Genesis 5 | Stephan Tchividjian

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question I have for you a simple question is have you ever looked at yourself in the mirror and said Who am I have you ever thought that I mean sometimes we do that out of fun especially when you're younger maybe we're thinking ourselves or trying to figure out who we are those teenage years or sometimes those years were asking ourselves I mean on one hand you're a child on the other hand you're a young adult trying to figure out life and trying to figure out what you want to do you you hate that question when adults come up to you and say so what are you gonna do what are you gonna be if you're always at that place of trying to figure it out then as life goes on and we journey a little bit farther there are times we look at ourselves in the mirror and maybe we've gone through a significant disappointment a recent divorce a bankruptcy or you've lost your job or you've just got a diagnosis from a doctor and and everything that you used to know for sure all those things that were concrete in your life are no longer concrete and you may look at yourself in the mirror and go Who am I what is my purpose on this earth we talk about identity theft a lot in this world today but oftentimes that means that someone took your social security number or they maybe took a credit card number and I would venture to say your identity as far greater and then just a set of numbers on a card or a an opportunity to purchase something your identity is everything it's much more it's who you are you stand on the shoulders of those before you it's a telling your story it's something we do when we sit around with family and friends over a fire pit or barbecue and ask each other tell me your story let me tell you and we begin to conjure up the story of who we are where we've been and what's going on and it sort of frames out who you are personalities are part of who we are history is part of who we are all those kinds of things begin to sort of mold us and shape us but identity is very very important when you begin to lose your identity you begin to lose a whole host of other things you begin to forget purposes and values and you forget but sort of where you're heading where you've been life becomes sort of a proverbial fog because we're sort of thinking I really not sure we do that as organization time sometimes ature chara a corporation may go through a sit-down with who are you what's our brand our nation is going through that in many ways who are we where are we going what's our influence all kinds of opinions everybody's got ideas but identity is really really important when we look at the definition of identity it's a simple definition you find it in Webster the condition of being oneself and not another in other words we're all unique we've been created uniquely you're different than me I'm different than you we find that in marriage my wife is very different than me but it's the charm of our marriage she doesn't think exactly I can do it I don't think exactly like she does the conditioner characters to who a person is who are you really who are you your character not just your history not just your hair style or the look of your face or how you're clothed but who is your character what happens when no one's watching who are you when no one's watching the qualities believes etc that distinguish or identify a person or thing how would you be described by somebody else at your funeral how will you be described when no one's around and someone's talking about you how do they describe you it's important when we look at Genesis chapter 5 to understand the context there's an old saying that says if you take the text out of the context you have a con in other words it's a very important understanding that sometimes you can take something in the Bible find a verse somewhere and make up your own narrative around it just because you're taking it completely out of context so to be able to say okay we're gonna look at Genesis chapter 5 over the next few minutes but we need to go way back a little bit and understand who's writing it who's the audience what is the purpose of Genesis chapter 5 and then we begin to drag those principles and drag that purpose into our everyday life to this day most Bible scholars would say would agree upon that the first five books of the Bible were written by Moses therefore Moses is the author of the book of Genesis he would be either the author or some would say maybe the compiler was he an eyewitness with at the Garden of Eden with Adam and Eve was he sitting there in the corner under one of the Creve taking notes watching Adam and Eve taking him so he makes sure no he obviously wasn't in those oral traditions what the way history was formed was that it would happen to the to one person and then they would tell the story to the other and they would tell the story the other Adam and Eve would tell their children and their children and their children and their children and their children and then they would begin to write down the history and they would be meticulous about making sure they have all the details much more meticulous than we would today as we tell stories because we have so much access to written information but back in those days when there was no written information everything meticulous because you would tell your story and it was critical for you to understand the story chapter five in Genesis is a genealogy and so you sit there and go well most cases if you were reading the Bible on your own time and you were just having some time you would skip this chapter you'd go and go there's nothing relevant nothing pertinent to my life we see that in Matthew we see that in the Book of Luke there's some passages of Scripture it's all it is as names and more names and a lot of names much of which we can't even pronounce so we're quick to skip it but I don't want to do that this morning what he'll spend a little bit of time understanding this Moses being the author being the writer of the book of Genesis who's he writing to he's writing to the children of Israel when is he writing this and why is he writing it give you a little history of the children of Israel again most of you that perhaps maybe will remember this some of you may be new to the Bible and knew this and it's important for you and understand that back in Genesis chapter 12 there's a thing called the Abrahamic covenant it's basically a promise God makes to Abraham Abraham at his debt time his name was Abram and he was living in the land of ur which is in modern-day Iraq this was before there was an Israel before there was a Jewish people before any of that and God comes to Abram and he says Abram I'm gonna bless you and I'm gonna bless you in such a way that you will be a blessing to others and he goes on to say as he tells us at promised Abram that he's going to be a man the beginning of a great nation he says look at the stars in the sky look at the sand between your that your toes these are how many children you're gonna have in your children's children and your children's children there a great nation about to start now this is interesting cuz Abram and his wife did not have any children at the time and as we fast-forward through the story Abram and his wife Bea have a child they have Isaac they have Ishmael and then out of Isaac comes Jake up and out of Jacob we begin to see that the twelve tribes of Israel one of Jacob's kids was a young man by the name of Joseph and he was jacob's favorite son so remember we say Abraham Isaac and Jacob well one of Jacob's kids was Joseph a name a Jacob loved Joseph but his brothers hated Joseph they were jealous and dad seemed to like Joseph better than the other so they conjure up a scheme and that is to beat Joseph up sell him as a slave to Egypt then go back to dad and say hey Dad something happened to Joseph he must have gotten you know beat up or killed by a wild animal we're so sorry even though they knew they were lying they knew what they had done Joseph goes down to Egypt as a slave over time he becomes in essence the vice president of Egypt at that time Egypt had plenty of food plenty of resources Jacobs and his family were living in the country of Israel at the time what we call Palestine and they had run out there was a famine and so dad says to the brothers go down to Egypt and get some food brothers go down to Egypt and get some food unbeknownst to the fact that the person that will be giving them the food is the brother they beat up and told that he was dead they come before the brother the brother recognizes them but they don't recognize him and he begins to enquire and he blesses them by giving them food and he eventually and he discloses who he is and that's the story I will teach one of these days when I come back here and tell you about Joseph so pause on that Jacob and his entire family come down to Egypt where Joseph takes care of them and that is day one of the children of Israel being in Egypt they end up living there for four hundred years at first it's very amicable it's very friendly this is a blessing it's a beautiful land we're being cared for by a very wealthy country of our very wealthy nation by very benevolent Pharaoh but as time changes it turns completely around and they become enslaved there are Jewish people that were born in slavery lived in slavery and died in slavery and there was this inkling of a rumor that there was a there was a God of theirs that had made an incredible promise that they were going to be an amazing nation that they were going to be God's chosen people that there was a thing called the promised land has that God ever made a promise to you and you have not realized that promise yet and you maybe sometimes begin to get sort of you know discouraged with God disillusioned with God maybe even doubt God begin to say I'm lying sure God's a good god I'm making sure there's a real God I don't know if this is just a you know figment of someone's imagination imagine the children of Israel now having lived for four hundred years Moses now comes along he leads them out into - what is going to be the Promised Land but they live another forty years in the desert all because of other reasons disappointments and and disobedience and Moses is having a group of people a whole tribe of people that have lost their identity who are we are we slaves in Egypt you remember if you read your Bible they come plenty of times said I want to go back to Egypt we want to go at least we had a meal at least we had some degree of understanding even though we were in slavery now we're in the desert we don't know what's going on you keeps telling us we're going a Promised Land we haven't seen this promised land does that ring true to your life does that ring true to my life from time to time where I believe God's saying something but I haven't realized I believe God's gonna save my marriage I believe God's gonna bring back my wayward kid I believe God's gonna heal me from my disease I believe God's gonna give me this job and it doesn't happen it doesn't so you understand this so Moses has a job as a leader I have this responsibility god-given responsibility to pull these people out of slavery and bring them into the Promised Land and part of my role and responsibility is to help them understand their origin where they come from who are they what's their purpose where are they going what's their identity because guess what you're a chosen people this rings true to us today God is unique chosen you until Moses starts with in the beginning there was a God and then he begins to describe creation in chapter 1 he talks about in chapter 2 and all of a sudden now you begin to understand the context you're talking to people have come out of slavery that are now being told you've been uniquely created by God God formed you he formed you to in his own image he then breathed life into you he then gave you purpose he said take care of the garden and he did it in a perfect format and he said it was good and when he created Adam and he created Eve he created mankind to live for eternity death was not in the equation you're gonna live to be a thousand years 2,000 years five thousand years fifty years none of that man was designed to live for eternity God said and it was good and it was good and it was good and it was good and so then we go through Genesis one two three four and the four because of the fall and sin everything you've got one brother killing another brother and it all said boom chapter five comes in most scholars will say there's about fifteen sixteen hundred years from the end of chapter four to the beginning of chapter six so this is like but someone pushing fast forward and going boom let's go through the next fifteen hundred years so those who are reading this those who are being told the story the children of Israel these names don't mean much to us I mean there's some meanings of names and so on but when you read this chapter five listen what happens here it starts out this this is Moses this is the book of the generations of Adam when God created man he made him in the likeness of God so he's reminding them of everything he's been telling him male and female he created them and He blessed them he named the man when they were created when Adam had lived 130 years he fathered a son in his own likeness after his image and named himself days of Adam after he fathered him Seth were eight hundred years and he had other sons and daughters us all the days that Adam lived were nine hundred thirty years and he died and we keep going and you'll see any died and then we go the next chapter verse and he died and he died death was now a constant now we're gonna go to chapter verse 21 but before we get there some of you go whoa whoa well you lost me on this 930 years 800 years I mean you said the Bible is a word it's true and all this stuff but there is nobody I know of that has lived that long this is this is like fantasy world remember when God created man he created man with no death death was not part of the code that's not that was part of the original creation so many would believe that the capacity of the creation was to live forever so to live eight hundred years nine hundred years was not a was a no-brainer effective other others would argue that the environment that said this was pre the flood many believed we lived in a in a in a different kind of environment as much more conducive for life that us we are living now where our lives have been limited God's limited life the Bible says that so don't get distracted by that these are names that as Moses is telling the story these are names that would mean something to the children of Israel it tells a story but here's where we're gonna hover Enoch verse 21 chapter five verse nine when Enoch had lived sixty-five years he fathered Methuselah Enoch walked with God and he fathered Methuselah three hundred years and had other sons and daughters thus all the days of Enoch were 365 days anak walked with God and he was not for God took him that's where we're gonna hover for the next few minutes verse 24 Enoch walked with God and he was not I want to talk about what it means to walk with God it's a term we use we walk with God you said what sounds good but I don't actually know what that means I mean is God physical in my life that I can actually hold his hand or grab him by the shoulder or actually hear his footsteps as we walk through life I mean it sounds good it sounds that God's around but then the reality of my life there are times I just don't feel the presence of God I don't feel his influence in my life I sometimes feel he's forgotten me he's left me behind Moses going back to the children of Israel reinforcing a point God created everything perfect God created everything good God is God we are not man decided to say we're gonna replace God by ourselves we're gonna be the god of our own lives this was the basic story of what you hear about in in the Genesis story God is God man wants to be God man decides to be God when man sites would be God everything falls apart when God's got everything is good that simple Bible right there and he's reminding the children of Israel of this because they're confused they don't know he's got a good God you may question that it's got a good God you may question the presence of God in your life so I want to I want to throw out a few attributes what it means to walk with God some of the value propositions as it is some of the some of what God promises us when we talk about walking with God his limitless presence is number one everything I'm going to say is going to have the word limitless before it why cuz God never runs out there's nothing in our lives that has that promise I mean I don't care how rich you are how healthy you are whatever there's nothing we have that is limitless we have no limitless oxygen we had no limitless sunshine nothing is limitless except God's presence in our lives his limitless presence God says to Joshua who has inherited the role and responsibility after Moses has died to take the children of Israel actually into the Promised Land the story gets better and better as we tell it and God says to Joshua who's now inherited this huge responsibility I will never leave you nor forsake you now do you understand what that means to a Jewish people who've come out of slavery do you know what that means to you and me this notion this idea that God never leaves me or forsakes me do you understand this idea of God never leaving you that means God is with you and your best moments God's with you at your worst moment seasons with you when no one's looking is with you when everyone's looking he's with you when your health ease with you when you're sick he's how with you when you're crying he's there with you in the laughing he's there at the times when you're struggling he's there at the times of your greatest victory he's always with you there's nothing about your life there's nothing about being with you that surprises God I would venture to say that that's not the truth in us as humans with each other if I was to always be with you eventually you would simply ask me maybe politely maybe not so can you please leave me alone because I would irritate you or you would irritate me there are times it's just this idea there would be things I would say and do that would disappoint you there would be things that you would say and do that would disappoint me so the reality is this limitless presence of God that he never leaves us now there's better he never leaves us and he never forsakes us in other words you could say I get to never leave us but at some point he's gonna see something in my life so I'm done with you I mean that's who you really are that's the way you think that's what you do I'm gonna forsake you I'm gonna walk away from you God never does that my favorite verse Philippians 1:6 and the new test would be confident of this that he God who begins a good work in you will carry it onto the day of completion the day of Christ Jesus another's God once he starts working in your life never stops even when you stop he always shows up on time he's always there even though when you're sleeping in and you don't show up he's always present his limitless present number two is limitless promises Jesus comes along the disciples for example will pick on Peter because he's our favored one to pick on what has happened in the New Testament Jesus comes and says Peter follow me and I will make you into a Fisher of men it's a metaphor there's a real Fisher of men what Peters going what are you talking about I'm I fish for fish and you're now saying instead of me fishing for fish I'm gonna fish for people I don't understand what that means Peter million questions where are we going where are we gonna sleep can I bring my family what do I wear what do I bring what do I say to my dad all those questions that would happen when someone cuz hey follow me and I'll make you has he done that to you certainly maybe you've heard it maybe you've responded maybe you're waiting but he comes along our lives and he says follow me and I will make you make you God is making you the same God in Genesis chapter 1 that says out of nothing he made God said let there be and there was and he said it was good that same God is coming alongside me and you and says follow me and I will make you if someone's gonna make me I'd much rather it be God making me than me making me the self-made person what can I make that will have any permanence or any significance it's going to be God in my life his limitless promises if he will start something and he we'll end it and he will say it is good can you imagine God looking at you in the eye and saying this is good has anybody ever looked you with complete sincerity and said you're good you're good and set a time and time again God does his limitless purposes number three a sense of purpose and direction exists in your life when you get to a place of hopelessness if you've ever been there imagine they say that when we look at what's going on in our society enough and the and the cause of death whether it's people drinking themselves to death eating themselves to just death overdosing on prescription pills ruining their lives suicide has it become rampant noticing and there's a just general sense of hopelessness hopelessness that exists in our culture and listen exist in our society at a time when we've had more than we've ever had before and yet there's people going around and said I don't have my understanding of my purpose have you ever asked that question I have I've asked myself I've lost sense of purpose I've felt like I've been a fog in my life sometimes I'm on this hamster wheel your marriage loses purpose your job loses purpose it just becomes one thing after another and so therefore we see in society hey if I drink a little more if I watch a little more if I do a little more I can numb the pain of my lack of purpose in my life and yet God comes to us and says this for I know the plans I have for you God has plans for you declares the Lord plans to prosper you and not to harm you plans to give you and hope in the future Jeremiah 29:11 we love that verse God has plans for me God has a purpose for me why am i hopeless I'm hopeless because I'm trying to interpret life through my own set of circumstances through my own eyes I have to completely divorce myself from my perspective and move over to God's perspective which is the next point his limitless perspectives learning to see what God sees for me to look at my wife the way God sees her vs. the way I see her for me to look at my children for me to look at my colleagues for me to look at my enemy for me to look at my heroes for me to look at my president for me to look at my pastor for me to look at whatever through the eyes of God God I want to see things through your perspective this goes back to the Joseph's story if you remember the Joseph's story this is a great great verse finding this again we'll be brought up next time Genesis chapter 50 so Joseph now is a big moment drum we're all if you're if you don't know the story it's really really good it's worth binge watching this particular story but now what happens is these boys these brothers come and they're coming to get food Joseph knows who they are he doesn't they recognize finally he discloses who he is to them they're terrified because they realize the tide has turned okay he has all the power now and it's his opportune time to take complete revenge on what these brothers have done to him after twenty thirty years complete revenge there they are scared and he looks at them and he says this as for you you meant evil against me but God meant it for good to bring it about what that many people should be kept alive as they are today let me put it in everyday terms he looks at them and says you guys are jerks do you understand you understand how evil you are you understand what you've done to me you ruin my life I came here to came to visit and give you all some food one day and as I came and gave you all some food one day all of a sudden you beat me up you lie to dad that I'm dead he's been in mourning for the last 30 years and you completely ignored me you could've sold me into slavery didn't give me the time of day you destroyed my life and guess what guys I am now in a position to destroy your life do you understand this this is the last breath you will take what you meant for evil then he pivots he says what God meant for good because God has used me to save the lives of literally thousands if not hundreds of thousands of people and it's fascinating because Joseph's perspective is you meant evil but God had another plan it's the same thing Jesus says in garden of gethsemane God take this away from me no not my will your will be done it's fascinating cuz guess what when we do the Joseph thing we're gonna talk about your identity as well but in terms of your perspective of understanding your situation is and is God the one as uniquely position because we're trying to understand life with our perspective you will always be disappointed if I try to see everything from my perspective I will always be at this point I will become an angry man because everything in my life will always let me down I'll bring her at my wife I'll bring through my children I'll be angry at my government I'll be angry my church I'll be angry at my friends I'll be ultimately angry at myself because life has sold me a bill of goods and this would be exactly do you think Joseph could have been a bitter man get every reason to you think you have a reason to be bitter Joseph has reasons to be bitter and yet he said no God's limitless perspectives his limitless power love like God when I talk about power I don't just mean the power to make you know instead of going to the store and just buying one sandwich and then you just say God's gonna make I'll buy one sandwich save some money and we're gonna make 10 for the whole family that's what I do that's God's power I'm not talking about that I'm talking about limitless power to love like God I am incapable of loving like God I would venture to say so are you we cannot how am I able to love like God love in this limitless love this ability to love those who disappoint me the ability to love the unlovable in our lives though the idea of being able to love the thirsty in our lives the people that you work alongside at work that irritate you the people who challenge your faith make fun of your faith make belittle you the people that irritate you could be family could be colleagues could be whoever and you sit there and go the very presence of that person am I like turns my stomach in fact I've got a daily relinquish this cuz I'm angry at this person it's my ex-wife my ex-husband the person who stole from my business and yet God says love my enemies how am i able to love my enemies how am I able to do any of that and then we talk about his limitless provision is the ability to be content need to be content in this day David talked about the Lord is my shepherd I shall not want the Lord is my shepherd I shall not want you go so he's saying he doesn't want God no he's saying the Lord is my shepherd I have all my needs taken care of God's complete limitless provision he's there he's providing for you so as we close how do I actually walk with God okay you sold me that's it's really good all those things I'm in I want to walk with God practically what does that mean I mean it sounds good but when I leave here and in the next five minutes what does that actually mean to walk with God I mean it sounds like a sort of a nice little saying sounds you know sort of nice prat but it's impractical I mean I've got a real life to live I've got bills to pay I've got to show up to do work tomorrow I've got some significant challenges three quick things number one you must decide to walk with God and you go that's really profound you mean I've had to sit here for the last twenty five minutes and get to that point you must decide that's that's deep it is because guess what we all love to think of ideas we all have ideas they call it ideation okay so people give me credit when I'm in meetings or board meetings as I go Stella's got good ideas okay whether I do anything is another question I can sit here and talk all day long with ideas but the reality is do you actually do it have you ever thought of that in your own life you sat around a campfire with some friends and said hey I got to lose five pounds that was two years ago and you've since again gained 15 it's a lot of talk nothing's happened oh I'm gonna learn a new language I'm gonna come I'm gonna do a new language you're still having a hard time with the language you have right now it's in English oh I'm gonna learn to play the guitar you can't even begin to strum a string so the reality is we're all about ideas at some point yes you gotta do it you can actually do it so this decision but here's what happens here's the practicality of it make a decision and all set a million questions coming in my mind okay what does it mean to walk with God how fast does God walk does God ever take a break what do you wear when you walk with God am I prepared to walk with God what if God actually is he a chatterbox he's gonna talk to old-time I don't want to talk about it it's either silent type what's gonna happen in my walk does God know what I'm the kind of but you know the baggage I bring with my walk I mean it's the easy you see what I've got I mean does God really know who he's inviting to walk with I mean do you really know and we come up with a litany of things that tell us you know what once I deal with all the junk in my life once I actually figure out what it means to walk with God then I'll make a decision but right now I'm going to wait and you keep kicking the can keep kicking the can until God says you're missing all point you start with me and then all these other things can come take care play take care of themselves so for example because of this who you began a good work in you will carry another day of complete start you decide number two you must identify destination and you go got it that's an easy one I already know the answer preacher boy destination is heaven I got it right wrong I mean ultimately it is a destination okay so you're somewhat right but it's not really right the reality is this the destination you sit there and go I get it when I die go to heaven I get to spend time with God but in the meantime I've got a life to live and for some of you your life is a living hell I mean you're going if God is really the source of peace and purpose and guidance and all these kind of things I need him present but sometimes I pray and I feel like I get this I get crickets I've been praying for my marriage for 10 years and nothing's changed I've been praying to be healed of my cancer nothing's gene in fact I'm getting worse I mean I need I need something there here's the question when you say you decide to walk with God you have to pick a destination and the destination it's always what is that one thing right now right now comes in your mind that you're hoping for one thing it could be so insignificant it means nothing to anybody else except you and it's what happens till you come alongside now you decide walk with God and he goes where do you want to go then you go what do you mean where do I want to go I'm walking with you you're in charge he goes well that's true I am in charge and therefore because I'm in charge I might asking where would you like to go well I need more joy in my work that's my destination he's okay let's go let's go let's get to that place or I need a more vibrant marriage or I need to be a better dad to my teenager or I whatever the little thing is that you're hoping there you go that's what God says come on let's go let's walk towards that last but not least is you got to do it daily and you go okay got that yeah here's what happens we're all guilty of vacationing with God and this is what happens I do life with my wife daily that's daily but I also vacation with her imagine what kind of husband if I got up here and I said to you I got an amazing marriage I just came back from vacation with my wife we go away once a year for a week just the two of us we do nothing that's the only time I see her by the way is that one week the other 51 weeks of the year not really you know once I'll call her and Christmas or Easter and tell her hi birthday I'll say happy birthday but I'm not I really don't talk to her she's not really she's a she's existing in my life I mean if he looked at me and said I'm married so yeah I got a ring on my finger I'm married but I'm not doing life with her I'm vacationing with her now you wouldn't call that a marriage you'd call that something else but the reality is walking with God daily so you in that sense it's spending time in the word like you'd say okay wow this genealogy we're getting a lot out of this well this hasn't happened you start spending time in the Word of God and it becomes alive then you spend time in prayer and then you've spent time in worship you're part of a community you're doing life together and all of a sudden these things is hope that you're joining it that this this purpose that we're talking about all these things begin to come now we're living these vibrant lives we've got that's what it means to walk with God it's not just believing God exists it's walking with Him last point so he walks with and it says that he walks with Enoch and Enoch becomes no more well what that really means is that God literally took Enoch from the earth that's what most Bible scholars will say that Enoch did not have to physically die others that others Methuselah and Adam and all actually physically not Enoch was taken there's another character in the Bible Elijah same thing taken okay say okay that's great I went out there's a hidden message there though this is it he walked with God and he was no more yes we know God took him but it's an it interesting that when I walk with God my identity becomes absorbed in his as I walk with God Stefan becomes no more my identity becomes absorbed in his identity Paul says for me to live is Christ for me to live is Christ to die is gain Bible says seek first the kingdom of God is righteousness all these things you'll be added we hear this throughout scripture this idea of surrendering ourselves crucifying ourselves pouring ourselves allowing certain God to now to completely take over our lives the closer the more I walk with God the more Maya he becomes associated with his identity and now sudden now I truly can look you in the eye and say I'm a follower of Jesus Christ I am a Christian not because I check the box somewhere or one time I just prayed a prayer and I didn't do anything about it the reality is I have been living a life walking with God and now everything I see and every decision I make the way I spend my money the way I spend my time the way I do life the way I deal with conflict disappointments the UPS the Downs everything is through this lens of walking with God because there's a conversation hey God what's going on here hey God give me wisdom in this hey God guide me here and it doesn't become this sort of token sort of shallow kind of fate it's a deep it's it's part of who you are you become no more because your identity is now completely absorbed in his identity and when people tell you tell your story what they tell and telling your story is they immediately identify you with the Lord Jesus Christ they say that's a man of God that's a woman of God why because you walked with God let's close in prayer our daily father we thank you for your word thank you for this church I pray Lord that this isn't just to check the box and now we go off to brunch Lord what happens is we take whatever it is that that nudged us this morning and your Holy Spirit just comes upon us and just like we talked about in Scripture we take a seed and then you multiply a 10 fold a hundred fold a thousand fold that you would take something that was said this today something in your word and Lord you'd multiply it in each and every heart here today that those who've never yet started a walk with God would decide today I'm gonna walk with God I have no idea what that means but I'm gonna save God I want to walk with you and you'll come upon them for others that have perhaps gotten lost and meandered off some detour or some way Lord they come back to you they come and find and what it means to walk with God that there would be a your Holy Spirit would just descend upon each and every one of us and fill us from the top of our head down at the very bottom of our feet to the tips of our fingers and that Lord there would be people that will be impacted in our world because of what you're doing in our lives right now we love you in Jesus name Amen god bless you have an amazing week [Music]
Channel: Cornerstone Chapel - Leesburg, VA
Views: 266
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: Calvary Chapel, Gary Hamrick, Cornerstone Chapel
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 58sec (2158 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 16 2019
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