Genius Graffiti Art That Will Make You Smile

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street art has been viewed with a newfound appreciation in recent years and when it's done right it can range from beautiful to downright hilarious from awesome artworks to small but clever urban changes here's some genius graffiti art that'll make you smile poor spongebob clearly didn't learn the basic safety rules before crossing the street during his short lived life on land here lies his final resting place everyone's favorite yellow goof ball reduced to a brightly colored splatter this art is so intricate it's a shame the effect will be lost when nature takes hold in the real-life branch above no longer matches up perfectly with its painted counterpart Russian artist Alexey Menshikov was certainly committed to making this work though and at least there's a photo to prove it imagine taking a walk and coming across this little guy so kindly sweeping the autumn leaves out of your path David Zen is a 3d Street artist who illustrates his recognizable little green alien getting up to all sorts of mischief around the city and undoubtedly brightening the day of anyone who comes across him it takes a keen eye to turn something totally ordinary into a fantastical piece of art and this bollard has definitely been transformed for the better it's not every day you see a cow being abducted by a UFO so it's surely worth stopping in the street to appreciate this hilarious street art sure there's no actual paint involved in this street art but that doesn't make it any less brilliant all the artists needed for this scarily life like alligator drawing was a dirty van and their own fingertips I'm sure the owner was thrilled to it beats clean me any day this parking barrier now looks like something from a cartoon thanks to one smart street artist all it takes is a few streaks of brightly colored paint that transform this plain old metal pipe into a flowing faucet of magical goo check out this old pipe which is also spewing a vibrant rainbow under the street thanks to some serious crochet skills who new creative solutions to dull cityscapes could be so simple we see familiar signs around us every day but what you notice if something looked slightly different check out this baby changing station sign which has been taken a little too literally by reimagining it as a device for transforming babies into cats to be honest until they on board with this one adding a bit of character to an urban environment doesn't require a full scale transformation just look at these circuit boxes which have been brought to life with cartoon-like expressions I'm not sure if the bottles were added for effect afterwards or whether they're the reason the dude on the right ended up in such a sorry state to begin with context is everything and whoever made this street art definitely helped put this scene into perspective the burnt-out building has been brought back to life with one small unique addition a miniature red dragon who so clearly caused the blaze with one mighty puff no one really knows what these patterns in concrete walls are for besides a bit of decoration but one creative genius in Osaka in Japan took things to the next level by transforming one into an appetizing self-serve icecream they even added a shadow behind the cone to really trick those taste buds at first it seems like there's nothing so remarkable about this statue of a peasant grain sower in Lithuania but take another look once the Sun Goes Down and the scene comes to life the street artist Morphy carefully positioned a series of stars on the wall which appear to come from the man shadow in the evening floodlight making this one magical must-see unexpected humour goes a long way and there's no doubt this ingenious piece of art put a smile on the face of anyone passing by this concrete breeze block clearly spent a lifetime practicing for the starring role in this recreation of Edvard Munch's of the scream and I must say the resemblance is uncanny the versatile brick also appears in this simple but hilariously effective street art which really captures the pain of a fence pole through the eye examples like this one play on our human tendency to see faces in everyday objects known as pareidolia the psychological phenomenon which launched a thousand street arts if you've seen Stanley Kubrick's The Shining then this detailed graffiti work would be enough to have you ruining in the opposite direction it's almost as if Jack Nicholson himself is hiding in the shadows behind this old farmhouse door and it's certainly enough to shock any unsuspecting passers-by this charming pavement art is the product of someone with enough imagination to envision two Tufts of unwanted grasses cheerleaders pom-poms happening across this spritely cartoon girl would definitely brighten someones day but just imagine if the grass was spray-painted pink do this simple street art by Spanish artist pay huck is definitely a strong political statement as it shows the world literally going down the drain a day of heavy rain can turn that statement into a reality paying a little more attention to your everyday surroundings - reveals something as surprising as this this cleverly placed street decal makes it seem like the urban environment is being peeled back to reveal a portal to a lush green meadow if only it were that easy this ingenious transformation of an ordinary parking lot into a bay of oversized dandelions is the work of street artist rhodes Werth who turns the streets of Montreal into his own personal canvas from fishies zebra crossings the larger-than-life insects roads Wirth is responsible for his own brand of creative road markings if you've ever wanted more inventive zebra crossings or wondered what's at the end of double yellow lights he's your guy graffiti artists possess the ability to transform even the most mundane urban environments into works of art and this ordinary drain became the inspiration for an anatomical art installation I think we can all agree that the street looks far better with the remains of a bright pink skeleton plastered on it right sometimes a bit of clever thinking is all that's needed to bring something back from ruin as proven by this chipped paint work which has been reimagined as the lunch of some hungry pac-man the owner of this house definitely won't have problems directing guests from now on it's bright orange oh and it's got pac-man all over it check out this astonishing staircase mural in the city of Valparaiso and Chile hours of painstaking work must have gone into each hand-painted scene which comes together to turn this steep incline into a total walk of art some careful planning must have gone into this huge drawing in the snow which incorporates a nearby lamp pose to create a 3d artwork the impressive finished product when viewed from above totally looks like a giant drop their glasses out of the sky this hilarious graffiti is one way to approach an anti-smoking campaign and whoever created it must have had a pretty big appetite Nuala took is one straight line to turn the universal smoking symbol into a slice of delicious pie besides the pie area sounds like the place to be if you live in a large town or city you've probably noticed these raised bumpy patterns dotted around these tiles are sometimes known as Braille paving as they help the visually impaired detect a change or obstacle in the sidewalk and this street art takes things to the next level recognize this guy anyone someone had to spend a huge amount of time in a public toilet in order to create this genius artwork but I have to say and it was totally worth it somehow these rolling stone style lips fit perfectly with trumps white Mouth expression this is a true masterpiece this graffiti art is oh so simple but so satisfying at the same time even the untouched stone blocks beside it couldn't stop the desire to run up and try to activate this giant switch but anyone who tries is going to get a very sore hand street art which interacts with its surroundings instead of simply defacing it is all the more interesting this graffiti Cheshire cat from Alice in Wonderland has been perfectly placed so that looks like he's sitting on a shadowy branch I just wonder what this looks like on a cloudy day here's another example of graffiti which tells a story as one clever artist decided to provide an explanation for this dilapidated circuit box of course the box was rated by a pesky cartoon burglar who is now walking off with a fistful of electrical wires here's some quick maths for you in case you forgot the rules of basic multiplication these boarded up windows would still be an unpleasant sight if it weren't for the eagle-eyed artists who decided to turn them into a 3d mathematical equation the most genius art in this photograph is in the graffiti on the back wall but far more subtle addition which you might not spot at first Street artist Gogol mogul added a perfectly placed golden halo to this ordinary bus stop which interacts with anyone lucky enough to sit beneath it maybe angels do walk among us even the smallest touches can make the biggest difference just look at this miniature version of the infamous Empire State Building seen from King Kong it takes one smart cookie to envision this tiny structure is a Manhattan skyscraper but it's definitely a match made in movie heaven this street art takes a truly terrifying sight and turns it around with some old-fashioned humor this blank canvas provided the perfect opportunity for a recreation of the classic no Wi-Fi warning in the message don't panic look around interact with reality is the perfect punchline to brighten your day on a regular day of moss field missing paving tile wouldn't attract much attention but a bit of imagination and a white marker pen has turned this sidewalk in is something worth stopping for just imagine a whole ecosystem existing down there it's certainly enough to make you feel less significant street artists need a keen eye to spot the potential an ordinary urban life and this unsuspecting bush provided the perfect opportunity for some hilarious graffiti Marge Simpson herself would be proud of this up to you and maybe she should give green a try for a change some say toilet humor isn't funny but this cheeky graffiti would surely be enough to get a smile out of any passerby what probably didn't take long to make could provide a lifetime of laughs and the tiny denim jeans are a genius touch you can slap eyes in a mouth on most inanimate objects and call it a face but rarely does it work quite as well as this suddenly this regular water pipe looks like a lovable cartoon character with one seriously bad cold this hidden work of art is a little slice of mother nature concealed in an urban environment Chinese art student Wang Yu has created a beautiful sunset scene inside a tree trap which will definitely add entry to the polluted streets of sheesh I zoom by turning them into a public art gallery have you ever noticed that concrete Street bollards are the perfect shape for a street art replica Marge Simpson's towering blue hair this excellent design really does look like cartoon margit's popping up from the street I just wonder how she got underground up again with it takes some real quick thinking to turn a sight for sore eyes into an amazing work of art like this this t-mobile advert tragically slid out of its frame at the bus stop but not before one clever artist could transform it into a magical fishing scene and the silhouette looks an awful lot like Peter Pan street artist Tom Bob has been slowly turning the streets of New York City into a colorful playground with ingenious graffiti transformations like this forgotten electrical boxes and rusted pipes become the foundations for whimsical and vibrant cartoon characters like this guy which was sure to jazz up anyone's morning take a look at this impressive shifty-looking watch seller and what about this interactive giant fly swatter which began life as a dream covering if taking out the bin seems like a chore why not enlist the town to the street artist to transform your boring old receptacles into trash eating monsters like these this clever and creative work of artists certainly eye-catching and anyone would be a fool not to pay these quirky characters a visit although maybe not in the dead of night which one of these genius works of street art impressed you the most then have you seen any in real life let me know in the comments and thanks for watching [Music]
Channel: undefined
Views: 5,803,297
Rating: 4.8101501 out of 5
Keywords: beamazed, be amazed, top 10, genius, ingenius, graffiti, art, best graffiti, ingenius graffiti, ingenius art, amazing art, artistic, vandalism, vandals, make you smile, creative vandalism, genius vandalism, acts of vandalism, funny vandalism, genius acts of vandalism, creative street art, random acts, street art, funny photos, funny pictures, funniest acts of vandalism, genius graffiti art, random acts of genius, creative art, creative ideas
Id: 4RJR-SNwWxs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 45sec (705 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 03 2019
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