Genius Inventions That Should Be Implemented In Every City

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innovation is seen as a key component for successful cities in the 21st century many companies and startups are constantly researching how to improve things are transportation energy consumption anti-pollution systems and things that generally make people's lives easier and this video is all about some of the most genius ideas and creative solutions that are already available and in use in certain places around the world and they look set to become part of our everyday lives ranging from a city that captures rainwater and then uses it in a brilliant way to a simple invention from Norway that helps cyclists get up steep hills so let's jump right in and take a look the bustling vibrant city of Tokyo in Japan is famed for its bright lights culture architectural feats and incredible food and it's one of the most popular city holiday destinations in the world but very few tourists to this city know about their underground superstructure that lies 22 metres below street level is the two billion metropolitan underground discharge Channel and is without a doubt the city's most impressive engineering feat it's a six point three kilometre network of tunnels and chambers and it's been designed to protect the city in case of a typhoon or flood as Tokyo has on many occasions being devastated by natural disasters the water were drained from the city into these tanks down below and those chambers are gigantic just one of them is big enough to contain the Statue of Liberty now this defense system was completed in 2006 it took 13 years of work and each of these chambers is connected to a 13,000 horsepower pump and they can discharge 200 tons of water per second into nearby rivers and imagine a large 25 meter pool these pumps would empty that pool in three seconds flat which is insane now hopefully Tokyo won't have to experience another typhoon or flood anytime soon but if one does occur I'm sure they're now well prepared and this defense system will make it easier to endure have you ever been behind someone at traffic lights and they're distracted and they don't see the light turn green and they just sit there for ages and annoy everybody until someone beats at them and they realize and move well in some cities in some countries around the world they have these LED traffic lights and you really need a good excuse not to see these change green the whole pole illuminates also it helps in some situations where large vehicles are blocking your view at junctions and overall these are a pretty genius invention that I'd love to see in a city near me the vast majority of cities in towns pretty much everywhere have a small problem with public urination quite disgusting I know but it's usually around popular drinking spots drawn people at night and it cost these cities money to clean it up and you can kind of tell where it happens because it's where you'll find a particularly bad smelling dark alley and of course if these people are caught in the act they'll in most cases receive a fine but it seems that alone is not a good enough to turn so now councils and authorities have stepped it up a notch little solution that would make a public urinator urinate on themselves all it is is a little paint solution that's applied to the wall the paint creates a barrier that repels liquid meaning that urine will bounce up the wall and back towards the offender and the funny thing is there's no way to tell which areas have been painted with this solution which leaves these public urinators playing a little game of roulette where if they lose they'll be walking home rather wet and a little smelly South Korea has an incredible system in some cities to automatically clean its roads using rain water so when it rains the water is captured and funneled into hydraulic tanks where it is then stored and it's programmed to disperse that water via sprinklers in the middle of roads at certain times to give them a nice jet clean pretty impressive very economical and very smart the city of Taipei in Taiwan hosted the Universiade in 2017 which is basically the Olympics for university athletes around the world and to promote this they decorated the floors of public transport with 3d printed images of some of the related Olympic Games for instance this train carriage was decorated to look like an Olympic swimming pool with a floor that has a 3d ripple effect and whilst I know it's not an invention to make people's lives more comfortable or solve a problem it's just a bit of fun and I imagine it made commuters journeys a little bit more interesting in some cities in Australia they've come up with a genius filtering system for its waterways to prevent water pollution and literally all it is is a net over there storm drains that capture litter the concept is simple and it's low cost and in a trial run just two of these nets in two different locations managed to capture 370 kilograms of rubbish in only six months its success goes to show that sometimes simple solutions can be extremely effective and have a considerable impact and just a simple net will help protect the environment and reduce the amount of rubbish flowing into the ocean how many of you would be brave enough to use this transparent spoiler in London is the only new way you can still enjoy the city views or short indisposed fear not though is only one way glass people can't see in that would be a little bit weird only the person using it can see our which our guests will be fun it been experienced for sure but would you guys use it let me know in the comments below picture the scene your taking a walk around a lovely little park when you get a little bit tired and you want to sit down and take a rest on a bench but it's just been raining and all of those bench chairs are soaking wet if you sit on them you'll get soggy bottom so what do you do well fear not an inventor from South Korea has come up with a solution for this he's invented these folding benches and all you do is spin the handle and it will rotate a new dry surface for you to sit down and admire the view without getting soaking wet clothes cycling is of course an excellent way to get around and to keep fit but sometimes when faced with an extremely steep hill most of us would be like yeah I'm gonna get off and walk up here instead now the Norwegian city of Trondheim has a solution to this problem on a very steep hill on a popular psycho route they've installed the world's very first cycle escalator which has already transported over 200,000 cyclists of this 150 meter hill people just simply put their foot on the cycler cable pedal and get pushed all the way to the top of 5 miles per hour and this little invention has become such a hit companies around the world are reportedly looking to export the design so all of us lazy people can rejoice as it may be coming to a near us and that brings this video to an end thank you so much for watching if you're new around here make sure to subscribe and hit that little Bell icon to turn notifications on that way you'll see all my new uploads but anyways take care I will see you in the next one goodbye you
Channel: WOWsoAmaze
Views: 6,550,538
Rating: 4.7385435 out of 5
Keywords: Genius Inventions That Should Be Implemented In Every City, Genius Inventions, That Should Be Implemented In Every City, Cities, Innovation, Inventions, Genius, City, City Invention, Most Genius, genius ideas, amazing designs, Clever Ideas, Genius Life Hacks
Id: __APTMaqi-c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 7sec (427 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 19 2019
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