GENIUS IDEA! you’ll be saying, “NOW WHY DIDN’T I THINK OF THAT?” Dollar Tree notebook HACK!

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hi everyone it's Sherry I hope that you are having a wonderful day y'all are not going to believe what I'm able to do with these three notebooks all three at once stay [Music] tuned welcome to my channel I am so glad that you decided to stop by and welcome to all of my new friends and to all of my new subscribers welcome back to all of my longtime friends and longtime subscribers thank you all so much for being here today and thank you for supporting me and my channel in such a positive way y'all I was in the Dollar Tree and I found these awesome journals each one has 64 sheets in it and they are 5 by seven and you know something else about these journals they have stitching and I am going to show you the most magnificent way to take these journals from 3 to 1 and y'all what am I talking about I am talking about this we are going to take these journals and turn them into this big beautiful journal with almost 300 Pages for writing and that would be front and back but it is absolutely fabulous so I'm going to switch to my overhead camera so that I can give you a closer look at this but y'all know what time it is it's time to make it all right so here's a closer look at the journals that we're going to be working with they really are very nice and the outside is almost like a leather feel it's called a pu notebook I don't know what that means but I do know that I'll be able to save these and use them on another project but today we're going to take these three and we're going to create one of these just one and you can see that I have so many pages for writing instead of carrying around one little one why not take all three and combine them they have a lot of journals at the Dollar Tree and you don't even have to get these at the Dollar Tree and you can probably find items such as this wherever you do your shopping for like paper crafting or crafting supplies just look in the office supply section and see what they have so to really give this an upscale look I'm going to be using this piece of faux leather now I have had this in my stash for about maybe four years maybe even longer and I have never used it and I pulled it out and I thought it would be perfect for this so I'll see if I can find the link I don't even know if the company is still selling on Amazon but I'll give you a very quick look at some of the faux leather that they have available so these are just some of the patterns and I just chose the mixed pack and I will check my Amazon order history to see if I can find that and I'll link it in the description box below if this is still available but I thought I would use this because it's just so upscale looking and all of them have like a furry feel on the inside so I'm just going to show you how easy it is to take these apart and I've zoomed in because I want you to be able to see what I'm doing so all I'm doing is I'm going in and I'm grabbing and then I'm just taking it and tearing it like that and then I'll do the same thing in the back we're just going to tear that and then I can just take my scissors go along and clean up any of the Uglies now you can look at the back of this and you can see the stitching right there so let's just go ahead and deconstruct all of these again it's very easy we just pull apart at the seam and like I said I am going to save the jackets because they're good quality and they're useful for something else so we have these three jackets we're going to save those and I am just going to go in and clean up as much as I can this is not going to be perfect by any means but it's going to be very nice so now what I'm going to do is I'm going to join all three together and I'm just going to check to make sure that to get the stitching aligned doesn't have to be perfect but I think that's going to be good enough so we're going to take a jumbo clip place it there and a jumbo clip and place it there we want these as aligned as possible so I'm just going to slide this one down a little bit and so now I'm just going to take my glue I'm going to add some glue then I'll take my finger and I am going to make sure that I get that glue worked in there and whatever works for you in doing this if you don't like to get gluey fingers just use a sponge or a Dober whatever you want to use it's up to you but what I want to make sure of is that everywhere that I have that seam where the books come together I have a good amount of glue because I want it to look seamless all right and while it's drying I am going to go ahead and just cut out out the inside liner piece that I want to use on the inside of this so we're only going to let it dry enough to where it's tacky because once it's nice and tacky we're going to attach it to this and y'all I think it's okay if we start working with it now so what I'm going to do is I'm going to take this and I'm going to place it right there on the edge top and bottom so I trim this at seven inches across and it's still seven by 12 and I am just going to bring this up and we're going to stick it in that glue and then let's just fold it over and y'all it does not get any simpler than this so I am simply going to take my bone folder and we're just going to get a nice stick going because we need the two papers to actually stick so I am just forcing that glue around and if you feel like it's too dry you can actually pull back on this and add some more glue I can see that mine is just fine so I am just using my big old spatula to make sure that I work that glue from top to bottom and I think that that is a very pretty page for the inside of this the paper that I'm using is from The darell Collection by Prima and this particular page is Born To Make History this collection is quite a few years old so I'm not even sure if it's offered anymore but it is the Darcell collection Born To Make History page let me just Open my page see how it's doing that's okay and so now I'll just bring in my trimmer and I'm very carefully going to take this end here and position it at five and then I can trim off the excess so this is our little book y'all this would be fine just as it is because if you like a soft cover notebook this would definitely be a nice little soft cover notebook so now we're going to take this end and we're going to trim it down to seven and I'm actually trimming mine a little larger than [Music] seven and you can see that I can cut through this with my blade so now I'm going to take another piece cut at seven going to take this piece and let's just fold it in half so now we're going to take this and we're going to cut it down to five when it's folded so we open it we have a piece that is 10 by seven and now I'm going to open it again take that score Mark and move it over to three and cut because I am going to create a little pocket for myself so now I'm going to take this piece and I'm going to attach it right here and I'm going to attach it using glue so I'm going to take my glue run my glue along the bottom like that and my glue along the side and this side and so now we'll take this piece and we're just going to butt It Up Against The Edge like that then I'm going to open it so I can get it nice and straight and get my pocket positioned so let's just work that glue in and you're going to have a cover that now looks like this now we can take our book we're simply going to place it in and wrap it around until we have the end folded over to the end and I am going to do this using my double stick tape you can use any type of glue that you want to use on this I have just decided that I'm going to go with my tape and I'm going to make sure that I have 100% tape coverage on this and then I'll add two pieces of tape to this because I want to make sure that those edges are nice and stuck and so I'm going to remove my tape backers from the jacket cover as well as this and I did cover this whole thing with tape I just went ahead and decided I would play it safe and cover the whole thing with tape I can see I've got a little something stuck under my tape so let me go ahead and get that out oh I think it's actually I don't know what that was now y'all we can take the taped end and I am just going to try to match this as best I can will it be perfect no but I think it's pretty dog on good so there is the front of our little notebook it will open just like this we're going to have a flexible spine on this so on the back side I'm not going to add that page I am just going to go ahead and place my tape so now before we finish I'm going to take some of my crinkle seam binding from my scrap cabin shop and this is Tropic this is the only crinkle seam binding that I use I only get it from my scrap cabin shop Aaron was kind enough to gift me quite a bit but I have also made purchases from her shop as well and I can tell you guys I have never been not pleased with what I have received so what I'm going to do is I am going to take just a little bit of glue and just make a couple of dots on the spine because I want to take my crinkle seam binding and I'm going to place it in the glue you can do this with ribbon whatever you have you can use that I am using my crinkle sink binding because the colors match so beautifully I've said it before and I will keep saying it I don't think I have ever had crinkle seam binding as nice as what I get from my scrap cabin shop and so I am going to go ahead and remove my tape backers because y'all we're almost finished you know what I meant to add some tape here as well so let's go ahead and do that I wanted to have some tape coverage on this too just to make sure my little book is nice and protected I'm also going to place some tape right here on the end and you'll see why in just a minute even though this is longer than it needs to be so now I am going to peel away my tape backers if I have any tape overhanging you can just take your finger and force that tape out of the way now what I'm going to do is I'm going to take it bring it up over the spine and then I'm just going to start placing it down like this now I'm just going to angle that and that because I'm going to take this extra and I am just going to fold it over like this and now I'm going to take my crinkle SE binding I want it to be longer than this but I don't want it to be as long as it is so now we can take this and we can just use it as a page holder in our book easy peasy and gorgeous to boot and so y'all there we have it we were able to take three of those Dollar Tree notebooks and turn them into a mega Journal now I'm not going to open this one all the way because my glue still needs to dry it is still brand new now this one is completely dry and you can see that you can place this down flat in the center and right that's how easy it is to do these and y'all this is my first time working with these faux leather sheets and you know what I really like them so I'm going to see if I can find my link because I think that some of you who might want to make some of these will enjoy having that faux leather cover on the outside this does remind me of a journal that you would go into the store and pay for I haven't decided what I want to put on here but I do have these little corner protectors so I am going to add some of my reptile adhesive a lot of you ask what type of glue do you use I only use one type of white glue and that is reptile I have been using it for over four years now and I won't use anything else when it comes to White glue and the those of you who are interested in supporting female own businesses reptile adhesive is owned by Cynthia Ramsey so we're going to put that piece right there I am going to add a clip just to hold it in place and then I'll take this one has some glue to the back of it and y'all know this glue is going to dry clear so I'm not worried about it possibly showing it even dries clear when it dries on my nails okay so we're going to take this one and we're going to put it in this corner take my clip put that clip right there so that it will hold it I'm switch out this clip and put this large clip on and I'm going to clip that in there because it's poking up all right so I think we can remove those clips now and now y'all we have a nice luxurious little Journal here I am not going to open my pages all the way because they still need to dry so I am going to bring this one back in so that y'all can see all of this goodness and you saw how easy it was to make just buy some lowcost journals from your favorite store and remove the jacket and join those journals together to create your own Mega Journal y'all this is just so easy to do and I know several people that would love to have these journals because now it's one big Journal instead of having to maintain three separate journals so that's it that's how easy it was y'all I told you we were going to do amazing things in 2024 and this I think is one of them so I hope that you have enjoyed this video if you have please hit the like button if you're not a subscriber to my channel I would love to have you join this amazing online crafting family I'm here today just because of you as always my friends y'all please be safe be kind be the reason someone Smiles today happy crafting and we'll chat later [Music] bye he
Channel: The Posh Paper Lady
Views: 203,379
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: ROtHo5Hg_UI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 32sec (1292 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 20 2024
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