Genghis Khan - The Final Conquering Years - Extra History - #6

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Well into his middle age and with a mighty empire under his control Genghis Khan's thoughts linger on what would happen to that empire after he dies. What would become of his family What will become of the world he has worked so hard to shape. Music (birth of the people) The 13th century... The muslim lands of the Khwarazmian empire were the richest and most sophisticated in the world. Its citizens swore about their contemporaries in Europe, India and China in astronomy, mathematics, agronomy and many other fields. But because they stood higher, they had the furthest to fall. a 100,000 mongol horsemen stormed the Khwarazmian cities. The sultan of Khwarazmian had 4 times as many soldiers but the mongol forces were terrifying. and they honored their promise of clemency to all who surrendered as strictly as their honor their promise of destruction to all who resisted. Cities fell one after another... Many surrendered without a fight. Other held out for a few days or weeks before falling. After defeating each city, Genghis Khan sent clerks to divide the civilian population by profession. Including doctors, astronomers, judges, engineers, teachers, artisans and religious leaders. They especially sought out people They especially sought out people who spoke multiple languages Despite all of their growth, Despite all of their growth, wealth Despite all of their growth, wealth and power, The Mongols still practiced no crafts themselves, The Mongols still practiced no crafts themselves, other than war, The Mongols still practiced no crafts themselves, other than war, herding, The Mongols still practiced no crafts themselves, other than war, herding, and hunting All of the skilled work done in their growing empire was done by the people they conquered They needed teachers They needed teachers as much as they needed riches But one group in particular But one group in particular could expect no mercy But one group in particular could expect no mercy from the Mongol forces That group being: That group being: The wealthy and the powerful Under the chivalrous rules of warfare as practiced in Europe and the Middle East Under the chivalrous rules of warfare as practiced in Europe and the Middle East during the Crusades Aristocrats were protected Aristocrats were protected and kept as hostages Aristocrats were protected and kept as hostages to be ransomed The Mongols had no use for such pleasantries To prevent future wars, To prevent future wars, they sought out and eliminated they sought out and eliminated any enemy aristocrats they could find Aristocrats offered nothing of value to the Mongols, *and* were the most likely to resist them successfully in the future By eliminating the aristocracy, By eliminating the aristocracy, they decapitated the social system of their enemies As the 1220's rolled in, As the 1220's rolled in, Genghis Khan was in his sixties, Genghis Khan was in his sixties, at the height of his power Genghis Khan was in his sixties, at the height of his power - with nothing... Genghis Khan was in his sixties, at the height of his power - with nothing, and no-one... Genghis Khan was in his sixties, at the height of his power - with nothing, and no-one standing in his way But despite his overwhelming success as a conqueror, But despite his overwhelming success as a conqueror, he was *really* struggling as a father Custom held that Custom held that each son in a herding family Custom held that each son in a herding family inherited some of their family's herd Genghis Khan intended to instead Genghis Khan intended to instead offer each son a piece of his empire However, he also needed to choose one son However, he also needed to choose one son to be the next Great Khan after he died He summoned a family Kurultai to discuss the matter His two eldest sons, His two eldest sons, Jochi His two eldest sons, Jochi and Chagatai, His two eldest sons, Jochi and Chagatai, were tense His two eldest sons, Jochi and Chagatai, were tense and terse with one another Ögedei, his third son, Ögedei, his third son, arrived to the meeting slightly late Ögedei, his third son, arrived to the meeting slightly late, and also, *slightly inebriated* Genghis Khan asked his eldest son Jochi Genghis Khan asked his eldest son Jochi to speak first on the matter of succession In doing so, In doing so, he emphasized Jochi's rank as his elder son, implying In doing so, he emphasized Jochi's rank as his elder son, implying he was the likely successor Chagatai did not agree. Chagatai did not agree, and interrupted before Jochi could answer. Jochi lunged at his brother, Jochi lunged at his brother, and the two men started to fistfight Genghis Khan broke up the fight, Genghis Khan broke up the fight, and tearfully pleaded with his sons Begging them to understand Begging them to understand how different things were Begging them to understand how different things were before they were born, Begging them to understand how different things were before they were born, when nobody was safe He ordered them to respect each other, He ordered them to respect each other, but he knew he could not impose a choice on them but he knew he could not impose a choice on them that would last after his death They would have to find a compromise After much discussion, After much discussion, the family decided that After much discussion, the family decided that neither Chagatai, After much discussion, the family decided that neither Chagatai, nor Jochi neither Chagatai, nor Jochi should become their father's heir But instead, agreed that the role of successor But instead, agreed that the role of successor should go to their mellow, But instead, agreed that the role of successor should go to their mellow, good-natured and But instead, agreed that the role of successor should go to their mellow, good-natured and hard drinking brother, Ögedei Genghis Khan then allotted his personal lands and herds to each son Genghis Khan then allotted his personal lands and herds to each son, and separated Jochi and Chagatai giving them kingdoms at far opposite ends of his territory This ordeal cast a pall over the remainder of this campaign Genghis Khan was now keenly aware Genghis Khan was now keenly aware of how much work he needed to do aware of how much work he needed to do to preserve the empire aware of how much work he needed to do to preserve the empire after his death He had been so *doggèd* He had been so *doggèd* in his pursuit of empire He had been so *doggèd* in his pursuit of empire and unification that, He had been so *doggèd* in his pursuit of empire and unification that, he'd neglected his family He put much effort into trying to mend He put much effort into trying to mend the relationship between his eldest sons He assigned them jointly to a campaign He assigned them jointly to a campaign but, He assigned them jointly to a campaign but, neither brother could agree on what tactics to use but, neither brother could agree on what tactics to use. And because of their bickering, And because of their bickering, the campaign stretched on for six months - an unprecedented amount of time for a Mongol siege. Eventually, they had no choice but to burn the city to the ground and flood it, destroying it utterly, destroying it utterly, and leaving nothing to loot. In 1222, In 1222, the Mongol conquest reached the city of Multan In 1222, the Mongol conquest reached the city of Multan - in modern day Pakistan Genghis Khan had set his sights on Northern India Genghis Khan had set his sights on Northern India, the seat of silk production Here, however, he faced a new enemy that stopped him in his tracks As soon as the Mongols left As soon as the Mongols left the dry and cold As soon as the Mongols left the dry and cold mountainous regions, As soon as the Mongols left the dry and cold mountainous regions, both warriors As soon as the Mongols left the dry and cold mountainous regions, both warriors and horses left the dry and cold mountainous regions, both warriors and horses grew sick, both warriors and horses grew sick, and weak The Mongol bows, which were so well adapted The Mongol bows, which were so well adapted to the extreme cold and heat of the steppe, adapted to the extreme cold and heat of the steppe, weakened in the damp air adapted to the extreme cold and heat of the steppe, weakened in the damp air and lost their accuracy The Mongols were forced to fall back, The Mongols were forced to fall back, and sustained massive casualties as they withdrew and sustained massive casualties as they withdrew to the more familiar climate of Afghanistan withdrew to the more familiar climate of Afghanistan. Despite this setback, Despite this setback, they had succeeded in their goal Despite this setback, they had succeeded in their goal of conquering the Khwarasm Empire, Bringing Central Asia and much of the Middle East under Mongol control To celebrate, Genghis Khan called for a fete, To celebrate, Genghis Khan called for a fete, that ended up being To celebrate, Genghis Khan called for a fete, that ended up being the largest hunt in history His men cordoned off a massive area of territory, And tens of thousands of soldiers from different armies And tens of thousands of soldiers from different armies converged on the field from different directions The hunt lasted for months, The hunt lasted for months, and was intended as more than a celebration intended as more than a celebration - Genghis Khan also wanted to use it Genghis Khan also wanted to use it to mellow relations between his sons, to mellow relations between his sons, and to end the campaign on a cooperative note Upon returning home, Upon returning home, the victorious Mongol army saw Upon returning home, the victorious Mongol army saw the fruits of their conquest The nation had been utterly transformed Girls who had spent their days Girls who had spent their days milking goats and yaks Girls who had spent their days milking goats and yaks were now wearing silk, goats and yaks were now wearing silk, while their new servants while their new servants performed menial labour for them Elders who had never seen metal in their lives, Elders who had never seen metal in their lives, now cut meat with Damascus Steel Elders who had never seen metal in their lives, now cut meat with Damascus Steel, girded with ivory hilts They served yak's milk from silver bowls, They served yak's milk from silver bowls, while their musicians sang to them But Genghis Khan was not built for this life... He didn't want to stop conquering, Or, maybe he couldn't stop conquering... He set out once again to campaign against the Tangut - the very first foreign nation he had conquered after his election as Great Khan The Tangut had refused to offer troops for the Khwarasm invasion, The Tangut had refused to offer troops for the Khwarasm invasion, a slight that could not stand. And establishing a base in the Tangut Kingdom And establishing a base in the Tangut Kingdom would offer a second chance at the Song Dynasty, the Tangut Kingdom would offer a second chance at the Song Dynasty, a target he still coveted And that, And that, is where Genghis Khan's story And that, is where Genghis Khan's story very suddenly, And that, is where Genghis Khan's story very suddenly, and very mysteriously, And that, is where Genghis Khan's story very suddenly, and very mysteriously, *ends*. suddenly, and very mysteriously, *ends*. What happened next mysteriously, *ends*. What happened next remains something of a mystery. Some say that while traversing the Gobi to fight the Tangut, Genghis Khan stopped to catch some wild horses Genghis Khan stopped to catch some wild horses and was thrown from his mount Genghis Khan stopped to catch some wild horses and was thrown from his mount, sustaining internal injuries Some legends say that he was assassinated by a sex worker, Some legends say that he was assassinated by a sex worker, struck by lightning, Some legends say that he was assassinated by a sex worker, struck by lightning, poisoned, struck by lightning, poisoned, or, killed by a magic spell struck by lightning, poisoned, or, killed by a magic spell cast by the Tangut King struck by lightning, poisoned, or, killed by a magic spell cast by the Tangut King - Heck - Heck - Marco Polo even reports in his book Heck - Marco Polo even reports in his book chronicling his time in the court of Kublai Khan, chronicling his time in the court of Kublai Khan - eh Genghis Khan's grandson, That the Great Khan was killed That the Great Khan was killed after taking *an arrow to the knee* All that we know for sure, All that we know for sure, is that just before the Mongol victory over the Tangut, just before the Mongol victory over the Tangut, Genghis Khan died quietly. A procession would have set out towards Mongolia A procession would have set out towards Mongolia with Genghis Khan's body on a simple cart. His horsehair spirit banner would have led the way, His horsehair spirit banner would have led the way, and behind the procession would have followed his horse and behind the procession would have followed his horse, with a loose bridle, and behind the procession would have followed his horse, with a loose bridle, and an empty saddle. He was buried anonymously, He was buried anonymously, in the soil of his homeland, He was buried anonymously, in the soil of his homeland, without a monument to mark his grave. Genghis Khan transformed Mongol warfare, Genghis Khan transformed Mongol warfare, from a messy, tribal raiding system, from a messy, tribal raiding system, into an intercontinental affair, from a messy, tribal raiding system, into an intercontinental affair, fought on multiple fronts, an intercontinental affair, fought on multiple fronts, across *thousands* of miles His battlefield techniques His battlefield techniques made the heavily armored knights of Medieval Europe His battlefield techniques made the heavily armored knights of Medieval Europe 'obsolete' heavily armored knights of Medieval Europe 'obsolete', replacing them with disciplined cavalry knights of Medieval Europe 'obsolete', replacing them with disciplined cavalry moving in organised units He made brilliant use of speed He made brilliant use of speed and surprise on the battlefield And perfected siege warfare to such a degree that, And perfected siege warfare to such a degree that, he 'ended' the era of walled cities He taught his people to fight not only across incredible distances, He taught his people to fight not only across incredible distances, but to sustain their campaigns over years but to sustain their campaigns over years, decades, and eventually over but to sustain their campaigns over years, decades, and eventually over three generations of constant fighting His last ruling descendant His last ruling descendant remained in power in Uzbekistan His last ruling descendant remained in power in Uzbekistan until he was deposed His last ruling descendant remained in power in Uzbekistan until he was deposed by the rising tide His last ruling descendant remained in power in Uzbekistan until he was deposed by the rising tide of the Soviet Revolution His last ruling descendant remained in power in Uzbekistan until he was deposed by the rising tide of the Soviet Revolution in *1920* Genghis Khan was also, Genghis Khan was also, *brutal* Genghis Khan was also, *brutal* - His goals were achieved Genghis Khan was also, *brutal* - His goals were achieved, through the *deaths of millions* The Mongols made no technological breakthroughs, The Mongols made no technological breakthroughs, founded no new religions, founded no new religions, wrote no great books or dramas founded no new religions, wrote no great books or dramas, and offered the world wrote no great books or dramas, and offered the world no new crafts wrote no great books or dramas, and offered the world no new crafts or methods of agriculture They simply conquered, They simply conquered, and assimilated They simply conquered, and assimilated; and their tactics left parts of the world They simply conquered, and assimilated; and their tactics left parts of the world depopulated *to this day*. But the Mongols absolutely did change the world, But the Mongols absolutely did change the world, and that was what young Temüjin had desparately wanted and that was what young Temüjin had desparately wanted from the very moment he first learned from the very moment he first learned how harsh, from the very moment he first learned how harsh, violent and from the very moment he first learned how harsh, violent and unforgiving life can be He eradicated torture, He eradicated torture, kidnapping He eradicated torture, kidnapping and raiding from his world, but He eradicated torture, kidnapping and raiding from his world, but at the cost of countless lives He eradicated torture, kidnapping and raiding from his world, but at the cost of countless lives and entire cultures *Is peace bought with blood,* *Is peace bought with blood, and maintained with force* *Is peace bought with blood, and maintained with force truly peace?* It may be impossible to say whether Genghis Khan It may be impossible to say whether Genghis Khan better than he found it, but It may be impossible to say whether Genghis Khan better than he found it, but, it was still, It may be impossible to say whether Genghis Khan better than he found it, but, it was still, undeniably It may be impossible to say whether Genghis Khan better than he found it, but, it was still, undeniably, changed changed Hopefully doing captions Hopefully doing captions bit by bit Hopefully doing captions a bit like this Hopefully doing captions a bit like this - like how autocaptions does it Hopefully doing captions a bit like this - like how autocaptions does it wasn't bad Hopefully doing captions a bit like this - like how autocaptions does it wasn't bad and conveys the speaking rhythm have a good one! ^__^
Channel: Extra Credits
Views: 2,101,251
Rating: 4.9570098 out of 5
Keywords: daniel floyd, documentary, extra credits, extra credits history, extra history, history, history lesson, james portnow, learn history, study history, world history, genghis khan, temujin, monoglia, mongolian history, Chinggis, chinggis khan, temujin genghis khan, temujin genghis khan movie, temujin khan, great mongol nation, muslim uighurs, silk road, silk road mongolia, death of genghis khan, Khwarizm, Ogodei, genghis khan disappearance
Id: aKQ-djCmsrQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 4sec (604 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 24 2018
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