead uh the soldier you'll need or a mccree with that extra health you'll need to add the melee as well for that extra bit of health now if they're facing you you want to go in between the the kneecap and the toes so that you go through the shin and you end up just on the other side and if i put a marker here you can see how far away the hitbox goes so that was basically to hear from that spray so you can go like quite a distance and then do the one shot so basically yeah through the shins if you want to end up on the other side and then right click or right click melee combo if it's the soldier for uh mccree and if you're doing a soldier you notice he's um his hitbox on the back of the head is a lot better than uh if you're trying to if you're dashing to the side of him like this and try it his shoulders are his shoulders often for genji block his head because of genji's always crouched down you watch when he goes back down and you're quite low and then with mccree still in a queue so with mccree if you're dashing um at the mccree you want to i can't hit deflect because it's disabled in this lobby thing so you want to dash at his feet immediately double jump and go backwards and that minimizes the chance of getting stunned because they'll throw it either to the side either side there or they'll throw it above your head like they do with a rhine and if you're double jumping and deflecting that and while you're looking down at them like that that minimizes the chance it doesn't stop it but it minimizes um and the last thing is if you're going to dash you can still dash to their toes and go in front of them but if you want to get on the other side don't worry about the whole shin thing go straight through their head and you'll still end up like on the other side there so that's about it nice short little tutorial um and uh let me know if that helps see oh actually they're auto regenerating it's a bit buggy this little lobby thing sometimes either but yeah practice that and hopefully it helps bye
Channel: Groov3s
Views: 71,869
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: fmkPTOAb9Nw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 22sec (202 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 28 2021
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