Genesis 6:1-13 - May 2, 2021

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father we thank you for your word we enter into some of the most contested chapters because if they're true and the more our technology improves the easier and easier it is to prove they are true the more it leaves this world without excuse that you indeed do judge sin and the day is coming when you will do it again and so lord please take these next few weeks may they be powerfully used to help people see what is truly left behind as evidence and to have perhaps for the first time in their life a real opportunity to see it without lord the bias that there is no god may they see it for what it is let the evidence speak for itself and thank you lord for the opportunity to gather in jesus name amen amen chapter 5 verse 32 noah was 500 years old and noah begat shem means a name ham japheth and again these are the english pronunciation japheth meaning opened ham meaning hot and it came to pass chapter 6 when men began to multiply on the face of the earth and daughters as bath and the hebrew daughters were born unto them that the sons of god ben elohim sons of god saw the daughters of men that they were fair and they took them wives of all which they desired or they chose and the lord said my spirit shall not always strive with man for he is also flesh and his days shall be a hundred and twenty years and there were giants in the earth in those days also after that when the sons of god came in unto the daughters of men and they bear children to them the same became mighty men which were of old men of renown and god saw the wickedness of man was great in the earth wait a second i thought he taught adam and eve or told adam and eve to be fruitful and fill molly fill the earth so why now when there's men and women or some arrangement here producing children why is it suddenly a problem that's a good question if you were uh on sunday night when dr jason lyle was here and the question and answer session one person got up and asked a question about this dom one person got up asked a question about and said what is going on this chapter and dr lyle's interpretation and there are a number of them this is a chapter that has a lot of thoughts was the idea of of the ungodly being married to the godly and that's one of different interpretations but let's let the word of god tell us what's going on here based on looking at how this phrase is used sons of god and then we'll come back and reconsider perhaps what's being told to us it came to pass when men began to multiply on the face of the earth and daughters were born unto them that the ben elohim son of god or sons of god saw the daughters of men that they were fair and they took them wives of all which they chose when we find something used in the bible the best way to figure out what is it saying is find out where else it's used and see how it's used in that application so turn to the book of job the book of job is a book that most people don't want to read because they're afraid that after they read it they get their turn job chapter 1. in job chapter 1 it says verse 6. now there was a day when the sons of god ben elohim came to present themselves before capital lord yahweh the lord himself and satan came also among them again i'm not picking on dr lyle i'm just letting you know one of the interpretations out there he said this could be a congregation where satan infiltrates however they're coming before the lord himself and as you look in revelation chapter 12 you'll find that when satan is cast down to the earth we're told the accuser of our brethren hath been cast down which did accuse them before the lord day and night so satan has access to god he there accuses before the lord god's people and so i mean you ever have your kids come and just start tattling all the time and you sit there and i couldn't imagine having satan there day and night accusing god's people before god talk about patient don't give him material chapter 2 verse 1 of job says there was a day when the sons of god again ben elohim came to present themselves before the lord satan came also among them to present himself and he's accusing job exactly as revelation presents so my opinion it's in the heavenly realm but then we also need to consider job 38 this is something i think that will help clarify it for you job 38 is quite important to understand chapters one and two after a long set of discussions between job and his friends chapter 38 then the lord answered job out of the whirlwind and said who is this that darkeneth counsel by words without knowledge gird up now thy loins like a man and i will demand of thee and answer thou me where was thou when i laid the foundations of the earth creating the earth declare if thou has understanding okay trick question on which day of creation did god create the earth which day day one the earth was without form and void then there was water verse 5 goes on who laid the measures thereof of the foundations of the earth that were created on day one who hath stretched the line upon it whereupon are the foundations thereof of the earth created on day one fastened it's hanging in space and who hath laid the cornerstone thereof note this carefully when the morning stars sang together watch this very carefully and all the ben elohim sons of god shouted for joy this is day one one was man created day six can't be sons can't be human beings sons of god are the angelic realm here is the angelic realm on day one of creation singing praise to god as he's forming the earth laying the foundations thereof suspending it upon nothing in space and then the question is well were they made early on day one were they made before day one i don't know but when you meet one ask them because that's coming the angelic realm well i don't know man that's okay turn to jude the book with no chapters just before revelation jude before revelation jude verse 5 says i will therefore put you in remembrance though ye once knew this how that the lord having saved the people the children of israel out of the land of egypt afterward destroyed them note this carefully that believed not and the angels also that believed not because they rebelled which kept not their first estate or their beginning or their rule but left their own habitation he hath reserved an everlasting chains under darkness under the judgment of the great day whoa what did they do verse 7 even as sodom and gomorrah and the cities about them in like manner in like manner who the angels at verse six in like manner giving themselves over to fornication and going after strange flesh are set forth for an example suffering the vengeance of eternal fire turn left to second peter 2. ii peter 2. he said in verse 4 for if god spared not the angels that sinned but cast them down to tartus it's a prison many argue below sheol we'll have to wait to find out and deliver them into chains of darkness to be reserved unto judgments something occurred among some of the fallen angels that was so bad god locked them up and we know he didn't lock all of them up because if you've read your gospels you know how many times jesus encountered demons fallen angels so there's a class of angels that have done something so bad they were locked up what does that mean verse 5 look at the time stamp and spared not the old world but saved noah the eighth person a preacher of righteousness bringing in the flood upon the world of the ungodly so back to our chapter it came to pass when men began to multiply on the face of the earth and daughters were born unto him that the same phrase of class of individuals who were there when god formed the earth ben elohim genesis or job 38 saw the daughters of men that they were fair and then some fashioned somehow they took them wives of all which they chose this event was so outrageous god returns a statement verse 3 and the lord said my spirit shall not always strive with man it's an idea that outrage has occurred for he is also flesh and his day shall be a hundred and twenty years two thoughts on this one the judgment comes in 120 years two the longer man lives the more trouble he gets into you know what i'm talking about so we're going to limit it to 120 years we'll come back to that when we get into our slides verse 4 but from these things there were giants in the earth in those days let me point something out if the idea of it being just an unsaved line marrying into a saved line which by the way i would encourage you as a wrong suggest wrong answer you're just setting yourself up for a life of pain you believe in christ your significant other doesn't you're just getting ready for a lifetime of pain that's what i see more than often but if that were the case how many know a believer was married an unbeliever did they produce giants how many are following me here that doesn't fit the record okay so then how did this happen i don't know i don't know if they demonically possessed males i don't know how it work or they were able to form take on human form in a fashion that this was possible all i know is something unusual happened in the angelic realm it's mentioned with the same category of class of individuals in job 1 2 and 38 and we get in the new testament commentary coming back to the old testament saying angelic realm did something so bad like sodom and gomorrah that god threw them out of the pool and locked them up and then came the flood okay giants were in the earth in those days we'll look at some of that the word giant is nephil from which you'll often hear the term nephilim nephil it is only three times in the old testament and all three uses it is translated giants the other two uses are numbers 13 33 twice in one verse it comes from the hebrew word in the fall to fail to fall down to cast down to fall away so they're essentially the fallen ones that's interesting it came to pass when the sons of god came in under the daughters of men verse 5 they bear children to them the same became mighty strong valiant men which were of old men of renown or literally men of shem men of a name or men of fame they made a name for themselves and god verse 5 is actually the name of the lord yahweh and god saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually when you turn into your we used to have cable we don't know but i don't know if you'd still do but when you did you had the menu come up are you not shocked by the titles the times where we'd go rent a place or get away and the kate will be there and you pull up the menu and you're like most of the programming that's out there really deals with evil continually can we say our earth appears to be getting increasingly filled with violence why do i point this out because jesus said in matthew 24 the last days are going to be like the days of noah they will be eating and drinking marrying and giving in marriage and then suddenly the flood is going to or not a flood and suddenly the judgment of god is going to take them away as it did in the days of noah so we need to look at what are these things and what's going on the world around this which would be part of what we look at slides today and so it repented the lord verse six sorry is the idea that he had made man on the earth and it grieved the lord or grieved him at his heart there's a thought and the lord said i will destroy man whom i have created from the face of the earth both man and behemoth beast land animal and remesh if you remember them creeping thing and the old the fowls of the air for repenteth me that i've made them but noah found grace in the eyes of the lord what is the first time we see grace right here grace not a law not his works it was grace and we learn about that grace it was extended to him because noah walked with god now you might say well how great of a guy was he turn to ezekiel 14 middle of your bible ezekiel 14. once again let the word of god give commentary on the word of god in ezekiel 14 14 the lord speaking to ezekiel said though these three men noah daniel and job were in it jerusalem they should but deliver their own souls by their righteousness saith the lord god ezekiel 14 verse 20 skipped down he says it again though noah daniel and job were in it as i live saith the lord god they shall deliver neither son nor daughter they shall but deliver their own souls by their righteousness job was already dead noah dead before job daniel when this is spoken was still alive talk about a testimony of a man's life noah was a righteous man he was a righteous man because he walked with god and he walked with god by faith and god extended to him grace it has always been the same by faith not of yourselves it's the grace of god that has been given to you and that faith he calls he draws you respond grace noah found grace in the eyes of the lord and so chapter six verse nine these are the generations here's our third use of toloda these are the births of the record of noah noah was a just man that sadiq is the word righteous and a perfect yeah is tanim that is upright genuine perfect in his generations and here is the clue and noah walked with god and noah begat three sons shem which means name again ham heart japheth opened and the earth was also corrupt before god and the earth was filled with violence and the lord looked upon the earth and behold it was corrupt three times in these two verses it was corrupt for all flesh had corrupted his way upon the earth and god said unto noah the end of all flesh has come before me for the earth is filled with violence through them and behold i will destroy them with the earth okay time to get into some slides time to look at some of these destructions we are going to be going through for the next few weeks a number of really good series that i'll be taking excerpts from and compared to 2011 i was saying 20 years ago in first service i guess it was just early concern compared to 2011 when we last went through this the materials and the research that have been done by different experts in their field is phenomenal now it has gotten so much easier for us to a understand what they're presenting and b realize that the evidence is on our side so for the next number of weeks i hope again it'll be harder when we're outside but next we'll do that later but anyway just this is a good time to dig in and find out what's out there this is from the institute for creation research unlocking the mysteries of genesis very good series and a number of you have joined us now sort of mid-stream you weren't here for the first six days of creation so we're gonna catch up in the beginning god created the heavens and the earth god established the grass and herbs and trees and he created the lights and the firmaments of the heavens to divide the day from the night and for seasons and for days and years god created the creatures of the sea and the birds of the earth and he created the land animals each according to its kind and last he created man in his own image and likeness and then god saw everything he had made and indeed it was very good [Music] that's a nice way to catch up quickly i know what you're thinking if you're here with us through those six chapters why don't you just show that and so here's our issue now in those days there were giants in the earth genesis 6 4. these are coming from different news articles and other books that are out there and these are really from the 1800s to about 1933 things that have been found and if you understand the time period in history this is as evolution is gaining traction produced in 1859 origin of the species darwin evolution is gaining traction eventually even gets brought into the schools eventually the scopes monkey travel and then evolution is taught and creationism is rejected so here are some things that are on record 12 foot tall skeleton found by soldiers in lompoc rancho california in 1883. here's another one skeleton nine feet eight inches found in brewersville indiana 1879. here's a 12 foot tall skeleton reported many papers near tucson arizona the man had six toes 1904 race of giants lived here skeletons of a mammoth human race on earth in the county one skull was found about three times the size of an ordinary human being other bones were correspondingly big this was wisconsin 1904. here in 1911 in nevada found a lovelock cave an unusually large human skull here we have 20 miles southwest of south bend indiana 1925 skeletons of eight giants ranging from eight to nine feet all wearing heavy copper armor discussed discoveries were scattered and lost skeleton nearly 10 feet tall 10 feet long was found in humboldt lake nevada 1931. so here you have your thumb bone which is connected to your hand bone everybody get to know it come on find your thumb bone if you have one nobody's doing it okay now here's ron wyatt and here are thumb bones he found in near the area of the mountains of ararat near where noah's ark landed well indeed just how big were those sons of noah and that means if they're big then they're cupid's different which means the ark's even bigger than we thought human remains unusually large bones wyatt found them we found elsewhere i mean that's a big thumb bone same thing large jaws found there this is 6.5 inches here measuring through found again in the area of eastern turkey near the air of ararat this is all part of that region this i showed you early on this is a femur found by an egyptian construction crew apparently that femur belongs to someone who is 16 feet tall here's somebody did a casting or a remake of it and dr dino would take in tour with it you might say well why don't we hear much about this simple because the evolutionary model is amoeba coming from small up eventually to man the bible is men at one point corrupted produced giants and now we're shrinking down it's the opposite story so you don't hear it much now yes there are still tall people in the world today here's the 10 tallest people in the world and no i am not on the list here's one who is eight feet three inches eight feet two inches eight feet one inch seven feet eleven inches you get the idea here's seven feet nine inches here's ming ming seven feet uh nine inches i believe playing basketball that's how it always feels to me playing basketball but just some seriously tall people here's another man in morocco eight feet tall if you remember we talked about the earth having a canopy of water above the firmament and water below the firmament and water in the fountains of the deep and we're going to get into the fountains of the deep breaking open as we go through the next few weeks and what would that do to the topography of the planet and then the biggest challenge that used to come out is where did all the water go in 2011 we were still trying to work on that now in 2021 we know exactly where it went we can prove it thanks to technology we found it again this barrier slows down radiation it increases oxygen co2 which increases the size of all the creatures from plants to animals to insects to even human beings and slows down aging which we saw last week here's methuselah 969 years after he dies here comes the flood but note this carefully once the flood happens lifespans drop off very rapidly and the one at the bottom is joseph who makes it to 110 years of age and then after that you don't hear of a lot of people breaking the 120 limit it's almost like a boundary was set how about each year we hear about well the oldest person in america just died and they were usually 105 116 sometimes 120 something rarely ever hear 130. even in the modern era the longest usually we've seen people get is to about 120 years so there were giants in the land in those days when we went through this in 2011 i talked about one of the signs of the days of noah appeared to be an attempt to corrupt the human line in some fashion perhaps to get rid of the opportunity for the seed of the woman to destroy and crush the serpent's head and i'd warned back then one of the things we need to watch out for is when we see it becoming common practice to manipulate the very fabric of human life and if you've been paying attention in the news that's now very common now we have gene therapies and some of those are good we also have human genetic enhancement eugenics which came out of the whole darwinian thing this is now becoming commonplace so here's july 4th 24 2019 talking about it i got a lot of people sent this to me china creating super soldiers december 24th last christmas time 2020. well that's new york post okay well here it is in the gatestone institute saying the same thing they're trying to create a master race it goes on and says what happens when you mix pig and monkey dna the chinese experimenters can tell you moreover beijing may already be engineering super soldiers this is written by director of national intern national intelligence john ratcliffe noting this that they're trying hard to genetically alter human beings the people's liberation army has gone all in on gene editing of humans there are as ratcliffe noted no ethical boundaries to beijing's pursuit of power and so this idea of somehow they will improve you know improve stamina strength etc ability to heal and all that they're working on it genetic enhancement quite common now again changing brains and again some of those can help people with horrible disorders but also this can be used to manipulate the very fabric of human life and many of you sent me this article and i'm grateful you do because you never know if i've actually got a chance to catch it part human part monkey embryos grown in lab dishes april 15th tax day this year 2021. three days later rabbis in israel weighed in on it this coming from israel 365 news experiment creates planet of the apes embryos rabbi calls it the sexual sin of the nephilim these are nowhere back according to the rabbis the earth also was corrupt before god the earth was filled with violence and god looked upon the earth and behold it was corrupt for all flesh had corrupted his way upon the earth and god said unto noah the end of all flesh has come before me for the earth is filled with violence through them and behold i will destroy them with the earth how do you go to bed with that in your mind and yet peter writing to us in second peter 3 said behold in the last days scoffers will come saying where's the promise of his coming ever since the beginning of creation things continue as they were and he goes on he says but this they are willingly ignorant of that the earth before standing in the water and out of the water by water perished in a flood so do we have evidence of this around the world yes lots and one of the biggest pieces of evidence of a global flood is the fact that we have billions of fossils buried all around the planet but let's have a little remedial thing how do you get a fossil not everything that dies becomes a fossil fossilization in fact is rare most dead plants or animals are eaten by scavengers or destroyed by bacteria those that become rapidly buried in sand or mud like in a river flood or a landslide have a better chance of becoming fossils an animal soft tissues the skin and internal organs usually rot away even when it's buried leaving only bones rapidly buried bones may become compressed in the sediment and minerals from the surrounding earth slowly may seep into the bone changing its chemical composition not even rock lasts forever as the material around the fossil is removed by erosion the fossil becomes exposed at the surface if a paleontologist happens to spot it before it weathers away the fossil can be excavated and preserved and we have fossils all over the planet now the evolutionary model is there are these different layers of different evolutionary periods of time one evolving into the next through random chance mutations but when they present this in their textbook as being nice and neatly organized that's not the reality of what we find in all these different massive fossil graveyards they're twisted they're churned they're interwoven with each other one layer is in another layer and so it doesn't present like this in nature but this is how they basically postulate their theory of amoeba to man and so the question is why are they in later layers and one could be habitat the other can be how smart it is to get away from trouble like a flood mobility obviously you know trilobites don't do well climbing trees or body density so here coming from is genesis history they have a paleontologist who looks at what is out on the earth and if you listen carefully to what's presented it gives you the big picture of why do we have these layers how did they happen and one thing i want you to listen very carefully to is he's going to talk about the footprints the trackways the fact that they're even preserved is a big issue that shouldn't happen but then you find the footprints of these animals and they're in a layer that is one or two layers away from the bones of the animal which means they were walking millions of years before they existed here we go well marcus can you kind of give us an overall picture of the fossils and how all this stuff fits together yeah fossils tend to be found in distinct layers where there are very very large numbers that have been destroyed untold billions and so every time we see a layer of rock that's this thick we're thinking about an event that probably took minutes to make not thousands of years minutes for just this one package of rocks sometimes even seconds now where these pulses of water from the flood are moving over the continents grabbing ecosystems or dragging marine ones up from from deeper in the ocean and pulling them on to land and as one gets deposited and the waves come back they start pulling and piling additional stuff on top of that and it's a graveyard on top of a graveyard on top of a graveyard it's the sort of thing that speaks to catastrophe not the sort of thing where the fossil record is gradually accumulating bone by bone shell by shell little by little over untold eons of time so you're saying that we have these uh marine fossils all over even on mountains yeah you know further back over uh in the museum they've got sections with things like mosasaurs these big swimming reptiles mosasaurs are globally distributed and they're distributed on continents so looking at these things you're saying what is it that has the power what is it that has the capacity to take the marine world and throw it on top of the continents in such a violent and destructive manner and the flood makes perfect sense for this when we're in the grand canyon we saw that great unconformity and there were no fossils to speak of really below that and then all of a sudden we start getting a lot what does that say to you as a paleontologist well the great unconformity is telling me that there's some sort of massive erosion and shearing that's happening across the continent and then once we start getting to those nice sedimentary rocks that have all the wonderful fossils in them the pattern uh starts to emerge the ecosystem that has the first animals and it shows up very suddenly in conventional paleontology they call this the cambrian explosion it's the first appearance of a wide diversity of different types of marine animals all of a sudden you have this complex and whole ecosystem that shows up basically out of nowhere now that makes perfect sense from a creation and flood perspective because the flood is about destroying ecosystems whereas in an evolutionary view these ecosystems are going to have to arise a little bit more gradually as organisms diversify and evolve and respond to one another in their environment but that's not what you see instead you see an explosion of life that is complex whole the ecosystem is integrated with one another you can see where all the different organisms fit with respect to one another and that's just the first time that that happens every time you move up in the geological column in this fossil record you start seeing snapshots of more and more ecosystems you've got one ecosystem that's destroyed and then you've got another one it's got slightly different creatures there's different interactions going on and as the flood waters move higher and higher they're getting closer and closer to shore destroying more and more organisms in the shoreline and eventually up onto land yeah so i i think i see what you're saying here and that is that the paradigm that we're all talk that conventional paradigm is trying to tell us that the fossil record is an evolutionary picture of life as it is developing as opposed to the genesis paradigm that's saying no all of that life all the complexity of life already was there and now we're looking at the graveyard of all that life exactly well what are some of the other data that you're seeing that convinces you of this paradigm sure well one very curious situation with the fossil record so thinking vertically about things is not the hard parts of the animal but the trackways they're the footprints this is a pattern that we see in several different groups where their footprints are first and their body parts are later for the trial bites for the amphibians for the dinosaurs the first time i find evidence of them in the fossil record it's from trackways not hard parts from an old earth perspective that's really weird and hard to grapple with because you have millions of years between the trackway production and ultimately the animal that made it but that obviously doesn't make a whole lot of sense right because if there's trackways there's animals and those animals have bones and teeth and shells to them why aren't they fossilized instead the pattern's telling us something different there's no time between when somebody leaves the track and when somebody gets buried but the fact that those trackways are still there that that should tell us something as well shouldn't it one it tells us that the deposition or the placement of the next layer on top of them had to happen very very quickly because again you go out onto a beach and you walk in the sand your trackways are are destroyed very very quickly but the fossil record is showing us something very different from today this is death in a moment right this is death in an instant and we're talking about a world that was complex whole integrated and the flood is destroying that world sequentially and burying it in a vertical fashion and so i think looking at the fossil record as a record of life is partly correct but it's not about life's development it's about life's attempt to survive an event that ultimately consumed all of them death and destruction in a moment ecosystem by ecosystem by ecosystem as the floods got higher and higher and higher each of these ecosystems wiped out buried and basically left for us to find years later behold i will destroy them with the earth that flood did exactly what god said it would do it destroyed everything except for those animals that could live in the ocean of fish and other things that did not get buried in some fashion they had more food than they could possibly want and the smarter mo mobile the animal or the human the farther they could recede away from the flood waters and eventually sadly as it goes 15 cubits above the highest mountain they get wiped out and that's why we don't see as many of those remains because they were food floating around decaying why is this important because as we go through now these next few chapters and we get to even after the flood and the nations being scattered out from the tower of babel now science has actually verified the migration of females through mtdna migration of males through y chromosome now science basically maps everything out and you take that map and you stick it on top of genesis and it matches exactly in other words science is finally catching up to what the bible's been trying to tell us god has to judge sin he's holy and he will judge sin he's done it once and he left evidence all around the world and these guys as i showed these guys have got some really awesome stuff for us over the next few weeks we'll do little bites but phenomenal research leaving this generation probably compared to any other generation in history before without excuse which is how god often works before he brings his correction we're out of time so let's stand let's pray just a reminder is genesis history definitely encourage you to watch it institute for creation research great series encourage you to grab it genesis apologetics put out genesis impact we'll see some excerpts from that very good stuff dr dino thanks for his research on skeletons aig if you really want to dig into this there's so much out there you can get into and it is well done and it is scholarly and peer reviewed good stuff father thank you for this day thank you for your love for us lord thank you again you have left a record of these things that perhaps even the scoffer for the first time can realize the fossils that are buried are a record of judgment not evolution for some people lord this is awfully hard to see it in a different lens than there is no god and everything was made from nothing how i pray lord these next few weeks as we go through your word and we get to see the hard work of men and women of science and different different disciplines lord may it truly provoke people to reconsider the evidence and maybe for the first time in their life actually opened the door to the fact that there is a god who loves them and desires a relationship with them thank you for this day thank you for sending jesus to pay for our sins for noah it was the ark to be delivered for us it is jesus who is the way the truth and the life you put your faith in him god will keep you from the hour of judgment thank you for these things in jesus name amen
Channel: Calvary Chapel Chester Springs Media Ministry
Views: 596
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: Pastor Chris Swansen, Calvary Chapel Chester Springs, Genesis
Id: fnKtC4Zs7UY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 32sec (2192 seconds)
Published: Sun May 02 2021
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