GENESIS 6 || SSBM Top 8 Highlights ft Axe, Hungrybox, Plup, Mang0, aMSa

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oh yeah for sure yes five fry Papa for Super Bowl Sunday I do over time I'm thinking Johnny's gotten a lot better at Tech chasing right let's follow oh wait a minute where you going uh-oh so well top you jumped up super early it kind of just gotta get a lot of that pressure it's just roll seek it stuck in the car back off like usual whatnot that's crime for a touchy situation that we dis wavedash out we're ready to sign it yeah it's a whole big step oh yeah stomps don't need the classic all right come on stock smart by Johnny not jumping right then so all the weight crowds the nipple spike - let's make sure bike stops the other two straight stalks mr. J that anymore right exactly that's like the biggest thing that's the big does have okay damn you know I really like the way that mango is calling out wherever already jumps back wait what up what if no I'm speaking of colos yeah the call-outs call know what was gonna say that he's really good at getting call me - Kate it's really getting Johnny when he's approaching in with a laser right ask about those landing and that just stops all the momentum that Falcon adds and then he gets like a shine on you just did like the fat ol a ste remix method I've never seen that the clutch gap especially those good players yeah they're gonna make this basic tree [Music] Pikachu infinite oh he let it back up if you know [Music] so much percent already taken got the shield up at least that was great look at these beads around so good the drift drift rate and the up smash we'll take that last often junior accident okay outs from from Acts really saw the hold on the defensive side okay the forwards madness I like what you just gone for though yeah he's like trying a little bit more experience the life of the party yeah came in yeah that's that's the risk of life doing something outside honestly ginger got the slide off on the top platform there but ax still followed up against the full combo to close out that set oh yes okay I love what I watched the four tilts - for them like she can just shield a lot of this stuff and just keep it pushing Wow got rid of the double jump it was hit it's usually like the tip part of the back area right so it's hard to punish even if he does get the double jump armor he's like a little bit far away a lot of times but a minute wait oh God Yoshi got so much percent being built from Club 71 okay he gets the Florida Porter Porter up there it works at such but he is stuck in stunts for so long yeah just those banshee code okay oh yeah almost punishes that jump [Music] okay oh great D - pull up on that one going very very straight up like that I'm sitting at the upper that he has been doing on the platform he waits for obso to do something on the platform because every single time you've seen officers like drop down through ya with an aerial to punish what fluff has but Plouffe does wait an extra second that time dropping OPS's chill drops right you're up for our hero right now what decisive three oh that's it yeah oh that was a quick thirty does like beat the crowd sometime oh I thought you said you were gonna sleep Waterman it took another stole my god nice of you view not far that's how our crap but the corner pressure Oh from press no okay drill dad wrap the way that Murray box jumped out and kind of four again the actual confirm he wants yeah he hasn't really gone for grab at all which and I know it sounds counterintuitive to say that you shake over grab the wall of pain that was painful oh well time with every grab up the ledge 0:01 wait wait we got those with a random smash okay as we speak right to ledge weights out the invincibility from Jigglypuff oh the tomahawk grab caught him in shield does side via syphon to air dodge oh it's still alive he switched up his timing just a little bit side of the upbeat [Music] man and a down smash from hungrybox really solid 304 men you will move on hurried box game one oh my god - tail wit Bearer any time he's like Parag round and he gets like a jab or a porter like man this is Edie damaged he hates on the damaged tire down yeah ok and that that's your home ok lasers underneath the egg again the Perry Oh how's your chance oh that's hurt that tail my god Duncan Jones oh dude Ops is going so hard right now oh the double sign okay no for the part but not even up to right there okay I like the laser actually to go out the Harry where are you going double sign oh you dog oh okay Yoho okay the angles nice little back garden is south to the notches but Massa mango potentially the glass doctor twice a team and I'm so so content to just go back to the book the ledges and throw those eggs very patient play us a chance coming along Oh a double egg Oh I'll just go for this it oh you can tell a little bit of flood movement for Mango oh we're about to find out with farmers real right now yeah this is kicking it just might be [Music] mom some very contentious stay on stage and keep narrowing them off oh and then there is that actually it poppin off three Oh a mango oh man and that is it for mango here at Genesis let's go battle start out yeah oh wow that was the point Jim wait a minute good you positioning yeah pretty close match yeah oh oh I just trying to wrap it up to be you trying to bring it back yeah you slowly oh I like that wall out that jab oh that's really scary oh we go so man what an edge car keys yeah oh wow he'll power to increase the skill power [Music] for that combo I like him you know I think we're really testing the player is how well they are and adapting to momentum chips oh that is an amazing comeback after 2 s DS the way he was probably yeah man axis debo in the setup right now starting oh great bad because he was slightly off on the forward smash you got ups match for it you know yeah like the precision is really really important in a match like this nice gets the temper nice Oh Oh sick but he's also tactic dude use that was that was really cool on the right side because if you grab the ledge but axe still had enough time to change is all right at the end again like the UH peas from eggs are not quite the same as we seem usually he like snap the lid off the top that was a crucial ko 150 percent [Music] pickup zone in the mouth uh-huh instead of dad dancing he's waiting for the traffic zone yeah okay okay Oh Jeffrey said quit this job everything yeah then immediately for it smashed nice if I'm not trying to force master but Ole Miss is dead that might yeah it's what I mean like he had the right idea he was gonna get that forest mat but if you're off just a little bit worse Pikachu oh yeah oh the charge oh yeah always matches double Joe puking you always have it so you have to double jump it this [Music] yeah that'll do it and act takes it over maybe you three-one three-one but man will be playing one of his good friends at Simmons oh yeah I'm sir all the conviction in the world right what's read Tom that was a sick recovery he did not touch the ledge though and without touching the stage Fox doesn't get his job back doing a great job in neutral but as soon as people went on stage he died right there oh my goodness gracious whoo yes that's right no you see a trust of American oh all right if that is a big miss is that gonna be the stock full charge knock why that was a couple percent all right one more laser yeah I swear one when I see pluck time to perfect it don't matter yeah they literally didn't matter your pluck we need a company to work for it that Club is not gonna be able to get that kill until a much higher percentage redbones rocks for hungrybox upset not having not having it at least he didn't die that was actually in Salem punishing the panel with oh wow both players are getting into comfort zone that you know they're all in my goodness gracious what does had enough of this part for those of you that's a DI down that's a stock trade PUF does not want to take straight damage here a lot of characters are okay taking land my committee yeah one more of those yeah this is I would say oh my god and I have seen this happen exactly one time before it's convincing first off here yeah starting with the read on club's spot dodge up Wow Wow movement reads on movement reads on losing it reads Topher all right I will say that in terms of like the outplay sort of between the two players it does your leg for this game five on plots counter pick the way plump plays is I really feel all by Curtis he gets a grab out of bitter decks the immediate - back into weave back him to get only the second debt non smash the eye of the law bear confirm I'm not seeing the composure from hungrybox he's feeling the pressure goodness everybody's bill depressor he didn't - far enough this form specials going to kill last October winners finals Game five the first game five we're seeing all night as we get back here but no confirmed yeah but maybe maybe the obsession that you know smidge of a chance of hitting looking for a nightmare doesn't go for it I love that he doesn't go for it because all my goodness good taxes younger he's double jumps he's thrown out the up smash that's it and that will do it dude h-bomb hungrybox is out of here he's he's popping off on stage that is the ardor of a table and I think I've ever seen to those folks did pluck run at hungrybox like I saw him the upsmash raw with like really no chance of hitting an end of the corner you have to play Yoshi's game yep that makes sense yeah once the plays the platform's old my goodness gracious they're both at 69% and they're both loving it they're really even concerned look there's any more right there like mid high aren't they kind of like AI fears but I think so yeah you see like Maxis found a way the punches at this point a bunch of them you know my god - sucking off so yeah yeah usually you're just like you just build up damage as you get hit right but axis had some pretty cleans the air dodging doors before which is usually a sign that like yo I'm onto you and your defensive habits the axe is what these are not the actions these are all reads yeah every time he's in G sitting the textures he goes where also wants the peak no jump under oh no yeah no joke that's even that's it kiss [Applause] what's that yeah double just for it up here doesn't get it axe coming in and get a couple hits but he didn't yo she didn't turn it around usually [Music] get an upper follow-up but uh Thompson's got the offense now yeah it's not open now jump outside he think he was gonna grab the ledger I think he did I think he actually may even a fast fell and here's the Karma since the length let it down and go past for the mayor's to the shield grab it and this coil is insane even though Fanning double Joe's past him just in cases to armor they get a protected that was a 111 damage he does have in their affair knock him down so they got Jeffrey said again without the fastest stock I've seen in a minute oh well we'll figure out who has the set lead moving after this game yeah now throw four or this wants it all it is no job lead and we're going to fountain of Dreams potentially axes all need that there's a train and try to get an extra percentage to knock himself in the sixty nine for the meme and then he got punished behave by humson loves the stock well I asked value she's got a different value system I think than the rest of us by like a tiny amount when it comes to very specific things you know what sometimes the comfort that your percent will bring you is worth it Bobby I think we got a game five on our hands oh wait and that means you said you think that Thompson's gonna win oh my god I think we don't have a game five hundred right [Music] take the path now you know what I know I'm pretty dang obstacle he's got he's posturing like he's gonna win yes he's been going bring it the integrity of the cast let's just double down on our mistakes [Laughter] [Applause] thanks Bobby I got you mine too actually Waveland for tilt which it takes much longer than just hitting an aerial but yeah sets up for a third hit Bobby he let the hit stunt breathe in that what he really did took his time getting up there and then halted to try to get an extended combo right now it's act though who's got a platform calm he's got and crouched behind my plug because if he boom and lug the ID in there the top platform to access all the all the advantage or like not Schrute follow-ups that is bad job recently that was all a true combo feel better but maybe cuz that would have been yeah next level maybe even next next level you gotta hit one eventually what he's gotten having a good time you already like the dynamic I swear the dynamic of sets that don't involve hbox and Tommy I didn't want to bring it up but I am it is different don't you say big club drops a jab kill kit for about H Boggs at he's laughing about my joyous bunny from no no Florida we have accepted monumentous occasion in this top man and I'm whipping these jab follow-ups yeah what does that mean it's the mental game man [Music] why speaking whose dad's different from every other Japanese games Yeah right come on oh I think you go to Randall yeah chuckles you know I don't know man [Applause] right X very precise like down till negotiate down smash sheiks Packer from the ledge is so big and so active that like oh my goodness far enough I think I think he had the timing not I said thank you guys it design him it's kind of instinctively said thank you only 100 the wall one yeah one involves about two it also stalls is his surfing might write like super slight notch di X is definitely bringing stools and written there gets the grab 72 jump hurry up okay he gets back luckily plop almost oh yeah he gives it up so my card that for its best ago yeah kind of sour tasting poking around absolutely cuz you know that you're about to write that offer was slick Wow smash the double dose I like shuffle down special disaster the double dose slowly just went grab those rocks almost feels insulting it was like he walked up slowly yeah towards access down smashed and its I mean he's he's in oh my god and what money oh hey oh yeah keep I've seen him hit that so many times I'm you two came when they brought it back though that she does combo in a down roll insanity and that is gonna be game for another came five cheese yeah that's a lot of damage now this is clubs counterpick Boulos kind of this time that get up stressful to be offstage here now it's even more what an angle for plumping it doesn't matter because acts he had it mapped out hasn't Matt Dowd house mapped out that's 20% ejection quit punished Auto can't stop order from club you have to be swolled and slice to do that oh my god acts playing amazing but plums still ready to go 47 51 63 this plum hat rolling back Hank's in this moment what opener is he looking he wants to run up jab he wants to nab in the for dare yes he gets him on the lay down contacts point of allege was the most comfortable this is bad between you Scott's going on to grand finals to face hungrybox over stop don't what world are we living in once for you know everyone that remembers all so I'm gonna set the stage real quick because I've been playing a lot another smash game called smash ultimate was when I hear it that was [Applause] can't say like that do you juicy Absa space yeah like we can't near reverse in the foreign smashing super field on he's dead the dark cloud that Pikachu summons right yeah H box I mean he's like don't we gonna don't Big B that there it is yeah okay right there - he died he was at 140 something let me tell you that's to play on this transformation for the entire game like man he is running out these play he's playing an eight to match I was right how do you approach this ball of light this light is our electrical electrified like the Tesla coil from command & Conquer awesome oh you know I'm Amalia player and so it's in my blood to love an upset to want it to crave it mm-hmm human nature if you if he comes in here an axe man if you're like me if you're thinking the same thing I'm thinking you know how important this sock is looking for these up totes I gotta tell you though axe taking damage sure is really a good sign for it because I think he's now probably out of up til rest percent yeah see 40 seconds I think you know I think he's fine so in a way that's him getting played like a hidden blessing and now guess who's a calm person it's a psychological battle right now tow between the master of the craft but axes [Applause] actions showing he's no slouch in this department no not at all don't be so in Isaiah I'll tell you exactly what I'm going to get psychological right he's putting on psychological pressure for sure you know in a way that I haven't quite seen him do acts showing his own wife be upset after the first air there must be a reason I can't I mean I can't place money well I hate to say it but he might have just been styling oh man cuz don't say she did the flirt he actually waited a moment for the air that she didn't wait long enough but he definitely waited a moment for the it ought to be a badge minute 32 on the clock percent wise hungrybox does have the lead I don't think it will come down to that but God how often is he stated that's when you get three transformations [Music] he went far enough that time that he could get chill grabs it's been very very in London he can start perhaps trying to up a race box fund below age buffs just wants you know enough hits still really like build up enough of a lead sixty Seconds to me it so doesn't feel like it's actually gonna go to time now no it doesn't what happens here she's it's much Lily's to Christine Oh flying awful close to the Sun here each box wants a heads he kept it she's not enough 30 seconds that is Oh drill up smashing Pikachu is Lindy 26 it's like two good hits now he once not gonna get it hugger box won't give him enough smash no one ten living I think if axel in this he's gonna have to not he's gonna have to kill him 1:58 a minute wait a minute hey that's seven axe is not committing he does he did he not think about it he put it all on black he put it all on black he fought I thought for sure he put on black dude I don't think that he was I don't know here's my just my take on that I think what the percent Lia mean this is something you see nature Lux do against like she dad in the past that was insane for a nice lead yeah each box is poking at it really Oh God found it don't signal it's back Jack's access read him so hard we like lost yeah after the foreign air he's in his own mix up these boxes too good taupe axes tournament stuff by the way up to six baby brown your clothes yep potentially three and a half minutes left oh that's damaged oh he went all the way for the for the downer yeah he's not in a risk of getting punished I think he knew that one of those circumstances were him going extra aggressive I guess wasn't too big a factor reading in the math yeah he did the math to 4% for hungrybox acts with a fresh stock this may come down to presence of mind Bobby this might be seeking it know him yeah [Applause] but that's the whole sentence asks what is going on with him yeah no he's axe is making him work for this he's saying you know if you want this Genesis title you're going to have to earn it and the leg I've never seen somebody punished in that heart for missing it jump beyond the room okay yeah and like no real signs of slowing down is awesome week foreigners that might not be enough he's gonna bash them off try to keep the edge part continuing she can go that platform now though and there's not gonna make it out drill up smash not gonna do much Wow get make much jump into it he did he really did though axe gambled hard right there this is a moment where oh I did not think that that would pay oh but it did axe looking down thinking to himself reassuring himself that he could do it hungrybox poised to take Genesis 6 and add one more super major franchise to his long list of accomplishments in the in melee mm-hmm 53 what sacs got two minutes on the clock you got to know that that's not gonna confirm that second round it doesn't ko and even Ange boxes shock yeah I can't believe it if that was Fox I think that would do it that's the slight slight slight slight difference mm-hmm or even if you get the true the true sweet spot with Pikachu I think there's like multiple hit boxes on it that'll do it for sure even game as far as I'm concerned Bobby oh wow yeah risky acts on the back foot from the start a full minute and a half percent wise hole that she's done what if he rested what a read by hungry bars I don't think he wanted to put it all on the line but hungrybox is showing his maturity in this situation right now a minute 20 and he's just really yeah I really feel like that last hawk Game five right acts really showing his grit and his maturity his ability to state dialed in for such a long period of time but that last stock hungrybox had way too much composure yes yeah the way he played what he had to do and he just put the hitboxes out he did not even approach yeah yeah moments like that I really think that's the difference maker you saw you know in every every time a trust was taken in the limit it came down to few just decided you know what [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: VGBootCamp Melee
Views: 81,797
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Tournament, Best of, SSBM, Melee, Smash Melee, SmashMelee, Smash Bros Melee, Smash Bros. Melee, Super Smash Bros Melee, Super Smash Bros. Melee, Melee Tournament, Smash Bros, Smash Bros., Super Smash Bros, Super Smash Bros., Genesis, top 8, Axe, hungrybox, plup, mang0, leffen, aMSa, wizzrobe, fox falco, captain falcon, sheik, s2j, marth, jigglypuff
Id: _KwwjKeWXDo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 45sec (1905 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 05 2019
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